57 results on '"Sohl J"'
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2. Liraglutide and Renal Outcomes in Type 2 Diabetes
- Author
Mann JFE, Ørsted DD, Brown-Frandsen K, Marso SP, Poulter NR, Rasmussen S, Tornøe K, Zinman B, Buse JB, LEADER Steering Committee and Investigators. Bergenstal R, Daniels G, Moses AC, Nauck M, Nissen S, Pocock S, Steinberg W, Stockner M, Kristensen P, Ravn LS, Zychma M, Flyvbjerg A, Ford I, Kloos RT, Schactman MJ, Sleight P, Swedberg K, Tenner SM, Akalın S, Arechavaleta R, Bain S, Babkowski MC, Benroubi M, Berard L, Comlekci A, Czupryniak L, Eliasson B, Eriksson M, Fonseca V, Franek E, Gross J, Hafidh K, Haluzik M, Hayes F, Huang YY, Jacob S, Kaddaha G, Khalil A, Kilhovd B, Laakso M, Leiter L, Lalic N, Ji L, Luedemann J, Mannucci E, Marre M, Masmiquel L, Mota M, Omar M, O’Shea D, Pan C, Petrie J, Pieber T, Pratley R, Raz I, Rea R, Rutten G, Satman I, Shestakova M, Simpson R, Smith D, Tack C, Tarnow L, Thomas N, Van Gaal L, Travert F, Vidal J, Warren M, Yoon KH, Tuttle RM, Sheerman SI, Hegedüs L, Baerwald H, Bergenstal M, Celik S, Dias C, Eder M, Fitzgibbons S, Irvhage L, Kloluckova J, Kriulianski R, McDuffie R, Moen S, Paster A, Saalfeld RM, Sankar K, Shehaj E, Swierzewska P, Tiktin M, Tovey S, Gibson CM, Chakrabarti AK, Dashe JF, Hinchey J, Leary MC, Pride Y, Wiviott S, Allen S, Mehr AP, Mutter WP, Parikh S, Ray S, Cheifetz A, Leffler D, Sheth S, Alexander E, Gaglia JL, Goessling W, Mitzner LD, Rosenberg C, Snow KJ, Wagner A, Piazza G, Abell S, Davis T, D'Emden M, Ding SA, Gilfillan C, Greenaway T, Gunawan F, Ho J, Jackson R, Kalra B, Lau SL, Lin J, MacIsaac R, Makepeace A, Malabu U, Marjason J, McCallum R, McLean M, Moin N, Petersons C, Price S, Roberts A, Roberts D, Sangla K, Stranks S, Tan Y, Thynne T, Walters J, Ward G, Wen W, Zhang J, Brix J, Feder A, Höbaus C, Höllerl F, Höller V, Kotter T, Kratz E, Krzizek EC, Leb-Stoeger U, Mader J, Mras N, Novak E, Obendorf F, Peric S, Pesau G, Prager R, Ribitsch A, Schnack C, Schernthaner G, Wascher T, Batens AH, Benhalima K, De Block C, Ernest P, Fouckova A, Jandrain B, Lapauw B, Letiexhe M, Mathieu C, Neven S, Peiffer F, Ruige J, Scheen A, Taes Y, Van Boxelaer I, Vandistel G, Van Durme Y, Verhaegen A, Alencar E, Alencar R, Almeida AC, Alves B, Alves E, Alves G, Alves J, Araujo L, Arruda V, Augusto GA, Baggentoss R, Balestrassi L, Barbosa M, Barcelos I, Belem L, de Bem A, Betti RT, Bona R, Bosco A, Branda J, Bronstein M, Bueno T, Bulcão T, Caiado F, Camazzola F, Cambréa MF, Campos S, Canani L, Carra MK, Caruso S, Carvalho N, Casillo A, Castro D, Cavalcanti T, Cavichioli V, Cercato C, Chacra A, Challela W, Charchar HS, Chaves C, Chrisman C, Correia-Deur J, da Costa A Jr, Costa M, Costi B, Coutinho P, Coutinho W, Cunha MR, Daher J Jr, Davini E, Democh D Jr, Eliaschewitz F, Esmanhoto Facin G, Farias F, Felício J, Fernandes V, Filho CS, Filho FF, Filho M, Fontan D, Fontenele AP, Forti A, Franco D, Freire K, Fusaro A, Genestreti P, Gerchman F, Godi A, Gomes KF, Gonçalves P, Gonçalves R, Griz L, Grossman M, Gurgel MH, Vasconcellos Haddad AW, Halpern A, Hissa M, Inuy A, Jaime J, Jonasson T, Jorge JC, Malucelli FJ, Kohara S, Kramer C, Lacerda C, Ladeira S, Lana J, Lastebasse F, Leitão A, Leite S, Lerário AC, Lima D, Lima M, Lippi V, Lunardi M, Machado E, Maia F, Maia J, Maia KP, Mañas N, Marchisotti F, Marinho C, Martins C, Figueiredo de Medeiros F, Melo A, Melo F, Mendonca E, Mendonça P, Filho RM, Miguel M, Miléo K, Miyahara M, Montenegro AP, Moraes A, Moreira A, Ítalo Mota J, Mothe FS, Murro A, Nakatani V, Napoli TF, Neto BG, Neto OQ, Niclewicz E, Ohe LN, Oliveira F, Oliveira M, Panarotto D, Parente E, Parolin S, Pechmann L, Costa da Penha P, Perlamagna L, Perotta B, Pimentel L, Pinto M, Poço C, Ponte C, Prazeres P, Quintao E, Raduan R, Rassi DT, Rassi N, Reck L, Montenegro R Jr, Ribeiro R, Rodovalho S, Silveira Rodrigues G, Rollin G, Rossi S, Sabino C, Sales AP, Salles J, Sampaio CR, Santana L, Sato V, da Silva Santos M, Santos NL, Santos R, Saraiva J, Sartori C, Sena R, Sevilha M, Sgarbi J, Silva D, D'albuquerque Silva L, Silva ME, Siqueira K, Soares S, Sobreira W, Sousa B, Souza AC, Souza B, Tambascia M, Tarantino R, Tenor F, Tomarchio M, Triches C, Tristão LJ, Valenti A, Vasques E, Vencio S, Vianna A, Munhoz Vidotto T, Vieira S, Villar H, Visconti G, Volaco A, Wajchenberg B, Zanatta L, Zimmerman L, Abbott EC, Abu-Bakare A, Advani A, Allison R, Bishara P, Bowering CK, Cheng A, Chouinard S, Clayton D, Conway J, D'Amours M, de Tugwell B, DeYoung P, D'Ignazio G, Dube F, Ekoe JM, Fagan S, Garceau C, Gottesman I, Hanna A, Harris S, Hramiak IM, Hurd C, Imran S, Josse R, Joyce C, Kaiser S, Khan F, Kirouac I, Kovacs C, Labonte I, Langlois WJ, Levac MF, Liutkus J, McDonald C, Milosevic V, Nyomba BL, Paul T, Raby K, Ransom T, Reichert SM, Retnakaran R, Rabasa-Lhoret R, Raff E, Shaikholeslami R, Sigalas J, Yip CE, Weisnagel SJ, Woo V, Bao Y, Cai X, Chen J, Chen K, Chen M, Chen X, Chen Y, Ji Y, Lei J, Li H, Liu P, Mu Y, Ren M, Ren Y, Shi Y, Wang D, Wang F, Wang J, Wang Y, Yan L, Yang G, Yang J, Yu X, Yuan G, Xu M, Zhao X, Zheng J, Zhou L, Anderlová K, Brožová J, Haluzík M, Hanušová V, Kosák M, Křížová J, Mráz M, Owen K, Rušavý Z, Tomešová J, Trachta P, Žourek M, Andersen PH, Boesgaard T, Christensen S, Gram J, Gregersen S, Henriksen JE, Hermansen K, Jakobsen PE, Jensen J, Krogsaa A, Larsen M, Lervang HH, Madsbad S, Mortensen L, Olesen T, Pietraszek A, Ridderstråle M, Safai N, Schioldan AG, Schmidt C, Snorgaard O, Stidsen J, Cederberg H, Haapamäki H, Hukkanen J, Jauhiainen R, Kujari ML, Lahtela J, Laine M, Mäkelä J, Miilunpohja M, Savolainen M, Taurio J, Vänttinen M, Creton C, Cosma NV, Dillinger J, Jacques JL, Guedj AM, Moulla M, Petit C, Ratsianoharana V, Richter D, Rodier M, Roussel R, Hinz A, Politz E, Esser M, Deuse U, Mittag D, Hagenow A, Jacob F, Jordan R, Gantke D, Venschott-Jordan U, Löhr C, Klausmann G, Eschenbrücher K, Karakas M, Jahrsdörfer B, Kunze MR, Wöhrle J, König W, Spielhagen H, Kilimnik A, Lüdemann HP, Lüdemann J, Mölle A, Mölle M, Müller J, Appelt S, Sauter A, Sauter J, Hartmann U, Löw A, Krötz F, Sohn HY, von Schacky C, Klauss V, Braun D, Segner A, Degtyareva E, Kreutzmann K, Paschmionka R, Hauck N, Sihal O, Busch AK, Maus O, Stübler P, Füllgraf-Horst S, Vietzke A, Müller C, Tosch-Sisting R, Lengsfeld B, Thaler J, Schaum T, Steindorf J, Steindorf S, König A, Reitschuster S, Schlott D, Clever HU, Witzel P, Kempe HP, Stemler L, Benis A, Diakoumopoulou E, Kazakos K, Kypraios N, Liatis S, Pagkalos E, Siami E, Tentolouris N, Alur VC, Agrawal M, Ali M, Asirvatham A, Asirvatham E, Bandgar TR, Balaji M, Bardoloi N, Baruah M, Bekur R, Bhansali A, Bhatia S, Bhonsley S, Bhuyan S, Borah B, Bright N, Ambrish C, Chaudhury T, Choudhury S, Chellan G, Das M, Dharmalingam M, Dutta P, Erugu A, Vinutha FP, Gunasekaran P, Das Gupta R, Iqbal A, Jagadish P, Jain S, Jebasingh H, John A, John M, Kalra S, Kasaragod P, Kesavadev J, Kumar H, Kumar P, Lakshmanan V, Lila AR, Mathew T, Miyen H, Mohan T, Motha A, Murthy C, Shivashankara N, Nanaiah A, Ommen T, Pani K, Pandey K, Paramesh S, Paramesh V, Pillai B, Prabhu M, Kalki RC, Ramachandran S, Ramu M, Rao Y, Reddy S, Saikia P, Saravu K, Selvam K, Sethi B, Shankar A, Sharma A, Shah N, Shankar P, Shetty R, Shivane V, Srivalli S, Thaseen S, Sarada S, Shirisha A, Subramani M, Balaji V, Mohan V, Padmanaban V, Verma M, Vidyasagar S, Walinjkar V, Walia R, Davenport C, Forde H, Gadintshware G, Gan KJ, Khattak A, O'Connell J, O'Shea D, Beilin V, Cahn A, Cohen O, Cukierman-Yaffe T, Daoud D, Darawsha M, Dicker D, Gavish A, Hochberg I, Ilany J, Inbal U, Itzhak B, Karasik A, Karnieli E, Khader N, Khamaisi M, Lender D, Lieberman GS, Mahamid R, Marcoviciu D, Michael L, Minuchin O, Mosenzon O, Narevichius F, Percik R, Potekhin M, Sabbah M, Sawaed S, Schurr D, Segal E, Slezak L, Vollach I, Zaina A, Zloczower M, Zolotov S, Antenore A, Arnone M, Arturi F, Barbaro V, Barone M, Di Biagio R, Buscemi C, Buscemi S, Buzzetti R, Di Carlo A, Carlone A, Caruso V, Casadidio I, Cerrelli F, Ciavarella A, Cipolloni L, Colella A, Colotto M, Consoli A, Crippa VG, Cuccuru I, Cufone S, Desideri C, Fallarino M, Febo F, Filetti S, Foffi C, Formoso G, Frosio L, Di Fulvio P, Gambineri A, Ginestra F, Grimaldi MS, Lamanna C, Leto G, Lucotti P, Lugarà M, Lumera G, Magistro A, Maranghi M, Martelli D, Mattina A, Monti LD, Parise M, Pedace E, Perticone F, Piatti P, Pompea Antonia Baldassarre M, Ragghianti B, Repaci A, Ribichini D, Da Ros S, Rossi M, Santilli M, Sesti G, Setola E, Succurro E, Sussolano E, Tarquini G, Verga S, Vitale V, Alanis RR, del Rosario Arechavaleta-Granell M, de Jesús Beltran Jaramillo T, de Jesús Rodríguez Berrones DA, Rodríguez Briones I, Rodríguez Briones R, Acevedo Castañeda ES, Chapa Grimaldo JB, Flores-Moreno CA, Garza Felix S, Nieto Flores J, Morales Franco G, Garza Morán RA, Hernández González SO, González-Gálvez G, González González JG, Hernández Salazar E, García Hernández PA, Campos Hurtado S, López-Velázco ML, Cardona Muñóz EG, Nuñez Márquez R, Campos Moreno OV, Cavazos Oliveros FJ, Haro Ortiz JA, Pelayo-Orozco ES, Sida Perez P, Vazquez Ramírez R, Uribe Rios MA, López Rodríguez JC, Rodríguez Rosales M, Robledo Durón I, Alvarado Ruíz R, González Saldivar G, Reyes Sánchez R, Sánchez-Michel BL, Contreras Sandoval AY, Velasco Gutiérrez A, Perez Verdín AE, Ramos Zavala MG, Abbink-Zandbergen E, Ahdi M, Bugter A, van Dijk M, Eisma G, Erdtsieck R, Gerards M, Gerdes V, Haak H, Harbers V, Hoogenberg K, Huvers F, Janssen W, Kars M, Kooy A, Lafeber M, Landewé-Cleuren S, Lieverse A, Meesters E, Moerman S, van Moorsel D, Nijhuis J, Smit CJ, Thevissen K, Timmerman Thijssen DM, Willemsen A, Birkeland K, Cooper J, Gulseth H, Hjelmesæth J, Jørgensen P, Kilhovd BK, Kulseng B, Nicolaisen B, Skadberg Ø, Wium C, Antkowiak-Piatyszek K, Arciszewska M, Bajkowska-Fiedziukiewicz A, Bogdanski P, Czubek U, Cypryk K, Dabrowski J, Dabrowska M, Dziedzic S, Dziewit T, Faligowska M, Fedor-Plenkowska G, Gajos G, Galicka-Latala D, Galuszka-Bilinska A, Gladysz I, Grycewicz J, Hachula G, Janas I, Jazwinska-Tarnawska E, Jedynasty K, Jozefowska M, Kaminska A, Katra B, Kitowska-Koterla J, Klupa T, Koblik T, Konduracka E, Konieczny J, Konieczny M, Kosinski M, Kulkowski G, Kunecki M, Kurmaniak M, Lesniewski R, Lominska T, Losa B, Majkowska D, Malecki M, Mirocka J, Misztal M, Mruk K, Musialik K, Olejniczak H, Opadczuk P, Peczynska J, Plinta M, Polaszewska-Muszynska M, Przech E, Pupek-Musialik D, Ruzga Z, Scibor Z, Sidorowicz-Bialynicka A, Siegel A, Stankiewicz A, Strzelecka-Sosik A, Swierszcz T, Szulinska M, Szymkowiak K, Trybul I, Witek P, Wozniak I, Zambrzycki J, Zarzycka-Lindner G, Zuradzka-Wajda D, Zurawska-Klis M, Ahn HY, Chin SO, Choi SH, Chon S, Han KA, Jang HC, Jeong KC, Kang SM, Kim JW, Kim HS, Kim SJ, Kim SW, Kim YS, Lee EY, Lim S, Min KW, Nam JY, Oh SJ, Park SY, Rhee SY, Shin JA, Son JI, Song YD, Woo JT, Yang HK, Yoo JS, Yoon JW, Avram R, Braicu MD, Carlan L, Catrinoiu D, Ciomos D, Ciorba A, Ghise G, Girgavu S, Guja C, Mihai D, Nicodim S, Nistor L, Pintilei DR, Pintilei E, Pletea N, Pop A, Rosu M, Savu O, Serban V, Sima A, Sitterli-Natea C, Suciu G, Szabo M, Szilagyi I, Timar B, Vlad A, Vladu IM, Alfaraj A, Dubova V, Dvoryashina I, Gaysina L, Gromova S, Gudkova K, Ivanova S, Ivashkina I, Kalashnikova M, Kazankova T, Khaykina E, Khaykina O, Kiseleva T, Komissarova E, Kononenko I, Koreneva V, Koshcheeva O, Koshel L, Kozachuk D, Kufelkina T, Kunitsyna M, Likhodey N, Lysenko T, Makarova O, Malceva A, Mikhailova S, Ogorodnikova E, Pavlikova I, Pekareva E, Postoeva A, Reshedko D, Reshedko G, Reshedko L, Rogaleva A, Rogova L, Rozanov D, Runov G, Samylina I, Semikina T, Sergeeva-Kondrachenko M, Shatskaya O, Shimokhina O, Smetanina S, Startseva M, Strelkova A, Suplotova L, Suvorova L, Sych Y, Valeeva A, Valeeva F, Venjkova T, Vinokurova V, Voychik E, Yanovskaya E, Yanovskaya M, Yarkova N, Yarygina E, Yuzhakova N, Zakharova T, Zanozina O, Zenovko A, Zhuk S, Zhukova E, Aleksic S, Bulatovic A, Buric B, Cvijovic G, Jelic MA, Jojic B, Jotic A, Kendereski A, Lalic K, Lukic L, Macesic M, Petkovic MM, Micic D, Milicic T, Popovic L, Prostran M, Rajkovic N, Seferovic J, Singh S, Stojanovic R, Stosic L, Vuksanovic M, Zamaklar M, Zivkovic TB, Zoric S, Aboo N, Albertse HW, Badat A, Basson M, Bawa E, Bester F, Blignaut S, Booysen S, Bosch FJ, Burgess L, Cassimjee S, Coetzee K, Du Bois J, Engelbrecht J, Finegan K, Gibson GJ, Hansa S, Hemus A, Immink IP, Jacovides A, Joshi P, Joshi S, Kapp C, KhoeleMachobane S, Uys Knox HJ, Kok J, Komati S, Lai E, Lakha D, Lehloenyane K, Mahomed AG, Meeding R, Moodley R, Moosa N, Nel J, Nell H, Van Niekerk FJ, Pillay N, Pretorius M, Prozesky H, Ramduth S, Roos J, Sarvan M, Seeber M, Siebert M, Somasundram P, Stavrides A, Venter N, Wadvalla S, Alcolea JO, Álvarez de Arcaya Vicente A, Pérez Arroyo MB, Romero Bobillo E, Buño MM, Carreira Arias JN, Cepero García D, Masmiquel Comas L, Coves Figueras MJ, de la Cuesta Mayor C, Feria-Carot MD, Frade Fernández AM, Ferreiro Gómez M, García García C, García Delgado E, Durán García S, Gómez Gómez LA, Soto González A, Hernán García C, Ángeles Tapia Herrero M, Jodar Gimeno E, Quevedo Juanals J, López Jiménez M, Masanes F, Marco Mur ÁL, Navarro López M, Ramis JN, Palmer AG, Calle Pascual A, Romero Pérez LG, Morales Portillo C, Prieto González S, Mezquita Raya P, Reyes García R, Vera TR, Rodríguez Castro C, Rodríguez Rodríguez I, Sacanella Meseguer E, Serrano Olmedo I, Lopez Soto A, Toba Alonso F, Aliaga Verdugo A, Vidal Cortada J, Vigil Medina L, Ackefelt-Frick E, Alfredsson H, Beling E, Benedek P, Crisby M, Dorkhan M, Drescik T, Eeg-Olofsson K, Eliasson K, Fardelin P, Fredholm A, Frid A, Gerok-Andersson K, Hjelmaeus L, Hufnagl A, Jasinska E, Kowalska E, Lafolie P, Lindquist O, Lundvall M, Melander E, Nicander C, Moris L, Tengmark BO, Saphir U, Skagerberg P, Steczkó-Nilsson C, Strandell B, Tomson Y, Chen JY, Chen YC, Chiang CY, Chou CW, Ho CW, Hsiao PJ, Hsieh MC, Hsu RS, Hsu SR, Huang CH, Hung WW, Lee MY, Lee YM, Lin CW, Lin CH, Lin KD, Lin SD, Lin SF, Liou MJ, Lu WT, Shin SJ, Sia HK, Su MH, Su SL, Sun JH, Tien KJ, Tsai DH, Tsai SS, Tu ST, Wang CC, Wang SY, Yang CY, Yen FC, Acikgoz A, Akalin S, Akin S, Akinci B, Akkurt A, Akturk M, Alkis N, Altun I, Altunbas HA, Altuntas Y, Araz M, Aribas S, Arslan E, Arslan G, Arslan M, Ataoglu EH, Ayan F, Aydin K, Aydogan BI, Ayvaz G, Bahadir MA, Balci MK, Basaran MN, Baskal N, Bugra MZ, Calan M, Cavdar U, Cetin F, Cinar N, Colbay M, Dagdelen S, Damci T, Davutoglu V, Demir M, Demir T, Deyneli O, Dincer I, Dogan B, Kanipek Doker KY, Engin I, Eraydin A, Erbas T, Erdogan MF, Ersoy C, Gedik A, Gokay F, Gul OO, Guler S, Gumus T, Gunes E, Gurler MY, Hatipoglu E, Ilkova H, Iyidir OT, Kabakci G, Karadag B, Karatemiz G, Karci AC, Kartal E, Kaya EB, Keskin C, Keskin EF, Kocabas G, Kocak F, Kol AK, Korkmaz H, Kucukler FK, Mesci BA, Oguz A, Orbay E, Oz H, Ozcan ND, Ozdem S, Ozisik S, Ozkan C, Ozsan M, Ozyazar M, Parlar H, Sargin H, Sargin M, Saygili F, Selek A, Simsek Y, Sisman P, Solmaz K, Soydas C, Tatliagac S, Tamer I, Temizkan S, Tulunay C, Tuncel E, Turker F, Unluhizarci K, Unluturk U, Uygur MM, Vatansever B, Yazici D, Yavuz DG, Yener S, Yenigun M, Yilmaz M, Abbas S, Alawadi F, Aziz AA, Bashier A, Rashid F, Abraham P, Adamson K, Atkin S, Aye M, Azam M, Barnett AH, Bellary S, Dhatariya K, Eaton M, English P, Ewing J, Furlong N, Gibson M, Green D, Herring R, Hordern V, Jaap A, Javed Z, Johnson A, Konya J, Kumar S, Lindsay R, Mackie A, McGlynn S, McKenzie J, Millward A, Murthy N, Paisey R, Pearson E, Piya M, Ramell M, Robertson D, Russell-Jones D, Saravanan P, Sathyapalan T, Shakher J, Shiels H, Sivaraman S, Smith J, Srinivas-Shankar U, Stokes J, Tracey I, Vaidya B, Yee M, Yemparala P, Walker J, Wiggins P, Williams J, Wright J, Mackinnon C, Inkster J, Zeeshan J, Bejnariu C, Malipatil N, Giritharan S, Lonnen K, Kyrou I, Aamir S, Ababa M, Abreu M, Adams D, Adams P, Aden J, Aguilar D, Aguillon A, Ahmed A, Ahmed B, Ahmed I, Akhtar A, Akright B, Akright L, Albarracin C, Albert S, Ali S, Aliuddin B, Almasmary A, Al-Maweri A, Alzohaili O, Amador W, Amine M, Amini S, Anderson M, Anderson L, Anderson R, Andrews M, Angel J, Anteer W, Anthony V, Antillon A, Anzures P, Arcon-Rios S, Arkin D, Arodak B, Aronne L, Aronoff S, Arreola G, Arroyo S, Asnani S, Astudillo-Tee G, Ault S, Austin B, Avila V, Avitabile N, Awasty V, Azar M, Aziz A, Bahrami P, Baig M, Bailey K, Bailey T, Baker M, Bala NS, Balbes-Reyes I, Baldwin D, Baldwin E, Balentine T, Ballard T, Baloch K, Banarer S, Baney C, Banka A, Barber L, Barber M, Barker T, Barnes K, Barnum O, Barra J, Bartkowiak A, Baula G, Bautista A, Bayliss R, Beaman M, Beatty K, Becker J, Bedolla L, Begum G, Belejchak P, Bell A, Beltran M, Belucher C, Bensfield E, Benton J, Bergamo K, Bergman B, Berry M, Bettino K, Beyea M, Bhargava A, Bhattacharya A, Bilas A, Bischoff L, Bixler L, Bizjack S, Blank R, Blankfield R, Block L, Bloodworth J, Bloomberg K, Bloomberg R, Blustin J, Boban I, Bolden A, Boncu O, Bookless P, Brassie C, Brautigam D, Bressler P, Brewster R, Brown C, Brown D, Brown F, Bruskewitz M, Bryant D, Buchanan C, Buchanan N, Buck G, Buckley S, Bueno J, Burke D, Burton K, Buske S, Byars W, Bye R, Caldwell R, Calvin K, Camacho R, Campbell E, Cannon D, Cantrell J, Caplan J, Cardenas C, Carlton J, Carpio G, Carrol A, Cartwright L, Casanova G, Castaneda L, Castle M, Castro L, Catangay J, Chaidarun S, Chambers J, Chambliss T, Chandra L, Chang A, Chang S, Chappel J, Chappel C, Chappell T, Charles C, Chavira A, Chaykin L, Check E, Chee L, Cherry A, Chestnut A, Chiarot J, Chiniwala N, Chionh K, Choe J, Christiansen M, Chrzanowski S, Chuang E, Chuck L, Clyatt J, Cohan B, Cohen R, Comi R, Comulada-Rivera A, Conner K, Connor G, Contreras R, Cook K, Cook R, Corder C, Cornejo B Sr, Cornette L, Cortes G, Cortez L, Cox C, Cox G, Craig W, Cramer B, Cromer C, Cromer M, Cuddihy R, Culmer D, Curran H, Curran M, Dadis C, Dagogo-Jack S, Dairywala I, D'Alessio D, Damberg G, Dang A, Daniel K, Davidson M, Dean J, DeBold R, Deitz P, Del M, Delaney D, Delgado E, DeMicco M, DeMuro MA, DeSalle D, Desouza C, Devireddy K, DeVries B, Dezube M, Diab I, Diesburg-Stanwood A, Dilliard J, Dilling J, Diner J, Dishongh K, Dodis R, Doing C, Doll W, Donoho A, Donovan D, Doremus N, Dorfman S, Doshi P, Dostou J, Douglas D, Douglass S, Dowell M, Drazich E, Driver E, Du H, DuBose R III, Duclos M, Dunn K, Dunnam T, Durham N, Dye L, Eagerton D, Ebenibo S, Edeoga C, Edwards G, Ekwensi J, El Asmar I, El Sayad N, Eliopoulos C, Elkosseifi M, Elmer R, Elmore M, Elson D, ElZein L, Emmert L, Erbe L, Estes S, Estrada L, Estrada A, Eveleigh T, Everhart B, Faas F, Faircloth C, Farmer M, Fehr K, Ferguson T, Fernandes J, Ferree K, Ferrington B, Fitzhugh M, Fitzsimmons R, Flanders D, Flores M, Flores E, Flores J, Florida C, Flynn J, Folmar P, Forbes R, Ford W, Fowler M, Fraker A, Francis S, Franco-Cotto E, Fratila C, Fuentes M, Galagan R, Galloway A, Garcia M, Garcia R, Garriott M, Garza J, Gass N, Gates S, Geary M, Geiger K, Geishauser J, Giglio A, Gilbert M, Godwin S, Goetter B, Goley A, Golici L, Gomori E, Gonzales J, Gore A, Gorman T, Gosmanova A, Goswami K, Gotham A, Govoni J, Graddick S, Grant T, Greca A, Green C, Greenbaum K, Greenwald J, Grover D, Grunberger G, Guice M, Guirao D, Gunna V, Guseva N, Ha T, Hagan A, Hager S, Haggag A, Haggar M, Hamilton M, Hamlet P, Hammond J, Hansen A, Harrell W, Harris E, Harris K, Harris M, Harrison L, Hartman I, Hatch A, Hayes D, Hayes M, Heath J, Heineman R, Heinzman A, Hendrick M, Herbst R, Hermayer K, Hibbard J, Hill WD, Hilliard B, Hix M, Hoch B, Hollander P, Holmes Z, Horobetz C, Horowitz R, Hsieh P, Hsieh S, Htun W, Huang J, Huber C, Hudson T, Huizar S, Hull B, Hull J, Hummer K, Hundal R, Hunt G, Hunt V, Hutchinson P, Hwang J, Iannamorelli A, Iannuzzi L, Ingram M, Iram N, Ismail-Beigi F, Jabbour S, Jackson T, Jaen L, Jain V, Jannesari R, Januski V, Japa U, Jarvis K, Jayson L, Jensen R, Jester D, Jocko C, Johnson C, Johnson M, Johnston K, Jones D, Jones J, Jordan T, Juarez M, Kaapuraala A, Kain A, Kaiser V, Kamradt K, Karatoprakli P, Karegar M, Karounos C, Karounos D, Karunaratne H, Katalenich B, Katic K, Katz M, Kaur G, Kawa A, Keib C, Keider G, Kem D, Kennedy R, Kenney B, Kereiakes D, Ketana M, Kettinger L, Khaira A, Khan A, Khan K, Khan M, Khoo T, Khrlobyan N, Kilgore J, Kim G, Kimble S, Kinsley M, Kitchen T, Klick M, Kniffen W, Knight R, Kodzwa D, Koenig T, Komarovskiy K, Kong Y, Koontz D, Krishnasamy S, Krueger E, Kuechenmeister L, Kuehl A, Kuettel K, Kugler D, Kulow T, Kupriyanchik I, Kuruvanka T, Kushner D, Kwon E, Kwon S, Kyle M, LaBryer L, Labuda J, Lafave J, Laguerre J, Laliberte A, Lane J, Langel C, Lann D, Largay J, Latif K, Latus T, Lawrence J, Ledger G, Lee FG, Lee E, Leffert J, Leinung M, Lenhard MJ, Lentino J, Leon J, Leonard M, Letassy N, Leuck K, Levin P, Levinson D, Lewis M, Light T, Lim J, Lindamood R, Lingvay I, Lipps J, Lisa A, Livingston Y, Llamas L, Loesch R, Long T, Looby R, Lopez C, Lorenz T, Lovre D, Lu P, Lucas K, Luevano G, Luidens M, Luna B, Luttrell L, Lyons T, MacAdams M, Mack D, Mack M, Madden M, Madder R, Madireddy S, Mae L, Mahakala A, Maheshwari H, Malbari H, Maldonado N, Mallitz M, Mandviwala M, Mann K, Mardahay M, Marino J, Marney A, Marshall L, Martin A, Martin E, Martinez G, Martinez-Miss S, Marx P, Massara L, Mastoor M, Matfin G, Maturu A, Maurides P, May M, Mayfield R, Maynard B, Mazza A, McCann K, McCoy J, McCoy T, McCullen MK, McDaniel C, McDaniel AM, McDermott M, McDonald A, McMasters B, McMurray C, Medlin T, Meinel M, Mendez I, Menefee J, Meredith M, Merriweather M, Mersey J, Messino C, Meyer S, Meyers L, Michael D, Midyett C, Miklius A, Milford E, Miller B, Miller H, Milligan M, Minor A, Miranda-Palma B, Mirarchi N, Mittadodla S, Mittle J, Moffat A, Mohaupt S, Mohiuddin K, Mokshagundam S, Monaco S, Monsaert R, Montano-Pereira C, Montgomery A, Moody K, Moon M, Moore D, Moore L, Morawski E, Moreau C, Morin D, Moscoa C, Motzkin C, Mueller R, Munoz C, Munoz M, Myneni A, Naderi B, Nagireddy P, Naidu J, Naidu R, Naik S, Naimark R, Nardicchi M, Ndukwu I, Neller C, Netten-Foster L, Neumiller J, New T, Newman S, Newton T, Nguyen B, Nicol B, Nicol P, Ninivaggi L, Niswender K, Norman L, Noworatzky G, Nyenwe E, O'Brien H, O'Connell T, Oden W, Odugbesan A, Oliver M, Oliver T, Olmeda C, O'Neil C, Oremus R, Ortega T, Ortiz-Santos S, Osborn T, Padmanabhan S, Papacostea O, Park I, Parker A, Parker K, Parker R, Patel C, Patel M, Patel R, Patino M, Patterson S, Paulson K, Paz A, Pemba R, Pepe C, Perez J, Perez T, Perry D, Phillips B, Phillips J, Pickett A, Pinson M, Pitzer R, Poduri M, Poehls J, Poteat T, Powell L, Prasad S, Prevost J, Price E, Priest D, Prieto L, Purewal T, Purighalla R, Purighalla U, Quadrel M, Qureshi A, Radhamma R, Rafla E, Rajab H, Ramalingam R, Ramirez A, Ramirez J, Ramirez K, Ramirez M, Randall M, Rangaraj U, Rao V, Rasmussen P, Rasouli N, Ray A, Reed J, Rems L, Renaud K, Reno M, Resnick M, Reusch J, Reynolds L, Rhoton K, Rhudy J, Ricci C, Rice L, Richardson A, Richardson L, Rickard H, Rickels M, Riff D, Rightenour N, Risser J, Rizvi A, Robertson J, Robinson A, Robinson R, Rockwell M, Rodriguez JP, Rodriguez M, Rojas M, Rojas W, Rooker-Morris L, Root C, Rose M, Rosenberg R, Rosenstock J, Roth M, Ruby R, Sachson R, Sack P, Sadler RK, Sahai S, Salazar J, Salgam M, Samal A, Samson A, Sanagorski R, Sanchez A, Sandberg J, Sanderson M, Sandoval J, Santiago E, Sapp T, Saunders J, Schill J, Schott C, Schreiman R, Schu D, Schuh K, Schutta M, Schwartz J, Schweppe L, Scofield H, Scribner A, Seal J, Sealock J, Seaton B, Sedlak-Hanslik T, Seekins K, Segal M, Seggelke S, Semenza S, Sentman P, Serra M, Seshadri P, Sevilla E, Shah S, Shaheen K, Shanik M, Shaw J, Sheets M, Shellabarger C, Sher J, Shippey J, Shivaswamy V, Shomali M, Shore D, Shroff P, Siddiqui T, Siegwald A, Silver R, Simmons D, Simons R, Sinan A, Singh M, Sirinvaravong S, Skero J, Slover-Zipf J, Small S, Smith B, Smith K, Smith M, Sohl J, Solarz SH, Soler D, Sood A, Sora N, Souchet A, Soule J, Sparks J, Spector L, Speicher R, Spillers L, Spivey T, Springer N, Sprouse H, St John J, Stacey A, Stacey H, Stafford M, Stagner E, Staples K, Steadman E, Steed R, Steeves G, Steinberg H, Stell C, Stirman E, Straub K, Strock E, Sue M, Suris O, Sutton T, Tabbah I, Talsania M, Tang R, Tapia J, Taylor K, Taylor-Hancher R, Teator R, Tekateka M, Temple B, Temple K, Teodori M, Tharp P, Thethi T, Theuma P, Thomas S, Thottan A, Thrasher J, Thrasher L, Tiemeyer M, Tinney I, Tobin T, Toma S, Tovar M, Townsend J, Trantow C, Traylor H, Trevino M, Troy M, Trumper D, Tryggestad J, Tucker C, Turner J, Turney R, Tuten C, Tyzack J, Ullo L, Underkofler C, Unger J, Urdanetta R, Valdivia V, Valenti S, Vanderheiden A, Vanderlinde-Wood M, Varma C, Vasquez E, Vazquez M, Vickery D, Villafuerte B, Villegas C, Vivar J, Vivekananthan K, Vo G, Vukojicic K, Wachter A, Wahl D, Waitmann J, Walker D, Walsh J, Walsh K, Walton A, Wang A, Wardell K, Watkins S, Watkinson J, Watts M, Watwe V, Weaver N, Weber R, Wedick C, Weeks D, Weeks L, Weindorff K, Weinstein R, Weiss S, Wenger K, Wentworth M, Werner A, West M, Whelan S, White B, White J, Whitmire M, Whittington R, Wical J, Wigley C, Wilkins F, Will K, Williams A, Wilson LE, Wince M, Wine S, Winkle P, Winner C, Wise J, Witte M, Wittenmyer J, Wood C, Wood R, Woodruff C, Worthington B, Wynn D, Wysham C, Xavier P, Yela S, Yenoby L, Young L, Younus N, Yourell V, Zaid M, Zubair I., Mann, Jfe, Ørsted, Dd, Brown-Frandsen, K, Marso, Sp, Poulter, Nr, Rasmussen, S, Tornøe, K, Zinman, B, Buse, Jb, Bergenstal R, LEADER Steering Committee and Investigators., Daniels, G, Moses, Ac, Nauck, M, Nissen, S, Pocock, S, Steinberg, W, Stockner, M, Kristensen, P, Ravn, L, Zychma, M, Flyvbjerg, A, Ford, I, Kloos, Rt, Schactman, Mj, Sleight, P, Swedberg, K, Tenner, Sm, Akalın, S, Arechavaleta, R, Bain, S, Babkowski, Mc, Benroubi, M, Berard, L, Comlekci, A, Czupryniak, L, Eliasson, B, Eriksson, M, Fonseca, V, Franek, E, Gross, J, Hafidh, K, Haluzik, M, Hayes, F, Huang, Yy, Jacob, S, Kaddaha, G, Khalil, A, Kilhovd, B, Laakso, M, Leiter, L, Lalic, N, Ji, L, Luedemann, J, Mannucci, E, Marre, M, Masmiquel, L, Mota, M, Omar, M, O’Shea, D, Pan, C, Petrie, J, Pieber, T, Pratley, R, Raz, I, Rea, R, Rutten, G, Satman, I, Shestakova, M, Simpson, R, Smith, D, Tack, C, Tarnow, L, Thomas, N, Van Gaal, L, Travert, F, Vidal, J, Warren, M, Yoon, Kh, Tuttle, Rm, Sheerman, Si, Hegedüs, L, Baerwald, H, Bergenstal, M, Celik, S, Dias, C, Eder, M, Fitzgibbons, S, Irvhage, L, Kloluckova, J, Kriulianski, R, Mcduffie, R, Moen, S, Paster, A, Saalfeld, Rm, Sankar, K, Shehaj, E, Swierzewska, P, Tiktin, M, Tovey, S, Gibson, Cm, Chakrabarti, Ak, Dashe, Jf, Hinchey, J, Leary, Mc, Pride, Y, Wiviott, S, Allen, S, Mehr, Ap, Mutter, Wp, Parikh, S, Ray, S, Cheifetz, A, Leffler, D, Sheth, S, Alexander, E, Gaglia, Jl, Goessling, W, Mitzner, Ld, Rosenberg, C, Snow, Kj, Wagner, A, Piazza, G, Abell, S, Davis, T, D'Emden, M, Ding, Sa, Gilfillan, C, Greenaway, T, Gunawan, F, Ho, J, Jackson, R, Kalra, B, Lau, Sl, Lin, J, Macisaac, R, Makepeace, A, Malabu, U, Marjason, J, Mccallum, R, Mclean, M, Moin, N, Petersons, C, Price, S, Roberts, A, Roberts, D, Sangla, K, Stranks, S, Tan, Y, Thynne, T, Walters, J, Ward, G, Wen, W, Zhang, J, Brix, J, Feder, A, Höbaus, C, Höllerl, F, Höller, V, Kotter, T, Kratz, E, Krzizek, Ec, Leb-Stoeger, U, Mader, J, Mras, N, Novak, E, Obendorf, F, Peric, S, Pesau, G, Prager, R, Ribitsch, A, Schnack, C, Schernthaner, G, Wascher, T, Batens, Ah, Benhalima, K, De Block, C, Ernest, P, Fouckova, A, Jandrain, B, Lapauw, B, Letiexhe, M, Mathieu, C, Neven, S, Peiffer, F, Ruige, J, Scheen, A, Taes, Y, Van Boxelaer, I, Vandistel, G, Van Durme, Y, Verhaegen, A, Alencar, E, Alencar, R, Almeida, Ac, B, Alve, Alves, E, Alves, G, Alves, J, Araujo, L, Arruda, V, Augusto, Ga, Baggentoss, R, Balestrassi, L, Barbosa, M, Barcelos, I, Belem, L, de Bem, A, Betti, Rt, Bona, R, Bosco, A, Branda, J, Bronstein, M, Bueno, T, Bulcão, T, Caiado, F, Camazzola, F, Cambréa, Mf, Campos, S, Canani, L, Carra, Mk, Caruso, S, Carvalho, N, Casillo, A, Castro, D, Cavalcanti, T, Cavichioli, V, Cercato, C, Chacra, A, Challela, W, Charchar, H, C, Chave, Chrisman, C, Correia-Deur, J, da Costa, A Jr, Costa, M, Costi, B, Coutinho, P, Coutinho, W, Cunha, Mr, Daher, J Jr, Davini, E, Democh, D Jr, Eliaschewitz, F, Esmanhoto Facin, G, Farias, F, Felício, J, Fernandes, V, Filho, C, Filho, Ff, Filho, M, Fontan, D, Fontenele, Ap, Forti, A, Franco, D, Freire, K, Fusaro, A, Genestreti, P, Gerchman, F, Godi, A, Gomes, Kf, Gonçalves, P, R, Gonçalve, Griz, L, Grossman, M, Gurgel, Mh, Vasconcellos Haddad AW, Halpern, A, Hissa, M, Inuy, A, J, Jaime, Jonasson, T, Jorge, Jc, Malucelli, Fj, Kohara, S, Kramer, C, Lacerda, C, Ladeira, S, Lana, J, Lastebasse, F, Leitão, A, Leite, S, Lerário, Ac, Lima, D, Lima, M, Lippi, V, Lunardi, M, Machado, E, Maia, F, Maia, J, Maia, Kp, Mañas, N, Marchisotti, F, Marinho, C, C, Martin, Figueiredo de Medeiros, F, Melo, A, Melo, F, Mendonca, E, Mendonça, P, Filho, Rm, Miguel, M, Miléo, K, Miyahara, M, Montenegro, Ap, Moraes, A, Moreira, A, Ítalo Mota, J, Mothe, F, Murro, A, Nakatani, V, Napoli, Tf, Neto, Bg, Neto, Oq, Niclewicz, E, Ohe, Ln, Oliveira, F, Oliveira, M, Panarotto, D, Parente, E, Parolin, S, Pechmann, L, Costa da Penha, P, Perlamagna, L, Perotta, B, Pimentel, L, Pinto, M, Poço, C, Ponte, C, Prazeres, P, Quintao, E, Raduan, R, Rassi, Dt, Rassi, N, Reck, L, Montenegro, R Jr, Ribeiro, R, Rodovalho, S, Silveira Rodrigues, G, Rollin, G, Rossi, S, Sabino, C, Sales, Ap, Salles, J, Sampaio, Cr, Santana, L, Sato, V, da Silva Santos, M, Santos, Nl, Santos, R, Saraiva, J, Sartori, C, Sena, R, Sevilha, M, Sgarbi, J, Silva, D, D'albuquerque Silva, L, Silva, Me, Siqueira, K, Soares, S, Sobreira, W, Sousa, B, Souza, Ac, Souza, B, Tambascia, M, Tarantino, R, Tenor, F, Tomarchio, M, Triches, C, Tristão, Lj, Valenti, A, Vasques, E, Vencio, S, Vianna, A, Munhoz Vidotto, T, Vieira, S, Villar, H, Visconti, G, Volaco, A, Wajchenberg, B, Zanatta, L, Zimmerman, L, Abbott, Ec, Abu-Bakare, A, Advani, A, Allison, R, Bishara, P, Bowering, Ck, Cheng, A, Chouinard, S, Clayton, D, Conway, J, D'Amours, M, de Tugwell, B, Deyoung, P, D'Ignazio, G, Dube, F, Ekoe, Jm, Fagan, S, Garceau, C, Gottesman, I, Hanna, A, Harris, S, Hramiak, Im, Hurd, C, Imran, S, Josse, R, Joyce, C, Kaiser, S, Khan, F, I, Kirouac, Kovacs, C, Labonte, I, Langlois, Wj, Levac, Mf, Liutkus, J, Mcdonald, C, Milosevic, V, Nyomba, Bl, Paul, T, Raby, K, Ransom, T, Reichert, Sm, Retnakaran, R, Rabasa-Lhoret, R, Raff, E, Shaikholeslami, R, Sigalas, J, Yip, Ce, Weisnagel, Sj, Woo, V, Bao, Y, Cai, X, Chen, J, Chen, K, Chen, M, Chen, X, Chen, Y, Ji, Y, Lei, J, Li, H, Liu, P, Mu, Y, Ren, M, Ren, Y, Shi, Y, Wang, D, Wang, F, Wang, J, Wang, Y, Yan, L, Yang, G, Yang, J, Yu, X, Yuan, G, Xu, M, Zhao, X, Zheng, J, Zhou, L, Anderlová, K, Brožová, J, Haluzík, M, Hanušová, V, Kosák, M, Křížová, J, Mráz, M, Owen, K, Rušavý, Z, Tomešová, J, Trachta, P, Žourek, M, Andersen, Ph, Boesgaard, T, Christensen, S, Gram, J, Gregersen, S, Henriksen, Je, Hermansen, K, Jakobsen, Pe, Jensen, J, Krogsaa, A, Larsen, M, Lervang, Hh, Madsbad, S, Mortensen, L, Olesen, T, Pietraszek, A, Ridderstråle, M, Safai, N, Schioldan, Ag, Schmidt, C, Snorgaard, O, Stidsen, J, Cederberg, H, Haapamäki, H, Hukkanen, J, Jauhiainen, R, Kujari, Ml, Lahtela, J, Laine, M, Mäkelä, J, Miilunpohja, M, Savolainen, M, Taurio, J, Vänttinen, M, Creton, C, Cosma, Nv, Dillinger, J, Jacques, Jl, Guedj, Am, Moulla, M, Petit, C, Ratsianoharana, V, Richter, D, Rodier, M, Roussel, R, Hinz, A, Politz, E, Esser, M, Deuse, U, Mittag, D, Hagenow, A, Jacob, F, Jordan, R, Gantke, D, Venschott-Jordan, U, Löhr, C, Klausmann, G, Eschenbrücher, K, Karakas, M, Jahrsdörfer, B, Kunze, Mr, Wöhrle, J, König, W, Spielhagen, H, Kilimnik, A, Lüdemann, Hp, Lüdemann, J, Mölle, A, Mölle, M, Müller, J, Appelt, S, Sauter, A, Sauter, J, Hartmann, U, Löw, A, Krötz, F, Sohn, Hy, von Schacky, C, Klauss, V, Braun, D, Segner, A, Degtyareva, E, Kreutzmann, K, Paschmionka, R, Hauck, N, Sihal, O, Busch, Ak, Maus, O, Stübler, P, Füllgraf-Horst, S, Vietzke, A, Müller, C, Tosch-Sisting, R, Lengsfeld, B, Thaler, J, Schaum, T, Steindorf, J, Steindorf, S, König, A, Reitschuster, S, Schlott, D, Clever, Hu, Witzel, P, Kempe, Hp, Stemler, L, Benis, A, Diakoumopoulou, E, Kazakos, K, Kypraios, N, Liatis, S, Pagkalos, E, Siami, E, Tentolouris, N, Alur, Vc, Agrawal, M, Ali, M, Asirvatham, A, Asirvatham, E, Bandgar, Tr, Balaji, M, Bardoloi, N, Baruah, M, Bekur, R, Bhansali, A, Bhatia, S, Bhonsley, S, Bhuyan, S, Borah, B, Bright, N, Ambrish, C, Chaudhury, T, Choudhury, S, Chellan, G, M, Da, Dharmalingam, M, Dutta, P, Erugu, A, Vinutha, Fp, Gunasekaran, P, Das Gupta, R, Iqbal, A, Jagadish, P, Jain, S, Jebasingh, H, John, A, John, M, Kalra, S, Kasaragod, P, Kesavadev, J, Kumar, H, Kumar, P, Lakshmanan, V, Lila, Ar, Mathew, T, Miyen, H, Mohan, T, Motha, A, Murthy, C, Shivashankara, N, Nanaiah, A, Ommen, T, Pani, K, Pandey, K, Paramesh, S, Paramesh, V, Pillai, B, Prabhu, M, Kalki, Rc, Ramachandran, S, Ramu, M, Rao, Y, Reddy, S, Saikia, P, Saravu, K, Selvam, K, Sethi, B, Shankar, A, Sharma, A, Shah, N, Shankar, P, Shetty, R, Shivane, V, Srivalli, S, Thaseen, S, Sarada, S, Shirisha, A, Subramani, M, Balaji, V, Mohan, V, Padmanaban, V, Verma, M, Vidyasagar, S, Walinjkar, V, Walia, R, Davenport, C, Forde, H, Gadintshware, G, Gan, Kj, Khattak, A, O'Connell, J, O'Shea, D, Beilin, V, Cahn, A, Cohen, O, Cukierman-Yaffe, T, Daoud, D, Darawsha, M, Dicker, D, Gavish, A, Hochberg, I, Ilany, J, Inbal, U, Itzhak, B, Karasik, A, Karnieli, E, Khader, N, Khamaisi, M, Lender, D, Lieberman, G, Mahamid, R, Marcoviciu, D, Michael, L, Minuchin, O, Mosenzon, O, Narevichius, F, Percik, R, Potekhin, M, Sabbah, M, Sawaed, S, Schurr, D, Segal, E, Slezak, L, Vollach, I, Zaina, A, Zloczower, M, Zolotov, S, Antenore, A, Arnone, M, Arturi, F, Barbaro, V, Barone, M, Di Biagio, R, Buscemi, C, Buscemi, S, Buzzetti, R, Di Carlo, A, Carlone, A, Caruso, V, Casadidio, I, Cerrelli, F, Ciavarella, A, Cipolloni, L, Colella, A, Colotto, M, Consoli, A, Crippa, Vg, Cuccuru, I, Cufone, S, Desideri, C, Fallarino, M, Febo, F, Filetti, S, Foffi, C, Formoso, G, Frosio, L, Di Fulvio, P, Gambineri, A, Ginestra, F, Grimaldi, M, Lamanna, C, Leto, G, Lucotti, P, Lugarà, M, Lumera, G, Magistro, A, Maranghi, M, Martelli, D, Mattina, A, Monti, Ld, Parise, M, Pedace, E, Perticone, F, Piatti, P, Pompea Antonia Baldassarre, M, Ragghianti, B, Repaci, A, Ribichini, D, Da Ros, S, Rossi, M, Santilli, M, Sesti, G, Setola, E, Succurro, E, Sussolano, E, Tarquini, G, Verga, S, Vitale, V, Alanis, Rr, del Rosario Arechavaleta-Granell, M, de Jesús Beltran Jaramillo, T, de Jesús Rodríguez Berrones DA, Rodríguez Briones, I, Rodríguez Briones, R, Acevedo Castañeda ES, Chapa Grimaldo JB, Flores-Moreno, Ca, Garza Felix, S, Nieto Flores, J, Morales Franco, G, Garza Morán RA, Hernández González SO, González-Gálvez, G, González González JG, Hernández Salazar, E, García Hernández PA, Campos Hurtado, S, López-Velázco, Ml, Cardona Muñóz EG, Nuñez Márquez, R, Campos Moreno OV, Cavazos Oliveros FJ, Haro Ortiz JA, Pelayo-Orozco, E, Sida Perez, P, Vazquez Ramírez, R, Uribe Rios MA, López Rodríguez JC, Rodríguez Rosales, M, Robledo Durón, I, Alvarado Ruíz, R, González Saldivar, G, Reyes Sánchez, R, Sánchez-Michel, Bl, Contreras Sandoval AY, Velasco Gutiérrez, A, Perez Verdín AE, Ramos Zavala MG, Abbink-Zandbergen, E, Ahdi, M, Bugter, A, van Dijk, M, Eisma, G, Erdtsieck, R, Gerards, M, Gerdes, V, Haak, H, Harbers, V, Hoogenberg, K, Huvers, F, Janssen, W, Kars, M, Kooy, A, Lafeber, M, Landewé-Cleuren, S, Lieverse, A, Meesters, E, Moerman, S, van Moorsel, D, Nijhuis, J, Smit, Cj, Thevissen, K, Timmerman Thijssen DM, Willemsen, A, Birkeland, K, Cooper, J, Gulseth, H, Hjelmesæth, J, Jørgensen, P, Kilhovd, Bk, Kulseng, B, Nicolaisen, B, Skadberg, Ø, Wium, C, Antkowiak-Piatyszek, K, Arciszewska, M, Bajkowska-Fiedziukiewicz, A, Bogdanski, P, Czubek, U, Cypryk, K, Dabrowski, J, Dabrowska, M, Dziedzic, S, Dziewit, T, Faligowska, M, Fedor-Plenkowska, G, Gajos, G, Galicka-Latala, D, Galuszka-Bilinska, A, Gladysz, I, Grycewicz, J, Hachula, G, Janas, I, Jazwinska-Tarnawska, E, Jedynasty, K, Jozefowska, M, Kaminska, A, Katra, B, Kitowska-Koterla, J, Klupa, T, Koblik, T, Konduracka, E, Konieczny, J, Konieczny, M, Kosinski, M, Kulkowski, G, Kunecki, M, Kurmaniak, M, Lesniewski, R, Lominska, T, Losa, B, Majkowska, D, Malecki, M, Mirocka, J, Misztal, M, Mruk, K, Musialik, K, Olejniczak, H, Opadczuk, P, Peczynska, J, Plinta, M, Polaszewska-Muszynska, M, Przech, E, Pupek-Musialik, D, Ruzga, Z, Scibor, Z, Sidorowicz-Bialynicka, A, Siegel, A, Stankiewicz, A, Strzelecka-Sosik, A, Swierszcz, T, Szulinska, M, Szymkowiak, K, Trybul, I, Witek, P, Wozniak, I, Zambrzycki, J, Zarzycka-Lindner, G, Zuradzka-Wajda, D, Zurawska-Klis, M, Ahn, Hy, Chin, So, Choi, Sh, Chon, S, Han, Ka, Jang, Hc, Jeong, Kc, Kang, Sm, Kim, Jw, Kim, H, Kim, Sj, Kim, Sw, Kim, Y, Lee, Ey, Lim, S, Min, Kw, Nam, Jy, Oh, Sj, Park, Sy, Rhee, Sy, Shin, Ja, Son, Ji, Song, Yd, Woo, Jt, Yang, Hk, Yoo, J, Yoon, Jw, Avram, R, Braicu, Md, Carlan, L, Catrinoiu, D, Ciomos, D, Ciorba, A, Ghise, G, Girgavu, S, Guja, C, Mihai, D, Nicodim, S, Nistor, L, Pintilei, Dr, Pintilei, E, Pletea, N, Pop, A, Rosu, M, Savu, O, Serban, V, Sima, A, Sitterli-Natea, C, Suciu, G, Szabo, M, Szilagyi, I, Timar, B, Vlad, A, Vladu, Im, Alfaraj, A, Dubova, V, Dvoryashina, I, Gaysina, L, Gromova, S, Gudkova, K, Ivanova, S, Ivashkina, I, Kalashnikova, M, Kazankova, T, Khaykina, E, Khaykina, O, Kiseleva, T, Komissarova, E, Kononenko, I, Koreneva, V, Koshcheeva, O, Koshel, L, Kozachuk, D, Kufelkina, T, Kunitsyna, M, Likhodey, N, Lysenko, T, Makarova, O, Malceva, A, Mikhailova, S, Ogorodnikova, E, Pavlikova, I, Pekareva, E, Postoeva, A, Reshedko, D, Reshedko, G, Reshedko, L, Rogaleva, A, Rogova, L, Rozanov, D, Runov, G, Samylina, I, Semikina, T, Sergeeva-Kondrachenko, M, Shatskaya, O, Shimokhina, O, Smetanina, S, Startseva, M, Strelkova, A, Suplotova, L, Suvorova, L, Sych, Y, Valeeva, A, Valeeva, F, Venjkova, T, Vinokurova, V, Voychik, E, Yanovskaya, E, Yanovskaya, M, Yarkova, N, Yarygina, E, Yuzhakova, N, Zakharova, T, Zanozina, O, Zenovko, A, Zhuk, S, Zhukova, E, Aleksic, S, Bulatovic, A, Buric, B, Cvijovic, G, Jelic, Ma, Jojic, B, Jotic, A, Kendereski, A, Lalic, K, Lukic, L, Macesic, M, Petkovic, Mm, Micic, D, Milicic, T, Popovic, L, Prostran, M, Rajkovic, N, Seferovic, J, Singh, S, Stojanovic, R, Stosic, L, Vuksanovic, M, Zamaklar, M, Zivkovic, Tb, Zoric, S, Aboo, N, Albertse, Hw, Badat, A, Basson, M, Bawa, E, Bester, F, Blignaut, S, Booysen, S, Bosch, Fj, Burgess, L, Cassimjee, S, Coetzee, K, Du Bois, J, Engelbrecht, J, Finegan, K, Gibson, Gj, Hansa, S, Hemus, A, Immink, Ip, Jacovides, A, Joshi, P, Joshi, S, Kapp, C, Khoelemachobane, S, Uys Knox HJ, Kok, J, Komati, S, Lai, E, Lakha, D, Lehloenyane, K, Mahomed, Ag, Meeding, R, Moodley, R, Moosa, N, Nel, J, Nell, H, Van Niekerk FJ, Pillay, N, Pretorius, M, Prozesky, H, Ramduth, S, Roos, J, Sarvan, M, Seeber, M, Siebert, M, Somasundram, P, Stavrides, A, Venter, N, Wadvalla, S, Alcolea, Jo, Álvarez de Arcaya Vicente, A, Pérez Arroyo MB, Romero Bobillo, E, Buño, Mm, Carreira Arias JN, Cepero García, D, Masmiquel Comas, L, Coves Figueras MJ, de la Cuesta Mayor, C, Feria-Carot, Md, Frade Fernández AM, Ferreiro Gómez, M, García García, C, García Delgado, E, Durán García, S, Gómez Gómez LA, Soto González, A, Hernán García, C, Ángeles Tapia Herrero, M, Jodar Gimeno, E, Quevedo Juanals, J, López Jiménez, M, Masanes, F, Marco Mur ÁL, Navarro López, M, Ramis, Jn, Palmer, Ag, Calle Pascual, A, Romero Pérez LG, Morales Portillo, C, Prieto González, S, Mezquita Raya, P, Reyes García, R, Vera, Tr, Rodríguez Castro, C, Rodríguez Rodríguez, I, Sacanella Meseguer, E, Serrano Olmedo, I, Lopez Soto, A, Toba Alonso, F, Aliaga Verdugo, A, Vidal Cortada, J, Vigil Medina, L, Ackefelt-Frick, E, Alfredsson, H, Beling, E, Benedek, P, Crisby, M, Dorkhan, M, Drescik, T, Eeg-Olofsson, K, Eliasson, K, Fardelin, P, Fredholm, A, Frid, A, Gerok-Andersson, K, Hjelmaeus, L, Hufnagl, A, Jasinska, E, Kowalska, E, Lafolie, P, Lindquist, O, Lundvall, M, Melander, E, Nicander, C, Moris, L, Tengmark, Bo, Saphir, U, Skagerberg, P, Steczkó-Nilsson, C, Strandell, B, Tomson, Y, Chen, Jy, Chen, Yc, Chiang, Cy, Chou, Cw, Ho, Cw, Hsiao, Pj, Hsieh, Mc, Hsu, R, Hsu, Sr, Huang, Ch, Hung, Ww, Lee, My, Lee, Ym, Lin, Cw, Lin, Ch, Lin, Kd, Lin, Sd, Lin, Sf, Liou, Mj, Lu, Wt, Shin, Sj, Sia, Hk, Su, Mh, Su, Sl, Sun, Jh, Tien, Kj, Tsai, Dh, Tsai, S, Tu, St, Wang, Cc, Wang, Sy, Yang, Cy, Yen, Fc, Acikgoz, A, Akalin, S, Akin, S, Akinci, B, Akkurt, A, Akturk, M, Alkis, N, Altun, I, Altunbas, Ha, Altuntas, Y, Araz, M, Aribas, S, Arslan, E, Arslan, G, Arslan, M, Ataoglu, Eh, Ayan, F, Aydin, K, Aydogan, Bi, Ayvaz, G, Bahadir, Ma, Balci, Mk, Basaran, Mn, Baskal, N, Bugra, Mz, Calan, M, Cavdar, U, Cetin, F, Cinar, N, Colbay, M, Dagdelen, S, Damci, T, Davutoglu, V, Demir, M, Demir, T, Deyneli, O, Dincer, I, Dogan, B, Kanipek Doker KY, Engin, I, Eraydin, A, Erbas, T, Erdogan, Mf, Ersoy, C, Gedik, A, Gokay, F, Gul, Oo, Guler, S, Gumus, T, Gunes, E, Gurler, My, Hatipoglu, E, Ilkova, H, Iyidir, Ot, Kabakci, G, Karadag, B, Karatemiz, G, Karci, Ac, Kartal, E, Kaya, Eb, Keskin, C, Keskin, Ef, Kocabas, G, Kocak, F, Kol, Ak, Korkmaz, H, Kucukler, Fk, Mesci, Ba, Oguz, A, Orbay, E, Oz, H, Ozcan, Nd, Ozdem, S, Ozisik, S, Ozkan, C, Ozsan, M, Ozyazar, M, Parlar, H, Sargin, H, Sargin, M, Saygili, F, Selek, A, Simsek, Y, Sisman, P, Solmaz, K, Soydas, C, Tatliagac, S, Tamer, I, Temizkan, S, Tulunay, C, Tuncel, E, Turker, F, Unluhizarci, K, Unluturk, U, Uygur, Mm, Vatansever, B, Yazici, D, Yavuz, Dg, Yener, S, Yenigun, M, Yilmaz, M, Abbas, S, Alawadi, F, Aziz, Aa, Bashier, A, Rashid, F, Abraham, P, Adamson, K, Atkin, S, Aye, M, Azam, M, Barnett, Ah, Bellary, S, Dhatariya, K, Eaton, M, English, P, Ewing, J, Furlong, N, Gibson, M, Green, D, Herring, R, Hordern, V, Jaap, A, Javed, Z, Johnson, A, Konya, J, Kumar, S, Lindsay, R, Mackie, A, Mcglynn, S, Mckenzie, J, Millward, A, Murthy, N, Paisey, R, Pearson, E, Piya, M, Ramell, M, Robertson, D, Russell-Jones, D, Saravanan, P, Sathyapalan, T, Shakher, J, Shiels, H, Sivaraman, S, Smith, J, Srinivas-Shankar, U, Stokes, J, Tracey, I, Vaidya, B, Yee, M, Yemparala, P, Walker, J, Wiggins, P, Williams, J, Wright, J, Mackinnon, C, Inkster, J, Zeeshan, J, Bejnariu, C, Malipatil, N, Giritharan, S, Lonnen, K, Kyrou, I, Aamir, S, Ababa, M, Abreu, M, Adams, D, Adams, P, Aden, J, Aguilar, D, Aguillon, A, Ahmed, A, Ahmed, B, Ahmed, I, Akhtar, A, Akright, B, Akright, L, Albarracin, C, Albert, S, Ali, S, Aliuddin, B, Almasmary, A, Al-Maweri, A, Alzohaili, O, Amador, W, Amine, M, Amini, S, Anderson, M, Anderson, L, Anderson, R, Andrews, M, Angel, J, Anteer, W, Anthony, V, Antillon, A, Anzures, P, Arcon-Rios, S, Arkin, D, Arodak, B, Aronne, L, Aronoff, S, Arreola, G, Arroyo, S, Asnani, S, Astudillo-Tee, G, Ault, S, Austin, B, Avila, V, Avitabile, N, Awasty, V, Azar, M, Aziz, A, Bahrami, P, Baig, M, Bailey, K, Bailey, T, Baker, M, Bala, N, Balbes-Reyes, I, Baldwin, D, Baldwin, E, Balentine, T, Ballard, T, Baloch, K, Banarer, S, Baney, C, Banka, A, Barber, L, Barber, M, Barker, T, Barnes, K, Barnum, O, Barra, J, Bartkowiak, A, Baula, G, Bautista, A, Bayliss, R, Beaman, M, Beatty, K, Becker, J, Bedolla, L, Begum, G, Belejchak, P, Bell, A, Beltran, M, Belucher, C, Bensfield, E, Benton, J, Bergamo, K, Bergman, B, Berry, M, Bettino, K, Beyea, M, Bhargava, A, Bhattacharya, A, Bilas, A, Bischoff, L, Bixler, L, Bizjack, S, Blank, R, Blankfield, R, Block, L, Bloodworth, J, Bloomberg, K, Bloomberg, R, Blustin, J, Boban, I, Bolden, A, Boncu, O, Bookless, P, Brassie, C, Brautigam, D, Bressler, P, Brewster, R, Brown, C, Brown, D, Brown, F, Bruskewitz, M, Bryant, D, Buchanan, C, Buchanan, N, Buck, G, Buckley, S, Bueno, J, Burke, D, Burton, K, Buske, S, Byars, W, Bye, R, Caldwell, R, Calvin, K, Camacho, R, Campbell, E, Cannon, D, Cantrell, J, Caplan, J, Cardenas, C, Carlton, J, Carpio, G, Carrol, A, Cartwright, L, Casanova, G, Castaneda, L, Castle, M, Castro, L, Catangay, J, Chaidarun, S, Chambers, J, Chambliss, T, Chandra, L, Chang, A, Chang, S, Chappel, J, Chappel, C, Chappell, T, Charles, C, Chavira, A, Chaykin, L, Check, E, Chee, L, Cherry, A, Chestnut, A, Chiarot, J, Chiniwala, N, Chionh, K, Choe, J, Christiansen, M, Chrzanowski, S, Chuang, E, Chuck, L, Clyatt, J, Cohan, B, Cohen, R, Comi, R, Comulada-Rivera, A, Conner, K, Connor, G, Contreras, R, Cook, K, Cook, R, Corder, C, Cornejo, B Sr, Cornette, L, Cortes, G, Cortez, L, Cox, C, Cox, G, Craig, W, Cramer, B, Cromer, C, Cromer, M, Cuddihy, R, Culmer, D, Curran, H, Curran, M, Dadis, C, Dagogo-Jack, S, Dairywala, I, D'Alessio, D, Damberg, G, Dang, A, Daniel, K, Davidson, M, Dean, J, Debold, R, Deitz, P, M, Del, Delaney, D, Delgado, E, Demicco, M, Demuro, Ma, Desalle, D, Desouza, C, Devireddy, K, Devries, B, Dezube, M, Diab, I, Diesburg-Stanwood, A, Dilliard, J, Dilling, J, Diner, J, Dishongh, K, Dodis, R, Doing, C, Doll, W, Donoho, A, Donovan, D, Doremus, N, Dorfman, S, Doshi, P, Dostou, J, Douglas, D, Douglass, S, Dowell, M, Drazich, E, Driver, E, Du, H, Dubose, R III, Duclos, M, Dunn, K, Dunnam, T, Durham, N, Dye, L, Eagerton, D, Ebenibo, S, Edeoga, C, Edwards, G, Ekwensi, J, El Asmar, I, El Sayad, N, Eliopoulos, C, Elkosseifi, M, Elmer, R, Elmore, M, Elson, D, Elzein, L, Emmert, L, Erbe, L, Estes, S, Estrada, L, A, Estrada, Eveleigh, T, Everhart, B, Faas, F, Faircloth, C, Farmer, M, Fehr, K, Ferguson, T, Fernandes, J, Ferree, K, Ferrington, B, Fitzhugh, M, Fitzsimmons, R, Flanders, D, M, Flore, E, Flore, Flores, J, Florida, C, Flynn, J, Folmar, P, Forbes, R, Ford, W, Fowler, M, Fraker, A, Francis, S, Franco-Cotto, E, Fratila, C, Fuentes, M, Galagan, R, Galloway, A, Garcia, M, Garcia, R, Garriott, M, J, Garza, Gass, N, Gates, S, Geary, M, Geiger, K, Geishauser, J, Giglio, A, Gilbert, M, Godwin, S, Goetter, B, Goley, A, Golici, L, Gomori, E, Gonzales, J, Gore, A, Gorman, T, Gosmanova, A, Goswami, K, Gotham, A, Govoni, J, Graddick, S, Grant, T, Greca, A, Green, C, Greenbaum, K, Greenwald, J, Grover, D, Grunberger, G, Guice, M, Guirao, D, Gunna, V, Guseva, N, Ha, T, Hagan, A, Hager, S, Haggag, A, Haggar, M, Hamilton, M, Hamlet, P, Hammond, J, Hansen, A, Harrell, W, Harris, E, Harris, K, Harris, M, Harrison, L, Hartman, I, Hatch, A, Hayes, D, Hayes, M, Heath, J, Heineman, R, Heinzman, A, Hendrick, M, Herbst, R, Hermayer, K, Hibbard, J, Hill, Wd, Hilliard, B, Hix, M, Hoch, B, Hollander, P, Holmes, Z, Horobetz, C, Horowitz, R, Hsieh, P, Hsieh, S, Htun, W, Huang, J, Huber, C, Hudson, T, Huizar, S, Hull, B, Hull, J, Hummer, K, Hundal, R, Hunt, G, Hunt, V, Hutchinson, P, Hwang, J, Iannamorelli, A, Iannuzzi, L, Ingram, M, Iram, N, Ismail-Beigi, F, Jabbour, S, Jackson, T, Jaen, L, Jain, V, Jannesari, R, Januski, V, Japa, U, Jarvis, K, Jayson, L, Jensen, R, Jester, D, Jocko, C, Johnson, C, Johnson, M, Johnston, K, Jones, D, Jones, J, Jordan, T, Juarez, M, Kaapuraala, A, Kain, A, Kaiser, V, Kamradt, K, Karatoprakli, P, Karegar, M, Karounos, C, Karounos, D, Karunaratne, H, Katalenich, B, Katic, K, Katz, M, Kaur, G, Kawa, A, Keib, C, Keider, G, Kem, D, Kennedy, R, Kenney, B, Kereiakes, D, Ketana, M, Kettinger, L, Khaira, A, Khan, A, Khan, K, Khan, M, Khoo, T, Khrlobyan, N, Kilgore, J, Kim, G, Kimble, S, Kinsley, M, Kitchen, T, Klick, M, Kniffen, W, Knight, R, Kodzwa, D, Koenig, T, Komarovskiy, K, Kong, Y, Koontz, D, Krishnasamy, S, Krueger, E, Kuechenmeister, L, Kuehl, A, Kuettel, K, Kugler, D, Kulow, T, Kupriyanchik, I, Kuruvanka, T, Kushner, D, Kwon, E, Kwon, S, Kyle, M, Labryer, L, Labuda, J, Lafave, J, Laguerre, J, Laliberte, A, Lane, J, Langel, C, Lann, D, Largay, J, Latif, K, Latus, T, Lawrence, J, Ledger, G, Lee, Fg, Lee, E, Leffert, J, Leinung, M, Lenhard, Mj, Lentino, J, Leon, J, Leonard, M, Letassy, N, Leuck, K, Levin, P, Levinson, D, Lewis, M, Light, T, Lim, J, Lindamood, R, Lingvay, I, Lipps, J, Lisa, A, Livingston, Y, Llamas, L, Loesch, R, Long, T, Looby, R, Lopez, C, Lorenz, T, Lovre, D, Lu, P, Lucas, K, Luevano, G, Luidens, M, Luna, B, Luttrell, L, Lyons, T, Macadams, M, Mack, D, Mack, M, Madden, M, Madder, R, Madireddy, S, Mae, L, Mahakala, A, Maheshwari, H, Malbari, H, Maldonado, N, Mallitz, M, Mandviwala, M, Mann, K, Mardahay, M, Marino, J, Marney, A, Marshall, L, Martin, A, Martin, E, Martinez, G, Martinez-Miss, S, Marx, P, Massara, L, Mastoor, M, Matfin, G, Maturu, A, Maurides, P, May, M, Mayfield, R, Maynard, B, Mazza, A, Mccann, K, Mccoy, J, Mccoy, T, Mccullen, Mk, Mcdaniel, C, Mcdaniel, Am, Mcdermott, M, Mcdonald, A, Mcmasters, B, Mcmurray, C, Medlin, T, Meinel, M, Mendez, I, Menefee, J, Meredith, M, Merriweather, M, Mersey, J, Messino, C, Meyer, S, Meyers, L, Michael, D, Midyett, C, Miklius, A, Milford, E, Miller, B, Miller, H, Milligan, M, Minor, A, Miranda-Palma, B, Mirarchi, N, Mittadodla, S, Mittle, J, Moffat, A, Mohaupt, S, Mohiuddin, K, Mokshagundam, S, Monaco, S, Monsaert, R, Montano-Pereira, C, Montgomery, A, Moody, K, Moon, M, Moore, D, Moore, L, Morawski, E, Moreau, C, Morin, D, Moscoa, C, Motzkin, C, Mueller, R, Munoz, C, Munoz, M, Myneni, A, Naderi, B, Nagireddy, P, Naidu, J, Naidu, R, Naik, S, Naimark, R, Nardicchi, M, Ndukwu, I, Neller, C, Netten-Foster, L, Neumiller, J, New, T, Newman, S, Newton, T, Nguyen, B, Nicol, B, Nicol, P, Ninivaggi, L, Niswender, K, Norman, L, Noworatzky, G, Nyenwe, E, O'Brien, H, O'Connell, T, Oden, W, Odugbesan, A, Oliver, M, Oliver, T, Olmeda, C, O'Neil, C, Oremus, R, Ortega, T, Ortiz-Santos, S, Osborn, T, Padmanabhan, S, Papacostea, O, Park, I, Parker, A, Parker, K, Parker, R, Patel, C, Patel, M, Patel, R, Patino, M, Patterson, S, Paulson, K, Paz, A, Pemba, R, Pepe, C, Perez, J, Perez, T, Perry, D, Phillips, B, Phillips, J, Pickett, A, Pinson, M, Pitzer, R, Poduri, M, Poehls, J, Poteat, T, Powell, L, Prasad, S, Prevost, J, Price, E, Priest, D, Prieto, L, Purewal, T, Purighalla, R, Purighalla, U, Quadrel, M, Qureshi, A, Radhamma, R, Rafla, E, Rajab, H, Ramalingam, R, Ramirez, A, J, Ramirez, Ramirez, K, Ramirez, M, Randall, M, Rangaraj, U, Rao, V, Rasmussen, P, Rasouli, N, Ray, A, Reed, J, Rems, L, Renaud, K, Reno, M, Resnick, M, Reusch, J, Reynolds, L, Rhoton, K, Rhudy, J, Ricci, C, Rice, L, Richardson, A, Richardson, L, Rickard, H, Rickels, M, Riff, D, Rightenour, N, Risser, J, Rizvi, A, Robertson, J, Robinson, A, Robinson, R, Rockwell, M, Rodriguez, Jp, Rodriguez, M, Rojas, M, Rojas, W, Rooker-Morris, L, Root, C, Rose, M, Rosenberg, R, Rosenstock, J, Roth, M, Ruby, R, Sachson, R, Sack, P, Sadler, Rk, Sahai, S, J, Salazar, Salgam, M, Samal, A, Samson, A, Sanagorski, R, Sanchez, A, Sandberg, J, Sanderson, M, Sandoval, J, Santiago, E, Sapp, T, Saunders, J, Schill, J, Schott, C, Schreiman, R, Schu, D, Schuh, K, Schutta, M, Schwartz, J, Schweppe, L, Scofield, H, Scribner, A, Seal, J, Sealock, J, Seaton, B, Sedlak-Hanslik, T, Seekins, K, Segal, M, Seggelke, S, Semenza, S, Sentman, P, Serra, M, Seshadri, P, Sevilla, E, Shah, S, Shaheen, K, Shanik, M, Shaw, J, Sheets, M, Shellabarger, C, Sher, J, Shippey, J, Shivaswamy, V, Shomali, M, Shore, D, Shroff, P, Siddiqui, T, Siegwald, A, Silver, R, Simmons, D, Simons, R, Sinan, A, Singh, M, Sirinvaravong, S, Skero, J, Slover-Zipf, J, Small, S, Smith, B, Smith, K, Smith, M, Sohl, J, Solarz, Sh, Soler, D, Sood, A, Sora, N, Souchet, A, Soule, J, Sparks, J, Spector, L, Speicher, R, Spillers, L, Spivey, T, Springer, N, Sprouse, H, St John, J, Stacey, A, Stacey, H, Stafford, M, Stagner, E, Staples, K, Steadman, E, Steed, R, Steeves, G, Steinberg, H, Stell, C, Stirman, E, Straub, K, Strock, E, Sue, M, Suris, O, Sutton, T, Tabbah, I, Talsania, M, Tang, R, Tapia, J, Taylor, K, Taylor-Hancher, R, Teator, R, Tekateka, M, Temple, B, Temple, K, Teodori, M, Tharp, P, Thethi, T, Theuma, P, Thomas, S, Thottan, A, Thrasher, J, Thrasher, L, Tiemeyer, M, Tinney, I, Tobin, T, Toma, S, Tovar, M, Townsend, J, Trantow, C, Traylor, H, Trevino, M, Troy, M, Trumper, D, Tryggestad, J, Tucker, C, Turner, J, Turney, R, Tuten, C, Tyzack, J, Ullo, L, Underkofler, C, Unger, J, Urdanetta, R, Valdivia, V, Valenti, S, Vanderheiden, A, Vanderlinde-Wood, M, Varma, C, Vasquez, E, Vazquez, M, Vickery, D, Villafuerte, B, Villegas, C, Vivar, J, Vivekananthan, K, Vo, G, Vukojicic, K, Wachter, A, Wahl, D, Waitmann, J, Walker, D, Walsh, J, Walsh, K, Walton, A, Wang, A, Wardell, K, Watkins, S, Watkinson, J, Watts, M, Watwe, V, Weaver, N, Weber, R, Wedick, C, Weeks, D, Weeks, L, Weindorff, K, Weinstein, R, Weiss, S, Wenger, K, Wentworth, M, Werner, A, West, M, Whelan, S, White, B, White, J, Whitmire, M, Whittington, R, Wical, J, Wigley, C, Wilkins, F, Will, K, Williams, A, Wilson, Le, Wince, M, Wine, S, Winkle, P, Winner, C, Wise, J, Witte, M, Wittenmyer, J, Wood, C, Wood, R, Woodruff, C, Worthington, B, Wynn, D, Wysham, C, Xavier, P, Yela, S, Yenoby, L, Young, L, Younus, N, Yourell, V, Zaid, M, Zubair, I., Mann J.F.E., Orsted D.D., Brown-Frandsen K., Marso S.P., Poulter N.R., Rasmussen S., Tornoe K., Zinman B., Buse J.B., and Buscemi S.
- Subjects
Male ,Settore MED/09 - Medicina Interna ,Acute Kidney Injury ,Aged ,Albuminuria ,Creatinine ,Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 ,Diabetic Nephropathies ,Double-Blind Method ,Female ,Follow-Up Studies ,Glomerular Filtration Rate ,Glucagon-Like Peptide 1 ,Humans ,Hypoglycemic Agents ,Intention to Treat Analysis ,Kidney Failure, Chronic ,Liraglutide ,Middle Aged ,Type 2 diabetes ,030204 cardiovascular system & hematology ,urologic and male genital diseases ,GLOMERULAR-FILTRATION-RATE ,KIDNEY-FUNCTION ,DISEASE ,law.invention ,Kidney Failure ,chemistry.chemical_compound ,0302 clinical medicine ,Randomized controlled trial ,law ,Medicine ,Settore MED/49 - Scienze Tecniche Dietetiche Applicate ,Chronic ,RISK ,Kidney ,Acute kidney injury ,11 Medical And Health Sciences ,General Medicine ,medicine.anatomical_structure ,TRIAL ,liraglutide, randomized controlled trial, type 2 diabetes, renal outcomes ,Life Sciences & Biomedicine ,Type 2 ,medicine.drug ,medicine.medical_specialty ,Renal function ,030209 endocrinology & metabolism ,CARDIOVASCULAR OUTCOMES ,Follow-Up Studie ,03 medical and health sciences ,Medicine, General & Internal ,General & Internal Medicine ,Diabetes mellitus ,Internal medicine ,Diabetes Mellitus ,Intensive care medicine ,Science & Technology ,business.industry ,MORTALITY ,medicine.disease ,INTENSIVE GLUCOSE CONTROL ,INDIVIDUALS ,chemistry ,Diabetic Nephropathie ,LEADER Steering Committee and Investigators ,business - Abstract
BACKGROUND: In a randomized, controlled trial that compared liraglutide, a glucagon-like peptide 1 analogue, with placebo in patients with type 2 diabetes and high cardiovascular risk who were receiving usual care, we found that liraglutide resulted in lower risks of the primary end point (nonfatal myocardial infarction, nonfatal stroke, or death from cardiovascular causes) and death. However, the long-term effects of liraglutide on renal outcomes in patients with type 2 diabetes are unknown. METHODS: We report the prespecified secondary renal outcomes of that randomized, controlled trial in which patients were assigned to receive liraglutide or placebo. The secondary renal outcome was a composite of new-onset persistent macroalbuminuria, persistent doubling of the serum creatinine level, end-stage renal disease, or death due to renal disease. The risk of renal outcomes was determined with the use of time-to-event analyses with an intention-to-treat approach. Changes in the estimated glomerular filtration rate and albuminuria were also analyzed. RESULTS: A total of 9340 patients underwent randomization, and the median follow-up of the patients was 3.84 years. The renal outcome occurred in fewer participants in the liraglutide group than in the placebo group (268 of 4668 patients vs. 337 of 4672; hazard ratio, 0.78; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.67 to 0.92; P=0.003). This result was driven primarily by the new onset of persistent macroalbuminuria, which occurred in fewer participants in the liraglutide group than in the placebo group (161 vs. 215 patients; hazard ratio, 0.74; 95% CI, 0.60 to 0.91; P=0.004). The rates of renal adverse events were similar in the liraglutide group and the placebo group (15.1 events and 16.5 events per 1000 patient-years), including the rate of acute kidney injury (7.1 and 6.2 events per 1000 patient-years, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: This prespecified secondary analysis shows that, when added to usual care, liraglutide resulted in lower rates of the development and progression of diabetic kidney disease than placebo. (Funded by Novo Nordisk and the National Institutes of Health; LEADER ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT01179048 .).
- Published
- 2017
3. Rydberg States of H2
- Author
Knight, R. D., Sohl, J. E., Zhu, Yang, Wang, Liang-guo, Schawlow, Arthur L., editor, Persson, Willy, editor, and Svanberg, Sune, editor
- Published
- 1987
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4. Rydberg States of H2
- Author
Knight, R. D., primary, Sohl, J. E., additional, Zhu, Yang, additional, and Wang, Liang-guo, additional
- Published
- 1987
- Full Text
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- Author
Emblem, K., primary, Pinho, M., additional, Chandra, V., additional, Gerstner, E., additional, Stufflebeam, S., additional, Sorenson, G., additional, Harris, G., additional, Freedman, R., additional, Sohl, J., additional, Younger, J., additional, Krop, I., additional, Winer, E., additional, and Lin, N., additional
- Published
- 2014
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6. Abstract P6-11-09: Impact of tumor subtype on clinical features, treatment, and clinical outcomes among breast cancer patients with central nervous system disease
- Author
Meier, CA, primary, Vaz-Luis, I, additional, Seah, D, additional, Macrae, EM, additional, Burstein, HJ, additional, Sohl, J, additional, Arvold, ND, additional, Winer, EP, additional, and Lin, NU, additional
- Published
- 2013
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7. Abstract P4-19-01: Attitudes of medical oncologists towards research biopsies
- Author
Seah, DSE, primary, Scott, SM, additional, Guo, H, additional, Najita, J, additional, Lederman, R, additional, Frank, E, additional, Sohl, J, additional, Kronwitz, C, additional, Stadler, ZK, additional, Silverman, SG, additional, Peppercorn, J, additional, Winer, EP, additional, Come, SE, additional, and Lin, NU, additional
- Published
- 2013
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8. Abstract P5-18-03: Clinicopathological features among patients with HER2-positive breast cancer with prolonged response to trastuzumab based therapy
- Author
Vaz-Luis, I, primary, Seah, D, additional, Olson, E, additional, Metzger, O, additional, Wagle, N, additional, Sohl, J, additional, Litsas, G, additional, Burstein, H, additional, Krop, I, additional, Winer, E, additional, and Lin, NU, additional
- Published
- 2012
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9. Abstract P2-16-04: Attitudes of metastatic breast cancer patients towards research biopsies
- Author
Seah, DS, primary, Scott, SM, additional, Najita, J, additional, Openshaw, T, additional, Krag, KJ, additional, Frank, E, additional, Sohl, J, additional, Stadler, ZK, additional, Garrett, M, additional, Winer, EP, additional, Come, S, additional, and Lin, NU, additional
- Published
- 2012
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10. Dynamic capabilities and the growth of new firms
- Author
Fiet, J, Sohl, J, Brush, C, Zahra, S, Mason, C, Greene, P, Lerner, M, Wright, M, Wiklund, J, Harrison, R, Shepherd, D, Davidsson, P, Davidsson, Per, McKelvie, Alexander, Fiet, J, Sohl, J, Brush, C, Zahra, S, Mason, C, Greene, P, Lerner, M, Wright, M, Wiklund, J, Harrison, R, Shepherd, D, Davidsson, P, Davidsson, Per, and McKelvie, Alexander
- Published
- 2005
11. Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research 2005 : Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth Annual Entrepreneurship Research Conference
- Author
Zahra, S.A., Brush, C.G., Davidsson, Per, Fiet, J.O., Greene, P.G., Harrison, R.T., Lerner, M., MASON, C., Shepherd, Dean, Sohl, J, Wiklund, Johan, Wright, M, Zahra, S.A., Brush, C.G., Davidsson, Per, Fiet, J.O., Greene, P.G., Harrison, R.T., Lerner, M., MASON, C., Shepherd, Dean, Sohl, J, Wiklund, Johan, and Wright, M
- Published
- 2005
12. Predictors of survival in patients with HER2+ metastatic breast cancer (MBC) treated with trastuzumab.
- Author
Olson, E. M., primary, Najita, J. S., additional, Sohl, J., additional, Arnaout, A., additional, Winer, E. P., additional, and Lin, N. U., additional
- Published
- 2011
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13. Entrepreneurial management, corporate venturing, and financial performance
- Author
Fiet, J, Sohl, J, Brush, C, Meyer, G D, Greene, P, Lerner, M, Bygrave, W, Davidson, P, Harrison, R, Zacharakis, A, Davidsson, Per, Fiet, J, Sohl, J, Brush, C, Meyer, G D, Greene, P, Lerner, M, Bygrave, W, Davidson, P, Harrison, R, Zacharakis, A, and Davidsson, Per
- Abstract
Corporate venturing activities can expand a firm’s business by creating new products and entering new markets. The literature suggests that entrepreneurial management should have a positive effect on corporate venturing activities and, as a consequence of this, a positive effect on a company's financial performance. By entrepreneurial management we mean an outward opportunity- seeking approach to management rather than a more inward- looking approach towards resources and competences currently controlled. Despite the prevalence of descriptions of entrepreneurial management and the alleged importance of such practices, we have little empirically based knowledge about its effects. This study contributes to filling this gap in the literature by examining the effect of entrepreneurial management on financial performance, using corporate venturing activities as an intermediary variable.
- Published
- 2003
14. The syndication of venture capital investments in Europe: evidence from five European countries
- Author
Bygrave, W.D., Brush, C.G., Davidsson, P., Fiet, J., Greene, P.G., Harrison, R.T., Lerner, M., Meyer, G.D., Sohl, J., Zacharakis, A., Manigart, S., Lockett, A., Meuleman, M., Landström, Hans, Desbrieres, P., Bygrave, W.D., Brush, C.G., Davidsson, P., Fiet, J., Greene, P.G., Harrison, R.T., Lerner, M., Meyer, G.D., Sohl, J., Zacharakis, A., Manigart, S., Lockett, A., Meuleman, M., Landström, Hans, and Desbrieres, P.
- Abstract
Financial theory, resource-based theory and deal flow generation are used to explain synd ication practices among venture capitalists in Belgium, France, The Netherlands, Sweden and the UK. Similar motives drive syndication in the five countries: the desire to share risk and increase portfolio diversification is more important than the desire to access additional intangible resources or deal flow. When resource-based motives are more important, however, the propensity to syndicate increases. Syndication practices are more important in young venture capital (VC) firms and in VC firms with more portfolio companies.
- Published
- 2002
15. Case Study of Efficient Parallel Memory Access Programming for the Embedded Heterogeneous Multicore DSP Architecture ePUMA.
- Author
Hansson, E., Sohl, J., Kessler, C., and Liu, D.
- Published
- 2011
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16. ePUMA: A novel embedded parallel DSP platform for predictable computing.
- Author
Jian Wang, Sohl, J., Kraigher, O., and Dake Liu
- Published
- 2010
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17. Software Programmable Data Allocation in Multi-bank Memory of SIMD Processors.
- Author
Jian Wang, Sohl, J., Kraigher, O., and Liu, D.
- Published
- 2010
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18. Architectural Support for Reducing Parallel Processing Overhead in an Embedded Multiprocessor.
- Author
Jian Wang, Sohl, J., and Liu, D.
- Published
- 2010
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19. The binding of Coomassie brilliant blue to Bovine Serum Albumin: A physical biochemistry experiment
- Author
Sohl, J. L., primary and Splittgerber, A. G., additional
- Published
- 1991
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20. Two-color laser photoionization spectroscopy of Ti i: multichannel quantum defect theory analysis and a new ionization potential
- Author
Sohl, J. E., primary, Zhu, Yang, additional, and Knight, R. D., additional
- Published
- 1990
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21. Strategic diversity in labor PAC contribution patterns.
- Author
Hurd, R. and Sohl, J.
- Subjects
- *
SOCIAL sciences - Abstract
Explores the variations in labor political action committee (PAC) contribution patterns. The conclusions drawn are based on interviews with union political operatives, and on a principal component and cluster analysis of labor PAC expenditures in 1984 House elections. Five clusters of unions are identified, each displaying a distinct allocation strategy; Conceptual and methodological framework; Conclusions.
- Published
- 1992
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22. Two-color laser spectroscopy of titanium
- Author
Knight, R. D., primary, Sohl, J. E., additional, and Zhu, Yang, additional
- Published
- 1988
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23. Design and implementation of a simple nuclear power plant simulator
- Author
Sohl, J
- Published
- 1981
24. Entrepreneurial orientation and business performance:Cumulative empirical evidence
- Author
Rauch, Andreas, Wiklund, J., Frese, Michael, Lumpkin, T.G., Zahra, Shaker A., Brush, C.G., Davidsson, P., Fiet, J., Greene, P.G., Harrison , R.T., Lerner , M., Mason, Colin, Meyer, G. D., Sohl, J., and Zacharakis, A.
- Subjects
Entrepreneurship - Abstract
Entrepreneurial orientation (EO) has received substantial conceptual and empirical attention, representing one of the few areas in entrepreneurship research where a cumulative body of knowledge is developing. The time is therefore ripe to document, review, and evaluate the cumulative knowledge on the relationship between EO and business performance. Extending beyond qualitative assessment, we undertook a metaanalysis exploring the magnitude of the EO-performance relationship and assessed potential moderators affecting this relationship. Analyses of 53 samples from 51 studies with an N of 14,259 companies indicated that the correlation of EO with performance is moderately large (r =.242) and that this relationship is robust to differentoperationalizations of key constructs as well as cultural contexts. Internal and environmental moderators were identified, and results suggest that additional moderators should be assessed. Recommendations for future research are developed..
- Published
- 2004
25. The syndication of venture capital investments in Europe: Evidence from five european countries
- Author
Manigart, S., Lockett, A., Meuleman, M., Landström, Hans, Desbrieres, P., Bygrave, W.D., Brush, C.G., Davidsson, P., Fiet, J., Greene, P.G., Harrison, R.T., Lerner, M., Meyer, G.D., Sohl, J., and Zacharakis, A.
- Subjects
venture capital ,investment ,syndication ,jel:G34 ,jel:G24 ,Business Administration - Abstract
Financial theory, resource-based theory and deal flow generation are used to explain synd ication practices among venture capitalists in Belgium, France, The Netherlands, Sweden and the UK. Similar motives drive syndication in the five countries: the desire to share risk and increase portfolio diversification is more important than the desire to access additional intangible resources or deal flow. When resource-based motives are more important, however, the propensity to syndicate increases. Syndication practices are more important in young venture capital (VC) firms and in VC firms with more portfolio companies.
- Published
- 2002
26. Clinicopathological features among patients with HER2-positive breast cancer with prolonged response to trastuzumab based therapy.
- Author
Vaz-Luis, I., Seah, D., Olson, E., Metzger, O., Wagle, N., Sohl, J., Litsas, G., Burstein, H., Krop, I., Winer, E., and Lin, NU
- Subjects
- *
HER2 protein , *TRASTUZUMAB , *TREATMENT duration , *BREAST cancer patients , *METASTASIS - Abstract
Background: HER2-positivity is a predictor of benefit from trastuzumab (TRZ), but fails to depict the observed interpatient variability in terms of treatment (tx) duration. In this study we described the relationship between clinicopathological features and TRZ tx duration. Methods: A retrospective consecutive series of 343 HER2+ breast cancer (BC) patients (pts) treated with TRZ at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute from 1999-2008 was identified. 139 pts treated with 1st line TRZ-based tx were selected for analysis. Pts who received any non-TRZ prior tx for metastatic disease were excluded. TRZ tx duration was defined as time from start of 1st line therapy to the 1st day of 2nd line therapy or death. Central nervous system (CNS) progression with TRZ maintenance was not considered change of tx. Pts were divided equally into 3 groups based on the duration of 1st line tx distribution. Short-term responders (STR) were on the 1st line tx for <7 months (m), intermediate responders (IR) 7-15m and long responders (LTR) for >15m. An additional group of extremely LTR (ELTR) was defined as being in the 90th percentile of tx duration (>37m). Descriptive analysis was performed; fisher exact test, Kruskal-Wallis and logistic regression methods were used to compare groups. Results: Median follow-up time since metastatic diagnosis was 4 years (y) (range 0-11). Median age at diagnosis was 47y (22-83), 25% of stage I-III pts at diagnosis received adjuvant/neoadjuvant TRZ. The median disease free interval (DFI) was 20m (0-172), median number of metastatic sites was 2(1-5), 68% of pts had visceral disease. Median duration of 1st line tx was 10m (2-105). TRZ was given with CT in 86%, hormone tx in 6% and as monotherapy in 9%. 25% of pts developed CNS progression and continued tx. There were only small absolute differences for clinicopathological characteristics among STR, IR and LTR. ELTR had a median 1st line TRZ tx duration of 49m (37-105) and similar clinicopathological features to LTR. A higher proportion of LTR had hormone receptor (HR)-positive disease compared with STR, however no significant association between LTR and STR was found for HR status, DFI and visceral involvement. Conclusions: TRZ tx duration varies widely in the 1st-line advanced setting. No clinicopathological features were associated with TRZ tx duration. Our results suggest that despite CNS progression some pts continue to have long term benefit to TRZ tx. A major research priority is to identify molecular predictors of benefit and resistance to anti-HER2- based therapies. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2012
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27. Attitudes of metastatic breast cancer patients towards research biopsies.
- Author
Seah, D. S., Scott, S. M., Najita, J., Openshaw, T., Krag, K. J., Frank, E., Sohl, J., Stadler, Z. K., Garrett, M., Winer, E. P., Come, S., and Lin, N. U.
- Subjects
- *
BREAST cancer research , *BIOPSY , *CANCER patient attitudes , *CANCER research , *UNIVARIATE analysis - Abstract
Background: In the era of molecularly targeted therapy, developing an understanding of the molecular basis of cancer is a principal or secondary goal of many research studies. For this reason, studies collecting tissue for research purposes are increasingly common. Understanding patients' attitudes towards research biopsies may lead to improvement in accrual to research biopsy studies. Methods: Patients with metastatic breast cancer from two academic and two community hospitals completed a self-administered paper survey consisting of 29 questions in clinic to evaluate their willingness to consider providing additional biopsies (additional biopsy performed with a clinically indicated biopsy) and research purposes only biopsies (RPOB) (research biopsy performed as a stand alone procedure). Results: 160 patients (n = 80 academic, n=80 community) completed the survey, with a response rate of 98%. As expected, demographic variables differed between sites, with patients from academic sites likely to be younger (p = 0.01), more educated (p = 0.002), employed (p = 0.01), have prior trial participation (P <0.001) and have a longer travel time (P <0.0001). 64 (80%) academic patients and 51 (64%) community patients would definitely or probably consider additional biopsies. 42 (53%) academic patients and 40 (50%) community patients would consider RPOB. In univariate analyses of patients' willingness to have additional biopsies, patients in academic sites were more likely to agree to additional biopsies than those at community sites (RR = 1.2, 95% CI 1.0-1.5, p = 0.03). Statistically significant differences based on demographic characteristics such as age, education, marital status, prior trial participation, number of prior biopsies, and travel time were not observed. For RPOB, patients having had more prior biopsies were less likely to consider research biopsies (RR = 0.6, 95% CI 0.4-1.0, p = 0.03). The following variables did not reach statistical significance: type of practice, age, education, marital status, prior trial participation, and travel time. Patients' willingness in both academic and community sites to consider RPOB declined with more invasive biopsies. Although differences were observed, none were statistically significant between academic and community; skin (56%, 65%), bone marrow (30%, 27%), breast (43%, 49%) or liver (24%, 19%). Of the 13/160 (8%) patients who would not consider additional biopsies, the most common reasons cited included pain or discomfort (n = 8/13, 62%), risk of biopsy (n = 8/13, 62%) and anxiety related to the biopsy (n = 6/13, 46%). Of the 37/160 (23%) patients who would not consider RPOB, the most common reasons cited included pain or discomfort (n = 23/37, 62%), risk of biopsy (n = 15/37, 41%) and inconvenience of the procedure to the patient (n = 13/37, 35%). Conclusions: The majority of patients in this study indicated they would consider research biopsies, with a larger proportion willing to consider additional biopsies; patients seen at academic hospitals were more likely to consider additional biopsies compared to those seen at community hospitals. Breast cancer patients' willingness to undergo research biopsies may be higher than generally expected by clinicians and may not be the primary barrier to obtaining research biopsies. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2012
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28. Author Correction: Dithranol as novel co-adjuvant for non-invasive dermal vaccination.
- Author
Sohl J, Hartmann AK, Hahlbrock J, Bartneck J, Stassen M, Klein M, Bros M, Grabbe S, Marini F, Woods K, Guezguez B, Mack M, Schild H, Muth S, Melchior F, Probst HC, Langguth P, and Radsak MP
- Published
- 2023
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29. Dithranol as novel co-adjuvant for non-invasive dermal vaccination.
- Author
Sohl J, Hartmann AK, Hahlbrock J, Bartneck J, Stassen M, Klein M, Bros M, Grabbe S, Marini F, Woods K, Guezguez B, Mack M, Schild H, Muth S, Melchior F, Probst HC, Langguth P, and Radsak MP
- Abstract
Transcutaneous immunization (TCI) utilizing the TLR7 agonist imiquimod (IMQ-TCI) induces T cell-driven protective immunity upon application onto intact skin. In our present work, we combine the anti-psoriatic agent dithranol with IMQ-TCI to boost vaccination efficacy (Dithranol/IMQ-based transcutaneous vaccination (DIVA)). Using ovalbumin-derived peptides as model antigens in mice, DIVA induced superior cytolytic CD8
+ T cells and CD4+ T cells with a TH1 cytokine profile in the priming as well as in the memory phase. Regarding the underlying mechanisms, dithranol induced an oxidant-dependent, monocyte-attracting inflammatory milieu in the skin boosting TLR7-dependent activation of dendritic cells and macrophages leading to superior T cell priming and protective immunity in vaccinia virus infection. In conclusion, we introduce the non-invasive vaccination method DIVA to induce strong primary and memory T cell responses upon a single local treatment. This work provides relevant insights in cutaneous vaccination approaches, paving the way for clinical development in humans., (© 2022. The Author(s).)- Published
- 2022
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30. Density of Conjugated Antibody Determines the Extent of Fc Receptor Dependent Capture of Nanoparticles by Liver Sinusoidal Endothelial Cells.
- Author
Kappel C, Seidl C, Medina-Montano C, Schinnerer M, Alberg I, Leps C, Sohl J, Hartmann AK, Fichter M, Kuske M, Schunke J, Kuhn G, Tubbe I, Paßlick D, Hobernik D, Bent R, Haas K, Montermann E, Walzer K, Diken M, Schmidt M, Zentel R, Nuhn L, Schild H, Tenzer S, Mailänder V, Barz M, Bros M, and Grabbe S
- Subjects
- Endothelial Cells, Liver, Tissue Distribution, Nanoparticles, Receptors, Fc
- Abstract
Despite considerable progress in the design of multifunctionalized nanoparticles (NPs) that selectively target specific cell types, their systemic application often results in unwanted liver accumulation. The exact mechanisms for this general observation are still unclear. Here we asked whether the number of cell-targeting antibodies per NP determines the extent of NP liver accumulation and also addressed the mechanisms by which antibody-coated NPs are retained in the liver. We used polysarcosine-based peptobrushes (PBs), which in an unmodified form remain in the circulation for >24 h due to the absence of a protein corona formation and low unspecific cell binding, and conjugated them with specific average numbers (2, 6, and 12) of antibodies specific for the dendritic cell (DC) surface receptor, DEC205. We assessed the time-dependent biodistribution of PB-antibody conjugates by in vivo imaging and flow cytometry. We observed that PB-antibody conjugates were trapped in the liver and that the extent of liver accumulation strongly increased with the number of attached antibodies. PB-antibody conjugates were selectively captured in the liver via Fc receptors (FcR) on liver sinusoidal endothelial cells, since systemic administration of FcR-blocking agents or the use of F(ab')
2 fragments prevented liver accumulation. Cumulatively, our study demonstrates that liver endothelial cells play a yet scarcely acknowledged role in liver entrapment of antibody-coated NPs and that low antibody numbers on NPs and the use of F(ab')2 antibody fragments are both sufficient for cell type-specific targeting of secondary lymphoid organs and necessary to minimize unwanted liver accumulation.- Published
- 2021
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31. Phase II trial of carboplatin and bevacizumab in patients with breast cancer brain metastases.
- Author
Leone JP, Emblem KE, Weitz M, Gelman RS, Schneider BP, Freedman RA, Younger J, Pinho MC, Sorensen AG, Gerstner ER, Harris G, Krop IE, Morganstern D, Sohl J, Hu J, Kasparian E, Winer EP, and Lin NU
- Subjects
- Adult, Antineoplastic Combined Chemotherapy Protocols adverse effects, Bevacizumab adverse effects, Brain diagnostic imaging, Brain pathology, Brain Neoplasms genetics, Brain Neoplasms mortality, Brain Neoplasms secondary, Breast pathology, Breast Neoplasms genetics, Breast Neoplasms mortality, Breast Neoplasms pathology, Carboplatin adverse effects, Female, Genotyping Techniques, Humans, Kaplan-Meier Estimate, Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Middle Aged, Polymorphism, Single Nucleotide, Progression-Free Survival, Trastuzumab administration & dosage, Trastuzumab adverse effects, Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A genetics, Antineoplastic Combined Chemotherapy Protocols administration & dosage, Bevacizumab administration & dosage, Brain Neoplasms drug therapy, Breast Neoplasms drug therapy, Carboplatin administration & dosage
- Abstract
Background: We aimed to examine the safety and efficacy of bevacizumab and carboplatin in patients with breast cancer brain metastases., Methods: We enrolled patients with breast cancer and > 1 measurable new or progressive brain metastasis. Patients received bevacizumab 15 mg/kg intravenously (IV) on cycle 1 day 1 and carboplatin IV AUC = 5 on cycle 1 day 8. Patients with HER2-positive disease also received trastuzumab. In subsequent cycles, all drugs were administered on day 1 of each cycle. Contrast-enhanced brain MRI was performed at baseline, 24-96 h after the first bevacizumab dose (day + 1), and every 2 cycles. The primary endpoint was objective response rate in the central nervous system (CNS ORR) by composite criteria. Associations between germline VEGF single nucleotide polymorphisms (rs699947, rs2019063, rs1570360, rs833061) and progression-free survival (PFS) and overall survival (OS) were explored, as were associations between early (day + 1) MRI changes and outcomes., Results: Thirty-eight patients were enrolled (29 HER2-positive, 9 HER2-negative); all were evaluable for response. The CNS ORR was 63% (95% CI, 46-78). Median PFS was 5.62 months and median OS was 14.10 months. As compared with an Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status (ECOG PS) of 0, patients with ECOG PS 1-2 had significantly worse PFS and OS (all P < 0.01). No significant associations between VEGF genotypes or early MRI changes and clinical outcomes were observed., Conclusions: The combination of bevacizumab and carboplatin results in a high rate of durable objective response in patients with brain metastases from breast cancer. This regimen warrants further investigation., Trial Registration: NCT01004172 . Registered 28 October 2009.
- Published
- 2020
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32. Current Progress in Particle-Based Systems for Transdermal Vaccine Delivery.
- Author
Pielenhofer J, Sohl J, Windbergs M, Langguth P, and Radsak MP
- Subjects
- Adjuvants, Immunologic, Antigen-Presenting Cells immunology, Dermis cytology, Dermis immunology, Drug Delivery Systems, Electroporation, Humans, Injections, Jet, Langerhans Cells immunology, Liposomes administration & dosage, Lymph Nodes immunology, Nanoparticles administration & dosage, Ovalbumin administration & dosage, Particle Size, Peptide Fragments administration & dosage, Pharmaceutical Vehicles administration & dosage, Sonication, T-Lymphocytes immunology, Administration, Cutaneous, Vaccination methods, Vaccines, Virus-Like Particle administration & dosage
- Abstract
Transcutaneous immunization (TCI) via needle-free and non-invasive drug delivery systems is a promising approach for overcoming the current limitations of conventional parenteral vaccination methods. The targeted access to professional antigen-presenting cell (APC) populations within the skin, such as Langerhans cells (LCs), various dermal dendritic cells (dDCs), macrophages, and others makes the skin an ideal vaccination site to specifically shape immune responses as required. The stratum corneum (SC) of the skin is the main penetration barrier that needs to be overcome by the vaccine components in a coordinated way to achieve optimal access to dermal APC populations that induce priming of T-cell or B-cell responses for protective immunity. While there are numerous approaches to penetrating the SC, such as electroporation, sono- or iontophoresis, barrier and ablative methods, jet and powder injectors, and microneedle-mediated transport, we will focus this review on the recent progress made in particle-based systems for TCI. This particular approach delivers vaccine antigens together with adjuvants to perifollicular APCs by diffusion and deposition in hair follicles. Different delivery systems including nanoparticles and lipid-based systems, for example, solid nano-emulsions, and their impact on immune cells and generation of a memory effect are discussed. Moreover, challenges for TCI are addressed, including timely and targeted delivery of antigens and adjuvants to APCs within the skin as well as a deeper understanding of the ill-defined mechanisms leading to the induction of effective memory responses., (Copyright © 2020 Pielenhofer, Sohl, Windbergs, Langguth and Radsak.)
- Published
- 2020
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33. Transcutaneous immunization with CD40 ligation boosts cytotoxic T lymphocyte mediated antitumor immunity independent of CD4 helper cells in mice.
- Author
Bialojan A, Sohl J, Rausch J, Aranda Lopez P, Denny M, Langguth P, Hartmann AK, Yagita H, Probst HC, Schild H, and Radsak MP
- Subjects
- Administration, Cutaneous, Allografts, Animals, CD27 Ligand genetics, Cytotoxicity, Immunologic drug effects, Gene Expression, Graft Rejection, Immunization methods, Immunologic Memory drug effects, Immunotherapy methods, Melanoma, Experimental genetics, Melanoma, Experimental immunology, Melanoma, Experimental pathology, Membrane Glycoproteins agonists, Membrane Glycoproteins genetics, Membrane Glycoproteins immunology, Mice, Mice, Inbred C57BL, Ovalbumin administration & dosage, Skin drug effects, Skin immunology, Skin Neoplasms genetics, Skin Neoplasms immunology, Skin Neoplasms pathology, T-Lymphocytes, Cytotoxic immunology, T-Lymphocytes, Cytotoxic pathology, T-Lymphocytes, Helper-Inducer immunology, T-Lymphocytes, Helper-Inducer pathology, Toll-Like Receptor 7 agonists, Toll-Like Receptor 7 genetics, Toll-Like Receptor 7 immunology, CD27 Ligand immunology, CD40 Ligand administration & dosage, Imiquimod administration & dosage, Melanoma, Experimental therapy, Skin Neoplasms therapy, T-Lymphocytes, Cytotoxic drug effects
- Abstract
Transcutaneous immunization (TCI) is a novel vaccination strategy that utilizes skin-associated lymphatic tissue to induce immune responses. Employing T-cell epitopes and the TLR7 agonist imiquimod onto intact skin mounts strong primary, but limited memory CTL responses. To overcome this limitation, we developed a novel imiquimod-containing vaccination platform (IMI-Sol) rendering superior primary CD8
+ and CD4+ T-cell responses. However, it has been unclear whether IMI-Sol per se is restricted in terms of memory formation and tumor protection. In our present work, we demonstrate that the combined administration of IMI-Sol and CD40 ligation unleashes fullblown specific T-cell responses in the priming and memory phase, strongly enhancing antitumor protection in mice. Interestingly, these effects were entirely CD4+ T cell independent, bypassing the necessity of helper T cells. Moreover, blockade of CD70 in vivo abrogated the boosting effect of CD40 ligation, indicating that the adjuvant effect of CD40 in TCI is mediated via CD70 on professional APCs. Furthermore, this work highlights the so far underappreciated importance of the CD70/CD27 interaction as a promising adjuvant target in TCI. Summing up, we demonstrate that the novel formulation IMI-Sol represents a powerful vaccination platform when applied in combination with sufficient adjuvant thereby overcoming current limitations of TCI., (© 2019 The Authors. European Journal of Immunology published by WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.)- Published
- 2019
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34. Dermal CD207-Negative Migratory Dendritic Cells Are Fully Competent to Prime Protective, Skin Homing Cytotoxic T-Lymphocyte Responses.
- Author
Hain T, Melchior F, Kamenjarin N, Muth S, Weslati H, Clausen BE, Mahnke K, Silva-Vilches C, Schütze K, Sohl J, Radsak MP, Bündgen G, Bopp T, Danckwardt S, Schild H, and Probst HC
- Subjects
- Animals, Disease Models, Animal, Epitopes, T-Lymphocyte genetics, Epitopes, T-Lymphocyte immunology, Epitopes, T-Lymphocyte metabolism, Histocompatibility Antigens Class I immunology, Histocompatibility Antigens Class I metabolism, Humans, Immunologic Memory, Langerhans Cells metabolism, Mice, Mice, Transgenic, Skin cytology, Skin Diseases, Viral immunology, Skin Diseases, Viral virology, T-Lymphocytes, Cytotoxic metabolism, Vaccinia virus immunology, CD8-Positive T-Lymphocytes immunology, Cross-Priming, Langerhans Cells immunology, Skin immunology, T-Lymphocytes, Cytotoxic immunology
- Abstract
Dendritic cells (DCs) are important inducers and regulators of T-cell responses. They are able to activate and modulate the differentiation of CD4
+ and CD8+ T cells. In the skin, there are at least five phenotypically distinct DC subpopulations that can be distinguished by differential expression of the cell surface markers CD207, CD103, and CD11b. Previous studies have suggested that dermal CD11b- CD207+ conventional type 1 DCs are indispensable for the priming of a skin homing cytotoxic T-lymphocyte response. However, conventional type 1 DCs are also the only skin DC subset capable of cross-presenting exogenous antigens on major histocompatibility complex class I. Thus, it remained unclear whether for antigens that do not require cross-presentation, such as viruses that infect DCs, other DC subtypes in the skin can contribute to cytotoxic T-lymphocyte priming. To address this question, we used a transgenic mouse model that allows inducible expression and presentation of a model antigen on selected subsets of dermal DCs. We show that for antigens presented via the conventional major histocompatibility complex class I presentation pathway, CD207- dermal DCs are fully competent to prime a skin homing cytotoxic T-lymphocyte response that is capable of protection against a local virus challenge and gives rise to skin resident memory CD8+ T cells., (Copyright © 2018 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)- Published
- 2019
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35. Coupling between Chemical and Meteorological Processes under Persistent Cold-Air Pool Conditions: Evolution of Wintertime PM 2.5 Pollution Events and N 2 O 5 Observations in Utah's Salt Lake Valley.
- Author
Baasandorj M, Hoch SW, Bares R, Lin JC, Brown SS, Millet DB, Martin R, Kelly K, Zarzana KJ, Whiteman CD, Dube WP, Tonnesen G, Jaramillo IC, and Sohl J
- Subjects
- Cold Temperature, Environmental Monitoring, Lakes, Utah, Air Pollutants, Particulate Matter
- Abstract
The Salt Lake Valley experiences severe fine particulate matter pollution episodes in winter during persistent cold-air pools (PCAPs). We employ measurements throughout an entire winter from different elevations to examine the chemical and dynamical processes driving these episodes. Whereas primary pollutants such as NO
x and CO were enhanced twofold during PCAPs, O3 concentrations were approximately threefold lower. Atmospheric composition varies strongly with altitude within a PCAP at night with lower NOx and higher oxidants (O3 ) and oxidized reactive nitrogen (N2 O5 ) aloft. We present observations of N2 O5 during PCAPs that provide evidence for its role in cold-pool nitrate formation. Our observations suggest that nighttime and early morning chemistry in the upper levels of a PCAP plays an important role in aerosol nitrate formation. Subsequent daytime mixing enhances surface PM2.5 by dispersing the aerosol throughout the PCAP. As pollutants accumulate and deplete oxidants, nitrate chemistry becomes less active during the later stages of the pollution episodes. This leads to distinct stages of PM2.5 pollution episodes, starting with a period of PM2.5 buildup and followed by a period with plateauing concentrations. We discuss the implications of these findings for mitigation strategies.- Published
- 2017
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- Author
Bronson E, McClure M, Sohl J, Wiedner E, Cox S, Latimer EM, Pearson VR, Hayward GS, Fuery A, and Ling PD
- Subjects
- 2-Aminopurine analogs & derivatives, 2-Aminopurine therapeutic use, Animals, Antiviral Agents therapeutic use, Famciclovir, Herpesviridae isolation & purification, Herpesviridae Infections veterinary, Male, Saliva virology, Elephants virology
- Abstract
This epidemiologic study follows a 5-yr-old male African elephant ( Loxodonta africana ) during an episode of hemorrhagic disease (HD) due to elephant endotheliotropic herpesvirus 3B (EEHV3B) utilizing data from complete blood counts, electrophoresis and acute phase protein analysis, and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) of multiple body fluids during and after the clinical episode. The elephant presented with sudden onset of marked lethargy and inappetence followed by hypersalivation, hyperemia of the conjunctivae and focally on the tongue, and swellings on the head and ventrum. A moderate leukocytopenia with band neutrophilia, lymphopenia, monocytopenia, and thrombocytophilia was followed by a rise in all three cell types by day 10. Moderate increases in serum amyloid A and C-reactive protein were noted in the first weeks of illness. Conventional PCR of whole blood yielded a strong positive result for EEHV3B. Quantitative PCR revealed moderate viremia, which slowly returned to undetectable levels by day 35 of treatment. EEHV3B was shed in trunk wash samples starting at day 22 for 10 days at moderate levels, and then at low levels for up to 8.5 mo. All three female herd mates shed low levels of EEHV3B in trunk washes intermittently starting from day 28 of the calf's illness until over 7 mo afterward. The majority of saliva samples from the calf over the 8.5-mo period were also positive for EEHV3B. A subfraction of saliva samples from a female herdmate was positive from days 127-190 following disease onset in the calf. Four elephant gammaherpesviruses were detected sporadically from the calf and female herdmates during this same time period. Treatment was started at the onset of clinical signs and consisted of rectal and oral fluids and oral famciclovir. This is the first case of EEHV3B HD in an elephant species and the first thorough epidemiologic evaluation of EEHV HD in an African elephant.
- Published
- 2017
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37. Variation in the Attitudes of Medical Oncologists Toward Research Biopsies in Patients With Metastatic Breast Cancer.
- Author
Seah DS, Scott S, Guo H, Najita J, Lederman R, Frank E, Sohl J, Stadler Z, Silverman S, Peppercorn J, Winer E, Come S, and Lin NU
- Subjects
- Adult, Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Breast Neoplasms therapy, Female, Humans, Middle Aged, Neoplasm Metastasis, Physicians, Surveys and Questionnaires, Attitude of Health Personnel, Biopsy methods, Breast Neoplasms pathology, Medical Oncology methods
- Abstract
Background: Tissue from research biopsies provides access to insights into tumor biology. We aimed to determine medical oncologists' (MOs') attitudes toward research biopsies in patients with metastatic breast cancer (MBC)., Materials and Methods: A total of 309 breast MOs from National Cancer Institute (NCI)-designated cancer centers were invited to complete a self-administered survey about their attitudes toward approaching patients for research purpose-only biopsies (RPOBs), performed as a standalone procedure, or additional biopsies, performed with a clinically indicated biopsy. The MOs were asked to predict what proportion of their MBC patients would consider undergoing research biopsies., Results: Of the 309 MOs, 221 (72%) responded. Of these 221 MOs, 30 were ineligible, leaving 191 eligible responders. Nearly all the MOs reported they were comfortable approaching patients regarding research biopsies of blood or skin. One fifth of MOs were uncomfortable approaching patients for RPOBs of the breast. One half of MOs were uncomfortable approaching patients for RPOBs of the liver. A significant variation was found in the perceptions by MOs of their patients' willingness to undergo research biopsies. The factors associated with increased comfort in approaching patients for research biopsies included fewer years in practice, caring for patients who had undergone recent research biopsies, and the predicted willingness of patients to consent to biopsies. The risk of a biopsy and biopsy-related pain were the most common reasons for reluctance to refer patients for research biopsies., Conclusion: Significant variation exists, even at NCI centers, in the comfort level of MOs in approaching MBC patients for research biopsies. MOs' attitudes toward research biopsies might be a modifiable factor in increasing tissue collection for research., Implications for Practice: Tissue-based research is critical in advancing our understanding of cancer biology, and obtaining tissue from a research biopsy provides an essential resource. This study demonstrates the variability of oncologists' attitudes toward research biopsies and elicits factors associated with increased comfort levels with approaching patients for research biopsies. Biopsy risk and biopsy-related pain were commonly cited reasons not to refer patients for research biopsies. If the risk of a research biopsy is deemed sufficiently low enough to be acceptable, oncologists' attitudes might be a potential target for education and change, which may assist in increasing the availability of tissue for cancer research., (©AlphaMed Press.)
- Published
- 2015
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38. Use and duration of chemotherapy in patients with metastatic breast cancer according to tumor subtype and line of therapy.
- Author
Seah DS, Luis IV, Macrae E, Sohl J, Litsas G, Winer EP, Lin NU, and Burstein HJ
- Subjects
- Adult, Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Disease-Free Survival, Female, Humans, Middle Aged, Neoplasm Metastasis, Neoplasm Staging, Receptor, ErbB-2 genetics, Receptors, Estrogen genetics, Receptors, Progesterone genetics, Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms genetics, Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms pathology, Antibodies, Monoclonal, Humanized administration & dosage, Antineoplastic Combined Chemotherapy Protocols administration & dosage, Chemotherapy, Adjuvant, Triple Negative Breast Neoplasms drug therapy
- Abstract
Benefits of chemotherapy vary in patients with metastatic breast cancer (MBC). This article describes the impact of tumor subtype and the line of therapy on the duration of chemotherapy. Clinicopathologic characteristics were extracted from the medical records of 199 consecutive patients with MBC at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute and analyzed according to subtype. Tumor subtypes were classified as hormone receptor (HR)-positive, triple-negative (TNBC), or HER2-amplified breast cancer. Duration of chemotherapy of each line was defined as the start of a chemotherapy regimen to the start of the next line of therapy as a result of progression or toxicity. There were 96, 44, and 59 patients with HR(+), TNBC, and HER2-amplified breast cancer, respectively. Median age at MBC diagnosis was 53 years. Median overall survivals were 32 and 54 months for HER2-amplified disease, 36 months for HR(+) breast cancer, and 17 months for TNBC (P<.0001). Patients with HER2-amplified disease received the most lines (median, 4; P=.032) and the longest duration of chemotherapy for every line. The median duration of chemotherapy in HER2-amplified patients remained at more than 4 months even out to sixth-line therapy. Patients with TNBC tended to receive the shortest duration of chemotherapy for every line of therapy. Tumor subtypes influence the number of lines, duration of chemotherapy, and survival. Among patients with HR(+) and HER2-amplified disease who undergo chemotherapy beyond the third line, substantial rates of prolonged therapies suggest clinical benefit. The role of advanced (greater than third) chemotherapy lines in improving survival of all patients with MBC warrants further study.
- Published
- 2014
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39. Prospective clinical experience with research biopsies in breast cancer patients.
- Author
Vaz-Luis I, Zeghibe CA, Frank ES, Sohl J, Washington KE, Silverman SG, Fonte JM, Mayer EL, Overmoyer BA, Richardson AL, Krop IE, Winer EP, and Lin NU
- Subjects
- Adult, Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Breast pathology, Female, Humans, Middle Aged, Prospective Studies, Risk Factors, Young Adult, Biopsy adverse effects, Breast Neoplasms pathology, Research
- Abstract
There are ethical concerns regarding the performance of biopsies in patients for research purposes. We examined our single-institution experience regarding acceptance, safety, and success rate with research biopsies in patients with breast cancer. Among patients with data from paired samples, receptor status agreement between primary and metastatic samples was examined, either on first recurrence or after progression on one or more lines of therapy. An IRB-approved prospective study at the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute collects research biopsies as additional passes at the time of a clinical biopsy (AB, additional biopsy) or as a separate procedure for banking purposes (RPOB, research purposes only biopsy). Biopsies are not linked to a specific therapeutic or correlative trial. Grade 2-5 adverse events are prospectively collected. 151 patients were included in the analytic cohort (total procedures = 161); 80.8 % underwent AB, 17.2 % underwent RPOB, and 2.0 % underwent both AB and RPOB. Most patients were white (88.7 %) with a performance status of 0-1 (94.0 %). 96.0 % of patients underwent a biopsy in the setting of known or suspected metastatic disease. Receptor status between primary cancer and recurrent research biopsies differed in 43.2 % of patients with available data (18.8 % among patients who underwent the research biopsy before any systemic treatment, 48.1 % after treatment). Tissue was successfully collected in 92.3 % of patients undergoing AB and 100 % patients undergoing RPOB. Only three (2.0 %) patients had adverse events ≥ grade-2: one grade-2 pain; one grade-2 pneumothorax; and one grade-3 pain. Our experience suggests research biopsies can be performed safely with a high rate of successful tissue collection. Consistent with previous reports we found a high rate of discordance between primary and metastatic samples, which was even higher among treated patients. This supports continued efforts to study tissue samples at multiple points in a patient's disease course.
- Published
- 2013
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40. Clinicopathological features among patients with advanced human epidermal growth factor-2-positive breast cancer with prolonged clinical benefit to first-line trastuzumab-based therapy: a retrospective cohort study.
- Author
Vaz-Luis I, Seah D, Olson EM, Wagle N, Metzger-Filho O, Sohl J, Litsas G, Burstein HJ, Krop IE, Winer EP, and Lin NU
- Subjects
- Adult, Aged, Aged, 80 and over, Antineoplastic Agents, Hormonal therapeutic use, Breast Neoplasms drug therapy, Breast Neoplasms mortality, Carcinoma, Ductal, Breast drug therapy, Carcinoma, Ductal, Breast mortality, Carcinoma, Lobular drug therapy, Carcinoma, Lobular mortality, Chemotherapy, Adjuvant, Female, Follow-Up Studies, Humans, Middle Aged, Neoplasm Metastasis, Neoplasm Recurrence, Local drug therapy, Neoplasm Recurrence, Local mortality, Neoplasm Staging, Practice Patterns, Physicians', Prognosis, Receptors, Estrogen metabolism, Receptors, Progesterone metabolism, Retrospective Studies, Survival Rate, Young Adult, Breast Neoplasms pathology, Carcinoma, Ductal, Breast pathology, Carcinoma, Lobular pathology, Neoplasm Recurrence, Local pathology, Receptor, ErbB-2 metabolism, Tamoxifen therapeutic use
- Abstract
Background: The magnitude of benefit of trastuzumab for the treatment of advanced HER2-positive breast cancer varies widely. In this retrospective study, we investigated the clinicopathological features associated with prolonged first-line trastuzumab-based treatment duration., Patients and Methods: A total of 164 patients diagnosed with advanced HER2-positive breast cancer and treated with first-line trastuzumab-based therapy from 1999 to 2009 were identified. Duration of treatment was classified according to tertiles. Different logistic regression models including age, disease-free interval, number of metastatic sites, visceral disease, hormone receptor, and adjuvant trastuzumab were fitted to investigate associations with benefit of prolonged trastuzumab-based therapies. The predictive value of each model was assessed using C-statistics., Results: At a median follow-up of 5.8 years (range, 0.7-22.1 years), patients in the short-, intermediate-, and long-term treatment duration groups were given first-line trastuzumab-based therapy for < 7.2 months, 7.2 to 14 months, and > 14 months, respectively. In the multivariate analysis, patients with long-term clinical benefit had a higher likelihood of having hormone receptor-positive tumors (odds ratio [OR]positive vs. negative = 2.39 [95% confidence interval (CI), 1.08-5.31]; P = .032); and a lower likelihood of having received adjuvant trastuzumab (ORadjuvant trastuzumab vs. no adjuvant trastuzumab = 0.30 [95% CI, 0.10-0.96]; P = .043]. C-statistics varied between 0.634 and 0.699., Conclusion: Long-term benefit of trastuzumab-based therapy is associated with hormone receptor positivity and the absence of previous adjuvant trastuzumab. Nevertheless, clinicopathological features had a low predictive value for prolonged treatment duration. The validation of the current findings and the identification of molecular features associated the magnitude of trastuzumab benefit should be encouraged., (Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2013
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41. Clinical outcomes and treatment practice patterns of patients with HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer in the post-trastuzumab era.
- Author
Olson EM, Najita JS, Sohl J, Arnaout A, Burstein HJ, Winer EP, and Lin NU
- Subjects
- Adult, Breast Neoplasms metabolism, Breast Neoplasms pathology, Central Nervous System Neoplasms drug therapy, Central Nervous System Neoplasms secondary, Cohort Studies, Disease-Free Survival, Female, Follow-Up Studies, Humans, Kaplan-Meier Estimate, Liver Neoplasms drug therapy, Liver Neoplasms secondary, Lung Neoplasms drug therapy, Lung Neoplasms secondary, Middle Aged, Practice Patterns, Physicians', Prognosis, Proportional Hazards Models, Retrospective Studies, Trastuzumab, Treatment Outcome, Antibodies, Monoclonal, Humanized therapeutic use, Antineoplastic Agents therapeutic use, Antineoplastic Combined Chemotherapy Protocols therapeutic use, Breast Neoplasms drug therapy, Receptor, ErbB-2 metabolism
- Abstract
Background: Trastuzumab is associated with improvements in overall survival (OS) among patients with HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer (MBC); however disease course and patterns of care in individual patients are highly variable., Methods: 113 HER2-positive patients diagnosed with MBC from 1999 to 2005 who received trastuzumab-based therapy were retrospectively identified to allow for a minimum of 5 years of follow-up time. Median OS and median duration of therapy were determined using Kaplan-Meier methodology and group comparisons were based on the log-rank test. Hazard ratios (HR) were obtained using a Cox proportional hazards model., Results: Median OS was 3.5 years (95% CI 3.0-4.4) from time of initiation of first therapy in the metastatic setting. On univariate analysis, central nervous system (CNS) disease at first recurrence was associated with a shorter OS compared with liver and/or lung metastases or other sites (CNS: 1.9 years CI 0.1-5.9, liver/lung: 3.2 years CI 2.5-4.2, other: 4.6 years CI 2.7-8.0; p = 0.05), however, this was not predictive of survival outcome in multivariate analysis. CNS metastases developed in 62 (55%) patients by the time of death or last follow-up. Median duration of therapy was similar up to 6 lines of treatment, and ranged from 5.2 months to 7.2 months., Conclusions: The natural history of HER2-positive MBC has evolved with trastuzumab-based therapy with median OS now exceeding 3 years. CNS disease is a major problem with continued risk of CNS progression over time. Patients demonstrate clinical benefit to multiple lines of HER2-directed therapy., (Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2013
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42. Sites of distant recurrence and clinical outcomes in patients with metastatic triple-negative breast cancer: high incidence of central nervous system metastases.
- Author
Lin NU, Claus E, Sohl J, Razzak AR, Arnaout A, and Winer EP
- Subjects
- Adult, Aged, Breast Neoplasms mortality, Female, Humans, Incidence, Kaplan-Meier Estimate, Middle Aged, Receptor, ErbB-2 metabolism, Receptors, Estrogen metabolism, Receptors, Progesterone metabolism, Retrospective Studies, Risk Factors, Breast Neoplasms metabolism, Breast Neoplasms pathology, Central Nervous System Neoplasms epidemiology, Central Nervous System Neoplasms secondary
- Abstract
Background: The purpose of the current study was to characterize the outcomes of patients with metastatic triple-negative breast cancers, including the risk and clinical consequences of central nervous system (CNS) recurrence., Methods: Using pharmacy and pathology records, a study group of 116 patients who were treated for metastatic triple-negative breast cancer at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute between January 2000 and June 2006 was identified., Results: The median survival from time of metastatic diagnosis was 13.3 months. Sixteen patients (14%) were diagnosed with CNS involvement at the time of initial metastatic diagnosis; overall, 46% of patients were diagnosed with CNS metastases before death. The median survival after a diagnosis of CNS metastasis was 4.9 months. The age-adjusted and race-adjusted rate of death for patients whose first presentation included a CNS metastasis was 3.4 times (95% confidence interval, 1.9-6.1 times) that of patients without a CNS lesion at the time of first metastatic presentation. Of the 53 patients who developed brain metastases, only 3 patients were judged to have stable or responsive systemic disease in the face of progressive CNS disease at the last follow-up before death., Conclusions: Triple-negative breast cancer is associated with poor survival after recurrence. CNS recurrence is common, but death as a direct consequence of CNS progression in the setting of controlled systemic disease is uncommon. Thus, it does not appear that the high rate of CNS involvement is because of a sanctuary effect, but rather is due to the lack of effective therapies in general for this aggressive subtype of breast cancer. New treatment strategies are needed.
- Published
- 2008
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43. The importance of angels in starting a US biotech venture.
- Author
Sohl J
- Subjects
- Financing, Government methods, United States, Biotechnology economics, Capital Financing economics, Entrepreneurship economics, Financing, Government economics, Investments economics, Ownership economics
- Published
- 2005
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44. Kinetic stability as a mechanism for protease longevity.
- Author
Cunningham EL, Jaswal SS, Sohl JL, and Agard DA
- Subjects
- Enzyme Stability, Kinetics, Serine Endopeptidases metabolism, Protein Folding, Serine Endopeptidases chemistry
- Abstract
The folding of the extracellular serine protease, alpha-lytic protease (alphaLP; EC reveals a novel mechanism for stability that appears to lead to a longer functional lifetime for the protease. For alphaLP, stability is based not on thermodynamics, but on kinetics. Whereas this has required the coevolution of a pro region to facilitate folding, the result has been the optimization of native-state properties independent of their consequences on thermodynamic stability. Structural and mutational data lead to a model for catalysis of folding in which the pro region binds to a conserved beta-hairpin in the alphaLP C-terminal domain, stabilizing the folding transition state and the native state. The pro region is then proteolytically degraded, leaving the active alphaLP trapped in a metastable conformation. This metastability appears to be a consequence of pressure to evolve properties of the native state, including a large, highly cooperative barrier to unfolding, and extreme rigidity, that reduce susceptibility to proteolytic degradation. In a test of survival under highly proteolytic conditions, homologous mammalian proteases that have not evolved kinetic stability are much more rapidly degraded than alphaLP. Kinetic stability as a means to longevity is likely to be a mechanism conserved among the majority of extracellular bacterial pro-proteases and may emerge as a general strategy for intracellular eukaryotic proteases subject to harsh conditions as well.
- Published
- 1999
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45. Unfolded conformations of alpha-lytic protease are more stable than its native state.
- Author
Sohl JL, Jaswal SS, and Agard DA
- Subjects
- Enzyme Stability, Evolution, Molecular, Protein Conformation, Serine Endopeptidases genetics, Thermodynamics, Protein Folding, Serine Endopeptidases chemistry
- Abstract
alpha-Lytic protease (alphaLP), an extracellular bacterial protease, is synthesized with a large amino-terminal pro-region that is essential for its folding in vivo and in vitro. In the absence of the pro-region, the protease folds to an inactive, partially folded state, designated 'I'. The pro-region catalyses protease folding by directly stabilizing the folding transition state (>26kcal mol(-1)) which separates the native state 'N' from I. Although a basic tenet of protein folding is that the native state of a protein is at the minimum free energy, we show here that both the I and fully unfolded states of alphaLP are lower in free energy than the native state. Native alphaLP is thus metastable: its apparent stability derives from a large barrier to unfolding. Consequently, the evolution of alphaLP has been distinct from most other proteins: it has not been constrained by the free-energy difference between the native and unfolded states, but instead by the size of its unfolding barrier.
- Published
- 1998
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46. Pro region C-terminus:protease active site interactions are critical in catalyzing the folding of alpha-lytic protease.
- Author
Peters RJ, Shiau AK, Sohl JL, Anderson DE, Tang G, Silen JL, and Agard DA
- Subjects
- Amino Acid Sequence genetics, Binding Sites genetics, Catalysis, Gram-Negative Bacteria enzymology, Models, Molecular, Mutagenesis, Insertional, Peptide Fragments genetics, Sequence Deletion, Serine Endopeptidases genetics, Peptide Fragments chemistry, Peptide Fragments metabolism, Protein Folding, Serine Endopeptidases chemistry, Serine Endopeptidases metabolism
- Abstract
alpha-Lytic protease is encoded with a large (166 amino acid) N-terminal pro region that is required transiently both in vivo and in vitro for the correct folding of the protease domain [Silen, J. L. , and Agard, D. A. (1989) Nature 341, 462-464; Baker, D., et al. (1992) Nature 356, 263-265]. The pro region also acts as a potent inhibitor of the mature enzyme [Baker, D., et al. (1992) Proteins: Struct.,Funct., Genet. 12, 339-344]. This inhibition is mediated through direct steric occlusion of the active site by the C-terminal residues of the pro region [Sohl, J. L., et al. (1997) Biochemistry 36, 3894-3904]. Through mutagenesis and structure-function analyses we have begun to investigate the mechanism by which the pro region acts as a single turnover catalyst to facilitate folding of the mature protease. Of central interest has been mapping the interface between the pro region and the protease and identifying interactions critical for stabilizing the rate-limiting folding transition state. Progressive C-terminal deletions of the pro region were found to have drastic effects on the rate at which the pro region folds the protease but surprisingly little effect on inhibition of protease activity. The observed kinetic data strongly support a model in which the detailed interactions between the pro region C-terminus and the protease are remarkably similar to those of known substrate/inhibitor complexes. Further, mutation of two protease residues near the active site have significant effects on stabilization of the folding transition state (kcat) or in binding to the folding intermediate (KM). Our results suggest a model for the alpha-lytic protease pro region-mediated folding reaction that may be generally applicable to other pro region-dependent folding reactions.
- Published
- 1998
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47. Inhibition of alpha-lytic protease by pro region C-terminal steric occlusion of the active site.
- Author
Sohl JL, Shiau AK, Rader SD, Wilk BJ, and Agard DA
- Subjects
- Alanine analogs & derivatives, Alanine metabolism, Binding Sites, Circular Dichroism, Escherichia coli genetics, Gene Expression, Kinetics, Mass Spectrometry, Molecular Weight, Mutation, Peptide Fragments chemistry, Peptide Fragments metabolism, Protein Conformation, Protein Folding, Protein Precursors chemistry, Protein Processing, Post-Translational, Protein Structure, Secondary, Protein Structure, Tertiary, Sequence Deletion, Serine Endopeptidases chemistry, Serine Proteinase Inhibitors chemistry, Serine Proteinase Inhibitors metabolism, Peptide Fragments pharmacology, Protein Precursors metabolism, Serine Endopeptidases metabolism, Serine Proteinase Inhibitors pharmacology
- Abstract
alpha-Lytic protease, a chymotrypsin-like serine protease, is synthesized with an N-terminal 166 amino acid pro region which is absolutely required for folding of the protease. The pro region is also the most potent inhibitor of the protease known with a Ki of approximately 10(-10) M. Compared to its role in the folding reaction, relatively little is known about the mechanism by which the pro region inhibits the mature protease. While proteinaceous protease inhibitors generally function by occluding the active sites of their respective targets [Bode, W., & Huber, R. (1992) Eur. J. Biochem. 204, 433-451], the pro region of alpha-lytic protease with its dual roles in folding and inhibition might be expected to show a novel mechanism of inhibition. However, experiments that probe both the structural and enzymatic consequences of pro region binding indicate that the pro region does not measurably distort the protease active site. Instead, the catalytic site is fully functional in the complex. Pro region inhibition of the protease is due to simple steric obstruction; the pro region C-terminus lies in the substrate binding sites of the protease. The implications of these results are discussed with regard to alpha-lytic protease maturation and folding. In addition, the proposed mechanism of alpha-lytic protease pro region inhibition is discussed with respect to data from other pro region families.
- Published
- 1997
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48. A protein-folding reaction under kinetic control.
- Author
Baker D, Sohl JL, and Agard DA
- Subjects
- Chemical Phenomena, Chemistry, Physical, Circular Dichroism, Guanidine, Guanidines, Kinetics, Protein Conformation, Protein Denaturation, Protein Precursors biosynthesis, Serine Endopeptidases biosynthesis, Protein Precursors chemistry, Serine Endopeptidases chemistry
- Abstract
Synthesis of alpha-lytic protease is as a precursor containing a 166 amino-acid pro region transiently required for the correct folding of the protease domain. By omitting the pro region in an in vitro refolding reaction we trapped an inactive, but folding competent state (I) having an expanded radius yet native-like secondary structure. The I state is stable for weeks at physiological pH in the absence of denaturant, but rapidly folds to the active, native state on addition of the pro region as a separate polypeptide chain. The mechanism of action of the pro region is distinct from that of the chaperonins: rather than reducing the rate of off-pathway reactions, the pro region accelerates the rate-limiting step on the folding pathway by more than 10(7). Because both the I and native states are stable under identical conditions with no detectable interconversion, the folding of alpha-lytic protease must be under kinetic and not thermodynamic control.
- Published
- 1992
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49. Absorption of 308-nm excimer laser radiation by balanced salt solution, sodium hyaluronate, and human cadaver eyes.
- Author
Keates RH, Bloom RT, Schneider RT, Ren Q, Sohl J, and Viscardi JJ
- Subjects
- Absorption, Drug Combinations, Humans, Infant, Newborn, Scattering, Radiation, Acetates radiation effects, Eye radiation effects, Hyaluronic Acid radiation effects, Lasers, Minerals radiation effects, Sodium Chloride
- Abstract
Absorption of the excimer laser radiations of 193-nm argon fluorine and 308-nm xenon chloride in balanced salt solution, sodium hyaluronate, and human cadaver eyes was measured. The absorption of these materials as considerably different for the two wavelengths; we found that 308-nm light experienced much less absorption than the 193-nm light. The extinction coefficient (k) for 308 nm was k = 0.19/cm for balanced salt solution and k = 0.22/cm for sodium hyaluronate. In contrast to this, the extinction coefficient for 193 nm was k = 140/cm for balanced salt solution and k = 540/cm for sodium hyaluronate. Two 1-day-old human phakic cadaver eyes showed complete absorption with both wavelengths. Using aphakic eyes, incomplete absorption was noted at the posterior pole with 308 nm and complete absorption was noted with 193 nm. The extinction in the anterior part of aphakic eyes (the first 6 mm) was 4.2/cm for 308 nm, meaning that the intensity of the light is reduced by a factor of 10 after traveling the first 5.5 mm. However, we observed that the material in the eye fluoresces, meaning the 308 nm is transformed into other (longer) wavelengths that travel through the total eye with minimal absorption. Conclusions drawn from this experiment are that the use of the 308-nm wavelength may have undesirable side effects, while the use of the 193-nm wavelength should be consistent with ophthalmic use on both the cornea and the lens.
- Published
- 1990
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50. Regulation of an enzyme by phosphorylation at the active site.
- Author
Hurley JH, Dean AM, Sohl JL, Koshland DE Jr, and Stroud RM
- Subjects
- Amino Acid Sequence, Binding Sites, Escherichia coli genetics, Homeostasis, Isocitrate Dehydrogenase genetics, Models, Molecular, Molecular Sequence Data, Phosphorylation, Protein Conformation, Escherichia coli enzymology, Isocitrate Dehydrogenase metabolism
- Abstract
The isocitrate dehydrogenase of Escherichia coli is an example of a ubiquitous class of enzymes that are regulated by covalent modification. In the three-dimensional structure of the enzyme-substrate complex, isocitrate forms a hydrogen bond with Ser113, the site of regulatory phosphorylation. The structures of Asp113 and Glu113 mutants, which mimic the inactivation of the enzyme by phosphorylation, show minimal conformational changes from wild type, as in the phosphorylated enzyme. Calculations based on observed structures suggest that the change in electrostatic potential when a negative charge is introduced either by phosporylation or site-directed mutagenesis is sufficient to inactivate the enzyme. Thus, direct interaction at a ligand binding site is an alternative mechanism to induced conformational changes from an allosteric site in the regulation of protein activity by phosphorylation.
- Published
- 1990
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