168 results on '"Ryuho Okawa"'
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2. Manifest der Glücksrealisierungspartei
- Author
Ryuho Okawa
- Published
- 2014
3. Faithful to the Truth
- Author
Ryuho Okawa and Ryuho Okawa
- Abstract
'Making the Way to True Salvation'or the purpose of religion is to make the happiness in this world meet the happiness in the other world.'-From Chapter 2,'Making the Way to True Salvation'The spiritual truth and the forecasts written in this book are messages from God that people worldwide should know right now. Ryuho Okawa, the author of over 3,150 books and a religious leader with followers in 170 countries, has been significantly influencing the world for over 30 years. In this book, he gives insights about the events that are currently happening around the world and the possible dangers that could unfold on a global scale. The world is on the verge of collapse. So, now is the time when people should listen to what Okawa is saying, as he is the one who knows the Truth, who can see God's vision, and who is trying to guide humanity in the right direction.SOME KEY POINTS:- Heaven and hell still exist even when science has highly advanced.- The possibility of a terrible future for Ukraine, North Korea, and China.- Laws and political decisions should be made based on faith.- Earth is a precious training ground to educate souls.
- Published
- 2024
4. The Laws of Eternity : El Cantare Unveils the Structure of the Spirit World
- Author
Ryuho Okawa and Ryuho Okawa
- Abstract
“Where do we come from and where do we go after death?”This unparalleled book offers us complete answers to life's most important questions that we all are confronted with at some point or another.In The Laws of Eternity, author Ryuho Okawa takes us on a journey to the other world, a place where we came from before we were born and return to after death. The other world has a multidimensional structure consisting of the worlds of the fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, and ninth dimensions, where souls with the same level of spiritual awareness and similar characteristics reside. This book reveals the eternal mysteries and the ultimate secrets of Earth's spirit group that have been covered by the veil of legends and myths. Encountering the long-hidden Eternal Truths that are revealed for the first time in human history will change the way you live your life now.
- Published
- 2024
5. An Unshakable Mind : How to Overcome Life's Difficulties
- Author
Ryuho Okawa and Ryuho Okawa
- Abstract
This book will guide you to build the genuine self-confidence necessary to shape a resilient character and withstand life's turbulence.Author Ryuho Okawa breaks down the cause of life's difficulties and provides solutions to overcome them from the spiritual viewpoint of life based on the laws of the mind.As you engage further with this book, you will discover the hidden spiritual causes behind some of life's difficulties. Finding the true causes of problems makes it easier to confront, tackle and solve them.This practical yet very insightful book is filled with powerful words of encouragement that will resonate within your soul. Let this book be your companion through life's hardships.CONTENTS:1. The Iceberg of Life2. The Principle of Accumulation3. Confronting Distress in Life4. Various types of Evil Spirits5. Confronting Evil Spirits6. An Unshakable Mind
- Published
- 2023
6. UFOs Caught on Camera! 2 : Space Beings Who Appeared Before the Modern Savior
- Author
Ryuho Okawa and Ryuho Okawa
- Abstract
“I will leave it up to the readers to decidewhether these images are genuine UFOs or not,but I believe I am the only Earthling(?) who can useremote viewing to observe the inside of these UFOsand make direct contact with space people.”― From Preface―This book includes photos of more than 50 types of UFOs in the sky and a telepathic conversations with space people.Discern their shapes. Learn their intentions. Discover the objects traversing our skies.Since the summer of 2018, Master Ryuho Okawa has been conducting UFO readings on the many UFOs that visited him. As of February 20, 2021, he has recorded 60 readings. (Additionally, many photos of UFOs were also taken.)This book contains the UFO readings conducted between September 28, 2018 and May 2, 2019. This collection is meant to spread the fact that various space people have been sending messages to us.In all of these cases, Master Ryuho Okawa himself discovered the UFOs. As for the video recordings, he conducted the readings on the spot. As for the photos taken, the readings were conducted at a later date.UFO reading is an advanced spiritual ability to observe the UFOs in the sky, read space people's minds, and communicate with them using telepathy.It is said from ancient times that those who have attained enlightenment like Shakyamuni Buddha can use abilities beyond human knowledge freely at their will, namely the Six Divine Supernatural Powers (astral travel, clairvoyance, clairaudience, mind-reading, fate-reading, and spiritual wisdom). Master Ryuho Okawa is able to use these Six Divine Supernatural Powers freely and conduct various readings.In the open reading sessions compiled in this book, Master Okawa uses the following abilities:■ Time-travel reading: Seeing through the subject's past and future.■ Remote-viewing: Sending part of the spirit body to a specific location and seeing the situation there.■ Mind-reading: Reading the subject's thoughts and will, including those at a remote distance.■ Mutual conversation: Communicating with the thoughts of various beings that are beyond human contact.
- Published
- 2021
7. The Ten Principles From El Cantare
- Author
Ryuho Okawa and Ryuho Okawa
- Abstract
This book contains the historic lectures given on the first five principles of the Ten Principles of Happy Science from the author, Ryuho Okawa, who is revered as World Teacher. He established Happy Science in October 1986, and built Head Temples, local temples, and missionary centers around the world, with members in more than 160 countries around the globe.These first five lectures produced an enthusiastic fellowship in Happy Science Japan and became the foundation of the current global utopian movement. It starts with the historic lecture, The Principle of Happiness, in which Okawa delivered The Fourfold Path of Love, Wisdom, Self-Reflection and Progress, a universal method to attain true happiness for all people revealed to the world for the first time.In this book, you can learn the essence of Okawa's teachings and the secret behind the rapid growth of the Happy Science movement in simple language.By reading this book and implementing the Exploration of the Right Mind in your life, you will come to know that your essence is that of a spiritual being and learn that the mind is the only thing you can take back to the other world or afterlife.Also, by living the Fourfold Path of Love, Wisdom, Self-Reflection and Progress, you will attain true happiness and start on your path to enlightenment. These principles serve to integrate all religion, philosophy, and academic study.
- Published
- 2021
8. As Leis do Sol : A Gênese e o Plano de Deus
- Author
Ryuho Okawa and Ryuho Okawa
- Abstract
Neste livro, você irá conhecer a Verdade sobre a criação deste mundo por Deus e as leis universais que Ele aplicou para nos dar forma - e gerar tudo o que nos rodeia. Em 1986, um fenômeno extraordinário colocou o mestre Ryuho Okawa diante dessa Verdade, que agora está sendo revelada em As Leis do Sol: a Gênese e o Plano de Deus, das galáxias e dos planetas, os mundos dimensionais inferiores e superiores, as hierarquias de Espíritos Guias, as razões pelas quais a alma humana precisa se aperfeiçoar, os estágios do amor e sua relação com os caminhos do aprimoramento espiritual em busca da iluminação e muitas outras questões que até então eram desconhecidas.
- Published
- 2021
9. O Verdadeiro Exorcista : Obtenha sabedoria para vencer o mal
- Author
Ryuho Okawa and Ryuho Okawa
- Abstract
Você já passou por momentos difíceis, como acidentes inesperados ou a morte de um parente, ou sentiu como se estivesse sendo tomado pelo medo ou pelo desespero? Situações desfavoráveis, que não têm uma origem racional, podem ser causadas por influências espirituais negativas. Assim como deus e os anjos existem, também há o oposto, como demônios e maus espíritos. Esses espíritos maldosos penetram na mente das pessoas, tornando-as infelizes e espalhando infelicidade àqueles ao seu redor. O autor é o líder espiritual Ryuho Okawa, que possui a habilidade de se comunicar com o mundo espiritual, apresenta métodos poderosos para se defender do ataque repentino desses espíritos. Baseado em suas experiências reais de vida, Okawa afirma que a melhor arma para conduzir um exorcismo é possuir uma fé intensa.
- Published
- 2021
10. As Leis do Segredo : A nova visão de mundo que mudará sua vida
- Author
Ryuho Okawa and Ryuho Okawa
- Abstract
As Leis do Segredo constitui o 27o volume da Série Leis de Ryuho Okawa, que teve início em 1987 com o lançamento de As Leis do Sol. Este mundo sempre foi cheio de maravilhas e mistérios, com inúmeros episódios místicos que nem o avanço da ciência e tecnologia conseguem explicar. O motivo? É porque o mundo físico em que vivemos, na verdade, coexiste com o imenso universo espiritual multidimensional e todos nós estamos em constante interação com alguma energia espiritual, seja ela positiva ou negativa. Qual é a Verdade espiritual que permeia o universo? Que influências invisíveis aos olhos sofremos no dia-a-dia? Como podemos dar uma reviravolta no curso de nossas vidas para torná-la mais significativa? Abra sua mente e coração para a visão de mundo apresentada neste livro e torne-se a pessoa que levará coragem e esperança às pessoas onde quer que vá.
- Published
- 2021
11. Introdução à Alta Administração : Almejando uma gestão vencedora
- Author
Ryuho Okawa and Ryuho Okawa
- Abstract
Em épocas de recessão é que as habilidades do gestor são mais testadas. Nesta obra, Ryuho Okawa apresenta os conhecimentos essenciais aos executivos da alta administração para transformarem qualquer adversidade ou crise em vitória. Refine sua sabedoria por meio do estudo e prática dos conceitos abordados neste livro, e almeje uma gestão vencedora com: ·os 17 pontos-chave para uma administração de sucesso; ·a gestão baseada em conhecimento; ·atitudes e posturas essenciais que um gestor deve ter; ·técnicas para motivar os funcionários; ·a estratégia para sobreviver a uma recessão.
- Published
- 2021
12. A Verdade sobre o Mundo Espiritual : Guia para uma vida feliz
- Author
Ryuho Okawa and Ryuho Okawa
- Abstract
Este livro abrange todo tipo de conhecimento espiritual, e pode ser considerado um manual valiosíssimo para encorajar você a dar um passo adiante e explorar esse verdadeiro país das maravilhas que é o mundo espiritual; escrito no formato de perguntas e respostas, este livro vai ajudá-lo a compreender questões importantes como: • O que acontece com as pessoas depois que morrem? • Qual é a verdadeira forma do Céu e do Inferno? • O que é preciso fazer para voltar para o Céu? • Se Deus existe, por que Ele não destrói o Inferno? • O tempo de vida de uma pessoa está predeterminado?
- Published
- 2021
13. Trabalho e Amor : Como construir uma carreira brilhante
- Author
Ryuho Okawa and Ryuho Okawa
- Abstract
Nesta obra, Ryuho Okawa introduz dez princípios para você desenvolver sua vocação e conferir valor, propósito e uma devoção de coração ao seu trabalho. O sucesso no trabalho pode trazer muita alegria. Mas só encontramos verdadeiro prazer ao cumprir nossa vocação com paixão e propósito – então, nosso sucesso é abençoado de verdade. Quando cumprimos nossa vocação, conseguimos superar todos os obstáculos, pois sabemos que assim nosso trabalho confere valor à vida dos outros e traz sentido e satisfação para a nossa vida. Em Trabalho e Amor, Ryuho Okawa introduz 10 princípios para você desenvolver sua vocação e conferir valor, propósito e uma devoção de todo coração ao trabalho com o qual você sempre sonhou. Você irá descobrir princípios que propiciam:. Trabalho de alto nível. Avanço na carreira. Atitude mental voltada para o desenvolvimento e a liderança. Poder do descanso e do relaxamento. Liberação do verdadeiro potencial. Saúde e vitalidade duradouras
- Published
- 2021
14. Gestão Empresarial : Os conceitos fundamentais para a prosperidade nos negócios
- Author
Ryuho Okawa and Ryuho Okawa
- Abstract
Esta obra reúne um conteúdo que será muito útil tanto para os gestores empresariais como para aqueles que pretendem ingressar no mundo dos negócios. Os princípios aqui ensinados devem ser estudados de forma cuidadosa, pois são extremamente importantes. Bastaria uma leitura atenta deste material para transformar um pequeno mpreendimento em uma grande empresa, do porte daquelas cujas ações são negociadas na Bolsa de Valores. Há orientações claras e precisas sobre diversos aspectos: ・Como montar uma organização voltada para o crescimento; ・Quais são os conceitos para expandir ao máximo o potencial do executivo; ・Como oferecer um serviço ou produto que encante o cliente; ・Saber avaliar as pessoas e aproveitar a força delas; ・De que modo identifi car o grau de importância das diferentes tarefas; ・Aprender a lidar com os relacionamentos interpessoais para se tornar um grande líder; ・O que é a'visão sistêmica'e para que serve; ・Vários exemplos de casos reais que complementam os ensinamentos; ・Quais são os'gargalos'de uma empresa e como eliminá-los; ・As oito atitudes fundamentais que um gestor deve ter.
- Published
- 2021
15. Mente Próspera : Desenvolva uma mentalidade para atrair riquezas infinitas
- Author
Ryuho Okawa and Ryuho Okawa
- Abstract
Você tem medo de pensar grande? Em Mente Próspera, Ryuho Okawa apresenta algumas das ideias mais envolventes sobre riqueza e sucesso. Ele demonstra com exemplos que é nosso medo inerente de ser rico que nos impede de perseguir nossos sonhos. Quando não há limite para nossas aspirações, não há nada que possa nos impedir de ter sucesso. Baseado no movimento espiritual de Ryuho Okawa, este livro nos ajuda a visualizar o poder de pensar grande. Todos nós temos o poder de mudar nossas vidas com um pensamento positivo. Através dos ensinamentos de okawa, os leitores reconhecerão o valor do tempo e do dinheiro, o poder da persuasão e os benefícios da sinceridade e da competição saudável em todas as esferas da vida.aproxime-se do deus da prosperidade para atrair riqueza e sucesso!
- Published
- 2021
16. Manifesto do Partido da Realização da Felicidade : Um projeto para o futuro de uma Nação
- Author
Ryuho Okawa and Ryuho Okawa
- Abstract
Foi dado este título Manifesto do Partido da Realização da Felicidade a fim de confrontá-lo com o'Manifesto Comunista', publicado por Karl Marx em 1848. Como consequência do'Manifesto Comunista', a humanidade sofreu por mais de 150 anos. Afinal, ele levou a um experimento civilizatório que deu origem a nações materialistas. Agora, o'Manifesto do Partido da Realização da Felicidade'tem como meta conseguir o oposto disso. No Manifesto do Partido da realização da Felicidade declaramos:'Devemos mobilizar o potencial das pessoas que reconhecem a existência de Deus e de Buda, além de acreditar na Verdade, e trabalhar no sentido de construir uma utopia mundial de fato. Devemos fazer do Japão o ponto de partida de nossas atividades políticas, e causar impacto nas pessoas do mundo todo. Pretendemos promover uma revolução global simultânea, no sentido correto'. É isso o que quero dizer quando falo em'ter como meta conseguir o oposto de Marx'. Iremos nos afastar de todas as forças políticas que trazem infelicidade à humanidade, confrontá-las, criar um terreno sólido para a verdade e, com base nessa verdade, administrar o estado e conduzir a política do país.
- Published
- 2021
17. A Verdade sobre o Massacre de Nanquim : Revelações de Iris Chang
- Author
Ryuho Okawa and Ryuho Okawa
- Abstract
A Série Entrevistas Espirituais apresenta mensagens recebidas de espíritos famosos e revolucionários da história da humanidade e também de espíritos guardiões de pessoas ainda encarnadas que estão influenciando o mundo contemporâneo. Utilizando seu dom de canalizar mensagens espirituais, o mestre Okawa revela as intenções ocultas e os ideais de espíritos do passado e de pessoas do presente de um modo que nem mesmo os pesquisadores ou repórteres mais competentes conseguiriam descobrir. Seu objetivo é mostrar e comprovar a existência do mundo espiritual e, ao mesmo tempo, preparar a humanidade para os grandes desafios que o futuro nos reserva. Com o objetivo de fornecer um importante material para a compreensão da Verdade a respeito desse assunto, estamos publicando o presente livro, A Verdade sobre o Massacre de Nanquim, que revela o estado de Chang à época de sua morte e a forte possiblidade de uma conspiração por trás de seu livro. Isso foi feito por um método do qual não se ouve falar muito: invocando o espírito de Iris Chang desde o mundo espiritual, dez anos após sua morte.
- Published
- 2021
18. Twiceborn : Partindo do comum até alcançar o extraordinário
- Author
Ryuho Okawa and Ryuho Okawa
- Abstract
'Partir do comum'são palavras iluminadas que te elevará às alturas extraordinárias. Twiceborn introduz aos anos de formação de Ryuho Okawa que levaram à revelação de sua atual missão sagrada. É mais do que um livro de autobiografia e autoajuda; é um guia para os leitores descobrirem seus verdadeiros chamados da vida. Ao longo do livro, Okawa explora as várias lições de vida aprendidas ainda em sua tenra idade, e da mesma forma, revela ao leitor como conseguir sublimar suas próprias experiências em lições que auxiliam no desenvolvimento pessoal. Fundador e CEO do Grupo Happy Science, que conta com mais de doze milhões de membros ao redor do globo, Ryuho Okawa nos revela seu modo de viver e pensar, narrando suas mais profundas reflexões, que vem elaborando desde tenra idade. Nesta obra, Okawa descreve toda a sabedoria adquirida ao longo de sua jornada, assim como o momento de suas duas'mortes': a primeira, quando atingiu a Grande Iluminação, e a segunda, quando renunciou à carreira no mundo dos negócios para estabelecer do zero a Happy Science. - Por que Okawa largou uma carreira promissora para fundar uma organização religiosa? - De onde vem sua convicção nos ensinamentos que prega? - Como vencer o'eu fraco'e aproveitar ao máximo no mundo terreno esta vida limitada? - Em meio a tantos valores diferentes, o que são o bem e o mal? - Você já perguntou a si mesmo qual é a essência do tempo? E a sua origem? - Por que é importante conscientizar de que somos comuns quando queremos alcançar nossos maiores objetivos e ideais? - Por que os esforços e acumular pequenos atos de sucessos são importantes? - O que é o verdadeiro espírito de independência? - Por que ter uma visão espiritual da vida é essencial para nosso autoaprimoramento e revelar nossa verdadeira missão? Twiceborn está repleto de uma sabedoria atemporal que irá incentivar você a não ter medo de ser comum e a vencer o'eu fraco'por meio de esforços contínuos, seja qual for a situação. Eleve seu autoconhecimento, seja independente, empenhe-se em desenvolver uma perspectiva espiritual e desperte para os diversos valores da vida que estarão sempre presentes – tenha você consciência disso ou não. Deixe-se inspirar por esta fascinante trajetória de Ryuho Okawa, e avance você também rumo ao extraordinário.
- Published
- 2021
19. As Leis da Justiça : Como resolver os conflitos mundiais e alcançar a paz
- Author
Ryuho Okawa and Ryuho Okawa
- Abstract
Além de transmitir sua filosofia e suas reflexões, o mestre Okawa tem como objetivo comprovar a existência do mundo espiritual e ajudar a humanidade com os conselhos dos espíritos superiores, por isso vem se dedicando intensamente a conduzir e publicar suas conversas espirituais com importantes personalidades da História sobre política, educação, negócios, religião e espiritualidade. Ele tem como ideal elevar gradativamente a compreensão das pessoas sobre as Verdades e Leis Universais, que do outro modo poderiam permanecer desconhecidas e, com isso, trazer uma nova era de paz e harmonia à humanidade.
- Published
- 2021
20. As Leis da Sabedoria : Faça seu diamante interior brilhar
- Author
Ryuho Okawa and Ryuho Okawa
- Abstract
As pessoas nascem neste mundo, vivem por certo número de décadas e, por fim, morrem. Depois da morte, a única coisa que o ser humano pode levar de volta consigo para outro mundo é seu'coração'. E dentro dele reside sabedoria, a parte que preserva o brilho de um diamante. A iluminação na vida moderna é, de fato, um processo muito diversificado e complexo. No entanto, o mais importante é jogar um raio de luz sobre seu modo de vida e, por meio de seus próprios esforços, produzir magníficos cristais durante sua preciosa passagem pela terra. No presente livro procurei descrever, sob diversas óticas, a sabedoria que devemos adquirir na vida. Apresentei valiosos conceitos sobre o modo de viver, dicas para produção intelectual e os segredos de boa gestão empresarial.
- Published
- 2021
21. Walt Disney : Os segredos da magia que encanta (série mensagens espirituais)
- Author
Ryuho Okawa and Ryuho Okawa
- Abstract
A Série Entrevistas Espirituais apresenta mensagens recebidas de espíritos famosos e revolucionários da história da humanidade e também de espíritos guardiões de pessoas ainda encarnadas que estão influenciando o mundo contemporâneo. Utilizando seu dom de canalizar mensagens espirituais, o mestre Okawa revela as intenções ocultas e os ideais de espíritos do passado e de pessoas do presente de um modo que nem mesmo os pesquisadores ou repórteres mais competentes conseguiriam descobrir. Seu objetivo é mostrar e comprovar a existência do mundo espiritual e, ao mesmo tempo, preparar a humanidade para os grandes desafios que o futuro nos reserva. Nesta entrevista espiritual, Walt Disney (1901-1966) nos revela os segredos do sucesso que o consagrou como um dos mais bem-sucedidos empresários da área de entretenimento do mundo contemporâneo. Foi o criador do personagem Mickey Mouse e fundador do império conhecido como Disney World. Aos 22 anos, fundou a The Walt Disney Company e lançou diversos desenhos animados, como Branca De Neve e Cinderela, entre outros, que obtiveram reconhecimento global. Em 1955, construiu o primeiro parque temático do mundo, a Disneylândia, e, graças à sua atuação diversificada, estabeleceu uma base sólida para os vários empreendimentos de entretenimento.
- Published
- 2021
22. As Leis da Perseverança : Como romper os dogmas da sociedade e superar as fases difíceis da vida
- Author
Ryuho Okawa and Ryuho Okawa
- Abstract
Ao ler este livro, você compreenderá que pode mudar sua maneira de pensar e assim vencer os obstáculos que os dogmas e o senso comum da sociedade colocam em nosso caminho. Mesmo os grandes mestres Buda Shakyamuni, Jesus Cristo, Confúcio e Sócrates, e outros notáveis como Joana D´Arc, Lincoln, Jan Hus, Shoin Yoshida, entre tantos, não teriam sobrevivido à História se seus pensamentos - considerados revolucionários para o senso comum da época em que viveram - não estivessem apoiados numa força que os ajudassem a superar as provações. A força da perseverança. As palavras de fogo da Bíblia:'Entrai pela porta estreita: porque larga é a porta, e amplo o caminho que conduz à perdição, e são muitos os que entram por ela...'revelam que o destino sempre apresenta novas portas para o nosso aprimoramento espiritual. No entanto, pegar o caminho estreito ou largo vai depender de sua sabedoria em distinguir o certo do errado. Nem sempre o caminho mais fácil é o correto e o mais sábio. Aqui, o Mestre Ryuho Okawa compartilha os segredos de como usar a sabedoria da perseverança e do esforço para fortalecer sua mente, superar suas limitações e resistir ao longo do caminho que o conduzirá a uma vitória infalível.
- Published
- 2021
23. As Leis de Bronze : Desperte para sua origem e viva pelo amor
- Author
Ryuho Okawa and Ryuho Okawa
- Abstract
O mundo enfrenta hoje problemas graves como o terrorismo e os conflitos religiosos, e as pessoas estão confusas, sem saber o que é certo. No entanto, embora os seres humanos tenham diferentes raízes no espaço exterior, nossa alma originalmente vem de uma mesma fonte. Quando conhecemos nossa verdadeira origem e de que modo as civilizações deste planeta foram formadas com base no amor de Deus, conseguimos ter uma nova visão e passar a amar uns aos outros, superando as diferenças e nos tornando um só povo. A palavra'bronze'do título simboliza a fé intensa. Muitas instituições religiosas, como as igrejas cristãs europeias, costumavam ter portas de bronze para proteger seu santuário da influência secular. Independentemente de diferenças de nacionalidade ou crença religiosa, Okawa nos encoraja neste livro a encontrar o amor de Deus dentro de cada um e a conhecer a Verdade universal. Com ela, é possível construir a fé, que é altruísta e forte como as portas de bronze que protegem nossa felicidade espiritual de quaisquer dificuldades que precisarmos enfrentar neste mundo. Este livro também ensina práticas diárias que qualquer pessoa pode adotar dentro de suas circunstâncias para criar harmonia no lar, em seu país e no mundo. Entre elas: - encontrar um equilíbrio entre fé e trabalho; - a integridade de viver segundo valores espirituais, mesmo que exija autossacrifício; - qual o sentido de viver com uma deficiência; - por que é importante espalhar a liberdade, a democracia e a fé por todo o mundo; - como o ato de dar amor pode criar harmonia em seus relacionamentos pessoais.
- Published
- 2021
24. As Leis da Fé : Um mundo além das diferenças
- Author
Ryuho Okawa and Ryuho Okawa
- Abstract
As pessoas são capazes de carregar sentimentos sublimes quando creem em algo maior do que elas mesmas. Eis aqui a chave para aceitar a diversidade, harmonizar os indivíduos e as nações e criar um mundo de paz e prosperidade. Saiba que, sem Deus, é impossível haver elevação do caráter e da moral do ser humano.
- Published
- 2021
25. A Última Mensagem de Nelson Mandela para o Mundo
- Author
Ryuho Okawa and Ryuho Okawa
- Abstract
A Série Entrevistas Espirituais apresenta mensagens recebidas de espíritos famosos e revolucionários da história da humanidade e também de espíritos guardiões de pessoas ainda encarnadas que estão influenciando o mundo contemporâneo. Utilizando seu dom de canalizar mensagens espirituais, o mestre Okawa revela as intenções ocultas e os ideais de espíritos do passado e de pessoas do presente de um modo que nem mesmo os pesquisadores ou repórteres mais competentes conseguiriam descobrir. Seu objetivo é mostrar e comprovar a existência do mundo espiritual e, ao mesmo tempo, preparar a humanidade para os grandes desafios que o futuro nos reserva. Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela (1918-2013), conhecido como Madiba, veio até o mestre Ryuho Okawa seis horas após seu falecimento e transmitiu sua última mensagem de amor e justiça para todos, antes de retornar ao Mundo Espiritual. Porém, a revelação mais surpreendente deste livro é que Mandela é um Grande Anjo de Luz, trazido a este mundo para promover a justiça divina, e que, no passado remoto, foi um grande herói da Bíblia. Ele era advogado, cristão protestante, e desde jovem militou no movimento de luta contra o apartheid, a segregação racial na África do Sul. Foi considerado traidor e condenado à prisão, onde permaneceu por 27 anos. Em 1990, após sua soltura, foi aclamado pelo povo como herói na luta pela igualdade de direitos. Em 1991, tornou-se presidente do seu partido, o Congresso Nacional Africano, visitando vários países, inclusive o Brasil. Em 1993, foi eleito o primeiro presidente negro da África do Sul e recebeu o Prêmio Nobel da Paz, por ter dedicado 67 anos de sua vida em prol dos direitos humanos e da democracia.
- Published
- 2021
26. Mensagens do Céu : Revelações de Jesus, Buda, Moisés e Maomé para o mundo moderno
- Author
Ryuho Okawa and Ryuho Okawa
- Abstract
Em Mensagens do Céu: Revelações de Jesus, Buda Moisés e Maomé para o mundo moderno, Ryuho Okawa compartilha as mensagens desses quatro espíritos, recebidas por comunicação espiritual, e o que eles desejam que as pessoas da presente época saibam. As mensagens contidas neste livro mostram os diferentes aspectos da fé, do ponto de vista de cada espírito superior. Eles apresentam abordagens distintas sobre Deus e o caminho para o aprimoramento espiritual.
- Published
- 2021
27. As Leis de Aço : Viva com resiliência, confiança e prosperidade
- Author
Ryuho Okawa and Ryuho Okawa
- Abstract
A obra As Leis de Aço marca o 26o trabalho de Ryuho Okawa de sua prestigiada internacionalmente'Série Leis', que teve início com As Leis do Sol, em 1994. a turbulência na política internacional em torno da Coreia do Norte, da China e de outros países do Oriente Médio e o crescimento exponencial da população estão levando à pobreza e desestabilização desenfreadas em todo o mundo. o autor e mestre do mundo Ryuho Okawa indica o rumo que as nações devem seguir para alcançar a prosperidade em benefício de todos. Para cada indivíduo, Okawa defende a importância de adotar uma mentalidade que atraia a prosperidade e ensina que a felicidade e a prosperidade são inerentes a todos nós; devemos simplesmente mudar nossa atitude mental para concretizá-las. Em uma mensagem aos líderes globais, Okawa enfatiza a importância da diligência e da virtude para cultivar uma sociedade ideal, em conjunto com a prática espiritual e a orientação divina. a palavra'aço'refere-se à nossa verdadeira força e resiliência como filhos de Deus. Temos o poder interior de manifestar felicidade e prosperidade, e superar qualquer mal ou conflito que atrapalhe a próxima Era Dourada – na qual a humanidade irá prosperar em harmonia. TÓPICOS ADICIONAIS EXPLORADOS NESTE TEXTO: ·Como ter sucesso em uma sociedade com rápido desenvolvimento de inteligência artificial; ·Dicas para uma vida plena na era da longevidade; ·Métodos para obter orientação espiritual a fim de prosperar no local de trabalho; ·Relatos autênticos de milagres de cura de doenças e seu mecanismo; ·O poder de uma mente pura, do amor e da oração.'
- Published
- 2021
28. As Leis da Missão : Desperte agora para as verdades espirituais
- Author
Ryuho Okawa and Ryuho Okawa
- Abstract
Poucas pessoas têm consciência de que estão trilhando os tempos da luz, porque o mundo de hoje está repleto de catástrofes e infelicidades. No entanto, por isso mesmo digo a você: Agora é a hora. Quando a humanidade está se debatendo no fundo do sofrimento, é neste momento que Deus está presente. Que tal descobrirmos juntos a beleza deste mundo e avançarmos na nossa missão como filhos de Deus?
- Published
- 2021
29. O Milagre da Meditação : Conquiste paz, alegria e poder interior
- Author
Ryuho Okawa and Ryuho Okawa
- Abstract
O Milagre da Meditação é um livro que mexe com nossas vidas. É um livro que ensina, faz pensar e nos coloca mais perto da verdade e da felicidade. É dividido em três grandes capítulos, nos quais o autor Ryuho Okawa mostra a importância da meditação para conseguirmos superar problemas, conflitos e situações difíceis. E também para descobrirmos nossas falhas e os caminhos para superá-las. A meditação nos abre para a compaixão e o perdão. A meditação é um calmante para a alma. Mas o autor Okawa destaca uma condição muito importante para que a meditação consiga serenar nosso coração e aliviar nossas preocupações: ao meditar, precisamos ter nossa mente e nosso coração aberto à Verdade Divina
- Published
- 2021
30. O Renascimento de Buda : A sabedoria para transformar sua vida
- Author
Ryuho Okawa and Ryuho Okawa
- Abstract
O Renascimento de Buda é o Darma pregado diretamente pela boca dourada de Buda; com suas próprias palavras, Ele transmite a seus discípulos os fundamentos do budismo. Trata-se de um guia para aqueles que despertaram para a Verdade Búdica. Algumas vez es, ele servirá como uma severa voz de advertência. Muitos já estudaram o budismo anteriormente, mas nunca a essência dos ensinamentos budistas havia sido pregada de maneira tão clara como nestas páginas. Os ensinamentos são transmitidos em forma de mensagens diretas e abordam o ponto central da questão, por isso é fácil compreendê-los. Este livro é indispensável a todos os buscadores da espiritualidade e religiosidade, ele constitui uma diretriz para os iniciados no budismo e, ao mesmo tempo, um estilo de vida recomendado para todos.
- Published
- 2021
31. As Leis do Futuro : Os sinais da nova era
- Author
Ryuho Okawa and Ryuho Okawa
- Abstract
Chegou o momento do despertar para a humanidade. Este livro é o portal que as pessoas precisam atravessar para melhorar o próprio destino e, assim, transformar a humanidade pela força do pensamento e da espiritualidade. O futuro está em suas mãos. O destino não é algo imutável, e pode ser alterado por seus pensamentos e suas escolhas. Nesta nova Era, as nações do mundo estão voltadas para o materialismo e capitalismo, e as pessoas são pressionadas a competir pela sobrevivência, contrariando os planos dos espíritos superiores para a evolução da humanidade. Mas ainda há tempo de mudar seu futuro, o de sua família e da humanidade, e o momento é agora. Tudo depende de seu despertar interior, pois só assim é possível criar um futuro brilhante. É preciso adotar um modelo de pensamento, de ação, que conduzirá a sociedade que surge. Em meio à diversidade cultural do mundo, qual cultura milenar poderá se tornar um alicerce para estabelecer os conceitos de educação, liderança e princípios sociais? Que tipo de espiritualidade as pessoas devem adotar para realmente transformara a Terra num planeta de luz? Aqui estão as respostas: podemos encontrar o Caminho da Vitória usando a força do pensamento para obter sucesso na vida material e espiritual.
- Published
- 2021
32. As Leis da Invencibilidade : Como desenvolver uma mente estratégica e gerencial
- Author
Ryuho Okawa and Ryuho Okawa
- Abstract
As Leis da Invencibilidade não é um livro sobre filosofia abstrata, mas uma espécie de guia para sobreviver e vencer em tempos de recessão econômica. Baseado em palestras proferidas por Ryuho Okawa, com comentários sobre a situação econômica do Japão, o livro escrito sob medida para os brasileiros que hoje sofrem com a recessão – do trabalhador desempregado aos empresários, passando por administradores e executivos, sem ignorar os governantes.
- Published
- 2021
33. The Laws of Happiness : Love, Wisdom, Self-Reflection and Progress
- Author
Ryuho Okawa and Ryuho Okawa
- Abstract
The Laws of Happiness: Love, Wisdom, Self-Reflection and Progress is the eighth volume of Ryuho Okawa's celebrated Laws Series, commencing with 1994's The Laws of the Sun, and endeavors to answer the question, “What is true happiness?” This milestone text introduces four distinct principles, based on the “Laws of Mind” and sourced from Okawa's real-world experience, to guide readers towards sustainable happiness. Okawa's four “Principles of Happiness” present an easy, yet profound framework to ground this rapidly advanced and highly competitive society. In practice, Okawa outlines pragmatic steps to revitalize our ambition to lead a happier and meaningful life.In Chapter One, to counter states of unhappiness, Okawa reveals the two important purposes of life and encourages readers to nurture a mindset that pledges to turn weakness (negative tendencies) into strength (positive tendencies). Once we accept life's two purposes, we can change the course of life and overcome bouts of unfavorable destiny through our own diligent effort, regardless of circumstance.Chapter Two elucidates the importance of nurturing happiness in the workplace, while kindling professional aspirations. Okawa introduces practical steps to improve work- life balance and navigate stressful activity without sacrificing peace of mind. Okawa underscores the importance of finding a mission at work, and outlines steps to improve our skills, with tips to boost self-planning and time management efficacy. Chapters Three and Four offer an in-depth exploration of Okawa's Principles of Happiness - Love, Wisdom, Self-Reflection, and Progress, with recommendations on how to apply them in daily personal relations. Chapter Five introduces the ideal world that Okawa aspires to create, based on concepts introduced in his landmark text, The Laws of the Sun. According to Okawa, through individual effort to progress in concert with the “Four Principles of Happiness” introduced in this text, we can collectively harmonize to bring forth a new age – coined by Okawa as The Age of the Sun – where humanity thrives in peace and prosperity.
- Published
- 2020
34. Spiritual Interview with the Guardian Spirit of Pope Francis : The Vatican Agonizes Over the Coronavirus Pandemic
- Author
Ryuho Okawa and Ryuho Okawa
- Abstract
Whether you've lost hope in Christianity or are a devout Catholic, this book is for you. Deep in the subconscious of Pope Francis are his hopelessness, goodwill, and limit as a human being amid the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. You may find his truthful and honest words to be a reflection of your questions or doubts against the Christian teachings and churches.Okawa is the Master of Happy Science, a religion founded in 1986 and now joined by people in more than 110 countries across the world. He has given over 3,150 lectures and has published a total of more than 2,700 books worldwide, many of which are translated into 31 languages. Among these books, over 550 of them are the Spiritual Interview series recorded through Okawa's unparalleled spiritual ability. He can summon the spirit of any deceased person or any guardian spirit of a living person. Oftentimes, spirits visit Okawa to voice their opinion through him.Simply put, the guardian spirit of Pope Francis is in agony because he can't tell where the will of Jesus lies and because he can't hear the answers to his prayers. This book mentions, in part,the answers to the coronavirus pandemic from Jesus, who is now in heaven. For more, please read ”Jesus Christ's Answers to the Coronavirus Pandemic” that we already published. By reading these two books, you will be able to understand the true will of Jesus and the faith in true God, both of which Christianity has lost.
- Published
- 2020
35. Spiritual Messsages From Samuel Smiles (Spiritual Interview Series) : Tips for Self-Help in the Modern Age
- Author
Ryuho Okawa and Ryuho Okawa
- Abstract
Samuel Smiles, the author of Self-Help wrote this masterpiece in the 19th century. In a matter of time, readership of this book spread worldwide and it became the driving force that brought prosperity in America and Japan. But when we look around the world today, prosperity is losing its vigor. If Smiles was alive today and saw what the world has come to, what would he think and say? What kind of advice would he give to his home country, England, seeing the state it is in over the Brexit issue? What has enabled us to answer these questions is this very book, Spiritual Messages from Samuel Smiles –Tips for Self-Help in the modern age-.Also inside this book:The reason he wrote Self-HelpA new insight on the usage of smartphonesThere is “good liberal” and “bad liberal”The future of England post-BrexitAstonishing spiritual truths of the British Royal Family and the Church of EnglandWhat he thinks about China's prosperityOkawa is the Master of Happy Science, a religion founded in 1986 and now joined by people in more than 100 countries across the world. As of August 2020, he has given over 3,150 lectures and has published a total of more than 2,700 books worldwide, many which are translated into 31 languages. Among these books, 550 of them are the Spiritual Interview series recorded through Okawa's unparalleled spiritual ability. He can summon the spirit of any deceased person or any guardian spirit of a living person.
- Published
- 2020
36. What Will Become of Coronavirus Pandemic? : Readings by Edgar Cayce
- Author
Ryuho Okawa and Ryuho Okawa
- Abstract
This book is a transcript of the spiritual messages from Edgar Cayce recorded on April 9, 2020. At the time, the world's major cities were in a lockdown.Edgar Cayce, also known as'the Sleeping Prophet,'was an American psychic who revealed the causes and provided solutions to various diseases through his spiritual readings. What would he say about the novel coronavirus if he were alive today? You might say it's wishful thinking, but fortunately, the author's ability to receive spiritual messages makes this possible. What Will Become of Coronavirus Pandemic? is a book of miracle, indeed.Cayce, now a spirit in heaven, tells us that the novel coronavirus infection is likely to spread even further, but he also teaches us the truth of the coronavirus infection and the effective ways to deal with it. By reading this book, you, too, can gain the power to defeat the novel coronavirus. Here is your light of hope.Okawa is the Master of Happy Science, a religion founded in 1986 and now joined by people in more than 100 countries across the world. As of June 2020, he has given over 3,100 lectures and has published a total of more than 2,700 books worldwide, many which are translated into 31 languages. Among these books, 550 of them are the Spiritual Interview series recorded through Okawa's unparalleled spiritual ability.
- Published
- 2020
37. The Possession : Know the Ghost Condition and Overcome Negative Spiritual Influence
- Author
Ryuho Okawa and Ryuho Okawa
- Abstract
Are you or your family members suffering from inexplicable illnesses, successive injuries or accidents, evil habits or strange behavior, or mental disorder? If so, you or your family are likely to be possessed by evil spirits, wandering spirits, or devils. Possession is neither an exceptional occurrence nor unscientific superstition; it's a phenomenon, based on spiritual principles, that is still quite common in the modern society. In The Possession, Okawa speaks of the way to tell if you are under possession, and its cause and prescription, from his several decades of experience as a spiritual master.Okawa is the Master of Happy Science, a religion founded in 1986 and now joined by people in more than 100 countries across the world. As of December 2019, he has given over 3,000 lectures and has published a total of more than 2,600 books worldwide, many which are translated into 31 languages. He has also given lectures in a dozen countries. Among these books, 500 of them are the Spiritual Interview series recorded through Okawa's unparalleled spiritual ability. He is an expert in the laws that govern the spiritual world, as well as in the relationship between this world and the spiritual world, and has published many books on them.Through this book, you can find the way to change your own mind and free yourself from possession, and the way to exorcise devils by relying on the power of angels and God. If you are suffering because your psychiatrist or church cannot help you, why don't you read, believe, and practice what is written in this book? Give it a try. This is a gospel that will help you rebuild your life.
- Published
- 2020
38. The Laws of Steel : Living a Life of Resilience, Confidence and Prosperity
- Author
Ryuho Okawa and Ryuho Okawa
- Subjects
- Self-actualization (Psychology), Conduct of life, Religious life
- Abstract
The Laws of Steel: Living a Life of Resilience, Confidence and Prosperity is the 26th volume of the Laws Series by Ryuho Okawa. “Steel” here means our true strength as children of God; we have an inherent power to manifest happiness and prosperity in our lives, and to overcome any evil or conflict to open a Golden Age. This book is a compilation of six lectures that Ryuho Okawa gave in 2018 and 2019, each containing passionate messages for us to open a brighter future for ourselves and the world. It begins with a topic on how to invite prosperity. According to the author, happiness and prosperity are already inherent in all of us and all we need to do is just change our mindset to manifest them in real life. Chapter 2 describes the law of cause and effect, the basic principle to achieve success. Okawa says that if we want to be truly successful in life, we need to understand the law of cause and effect and humbly accept the outcome of our own thoughts and actions. In Chapter 3, Okawa refers to the development of artificial intelligence (AI) and how we should live and work in this modern society where scientific technology rapidly advances and people's life expectancy greatly increases. He also suggests us to do “inspiration-able” work and gives advice on how to receive good inspirations from heaven. These inspirations, he says, will also serve to solve many difficult challenges that we face in international society. In Chapter 4, Okawa talks of his personal experience on how he has achieved success through self-confidence, passion, and the heart of gratitude. He also refers to hot global issues including Iran and Israel, and presents ways to overcome conflicts between Christianity and Islam. In Chapter 5, Okawa talks of his mission and determination as a savior, and calls on people to live in a spiritual way and contribute to create a better world. The concluding chapter talks of the power to make miracles, and Okawa introduces some of the many miracles that happened to the members of Happy Science. He also emphasizes the importance of having a pure mind, giving love to others, and using prayers to open a brighter future. This powerful and inspiring book will not only show us the ways to achieve true happiness and prosperity, but also the ways to solve many global issues we now face. It presents us with wisdom that is based on a spiritual perspective, and a new design for our future society. With the increasing number of people who read and understand the spiritual truths described in this book, we can overcome different values and create a peaceful world, thereby ushering in a Golden Age.
- Published
- 2020
39. Twiceborn : My Early Thoughts That Revealed My True Mission
- Author
Ryuho Okawa and Ryuho Okawa
- Abstract
Twiceborn: My Early Thoughts that Revealed My True Mission chronicles Ryuho Okawa's formative years up to the founding of Happy Science and rise to religious prominence. Comprised of two parts, Part One offers a glimpse into Okawa's early thoughts on profound philosophical themes. Part Two depicts Okawa's first mainstream lecture in Tokyo Dome, where he addressed a grand audience of 50,000 people in July, 1991. Okawa's milestone moments will be featured in the theatrical film, Twiceborn, a dramatized account of Okawa's ascent to greatness, scheduled for international release in the Fall of 2020. Since childhood, Okawa was conscious of an important mission steering his future, and dedicated his youth to assiduous study and training. Part One is comprised of six chapters, where Okawa shares vital lessons and discoveries from his youth that would later stand him in good stead when assuming his mission as a world teacher. Chapter One introduces Okawa's humble beginnings and his awareness of being ordinary. Okawa frames this perception as the impetus governing his aspirations and commitment to diligence. Drawing from experience, Okawa shares key points to consider for those who aspire for greatness. Chapter Two seeds the importance of cultivating a spirit of independence. In this context, independence is the spirit to take responsibility over your life, both mentally and financially, and to live a truly fruitful and meaningful existence. Chapter Three explores the notion of diverse values – why different values, such as people's way of thinking and religious ideas exist, and how we should perceive this diversity. Okawa also shares thoughts on the existence of good and evil and God's purpose behind this duality. Chapter Four focuses objectively on God – from how Okawa came to ponder the existence of God, to his actual experience with the divine – by contemplating his upbringing, environment and the struggles that he encountered throughout adolescence. Okawa accents the importance of controlling and refining one's own mind to encounter God. Chapter Five pertains to time and being. Okawa probes philosophical themes, including why we exist in this world and how we can universally validate the existence of God through love. Chapter Six describes, in detail, the crucial moment when Okawa overcame the Devils'temptation and vowed dedication to a life of religious prominence. Okawa's sincerity conveys his earnest mission to champion peace and deliver salvation to us all. Part Two depicts Okawa's 1991 milestone lecture in Tokyo Dome, “The Victory of Faith,” where he made a stunning revelation that forever changed the lives of millions. In this powerful and inspiring lecture, Okawa reveals the spiritual truths governing this world and the reason for our existence.Twiceborn imbues readers with timeless wisdom to further spiritual enrichment and inspire meaningful societal contributions. Find God in your given circumstances and endeavor the mission that you are destined for!
- Published
- 2020
40. Spiritual Interviews with the Guardian Spirits of Biden and Trump
- Author
Ryuho Okawa and Ryuho Okawa
- Abstract
GOD CHOSE TRUMP as the president of the U.S for the next term.As the coronavirus pandemic continues to wreak havoc around the world, the 2020 U.S. presidential election will be a historic one. Here is the reason—Biden and Trump have completely different attitudes toward totalitarian China, who possibly developed the coronavirus as a weapon. In Spiritual Interviews with the Guardian Spirits of Biden and Trump, we closed in on the true thoughts of both candidates to get a forecast of the U.S. presidential election, in the form of a spiritual interview with their guardian spirits. We hope you will read and see their differences.Ryuho Okawa is the Master & CEO of Happy Science. Its religious movement was founded in 1986 and is now joined by people in more than 110 countries across the world. He has published a total of more than 2,700 books worldwide, many of which are translated into 31 languages.“Spiritual interview with guardian spirits” may sound unfamiliar, but it is a means of religious journalism. Through his unparalleled spiritual ability, author Ryuho Okawa, Master and CEO of Happy Science Group, summons the guardian spirit, known in the field of psychology as the subconscious.Okawa has published a total of more than 550 books of spiritual interviews. These include records of spiritual conversations with the guardian spirits of living people and the spirits of historical figures who reside in the Spirit World. Through these books, Okawa offers readers the resources to guide them through modern issues and the hints to help them steer the future of humankind.What a person thinks in his or her subconscious will eventually manifest in their words and actions. According to the author, China could become the next hegemonic state if Biden is elected the president. We sincerely hope that the Americans will choose the right leader after reading this book.
- Published
- 2020
41. The New Resurrection : My Miraculous Story of Overcoming Illness and Death
- Author
Ryuho Okawa and Ryuho Okawa
- Subjects
- Resurrection
- Abstract
The New Resurrection is an autobiographical account of an astonishing miracle experienced by author Ryuho Okawa in 2004. This event was adapted into the feature-length film Immortal Hero, released in Japan, the United States and Canada during the Fall of 2019.Chapter 1 recounts the incredible story of Ryuho Okawa's resurrection from physical death. At the age of 47, Okawa suffered a severe episode of chest pain and was rushed to a local hospital. Upon intake, attending physicians remarked “you should be dead...” as the medical examination revealed that Okawa's heart had stopped. Unbelievably, during the onset of cardiac arrest, he was fully conscious and responsive, witnessing the startling diagnosis unfold by a team of respected physicians at a prestigious Tokyo hospital. Chapter 2 is a transcription of a live Q&A session from the 2019 lecture “The New Resurrection” in Tokyo, Japan, where Okawa candidly recounts how his life has changed post miracle. In chapter 3, Okawa publishes 15 select poems, out of 108, that he composed from his hospital bed amidst a modest recovery. For the first time, Okawa shares sincere thoughts and contemplations as he faced and overcame death. Today, Okawa lives each day with the readiness to die for the Truth and has dedicated his life to selflessly guide faith seekers towards spiritual development and happiness. In testament to Okawa's earnest resolve, the appendix showcases a myriad of accomplishments by Okawa, chronicled after his miraculous resurrection.
- Published
- 2020
42. John Lennon's Message From Heaven : On the Spirit of Love and Peace, Music, and the Incredible Secret of His Soul
- Author
Ryuho Okawa and Ryuho Okawa
- Abstract
Music can inspire the heart and it sometimes changes the world. Multitudes of people in John Lennon's time celebrated his music, and his songs of love and peace continue to be played today everywhere. His music awakened people's power to imagine and let them realize the power within their minds.John Lennon's Message from Heaven is a compilation of his spiritual message held in three separate parts. He speaks his real thoughts and feelings on many topics regarding the world's current and past conditions, and key aspects of the life he lived on Earth. Among many other things, he talks about the secret to his explosive popularity and what he wanted to tell others about the Establishment, the Vietnam War, the Black liberation movement and racial discrimination, the Christian church of now, and his support of pacifism but not communism. In times of war and hatred, people remember time and again how he tried to bring power to the people to help their suffering.You will also discover his hidden soul-connection, his current place in Heaven and mission there, and his strong support for religious leader Ryuho Okawa and the Happy Science organization. In these pages, you will learn the inner spiritual essence of John Lennon and the heavenly aspect of the rock music that helps people and the world.
- Published
- 2020
43. Spiritual Messages From the Guardian Spirit of Ayatollah Khamenei and General Soleimani : For the Mutual Understanding Between Iran and The U.S. (Spiritual Interview Series)
- Author
Ryuho Okawa and Ryuho Okawa
- Abstract
It's an astonishing reality. In January 2020, U.S. forces killed Major General Soleimani by drone attack while he was in Iraq. Only a day after his death, his spirit visited Okawa in Tokyo, who was just going to bed, and gave spiritual messages. Chapter 1 is a record of the spiritual session.Okawa is the Master of Happy Science, a religion founded in 1986 and now joined by people in more than 100 countries across the world. As of December 2019, he has given over 3,000 lectures and has published a total of more than 2,600 books worldwide, many which are translated into 31 languages. Among these books, 500 of them are the Spiritual Interview series recorded through Okawa's unparalleled spiritual ability. He can summon the spirit of any deceased person or any guardian spirit of a living person. Oftentimes, spirits visit Okawa to voice their opinion through him.Three days after the spiritual session with Soleimani came the guardian spirit of Ayatollah Khamenei of Iran, who suggested that Iran will attack the U.S. in the near future. Then, it became a reality just 24 hours later. Chapter 2 is the record of the spiritual session with the guardian spirit of Ayatollah Khamenei.The spirit of General Soleimani and the guardian spirit of Ayatollah Khamenei both insist that Iran is a country that believes in Allah and prides itself in its traditional culture, definitely not a nation of terrorism. Nevertheless, it's also true that Iran and other Islamic countries should respect the fundamental human rights. Allah and the God of Christianity are the same being, so the U.S. and Iran should not fight against each other. We sincerely pray that this book will bring mutual understanding between the two countries and prevent further conflict.
- Published
- 2020
44. The Reason We Are Here : Make Our Powers Together to Realize God's Justice -China Issue, Global Warming, and LGBT-
- Author
Ryuho Okawa and Ryuho Okawa
- Abstract
The Reason We Are Here is a book of thought that is unlike any other: its global perspective, timely opinion on current issues, and spiritual class are unmatched. The main content is the lecture in Toronto, Canada given in October 2019 by Ryuho Okawa, a Japanese spiritual leader and the national teacher of Japan. Also included are his answers to the questions—specifically, on the Hong Kong and Uyghur problems—from renowned activists who attended his lecture.The major themes of Okawa's Toronto lecture were the suppression of democratic movement in Hong Kong and the human rights suppression of Uyghurs, both of which are acts by totalitarian China and harshly criticized by countries around the world. These are subjects of human dignity, the central concept of religion. Additionally, Okawa talked on the themes of global warming and LGBT, to which none of the world religions today can provide answers. He indicated clear guidelines to deal with these problems from the standpoint of the spiritual truth and from God. In this context, “God” refers to the common source, the supreme being in religions such as Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and Buddhism.Okawa is the Master of Happy Science, a religion founded in 1986 and now joined by people in more than 100 countries across the world. As of December 2019, he has published a total of more than 2,600 books worldwide, many which are translated into 31 languages, and given over 3,000 lectures.God wishes for the happiness of all people. That is why He does not stay silent on modern issues, for example, international affairs, environmental concern, and sexual orientation. Realize happy people and happy societies by working together to solve these problems in the name of God's justice—that is “The Reason We Are Here.” So, every human being has the responsibility to learn this fact and study the Truth. We hope you'd do so.
- Published
- 2020
45. Spiritual Interviews with the Guardian Spirit of Joshua Wong : His Resolve to Protect the Freedom of Hong Kong
- Author
Ryuho Okawa and Ryuho Okawa
- Abstract
Spiritual Interview with the Guardian Spirit of Joshua Wong: His resolve to protect the freedom of Hong Kong is the record of an interview with the guardian spirit (the subconscious) of Joshua Wong, one of the young democratic activists in Hong Kong, conducted through the spiritual power of Ryuho Okawa of Happy Science, a religious group based in Japan. Happy Science aims to spread the values of freedom, democracy, and faith throughout the world, and is therefore supporting the protests in Hong Kong. This book is just one of several ways Happy Science supports the protests. In Japan, more than 500 books in the Spiritual Interview series by Okawa reveal people's true thoughts that cannot be made clear through the mass media, and are giving great influence. Over 50 of those are also available in English. These include spiritual interviews with the guardian spirits of national leaders such as U.S. President Donald Trump, Russian President Vladimir Putin, and Chinese President Xi Jinping. The books are having an increasing impact on international politics. Since June 2019, millions of Hong Kong citizens have gathered in the Anti-Extradition Law Amendment Bill protests. Okawa defined this as “Hong Kong Revolution,” and decided to record “Spiritual Messages from the Guardian Spirit of Agnes Chow Ting,” a fellow activist of Wong's, on September 3, seeing that September will be the climactic period before October 1, the National Day of the People's Republic of China. Wong, seeking international support, visited Germany and the U.S., and spoke at the U.S. Congressional hearing in Washington, D.C. on September 17. His spiritual interview was recorded two days later, on September 19, 2019. In the following pages, the guardian spirit of Joshua Wong says that he wants to be a disciple of Jesus Christ, brings up the story of “David and Goliath” from the Old Testament, and compares himself to the young David. He is determined to keep fighting, with the spirit of self-sacrifice, against the powerful suppression by the Communist Party of China, for freedom and fundamental rights. To those around the world who believe in God and pray for God's justice to be served, we hereby bring you the words of the guardian spirit of Joshua Wong. Let there be glory in the courage of Joshua Wong and the freedom of Hong Kong.
- Published
- 2020
46. The Royal Road of Life : Beginning Your Path of Inner Peace, Virtue, and a Life of Purpose
- Author
Ryuho Okawa and Ryuho Okawa
- Abstract
With over thirty years of lectures and teachings spanning diverse topics of faith, self-growth, leadership (and more), author Ryuho Okawa presents the profound eastern wisdom that he has cultivated on his approach to life. The Royal Road of Life illuminates a path to becoming a person of virtue, whose character and depth will move and inspire others towards the same meaningful destination. In these pages, Okawa frames a way of life to master the mind through developing character, chiseled by dignity, wisdom and morality, while keeping a perspective of heaven and spirituality. On this path towards perfection, we will experience lasting and meaningful joy through self-development, says Okawa. Let this book be your guide to attainable success and happiness (that is not limited to this existence alone). Learn to cultivate a way of life that will radiate joy and inspire friends, family and colleagues to experience this magnificent journey. Discover Okawa's guideposts to purposeful living: • Cultivating unwavering inner peace • Building inner virtues such as wisdom, trustworthiness, and courage • Mastering the use of your time to lengthen and enrich its fruits • Advice on rebuilding your life after failure, setback, or adversity and more
- Published
- 2020
47. Jesus Christ's Answers to the Coronavirus Pandemic
- Author
Ryuho Okawa and Ryuho Okawa
- Abstract
Two thousand years ago, Jesus Christ had made miracles such as healing diseases, but was then crucified and resurrected. Since then, his spirit has been listening to prayers from humankind, and offering salvation and guidance from heaven. However, over the course of history, churches have drifted from the heart of Jesus. So now, he has given answers to the problems in the modern world, not through the church, but through the religious master Ryuho Okawa, who has the high spiritual power to receive Jesus'words. This book is the record of the spiritual messages from Jesus given this April (2020) in which Jesus answered the causes, prospects, and coping strategies for the novel coronavirus pandemic.Okawa is the Master of Happy Science, a religion founded in 1986 and now joined by people in more than 100 countries across the world. He has given over 3,100 lectures and has published a total of more than 2,600 books worldwide, many of which are translated into 31 languages. Among these books, over 500 of them are the Spiritual Interview series recorded through Okawa's unparalleled spiritual ability. He can summon the spirit of any deceased person or any guardian spirit of a living person. Oftentimes, spirits visit Okawa to voice their opinion through him.According to Jesus, the coronavirus pandemic occurred as one of the apocalyptic phenomena planned for humans; it is a question asking them whether what they have done so far was right. A vaccine may not be produced immediately, but the important thing is for people to fire the spiritual power to defeat the evil thoughts of the dark forces that act on this virus.In the end of his spiritual message, Jesus speaks:I want the Christian worldTo look at the activities or work of Happy ScienceAnd awaken to their true purpose.It means I believe they will be awakened to true faithIf they listen to my true voice.We hope all of you who believe in Jesus will read this book, listen to his voice, and receive his message.
- Published
- 2020
48. The Real Exorcist : Attain Wisdom to Conquer Evil
- Author
Ryuho Okawa and Ryuho Okawa
- Abstract
The Real Exorcist: Attain Wisdom to Conquer Evil is a profound spiritual text backed by the author's nearly forty years of real-life experience with spiritual phenomenon. Since attaining Great Enlightenment in 1981, Ryuho Okawa has scribed a vast library of spiritual revelations from both Heaven and Hell, which endures today. Through diligent observation and discovery, Okawa correlated that the anomaly of spiritual disturbance is intimately tied with our state of mind – specifically the quality of happiness. With this insight, Okawa sought to teach how we may discern and overcome our negative tendencies, by acquiring the right knowledge, mindset and lifestyle. The Real Exorcist unveils the truth behind spiritual disturbance, which according to Okawa, is a common occurrence that can be quelled with proper guidance. The initial chapter presents the general characteristics of malignant spirits and the mindset to fall under their sphere of influence. The chapter further explores the rite of exorcism, framed by the ritual used by Happy Science. In the following chapter, Okawa dissects the mechanism of spiritual disturbance and how to recognize subtle hints of control. These examples are juxtaposed with references to dramatized depictions of exorcism and possession in popular media. Okawa concludes the chapter by illustrating the ideal lifestyle to hinder opportunistic spirits. Chapter three introduces a taxonomy of diverse spiritual beings – from animal spirits to demons - that prey on weakened states of mind, with curated advice on how subdue them. Chapter four is a compilation of questions from readers with verbatim responses by Okawa pertaining to spiritual manifestations. Okawa outlines the diverse levels of faith and teaches how to gauge our awareness and strive for continuous spiritual progress. Okawa underscores that anyone can overcome undesirable states of fate attributed to negative spiritual influences. By acquiring the correct understanding of the spiritual Truth, and putting it into practice, we can channel heavenly guidance and confidently persevere the milestone moments of our life.Discover the most powerful method to vanquish evil and protect your happiness!
- Published
- 2020
49. On Carbon Footprint Reducing : Why Greta Gets Angry? (Spiritual Interview Series)
- Author
Ryuho Okawa and Ryuho Okawa
- Subjects
- Environmentalism, Environmental justice, Climatic changes--Social aspects, Climatic changes--Religious aspects
- Abstract
September 2019. Greta Thunberg, a 16-year-old environmental activist from Sweden, gave a speech at the United Nations Climate Actions Summit that shocked the world. Ryuho Okawa, Master and CEO of Happy Science Group, felt there was something “more” to her expression and words through his spiritual intuition. In this book, Okawa summons the spiritual beings who have influence on Greta, and has them speak their true intention as to why they made her say what she said.What we found was slightly disturbing, to say the least. Of the two spirits sending inspiration to Greta's speeches and activities, one was the spirit of a historical figure involved in the Russian Revolution. Moreover, we found the political motive behind the global warming theory: to put a stop to the industries and economic activities of advanced countries, thereby sapping their power of influence in the international community.In Japan, more than 500 books in the Spiritual Interview series by Okawa reveal people's true thoughts that cannot be made clear through the mass media, and are giving great influence. Over 50 of those are also available in English. These include spiritual interviews with the guardian spirits of national leaders such as U.S. President Donald Trump, Russian President Vladimir Putin, and Chinese President Xi Jinping. The books are having an increasing impact on international politics.We should not be fooled by “a communism revival movement” disguised as science. We must not bring our civilization to decline. This is not a matter of “climate justice,” but “world justice.” We hope this book will inform you of the justice that the world requires today.
- Published
- 2020
50. The Age of Mercy : Overcoming Religious Conflicts Under the Supreme God, El Cantare
- Author
Ryuho Okawa and Ryuho Okawa
- Abstract
Truth unites the world.Love ends hatred.Christians, Muslims, and God-believersMaterialists, communists, and non-believers...Why do they fight?When will they say,'it's all right'?We bring you the messages of salvation from the Primordial God,Who has been nurturing us humans since the beginning of time. ・Why does this world exist? What is the world of truth? ・What do people experience when they die? ・What are the differences between religions? Why do they fight each other? ・God wishes for love and peace on Earth ・There is the Supreme God above all other godsFind the answers you seek in The Age of Mercy.
- Published
- 2019
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