15 results on '"Social evolution--Congresses"'
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2. Learning To Live Together: Promoting Social Harmony
- Author
J. A. Scott Kelso and J. A. Scott Kelso
- Subjects
- Social learning--Congresses, Social evolution--Congresses, Conflict management--Congresses, Quality of life--Congresses, Social values--Study and teaching--Congresses
- Abstract
This book is devoted to the issue of how we can learn to live together in the face of division and conflict. It is dedicated to the life and work of a remarkable human being, Dr Epimenidis Haidemenakis, scientist, statesman, visionary leader, President Emeritus of the International S.T.E.P.S. Foundation and founding father of The Olympiads of the Mind (OM). The monograph consists of a collection of papers presented at the 8th and 9th Olympiads of the Mind held in Washington, DC and Chania, Crete respectively. Distinguished international scholars, government and corporate representatives, leading researchers and academics from multiple disciplines and Nobel Laureates Leon Lederman (Physics, 1988), Martin Perl (Physics, 1995) and Yuan T. Lee (Chemistry, 1986) address a broad range of issues all with the aim of improving the human condition and achieving cooperation among the people of the world. The topics include the environment, sustainability andsecurity; diversity and how to achieve integration and peace among people in a fractured world; the important role of brain research; how to overcome poverty and inequality; how to enhance creativity and improve education at all levels; and how new technologies and tools can be used for common benefit. The culmination of the book is a call to action, to join what one might call the “OM Movement”—bringing the best minds in the world together to create solutions to world issues so that we can all live together in harmony.
- Published
- 2018
3. Mutations de société et réponses du droit : Perspectives franco-asiatiques comparées
- Author
Aidarbayev, Sagyngaliy, Chabal, Pierre, Sairambaeva, Zhuldyz, Aidarbayev, Sagyngaliy, Chabal, Pierre, and Sairambaeva, Zhuldyz
- Subjects
- Technological innovations--Law and legislation--Congresses, Comparative law--Congresses, Social evolution--Congresses
- Abstract
Ces colloques Asie–Europe consacrés aux approches juridiques et politiques permettent de comparer des systèmes différents sans d'abord en maîtriser toutes les nuances changeantes. Leur parti-pris est de faire se rencontrer des collègues de trois pays ou pays d'Eurasie (Kazakhstan, France, Corée, bientôt Chine et Russie) et les laisser dialoguer en tant que spécialistes de ‘leur'système nationale pour faciliter les comparaisons. De ces initiatives construites, il ressort deux éléments. Malgré les certitudes chez certains Européens que le droit communautaire de l'UE est unique en son genre, le droit régional n'est qu'un genre de droit international. Malgré les difficultés pour les centrasiatiques dans leur transition postsoviétique d'imaginer un droit transfrontières, il existe un besoin de gestion commune des progrès juridiques de construction de cette partie de l'Asie. Il est délicat d'éviter la tentation de voir des « modèles » à tirer de tel ou tel système politique ou juridique. La tentation inverse est de rejeter un système comme transposable parce que trop différent. Cet ouvrage montre qu'il faut connaître les caractéristiques des autres solutions adoptées pour s'en inspirer, mieux comprendre, voire améliorer, un appareil institutionnel et normatif, issue autant de l'histoire d'un pays que des influences reçues. Ces colloques et les publications qu'ils engendrent illustrent un ingrédient de la coopération universitaire internationale : le facteur humain. Des rencontres professionnelles, lorsqu'elles trouvent un écho encourageant et une confiance sincère de la part de collègues altruistes et généreux, aboutissent toujours. Nul obstacle ne peut venir à bout du patient dévouement et de l'enthousiasme qui pousse à croire que c'est à leur éthique que l'on reconnait les hommes et les femmes de bonne volonté. Il existera bientôt, n'en doutons pas!, de multiples entreprises comparatistes entre les multiples sous-régions du continent eurasiatique. Nous sommes heureux d'avoir eu la chance de faire partie des pionnières envolées et des premières réussites!
- Published
- 2017
4. Procesos sociales prehispánicos en el sur andino. La vivienda, la comunidad y el territorio. Colección Historia Social Precolombina (1)
- Author
Comp. Nielsen, A., Rivolta, M., Seldes, V., Vázquez, M., Mercolli, P., Comp. Nielsen, A., Rivolta, M., Seldes, V., Vázquez, M., and Mercolli, P.
- Subjects
- Excavations (Archaeology)--Andes Region--Congresses, Social archaeology--Andes Region--Congresses, Indians of South America--Andes Region--Antiquities--Congresses, Social evolution--Congresses, Material culture--Andes Region--History--Congresses
- Abstract
El taller Procesos Sociales Prehispánicos en los Andes Meridionales, celebrado en Tilcara entre el 3 y el 5 de agosto de 2005, reunió alrededor de doscientos arqueólogos que trabajan en Argentina, Chile y Bolivia con el propósito de reflexionar sobre estos temas. El presente volumen contiene 17 del medio centenar de trabajos allí presentados y discutidos. El taller Procesos Sociales Prehispánicos en los Andes Meridionales, celebrado en Tilcara entre el 3 y el 5 de agosto de 2005, reunió alrededor de doscientos arqueólogos que trabajan en Argentina, Chile y Bolivia con el propósito de reflexionar sobre estos temas. El presente volumen contiene 17 del medio centenar de trabajos allí presentados y discutidos. Todos ellos fueron evaluados por árbitros externos y revisados por sus autores para esta publicación. Los artículos han sido ordenados de acuerdo con la escala espacial y social de los fenómenos que abordan, comenzando por aquellos que privilegian el estudio del ámbito doméstico, pasando por la comunidad y culminando con aquellos que incorporan diversos elementos que comprometen a colectividades en un marco regional.
- Published
- 2016
5. Evolution – Natur, Mensch, Gesellschaft
- Author
Reinhard Neck and Reinhard Neck
- Subjects
- Social evolution--Congresses, Evolution (Biology)--Congresses, Philosophy of nature--Congresses, Human evolution--Congresses, Evolution--Congresses
- Abstract
Das Buch betrachtet aktuelle Aspekte der Evolutionstheorie aus interdisziplinärer Sicht und wendet sie auf Fragen der Natur-, Human- und Sozialwissenschaften an. Ausgangspunkt für die Beurteilung theoretischer Ansätze und philosophischer Bezüge ist die Wissenschaftsauffassung des Kritischen Rationalismus. Auch die Rolle Karl Poppers als Theoretiker der Evolutionären Erkenntnis- oder Wissenschaftstheorie und Evolutionsbiologe beleuchten die Autoren unter diesem Gesichtspunkt. Das Werk zeigt, dass Evolutionstheorien eine weite Anwendbarkeit haben und in vielfacher Hinsicht mit der Philosophie des Kritischen Rationalismus korrespondieren.
- Published
- 2015
6. Emergence and Diversity of Modern Human Behavior in Paleolithic Asia
- Author
Yousuke Kaifu, Masami Izuho, Ted Goebel, Hiroyuki Sato, Akira Ono, Yousuke Kaifu, Masami Izuho, Ted Goebel, Hiroyuki Sato, and Akira Ono
- Subjects
- Paleolithic period--Asia--Congresses, Social evolution--Congresses, Human evolution--Asia--Congresses
- Abstract
Despite the obvious geographic importance of eastern Asia in human migration, its discussion in the context of the emergence and dispersal of modern humans has been rare. Emergence and Diversity of Modern Human Behavior in Paleolithic Asia focuses long-overdue scholarly attention on this under-studied area of the world. Arising from a 2011 symposium sponsored by the National Museum of Nature and Science in Tokyo, this book gathers the work of archaeologists from the Pacific Rim of Asia, Australia, and North America, to address the relative lack of attention given to the emergence of modern human behavior as manifested in Asia during the worldwide dispersal from Africa.
- Published
- 2014
7. Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers : The Emergence of Cultural Complexity
- Author
- Subjects
- Prehistoric peoples--Congresses, Social evolution--Congresses, Hunting and gathering societies--Congresses
- Abstract
Prehistoric Hunters-Gatherers : The Emergence of Cultural Complexity
- Published
- 2014
8. From Leaders to Rulers
- Author
Jonathan Haas and Jonathan Haas
- Subjects
- Political anthropology--Congresses, Social evolution--Congresses, Social archaeology--Congresses
- Abstract
The evolution of complex cultural systems is marked by a number of broad, sweeping patterns that characterize many different cultures at different points in time across the globe. Over the course of the past 100,000 years, there has been a general evolutionary trend for cultural systems to get larger and more complex. A consistent element in the broad course of cultural evolu tion has been the emergence and subsequent development of centralized forms of political organization. The record of the first modern humans illuminates a global wide pat tern of relative social equality and decentralized deciSion-making processes. Prior to about 10,000 years ago, there are no indications of clear social, political, or economic hierarchies. In these early millennia archaeological markers of social ranking are lacking and there is a similar absence of evidence pointing to the presence of leaders, chiefs or rulers. The pattern of social equality began to change at different moments and at different rates in various parts of the world in the course of the last 10,000 years. In some areas, such as Mesopotamia, politically centralized hierarchies emerged very early and developed rapidly, while in others, such as the Arctic, political centralization never emerged outside the context of Western colonialism. In every culture area, the origins and development of politically cen tralized social systems and the emergence of leaders and rulers followed a unique evolutionary trajectory depending on local history and environment.
- Published
- 2012
9. Moving Forward: Tradition and Transformation
- Author
Heather M. Morgan, Editor, Ruth Morris, Editor, Heather M. Morgan, Editor, and Ruth Morris, Editor
- Subjects
- Social evolution--Congresses, Culture--Congresses
- Abstract
This book has been compiled following the quality and reception of papers presented at the Moving Forward Postgraduate Conference, held at the University of Aberdeen, 21–22 July 2009. The volume comprises editorial and seven substantive papers on the themes of ‘tradition and transformation', carefully chosen by the editorial team from in excess of fifty full written papers. These represent and tender a wide range of scholarly approaches to and within the arts and social sciences; the remit of Moving Forward. Each paper has been catered to a non-specialist audience in order to make the collection more widely accessible. Although ‘tradition and transformation'seems loose terminology in many respects, it struck the editors that the dichotomy between past and future, the desire to respect history but also to effect change, and the presence of the present, were three issues that resounded throughout the conference contributions, but were those specifically captured within the selected papers. From each of six disciplinary areas, ranging across the arts and social sciences, delegates use the freedom of their positions as early-career researchers to boldly explore relations between these concepts without fear of censure, but with enthusiasm and energy for academic knowledge development and contribution. Indeed, through the papers chosen for inclusion here, distinct in their disciplinary origins, approaches and foci, we emphasise the many similarities that exist among the arts and social sciences subjects.
- Published
- 2012
10. Producción y circulación prehispánicas de bienes en el sur andino. Colección Historia Social Precolombina (2)
- Author
Comp. Nielsen, A., Rivolta, M., Seldes, V., Vázquez, M., Mercolli, P., Comp. Nielsen, A., Rivolta, M., Seldes, V., Vázquez, M., and Mercolli, P.
- Subjects
- Indians of South America--Andes Region--Social conditions--Congresses, Material culture--Andes Region--History--Congresses, Indians of South America--Andes Region--Antiquities--Congresses, Social archaeology--Andes Region--Congresses, Social evolution--Congresses, Excavations (Archaeology)--Andes Region--Congresses
- Abstract
El taller Procesos Sociales Prehispánicos en los Andes Meridionales, celebrado en Tilcara entre el 3 y el 5 de agosto de 2005, reunió alrededor de doscientos arqueólogos que trabajan en Argentina, Chile y Bolivia con el propósito de reflexionar sobre estos temas. El presente olumen contiene 17 del medio centenar de trabajos presentados y discutidos en esa oportunidad. El taller Procesos Sociales Prehispánicos en los Andes Meridionales, celebrado en Tilcara entre el 3 y el 5 de agosto de 2005, reunióalrededor de doscientos arqueólogos que trabajan en Argentina, Chile y Bolivia con el propósito de reflexionar sobre estos temas. El presente volumen contiene 17 del medio centenar de trabajos presentados y discutidos en esa oportunidad. Todos ellos fueron evaluados por árbitros externos y revisados por sus autores para esta publicación. Los artículos aquí reunidos se aproximan a las relaciones
- Published
- 2007
11. Evolutionary Epistemology, Language and Culture : A Non-Adaptationist, Systems Theoretical Approach
- Author
Nathalie Gontier, Jean Paul van Bendegem, Diederik Aerts, Nathalie Gontier, Jean Paul van Bendegem, and Diederik Aerts
- Subjects
- Knowledge, Theory of, System theory--Congresses, Language and languages--Origin, Philosophy and science, Social evolution--Congresses, Evolution--Congresses, Knowledge, Theory of--Congresses, Language and languages--Origin--Congresses, Philosophy and science--Congresses, Social evolution, System theory
- Abstract
For the first time in history, scholars working on language and culture from within an evolutionary epistemological framework, and thereby emphasizing complementary or deviating theories of the Modern Synthesis, were brought together. Of course there have been excellent conferences on Evolutionary Epistemology in the past, as well as numerous conferences on the topics of Language and Culture. However, until now these disciplines had not been brought together into one all-encompassing conference. Moreover, previously there never had been such stress on alternative and complementary theories of the Modern Synthesis. Today we know that natural selection and evolution are far from synonymous and that they do not explain isomorphic phenomena in the world. ‘Taking Darwin seriously'is the way to go, but today the time has come to take alternative and complementary theories that developed after the Modern Synthesis, equally seriously, and, furthermore, to examine how language and culture can merit from these diverse disciplines. As this volume will make clear, a specific inter- and transdisciplinary approach is one of the next crucial steps that needs to be taken, if we ever want to unravel the secrets of phenomena such as language and culture.
- Published
- 2006
12. Human Population Dynamics : Cross-Disciplinary Perspectives
- Author
Helen Macbeth, Paul Collinson, Helen Macbeth, and Paul Collinson
- Subjects
- Population--Congresses, Sociobiology--Congresses, Social evolution--Congresses, Demography--Congresses
- Abstract
In human populations, biological, social, spatial, ecological and economic aspects of existence are inextricably linked, demanding a holistic approach to their study. Many undergraduate and postgraduate courses now emphasise the value of studying human populations using theoretical frameworks and methodologies from different traditional disciplines. Human Population Dynamics introduces such frameworks and methodologies whilst demonstrating how changes in human population structure can be addressed from several different academic perspectives. As such, the book contains contributions from world-renowned researchers in demography, social and biological anthropology, genetics, biology, sociology, ecology, history and human geography. In particular, the contributors emphasise the lability of many population structures and boundaries, as viewed from their area of expertise. This text is aimed at undergraduate students, graduates and academic researchers from any academic discipline which considers human populations.
- Published
- 2002
13. Domination and Resistance
- Author
Daniel Miller, Michael Rowlands, Chris Tilley, Daniel Miller, Michael Rowlands, and Chris Tilley
- Subjects
- Social archaeology--Congresses, Power (Social sciences)--Congresses, Social evolution--Congresses, Social structure--History--Congresses
- Abstract
The nature of power - one of the central concerns in social science - is the main theme of this wide-ranging book. Introducing a much broader historical and geographical comparative understanding of domination and resistance than is available elsewhere, the editors and contributors offer a wealth of perspectives and case studies. They illustrate the application of these ideas to issues as diverse as ritualized space, the nature of hierarchy in non-capitalist contexts and the production of archaeological discourse. Drawing on considerable experience in promoting interaction between archaeology and other disciplines concerned with ideology, power and social transformation, the editors have brought together a stimulating book that will be of widespread interest amongst students of archaeology, ancient history, sociology, anthropology and human geography.
- Published
- 1995
14. World-Systems Theory in Practice : Leadership, Production, and Exchange
- Author
Nick P. Kardulias and Nick P. Kardulias
- Subjects
- Social systems--Congresses, System theory--Congresses, Social evolution--Congresses, Economic history--Congresses, Social change--Congresses
- Abstract
In the quarter century since Wallerstein first developed world systems theory (WST), scholars in a variety of disciplines have adopted the approach to explain intersocietal interaction on a grand scale. These essays bring to light archaeological data and analysis to show that many historic and prehistoric states lacked the mechanisms to dominate the distant (and in some cases, nearby) societies with which they interacted. Core/periphery exploitation needs to be demonstrated, not simply assumed, as the interdisciplinary dialogue which occurs in this volume demonstrates. World-Systems Theory in Practice will appeal to individuals with an interest in the application of WST in both the Old World and the New World. The papers in this volume reflect the vitality of the debate concerning the use of such generalizing theories and will be of interest to archeologists, anthropologists, historians, sociologists, and those involved in the study of civilizations.
- Published
- 1998
15. Evolution of Human Behavior : Primate Models
- Author
Kinzey, Warren G., American Anthropological Association, American Association of Physical Anthropologists, Kinzey, Warren G., American Anthropological Association, and American Association of Physical Anthropologists
- Subjects
- Primates--Behavior--Congresses, Primates--Evolution--Congresses, Social evolution--Congresses, Behavior evolution--Congresses, Human behavior--Congresses, Animal models in research--Congresses
- Abstract
This book represents an important meeting ground in the primatology field by exploring the various primate models that have been used in the reconstruction of early human behavior. While some models are based on the proposition that a key behavioral feature such as hunting, eating of seeds or monogamous mating led to the evolutionary separation of apes and humans, other models suggest that one primate species, such as the baboon or chimpanzee, best exemplifies the behavior of our early ancestors.Several contributors to the book take the position that no single primate is a good model and contend instead that a model must be eclectic. One of the more innovative essays suggests that ancestral behavioral states can, in fact, be derived by comparing the behavior of all living hominid (ape and human) species. Additionally, several other contributors analyze and discuss the concept of model-making, noting deficiencies in earlier models while offering suggestions for future development. Although it is true that a powerful conceptual model for reconstructing hominid behavior does not yet exist, The Evolution of Human Behavior: Primate Models suggests ways one may be constructed based on behavioral ecology and evolutionary theory.Warren G. Kinzey is Professor and Chairman of the Department of Anthropology at City College.
- Published
- 1987
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