1. Una ricerca internazionale e interdisciplinare nel territorio di Usini (Sassari), la necropoli a domus de janas di S’Elighe Entosu
- Author
Grazia Melis, Maria, D'Anna, André, Cappai, Ramona, Guendon, Jean-Louis, Manca, Laura, Piras, Stefania, Soula, Florian, Università degli Studi di Sassari, Laboratoire méditerranéen de préhistoire Europe-Afrique (LAMPEA), Aix Marseille Université (AMU)-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS)-Ministère de la Culture (MC), Leglise, Nicolas, and Università degli Studi di Sassari = University of Sassari [Sassari] (UNISS) more...
- Subjects
Bronze Age ,landscape analysis ,spatial analysis ,[SHS.ARCHEO]Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and Prehistory ,Sardaigne ,analisi del paesaggio ,Néolithique ,Sardinia ,Copper Age ,Chalcolithique ,ipogei ,età del Rame ,Sardegna ,mobilier funéraire ,Neolithic ,ComputingMilieux_MISCELLANEOUS ,S'Elighe Entosu ,territoire ,[SHS.ARCHEO] Humanities and Social Sciences/Archaeology and Prehistory ,Italie ,chronologie ,archéologie du paysage ,Europe méditerranéenne ,Préhistoire ,Sassari ,fouille ,Protohistoire ,Usini ,Neolitico ,Bronze ancien ,hypogée ,hypogea ,età del Bronzo ,analisi territoriale - Abstract
International audience; the project was carried out between 2006 and 2009as part of a collaboration between the University of Sassari and the town Council of Usini, aiming to promoteand enhance the cultural heritage of its territory, backed by a multi-year research fund and coordinatedby Maria Grazia Melis. An interdisciplinary team was assembled, with the collaboration of specialists fromthe UMR 6636, Lampea Laboratory of Aix-en-Provence, lead by André D’Anna. the research aimed to reconstructthe environmental and socio-economic framework of human inhabitants, of the prehistoric phases,encompassing the territory that gravitates around the hypogean necropolis of S’Elighe Entosu. the knowledgeof the area, in fact, is due to a clever politic development. the interests of involved researchers then extendedto the entire territory and accommodated to a larger land mass, which exceeds the municipalboundaries.the main instruments used in the survey are the archaeological excavation of a necropolis and prospecting ofthe area. the first one, still unfinished, allowed for a partial reconstruction of the sequence of human settlementsand the use of this prehistoric necropolis. it also exposed the existence of a Roman necropolis. thestudy of the monuments in their territory, incorporates multidisciplinary research, directed by André D’Anna,and integrates different coordinated surveys, the characterization of natural resources (flint outcrops, geologicalformations, sedimentary dynamics and natural environment) associated to the improvement of thearchaeological map, from archaeological surveys of large surfaces, and the technological study of stone artifactsand their material origins. these activities help to improve understanding of settlements’ characteristicsin a territory according to the guidelines from the methods of regional archaeology and human geography.the archaeological sites census was inserted in 2010 for the purposes of the City Urban Planning at the RegionalLandscape Plan.An analysis of craft production, carried out with a morphological and technological approach, has helped tobetter define the chrono-cultural sequence of the necropolis’ use, frequented during the ozieri, Sub-ozieri,Bell Beaker, Middle Bronze Age 1 and 2, Late and final Bronze Age, iron Age, Punic and Roman phases. Asfor the technological characteristics of the pottery, a first analysis has been made on macroscopic examinationof the diagnostic materials from various cultural phases that have allowed the identification of a varietyof techniques, processes and tools used in the stages of shaping, finishing and decorating. the study of theflint industry, although only partial, showed patterns of supply and management of resources, either by raw materials choice or by the finds typology. those last ones’ presence refers to issues related to the meaning oftheir presence in burial contexts, either from a symbolic standpoint or in terms of technology. the analysis ofthe hard animal material artifacts was carried out on some ornamental shell dating back to Bell Beaker period.in addition to brief remarks on the usage marks, have been rebuilt the operative sequences of simplybored pendants, pearls and shell.With the help of geographical, architectural data and those from chemical, physical, archaeobotanic, archaeozoologic,paleoanthropological analyses, and also from experimental archaeology, the research constitutesin itself an innovative methodological proposal for Sardinia. more...
- Published
- 2011