501 results on '"Olstam, Johan"'
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2. Effects of Geofencing on Exhaust Emissions and Noise : A combined Test Track and Traffic Simulation Study
- Author
Svensson, Nina, Genell, Anders, Gustafsson, Mats, Olstam, Johan, Gebrehiwot, Rihanna, Bhattacharyya, Kinjal, Sjöblom, Jonas, Svensson, Nina, Genell, Anders, Gustafsson, Mats, Olstam, Johan, Gebrehiwot, Rihanna, Bhattacharyya, Kinjal, and Sjöblom, Jonas
- Abstract
Speed-limiting geofencing has been suggested as a mean to improve both traffic safety and to reduce emissions from road transport. However, there is limited knowledge of the effect of geo-fencing on air quality and noise. In this project we have performed a combined measurement and modelling study to evaluate the effects of geofencing on traffic performance, traffic safety (described elsewhere), exhaust and noise emissions.
- Published
- 2024
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3. Är dynamiska busskörfält en bra bussprioriteringsåtgärd? : En simuleringsutvärdering av framkomlighets- och emissionseffekter
- Author
Olstam, Johan, Häll, Carl Henrik, Bhattacharyya, Kinjal, Gebrehiwot, Rihanna, Olstam, Johan, Häll, Carl Henrik, Bhattacharyya, Kinjal, and Gebrehiwot, Rihanna
- Abstract
Kortare restider och minskad restidsosäkerhet kan stärka kollektivtrafikens konkurrenskraft. Busstrafiken delar ofta gatuutrymme med andra trafikanter och restider och osäkerheter i restiden påverkas därför av övriga trafikflöden. Detta kan motverkas genom åtgärder för att prioritera busstrafik, som till exempel bussgator eller busskörfält. Sådana åtgärder är dock inte alltid möjliga på grund av begränsat utrymme eller för stor påverkan på övrig trafik. Ett alternativ är dynamiska busskörfält, vilka bara är reserverade för kollektivtrafik när en buss behöver det. Tidigare forskning kring dynamiska busskörfält innefattar bland annat tre fältförsök. Dokumentationen från försöken är tyvärr begränsad och slutsatserna är primärt att dynamiska busskörfält har potential. Tidigare studier av dynamiska busskörfält med trafikmodeller visar på minskad bussrestid och begränsad fördröjning för övriga fordon. Dock är förhållandena som studerats oftast inte representativa för en svensk kontext. Syftet med denna studie är att utvärdera effekter på framkomlighet och emissioner av dynamiska busskörfält längs en huvudgata/infartsväg i en medelstor svensk stad för verklighetsbaserade trafikflöden och bussfrekvenser. Utvärderingen har genomförts som en trafiksimuleringsfallstudie av en i Sverige vanligt förekommande huvudgata/infartsväg med två körfält med trängselproblem under kortare tidsperioder på morgonen och eftermiddagen. Laholmsvägen i Halmstad, en infartsväg med två körfält och signalreglerade korsningar, har använts som utgångspunkt för att studera olika typer av trafikförhållanden. Modellen kalibrerades baserat på körförlopp från Hallandstrafikens bussar, trafikmätningar från Halmstad kommun och körförlopp från video vid två korsningar., Reduced travel time and increased reliability can improve the competitiveness of public transport. Buses often share space with other vehicles and travel time and reliability depends on traffic flow. This can be mitigated by prioritization measures as bus streets or bus lanes, but such measures are not always possible due to limited space or too large impact on other traffic. An alternative is dynamic bus lanes, which only are reserved for buses when needed. Previous research on dynamic bus lanes includes three field trials, but documentations are unfortunately limited. The conclusions are primarily that dynamic bus lanes have potential. Previous traffic model investigations of dynamic bus show reduced bus travel time and limited delay for other traffic. However, the studied traffic conditions do not represent typical Swedish conditions. The aim of this report is therefore to study impacts on traffic performance and emissions for a main arterial with real world bus frequencies for a Swedish situation. The investigation is based on a traffic simulation case study for a common Swedish arterial with two lanes, signalized intersections and congestion limited to short peaks. Laholmsvägen in Halmstad was used as a starting point to study impacts for different traffic demands. The model was calibrated using bus trajectories, traffic and turning counts and vehicle trajectories from video for two intersections., CTR - Kollektivtrafikprioritering med dynamiska busskörfält
- Published
- 2024
4. Analys av omkörningar och hastighet på en mötesfri motortrafikled : Djupgående analys baserat på ny teknik för återigenkänning av fordon från videomätning
- Author
Olstam, Johan, Bhattacharyya, Kinjal, Singh, Amritpal, Asefaw, Aron, Erlandsson, Ulf, Bernhardsson, Viktor, Olstam, Johan, Bhattacharyya, Kinjal, Singh, Amritpal, Asefaw, Aron, Erlandsson, Ulf, and Bernhardsson, Viktor
- Abstract
För en bättre förståelse av förarbeteendet och trafikföringen på mötesfria vägar och motortrafikleder (så kallade 2+1-vägar) behövs mer detaljerade data än vad traditionella punktmätningar kan bidra med. Det bästa vore mätningar av samtliga fordon över en längre sträcka (flera en- och tvåfältsavsnitt). Detta är dock svårt med dagens datainsamlingstekniker. Nya videobaserade mättekniker möjliggör dock mätningar av samtliga fordon över kortare sträckor och skulle vid sammankoppling av flera mätenheter kunna möjliggöra beräkning av vad som händer mellan mätstationerna, till exempel hur många omkörningar som genomförs på olika delsträckor och medelhastighet för enskilda fordon. I denna rapport presenterar vi en metodik för sammankoppling av fordonspassager från flera videobaserade mätstationer. Metodiken har tillämpats för att analysera omkörningar, hastigheter, kölängder, etc. på en omkörningssträcka på en mötesfri motortrafikled på E18 i närheten av Brottby. Den utvecklade metodiken har använts för att analysera bland annat antal omkörningar, antal omkörande och omkörda fordon, sträck- och punkthastigheter för omkörande och omkörda fordon, samband mellan flöde och sträckhastighet uppdelat på tre olika delar av omkörningssträckan. Den aktuella vägsträckan har också simulerats med de mikroskopiska trafiksimuleringsverktygen RuTSim och SUMO. Syftet med denna del var att undersöka i vilken utsträckning det är möjligt att återskapa den observerade trafikföringen på en mötesfri motortrafikled med ett trafiksimuleringsprogram speciellt utvecklat för mötesfria vägar (RuTSim) och ett trafiksimuleringsprogram utvecklat för i första hand simulering av motorvägar och tätortsvägar (SUMO). Simuleringsmodellerna klarar till viss del av att beskriva genomsnittlig sträckhastighet över hela sträckan samt antalet omkörningar på den första och andra delen av omkörningssträckan. Dock ger båda modellerna för få omkörningar på de sista 350 meterna samt för få fordon som kör om fler än 4 and, Understanding driving behaviour and traffic operations on oncoming separated roads with intermittent passing lanes (so called 2+1 roads) requires more detailed data than traditional cross-sectional measurements. The ideal case is measurements of all vehicles over a longer stretch (including several one and two lane segments), but this is difficult with today’s data collection techniques. New video-based techniques enable measurements of all vehicles over a shorter stretch and could potentially enable analysis of traffic operations between camera positions if several cameras are connected. This report presents a methodology for re-recognition of vehicles detected at different video-based measurement systems. The methodology was applied to analyse traffic operations on a two-lanesegment on the 2+1 road E18 close to Brottby, Sweden. We have, for example, analysed number of overtakings, number of overtaking and overtaken vehicles, cross-sectional and segment speed for overtaking and overtaken vehicles, relation between flow and space mean speed for three different sub-segments. We have also conducted traffic simulation of this road stretch in the microscopic traffic simulation tools, RuTSim and SUMO. The aim of this part was to investigate to what extent it is possible to reproduce the observed traffic operations in a traffic simulation model specifically developed for 2+1 roads (RuTSim) and a traffic simulation model developed mainly for urban and motorway traffic(SUMO). Both models are able to fairly accurately describe the space mean speed over the whole two-lane segment and number of overtakings on the first and second segment. However, both models underestimate the number of overtakings on the last 350 meters (the merging segment) as well as the number of cars overtaking more than 4 vehicles on segment 1 and 2. The conclusion is that both RuTSim and SUMO need further development of the tactical overtaking and merging behaviour to be able to simulate 2+1 roads., Trafikföring på mötesfria landsvägar och motortrafikleder / Traffic performance on oncoming separated rural roads and semi-motorways
- Published
- 2024
5. Automation-ready framework for urban transport and road infrastructure planning
- Author
Gyergyay, Bernard, Gomari, Syrus, Friedrich, Markus, Sonnleitner, Jörg, Olstam, Johan, and Johansson, Fredrik
- Published
- 2019
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6. Simulating Interaction Behaviors in Bi-Directional Shared Corridor with Real Case Study
- Author
Flötteröd, Yun-Pang, primary, Erdmann, Jakob, additional, Krajzewicz, Daniel, additional, and Olstam, Johan, additional
- Published
- 2023
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7. Evaluation of eco-driving systems: A European analysis with scenarios and micro simulation
- Author
Jonkers, Eline, Nellthorp, John, Wilmink, Isabel, and Olstam, Johan
- Published
- 2018
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8. Modeling Perception Performance in Microscopic Simulation of Traffic Flows Including Automated Vehicles
- Author
Postigo, Ivan, primary, Rydergren, Clas, additional, and Olstam, Johan, additional
- Published
- 2023
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9. Simulation of Vehicles in a Driving Simulator Using Microscopic Traffic Simulation
- Author
Olstam, Johan Janson, primary
- Published
- 2019
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10. Reduction of errors when estimating emissions based on static traffic model outputs
- Author
Tsanakas, Nikolaos, Ekström, Joakim, and Olstam, Johan
- Published
- 2017
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11. Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Deployment of Connected and Automated Vehicles in Mixed Traffic Environment and the Implications on Traffic Safety and Efficiency
- Author
Farah, Haneen, primary, Olstam, Johan, additional, and Zheng, Zuduo, additional
- Published
- 2023
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12. Modeling Automated Driving in Microscopic Traffic Simulations for Traffic Performance Evaluations: Aspects to Consider and State of the Practice
- Author
Farah, Haneen, primary, Postigo, Ivan, additional, Reddy, Nagarjun, additional, Dong, Yongqi, additional, Rydergren, Clas, additional, Raju, Narayana, additional, and Olstam, Johan, additional
- Published
- 2023
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13. Investigation of Automated Vehicle Effects on Driver's Behavior and Traffic Performance
- Author
Aria, Erfan, Olstam, Johan, and Schwietering, Christoph
- Published
- 2016
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14. 2+1-roads Recent Swedish Capacity and Level-of-Service Experience
- Author
Bergh, Torsten, Remgård, Mats, Carlsson, Arne, Olstam, Johan, and Strömgren, Per
- Published
- 2016
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15. A Model for Capacity Reduction at Roadwork Zone
- Author
Strömgren, Per and Olstam, Johan
- Published
- 2016
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16. Evaluation of the potential of speed-limiting geofencing : Effects on traffic safety, health, and the environment
- Author
Nygårdhs, Sara, Bhattacharyya, Kinjal, Gebrehiwot, Rihanna, Genell, Anders, Gustafsson, Mats, Olstam, Johan, Sjöblom, Jonas, Svensson, Nina, Vadeby, Anna, Nygårdhs, Sara, Bhattacharyya, Kinjal, Gebrehiwot, Rihanna, Genell, Anders, Gustafsson, Mats, Olstam, Johan, Sjöblom, Jonas, Svensson, Nina, and Vadeby, Anna
- Abstract
Geofencing can be used for governing connected vehicles, for instance in terms of speed or use of fuel, within a digital geographic zone. The overall aim of this project was to examine the potential of speed-limiting geofencing with respect to measurable effects on traffic safety, health, and the environment. The project consisted of a literature review, a test track study, and a traffic simulation study. The literature review aimed to examine studies on effects of geofencing and revealed that studies on speed-limiting geofencing are few. The test track study evaluated the effects of geofencing on a single vehicle. Two scenarios with a relevant application in the real world were chosen, i.e., speed-limiting in connection with a school and a hospital, respectively. Three different driving patterns were used, based on data from real traffic, and speed, pollutant emissions and noise were measured. The test track study showed that there is a potential for increased traffic safety in these types of traffic environments, especially for pedestrians and cyclists, without negative effects on the environment. The traffic simulation study aimed to estimate the effects of geofencing implemented on a larger scale by simulating a whole vehicle fleet, with various percentages of geofenced vehicles. The hospital scenario was chosen for traffic simulation, and it was concluded that a high percentage of vehicles with geofencing implemented is needed for most vehicles to respect the posted speed limit. In addition, the total effect of geofencing parts of a vehicle fleet might not be a decrease in emissions. The overall results from the project indicate that geofencing vehicle speed could lead to increased traffic safety without negative consequences for health in terms of pollutant emissions and noise. There is however a need to follow up the effects on a vehicle fleet in real traffic environments., Geostaket (geofencing) kan användas för att styra uppkopplade fordon, exempelvis gällande hastighet eller val av bränsle, inom ett digitalt avgränsat geografiskt område. Huvudsyftet med detta projekt var att undersöka potentialen av hastighetsbegränsande geostaket med avseende på mätbara effekter på trafiksäkerhet, hälsa och miljö. Detta görs genom att studera ett fåtal enskilda fall där användande av geostaket skulle kunna vara en tänkbar åtgärd för att öka hastighetsefterlevnaden. Inom projektet genomfördes en litteraturstudie, en studie på testbana och en trafiksimuleringsstudie. Litteraturstudiens syfte var att undersöka tidigare studier om effekter av geostaket och den visade att det endast finns ett fåtal studier om hastighetsbegränsande geostaket. Testbanestudien utvärderade effekterna av geostaket på ett enskilt fordon. Två scenarier med en relevant tillämpning i verkligheten valdes ut, nämligen hastighetsbegränsning vid en skola respektive vid ett sjukhus. Tre olika körmönster användes, baserade på data från verklig trafik. Hastighet, avgasemissioner och buller mättes på testbanan för dessa körmönster. Testbanestudien visade att det finns potential för ökad trafiksäkerhet i dessa typer av trafikmiljöer, särskilt för fotgängare och cyklister, utan negativa miljöeffekter. Trafiksimuleringsstudiens syfte var att uppskatta effekter av användning av geostaket i större skala genom att simulera en hel fordonsflotta, där andelen fordon med geostakettillämpning varierade. Sjukhusscenariot användes vid trafiksimuleringen och slutsatsen var att en hög andel fordon med geostakettillämpning behövs för att de flesta fordon ska respektera hastighetsgränsen. Dessutom visade resultaten att totaleffekten av att inhägna delar av en fordonsflotta inte nödvändigtvis är minskade avgasemissioner. Sammanfattningsvis indikerade resultaten från projektet att tillämpning av geostaket för fordonshastighet kan leda till ökad trafiksäkerhet utan negativa konsekvenser för hälsa i form av
- Published
- 2023
17. Förstudie vägkapacitetsmodeller i Sverige : utvecklingsbehov för Trafikverkets vägkapacitetsmanual och handbok för trafiksimulering
- Author
Johansson, Fredrik, Silvano, Ary P., Bhattacharyya, Kinjal, Olstam, Johan, Johansson, Fredrik, Silvano, Ary P., Bhattacharyya, Kinjal, and Olstam, Johan
- Abstract
Detta PM redovisar resultaten från en förstudie med syfte att identifiera forsknings- och utvecklingsbehov för de vägkapacitetsmodeller och metoder för tillämpning av trafiksimulerings[1]modeller som används i Sverige, samt identifiera behov av utökad empiri inom dessa områden. Utgångspunkten är kapacitetsmodellerna för de vägtrafikanläggningar som finns representerade i nuvarande kapacitetsmanual, TRVMB Kapacitet och framkomlighetseffekter (TRV 2013:64343), och de rekommendationer kring tillämpning av mikroskopiska trafiksimuleringsmodeller som finns i den nuvarande simuleringshandboken, Handbok för kapacitetsanalys med hjälp av simulering (TRV2013/79994). Kapacitetsmanualen och simuleringshandboken har gåtts igenom och uppdaterings, utvecklings- och forskningsbehov har identifierats och stämts av med såväl Trafikverket som utvalda svenska experter inom området. Det har också genomfört litteraturgenomgångar för områdena kapacitetsmodeller för motorvägar, osäkerhetsskattning och känslighetsanalys för kapacitetsmodeller och simuleringshandböcker. Resultatet från projektet är en sammanställning av de uppdateringsbehov som kan genomföras utan ny forskning samt förslag till forsknings- och utvecklingsprojekt som behöver initieras. Exempel på uppdateringsbehov som inte kräver ny forskning är uppdatering kopplat till layout, språk, etc., struktur, syfte och målgrupp, men även behov av uppdatering av kapitlen i kapacitetsmanualen baserat på resultat från redan genomförda forskningsprojekt. Exempel på uppdateringar utifrån genomförda forskningsprojekt är kapacitetsberäkningsmetoder för korta körfält eller friliggande högersväng i korsningar; nya parametervärden för hastighetsflödessamband för landsvägar, mötesfria vägar och motorvägar; nya korrigeringsfaktorer för kritisk tidlucka i cirkulationsplatser. Förslag på forskningsprojekt som bör initieras omfattar projekt kopplat till exempelvis: sekundärkonflikter med gång- och cykeltrafikanter i korsningar; inverkan av lutning, This memorandum present results from a pre-study with the aim of identifying research and development needs for the road capacity models and methods for application of microscopic traffic simulation models for capacity analysis that are used in Sweden today. The aim was also to identify needs for collecting new empirical data. The starting point was the capacity models for the road facilities that are presented in the current capacity manual: TRVMB Kapacitet och framkomlighetseffekter (TRV 2013:64343); and the recommendations for application of microscopic traffic simulation models that are presented in the current simulation handbook: Handbok för kapacitetsanalys med hjälp av simulering (TRV2013/79994). The capacity manual and the simulation handbook have been reviewed and update, development, and research needs have been identified and checked and agreed upon with Trafikverket (Swedish Transport Administration). The memorandum also presents literature reviews on capacity models for motorways, handling of uncertainties and sensitivity analysis in road capacity manuals and models as well as a review of international simulation handbooks and guidelines. The result from the pre-study is a list of update needs that can be conducted without new research and development and research projects that should be initiated. Example of update needs that do not require new research are updates related to layout, language, structure, aim and target group, but also needs of updating the manual with findings and methods from already conducted research and development projects. Examples of updates from already finished projects include capacity calculation models for short lanes or free right turns in intersections; new parameter values for speed-flow relationships for rural roads, oncoming separated rural roads and motorways; new correction factors for critical time gaps in roundabouts. Suggestions on research projects that should be initiated include projects connected to secondary
- Published
- 2023
18. Modeling Automated Driving in Microscopic Traffic Simulations for Traffic Performance Evaluations: Aspects to Consider and State of the Practice
- Author
Farah, Haneen, Postigo, Ivan, Reddy, Nagarjun, Dong, Yongqi, Rydergren, Clas, Raju, Narayana, Olstam, Johan, Farah, Haneen, Postigo, Ivan, Reddy, Nagarjun, Dong, Yongqi, Rydergren, Clas, Raju, Narayana, and Olstam, Johan
- Abstract
The gradual deployment of automated vehicles on the existing road network will lead to a long transition period in which vehicles at different driving automation levels and capabilities will share the road with human driven vehicles, resulting into what is known as mixed traffic. Whether our road infrastructure is ready to safely and efficiently accommodate this mixed traffic remains a knowledge gap. Microscopic traffic simulation provides a proactive approach for assessing these implications. However, differences in assumptions regarding modeling automated driving in current simulation studies, and the use of different terminology make it difficult to compare the results of these studies. Therefore, the aim of this study is to specify the aspects to consider for modeling automated driving in microscopic traffic simulations using harmonized concepts, to investigate how both empirical studies and microscopic traffic simulation studies on automated driving have considered the proposed aspects, and to identify the state of the practice and the research needs to further improve the modeling of automated driving. Six important aspects were identified: the role of authorities, the role of users, the vehicle system, the perception of surroundings based on the vehicle’s sensors, the vehicle connectivity features, and the role of the infrastructure both physical and digital. The research gaps and research directions in relation to these aspects are identified and proposed, these might bring great benefits for the development of more accurate and realistic modeling of automated driving in microscopic traffic simulations., Funding agencies: Applied and Technical Sciences (TTW), a subdomain of the Dutch Institute for Scientific Research (NWO) through the Project Safe and Efficient Operation of Automated and Human-Driven Vehicles in Mixed Traffic (SAMEN) (Grant Number: 17187)Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket) through the Project Simulation and Modeling of Automated Road Transport (SMART) (Grant Number: TRV 2019/27044)
- Published
- 2023
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19. An Automated Process for Identification of Bottlenecks in the Traffic System Using Large Data Sets
- Author
Grumert, Ellen F., Olstam, Johan, Grumert, Ellen F., and Olstam, Johan
- Abstract
Traffic breakdowns are frequently observed phenomena on roads in larger cities, especially during peak hours. Locations along a road stretch with frequently observed breakdowns are known as recurrent bottlenecks. Knowledge about bottleneck locations are important for improvement of traffic conditions at these locations. Bottleneck locations can be identified through manual inspection of data. However, due to the comprehensive amount of data that are available today, it becomes impractical to manually identify breakdowns and instead, an automated process can be used. We propose such an automated method. The proposed method is applied to a use case south of Stockholm in Sweden. One month of data collected at densely spaced detectors is used to investigate the sensitivity of the parameter settings. After calibration of the threshold values, 100% of the larger breakdowns and 40% of the medium size breakdowns are identified. Smaller breakdowns, not giving significant impact on the traffic conditions, are only detected in 10%-20% of the cases. Thereafter, the method is applied to 1 year of data to illustrate the applicability of the method on a larger data set. The results show that the method is promising to use for identification of recurrent bottleneck locations., Funding Agencies|Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket) through the Centre for Traffic Research (CTR); [TRV 2017/68538]
- Published
- 2023
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20. Guest Editorial Introduction to the Special Issue on Deployment of Connected and Automated Vehicles in Mixed Traffic Environment and the Implications on Traffic Safety and Efficiency
- Author
Farah, Haneen, Olstam, Johan, Zheng, Zuduo, Farah, Haneen, Olstam, Johan, and Zheng, Zuduo
- Abstract
The gradual deployment of Connected and Automated Vehicles (CAV) in traffic will result in a transition period in which vehicles with various levels of automation and connectivity will have to co-exist with non-connected and non-automated road users for quite some time. Consequently, new types of interactions will emerge (and old types of interactions are likely to become more complicated) between vehicles at different levels of automation and other road users which could have significant implications on traffic safety and efficiency. Understanding the nature of these interactions, how humans might adapt their behavior, how connectivity can be utilized to proactively enhance drivers char63 driving performance, and how automated vehicles can be programmed to behave in different driving situations to guarantee safety and efficiency remain among the key knowledge gaps that require scientific research. This knowledge is crucial for the development of adequate integration policies of connected and automated vehicles in mixed traffic environment, for updating and improving automated vehicles char63 algorithms and software, for designing the physical and digital road infrastructure, and for operating and managing traffic on the road network.
- Published
- 2023
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21. Cyklisters utrymmesbehov : kunskapsunderlag till rekommendationer för utformning
- Author
Egeskog, Johan, Niska, Anna, Pérez Castro, Guillermo, Kircher, Katja, Olstam, Johan, Johansson, Fredrik, Egeskog, Johan, Niska, Anna, Pérez Castro, Guillermo, Kircher, Katja, Olstam, Johan, and Johansson, Fredrik
- Abstract
Under hösten 2021 fick Transportstyrelsen i uppdrag av regeringen att analysera och vid behov lämna förslag till ändrade trafikregler för att andelen trafikanter som reser med cykel ska öka. Mot bakgrund av detta har Transportstyrelsen anlitat VTI, Statens väg- och transportforskningsinstitut för att bistå i arbetet genom att beskriva kunskapsläget utifrån gällande forskning. Syftet med uppdraget har främst varit att undersöka cyklisters utrymmesbehov i olika trafiksituationer och att ta fram underlag till rekommendationer för utformning av cykelinfrastrukturens bredder. Idag saknas regler eller gemensam byggpraxis för den fysiska utformningen av cykelfält och cykelbanor. Det är istället upp till respektive väghållare att ta fram sina egna typsektioner eller rekommendationer och kontrollera efterlevnaden. Resultaten i denna rapport baseras på litteraturstudier gällande utformningsstandarder och forskning kring cyklisters utrymmesbehov. Rekommendationer presenteras om minstabredder på cykelbanor och cykelfält beroende på möjlighet till möten och omkörningar, inkluderat dimensionering för lastcyklar, samt trygga avstånd till sidohinder. En ansats till modellstruktur för bedömning av utrymmesbehov vid högre flöden har även tagits fram. Cykelbanors bredd kan varieras beroende på den önskade dimensionerande trafiksituationen, det vill säga möjligheten att ett visst antal trafikanter ska kunna mötas eller köra om varandra säkert. Utifrån ett underhållsperspektiv är det dock fördelaktigt att anlägga cykelbanor med minst 2,5 meter bredd, oavsett trafiksituationen. Mindre bredd än så kan medföra lägre effektivitet för drift och underhåll med ökade livscykelkostnader som följd., During the fall of 2021, the Swedish Transport Agency was commissioned by the Swedish Government to analyze and, if necessary, submit proposals for how changed traffic rules could lead to an increase in the proportion of road users who travel by bicycle. Against this background, the Swedish Transport Agency has engaged VTI, the Swedish Road and Transport Research Institute, to assist in the work by describing the state of knowledge based on current research in the relevant areas. The aim of this study has been to investigate the spatial requirements of cyclists in different traffic situations and develop a basis for recommendations for designing cycling infrastructure regarding widths. Today, there are no rules or common construction practices for the physical design of cycle paths or cycle lanes in Sweden. Instead, it is up to each road authority to produce their own cross sections or recommendations and follow up on compliance. The results in this report are based on literature studies regarding design standards and research on spatial requirements of cyclists. Recommendations are presented on minimum widths of cycle paths and cycle lanes depending on the possibility of meetings and overtaking, including consideration of cargo bikes, as well as safe distances to obstacles beside the road. An approach to model structure for assessing spatial requirements at higher flows of cyclists has also been developed. The width of cycle paths can be varied depending on the desired dimensioning traffic situation. The dimensioning traffic situation is defined as the possibility of safe meetings or overtaking of a certain number of cyclists and pedestrians simultaneously on a cycle path or mixed-use path. From a maintenance perspective, however, it is advantageous to build bicycle infrastructure with a width of at least 2.5 meters, regardless of the traffic situation. Less width than that can result in lower efficiency for operation and maintenance with increased life cycle costs
- Published
- 2023
22. A Power-Based Approach to Model the Impact of Gradient in Bicycle Traffic Simulation
- Author
Pérez Castro, Guillermo, Johansson, Fredrik, Olstam, Johan, Pérez Castro, Guillermo, Johansson, Fredrik, and Olstam, Johan
- Abstract
To simulate bicycle traffic accurately, it is essential to capture how bicyclists react to features of the infrastructure such as the longitudinal gradient of a bicycle path. Bicycling requires human-powered motion, and the power output provided by bicyclists differ significantly among bicyclists due to physical capabilities and preferences. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to investigate the connection between power output and gradient in bicycle traffic, with the purpose of developing a power-based model that predicts accurately the speed of bicyclists. Based on trajectory data of free-riding bicyclists travelling on a non-flat bicycle path segment, we estimate changes in power output as a function of gradient considering the physical forces acting on a bicycle. The results suggest a linear correlation between power output and gradient; while bicyclists increase their power output on the uphill as gradient increases, they decrease their power output on the downhill as gradient increases. By implementing this correlation into a traffic simulation algorithm, we show that the simulation captures well the impact of gradients in a population of bicyclists as it reproduces similar speed profiles. We conclude that bicyclists adapt their power output to compensate for the gradient and its associated change in speed, and that the impact of gradient varies greatly among bicyclists. Furthermore, we conclude that power-based modelling of free-riding bicyclists is an attractive alternative to investigate further.
- Published
- 2023
23. Modeling Perception Performance in Microscopic Simulation of Traffic Flows including Automated Vehicles
- Author
Postigo, Ivan, Rydergren, Clas, Olstam, Johan, Postigo, Ivan, Rydergren, Clas, and Olstam, Johan
- Abstract
Mixed traffic with automated and human-driven vehicles interacting with one another will soon become a common reality. Microscopic traffic simulation can preemptively help assess the impact on the traffic flow dynamics as long as the tools adequately capture the differences on how automated driving systems (ADSs) drive compared to humans. In this work a modeling approach that captures differences in perception performance is proposed. While human drivers perceive through their senses and cognitive processes, ADS perceive the driving context through on-board sensors, connectivity features and software. The perception performance is described in terms of accuracy, precision, detection range, and detection delay. The model for perception is implemented in SUMO and a simulation test in a platoon shows the acceleration response affected by up to 35% for perception errors of approximate to 10% which by extension will affect the traffic flow dynamics. The proposed modeling approach for perception contributes to the robustness of microscopic traffic simulation and the modeling of heterogeneous mixed traffic., Funding Agencies|Swedish Transport Administration via the Centre for Traffic Research (Trafikverket) [TRV 2022/8287]
- Published
- 2023
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24. An Automated Process for Identification of Bottlenecks in the Traffic System Using Large Data Sets
- Author
Grumert, Ellen F., primary and Olstam, Johan, additional
- Published
- 2023
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25. Orchestration of driving simulator scenarios based on dynamic actor preparation and automated action planning
- Author
Xiong, Zhitao and Olstam, Johan
- Published
- 2015
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26. A Model for Traffic Simulation of Flared Rural Road Intersections
- Author
Strömgren, Per, Olstam, Johan, and Tapani, Andreas
- Published
- 2015
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27. Estimating Emissions from Static Traffic Models: Problems and Solutions
- Author
Tsanakas, Nikolaos, Ekstrom, Joakim, and Olstam, Johan
- Subjects
European Union. European Environment Agency - Abstract
In large urban areas, the estimation of vehicular traffic emissions is commonly based on the outputs of transport planning models, such as Static Traffic Assignment (STA) models. However, such models, being used in a strategic context, imply some important simplifications regarding the variation of traffic conditions, and their outputs are heavily aggregated in time. In addition, dynamic traffic flow phenomena, such as queue spillback, cannot be captured, leading to inaccurate modelling of congestion. As congestion is strongly correlated with increased emission rates, using STA may lead to unreliable emission estimations. The first objective of this paper is to identify the errors that STA models introduce into an emission estimation. Then, considering the type and the nature of the errors, our aim is to suggest potential solutions. According to our findings, the main errors are related to STA inability of accurately modelling the level and the location of congestion. For this reason, we suggest and evaluate the postprocessing of STA outputs through quasidynamic network loading. Then, we evaluate our suggested approach using the HBEFA emission factors and a 19 km long motorway segment in Stockholm as a case study. Although, in terms of total emissions, the differences compared to the simple static case are not so vital, the postprocessor performs better regarding the spatial distribution of emissions. Considering the location-specific effects of traffic emissions, the latter may lead to substantial improvements in applications of emission modelling such as dispersion, air quality, and exposure modelling., 1. Introduction The traffic situation in urban areas around the world is today characterised by severe road congestion. Congestion increases travel times, but usually also results in increased energy usage [...]
- Published
- 2020
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28. Investigating the behaviors of cyclists and pedestrians under automated shuttle operation
- Author
Flötteröd, Yun-Pang, primary, Pereira, Iman, additional, Olstam, Johan, additional, and Bieker-Walz, Laura, additional
- Published
- 2022
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29. Modelling Eco-Driving Support System for Microscopic Traffic Simulation
- Author
Olstam, Johan, Bernhardsson, Viktor, Choudhury, Charisma, Wilmink, Gerdien Klunder Isabel, and van Noort, Martijn
- Subjects
Volvo 70-Series (Automobile) - Abstract
Microscopic traffic simulation is an ideal tool for investigating the network level impacts of eco-driving in different networks and traffic conditions, under varying penetration rates and driver compliance rates. The reliability of the traffic simulation results however rely on the accurate representation of the simulation of the driver support system and the response of the driver to the eco-driving advice, as well as on a realistic modelling and calibration of the driver's behaviour. The state-of-the-art microscopic traffic simulation models however exclude detailed modelling of the driver response to eco-driver support systems. This paper fills in this research gap by presenting a framework for extending state-of-the-art traffic simulation models with sub models for drivers' compliance to advice from an advisory eco-driving support systems. The developed simulation framework includes among others a model of driver's compliance with the advice given by the system, a gear shifting model and a simplified model for estimating vehicles maximum possible acceleration. Data from field operational tests with a full advisory eco-driving system developed within the ecoDriver project was used to calibrate the developed compliance models. A set of verification simulations used to illustrate the effect of the combination of the ecoDriver system and drivers' compliance to the advices are also presented., 1. Introduction Eco-driving, which constitutes of a set of behaviours that drivers can adopt to save fuel, and reduce emissions, holds significant promise in substantially contributing to transport sustainability [1]. [...]
- Published
- 2020
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30. How to Model the Effect of Gradient on Bicycle Traffic in Microscopic Traffic Simulation
- Author
Castro, Guillermo Pérez, primary, Johansson, Fredrik, additional, and Olstam, Johan, additional
- Published
- 2022
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31. Kalibrering av restidsfunktionermed hjälp av surrogatbaserad optimering
- Author
Olstam, Johan, Bernhardsson, Viktor, Ekström, Joakim, Ringdahl, Rasmus, Olstam, Johan, Bernhardsson, Viktor, Ekström, Joakim, and Ringdahl, Rasmus
- Abstract
Vid beräkningar av restider och ruttval i statiska nätutläggningsmodeller så används restidsfunktioner för att beskriva sambandet mellan hur restiden på en väglänk beror av trafikvolymen på samma väglänk för olika typer av vägar. Tidigare genomförda projekt kring framtagning av restidsfunktioner i Sverige är till stor del fokuserat på att återskapa en representativ länkrestid givet ett visst länkflöde. Studierna lägger mindre fokus på att säkerställa att resulterande flöden och restider stämmer överens med uppmätta flöden och restider, även om analyser av överenstämmelsen förstås har genomförts. Syftet med denna rapport har därför varit att undersöka och utvärdera en metod för kalibrering av parametrar i restidsfunktioner där en optimeringsmetod används för att minimera skillnaden mellan modellberäknade och uppmätta flöden och restider. Målet är att ta fram en metod som kan tillämpas för att kalibrera restidsfunktionerna i Sampers. Metoden utgår från en surrogat-baserad optimeringsmetod som skapar en målfunktionsyta som beskriver hur väl modellberäknade flöden och restider överensstämmer med tillgängliga mätdata. Metoden har implementerats och testats för Sampersnätet för Stockholm och Mälardalen (Samm). Den restidsdata som använts är inköpt från företaget Inrix som samlar in, bearbetar och säljer restidsdata. Flödesobservationer har hämtats från Trafikverkets motorvägstyrningssystem (MCS) samt från slangmätningar från Stockholms stad. Tillämpningstestet visar att metoden fungerar och att det går att erhålla en minst lika bra överensstämmelse med uppmätta flöden som för nuvarande restidsfunktioner utan behov av de grova påslag och manuella justeringar som de nuvarande restidsfunktionerna inkluderar., Route choice and travel time calculations in static assignment models utilize volume-delay functions to describe the relationship between travel time on a road link and the traffic volume on the same road link. Previous projects on development and calibration of volume-delay functions in Sweden have focused on reproducing a representative link travel time given a specific traffic volume. There has been limited focus on how well the resulting link flows and travel times match real world observations on link flow and travel time. The aim of this report has therefore been to investigate and evaluate a method for calibration of the parameters in volume-delay functions using an optimization method that minimizes the difference between the resulting flows and travel times from a static assignment and real-world observations. The goal is a method that can be applied to calibrate the volume-delay functions in the Swedish national demand model Sampers. The calibration method utilizes a surrogate-based optimization method that fits a response surface to the observed values of the objective function of the optimization problem, which in this case is a normalized root mean square error between model predicted and observed flows and travel times. The calibration method was tested and evaluated for the Sampers region for Stockholm and Mälardalen (Samm). The travel time data consisted of probe-data from Inrix and the flow observations included both data from the Motorway Control System (MCS) in Stockholm and cross-sectional pneumatic tube measurements from Stockholm municipality. The application test shows that it is possible to get as good or better match with real world observations as the currently used volume-delay functions in Sampers, without the manual adjustments and additional correction terms that the current volume[1]delay functions include., Kalibrering av restidsfunktioner till Sampers
- Published
- 2022
32. Avrapportering av projektet CTR – SMART2 – Simulation and Modelling of Automated Road Transport : del 2
- Author
Olstam, Johan, Rydergren, Clas, Burghout, Wilco, Olstam, Johan, Rydergren, Clas, and Burghout, Wilco
- Abstract
Automatisering av trafiksystemet innebär ett paradigmskifte med en förändrad förarroll och integration av fordon och infrastruktur. Automatisering kan därför förväntas bidra till ökad trafiksäkerhet genom att förarens del i det operativa framförandet av fordonet minskar. Effekter i form av minskad miljöpåverkan och förbättrad energieffektivitet kan också åstadkommas genom mera effektivt framförande av fordonen. Bättre framkomlighet och smidigare trafikflöde är också möjliga effekter av automatiseringen. När det gäller kollektiva färdmedel är det främst den kostnadsbesparande effekt som finns av automatisering som möjliggör användning av mindre och därmed flexiblare fordon. För infrastrukturansvariga är automatiseringens potential att bidra till en effektivisering av vägtransportsystemet viktig. Genom att via automatisering ge fordon mera exakt styrning och minskad reaktionstid kan kanske körfältsbredder reduceras och avståndet mellan fordon minskas. Det finns många hypoteser om automatiseringens betydelse för framtidens vägtrafiksystem. Som stöd för utvecklingen av automatiserade trafiksystem krävs kunskap om dessa effekters relevans och storlek. Här finns ett stort forskningsbehov. Projektets övergripande syfte var att vidareutveckla dagens trafikmodeller för att möjliggöra analys av framtidens automatiserade trafiksystem. Projektet har undersökt denna potential genom utveckling och tillämpning av trafiksimulering för analys av effekter av automatisering av trafiksystemet. Projektet har bestått av två doktorandprojekt, det ena med inriktning mot mikrosimulering och interaktion mellan manuellt körda och självkörande fordon och det andra mot systemeffekter med mesosimulering inklusive färdmedels- och ruttval och alternativa trafikeringsformer i framtida trafiknät. Upplägget för SMART2 har baserats på de forskningsplaner som togs fram för de båda doktorandprojekten under SMART1.
- Published
- 2022
33. How to Model the Effect of Gradient on Bicycle Traffic in Microscopic Traffic Simulation
- Author
Pérez Castro, Guillermo, Johansson, Fredrik, Olstam, Johan, Pérez Castro, Guillermo, Johansson, Fredrik, and Olstam, Johan
- Abstract
Microscopic traffic simulation is a useful tool for the planning of motorized traffic, yet bicycle traffic still lacks this type of modeling support. Nonetheless, certain microscopic traffic simulators, such as Vissim, model bicycle traffic by applying models originally designed for car traffic. The gradient of a bicycle path has a significant impact on the speed of cyclists; therefore, this impact should be captured in microscopic traffic simulation. We investigate two calibration approaches to reproduce the effect of gradient on the speed of cyclists using the default driver behavioral model in Vissim. The first approach is to modify the simulated gradient to represent different values of the gradient-acceleration parameter: a fixed value that represents a decrease in the maximum acceleration that cyclists can apply on an uphill. The second approach is to adjust the maximum-acceleration function. We evaluate both approaches by applying a Vissim model of a bidirectional bicycle path with a 3% gradient in Stockholm. The results show that the current default implementation in the Vissim model underestimates the effect of gradient on speed. Moreover, the gradient-acceleration parameter does not directly reduce the maximum acceleration of all cyclists, but only of those cyclists riding above a certain speed. We conclude that by using a higher gradient-acceleration value than the default, we accurately estimate the observed mean speed on the uphill. However, neither of the investigated calibration approaches provides accurate estimates of the speed distributions. We emphasize the need for developing more accurate behavioral models designed for cyclists.
- Published
- 2022
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34. Modeling Automated Driving in Microscopic Traffic Simulations for Traffic Performance Evaluations : Aspects to Consider and State of the Practice
- Author
Farah, Haneen, Postigo, Ivan, Reddy, Nagarjun, Dong, Yongqi, Rydergren, Clas, Raju, Narayana, Olstam, Johan, Farah, Haneen, Postigo, Ivan, Reddy, Nagarjun, Dong, Yongqi, Rydergren, Clas, Raju, Narayana, and Olstam, Johan
- Abstract
The gradual deployment of automated vehicles on the existing road network will lead to a long transition period in which vehicles at different driving automation levels and capabilities will share the road with human driven vehicles, resulting into what is known as mixed traffic. Whether our road infrastructure is ready to safely and efficiently accommodate this mixed traffic remains a knowledge gap. Microscopic traffic simulation provides a proactive approach for assessing these implications. However, differences in assumptions regarding modeling automated driving in current simulation studies, and the use of different terminology make it difficult to compare the results of these studies. Therefore, the aim of this study is to specify the aspects to consider for modeling automated driving in microscopic traffic simulations using harmonized concepts, to investigate how both empirical studies and microscopic traffic simulation studies on automated driving have considered the proposed aspects, and to identify the state of the practice and the research needs to further improve the modeling of automated driving. Six important aspects were identified: the role of authorities, the role of users, the vehicle system, the perception of surroundings based on the vehicle’s sensors, the vehicle connectivity features, and the role of the infrastructure both physical and digital. The research gaps and research directions in relation to these aspects are identified and proposed, these might bring great benefits for the development of more accurate and realistic modeling of automated driving in microscopic traffic simulations., Funding agencies: Applied and Technical Sciences (TTW), a subdomain of the Dutch Institute for Scientific Research (NWO) through the Project Safe and Efficient Operation of Automated and Human-Driven Vehicles in Mixed Traffic (SAMEN) (Grant Number: 17187)Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket) through the Project Simulation and Modeling of Automated Road Transport (SMART) (Grant Number: TRV 2019/27044)
- Published
- 2022
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35. Investigating the behaviors of cyclists and pedestrians under automated shuttle operation
- Author
Flöttered, Yun-Pang, Pereira, Iman, Olstam, Johan, Bieker-Walz, Laura, Flöttered, Yun-Pang, Pereira, Iman, Olstam, Johan, and Bieker-Walz, Laura
- Abstract
To understand the influence of the automated shuttles on active modes as pedestrians and bicyclists, data was collected at the pilot site Linköping within the context of the European project SHOW, where AS provide regular transport service on the campus and run along a corridor restricted to bike and pedestrian traffic with pre-defined stops. Three types of data were collected, i.e. video data, shuttle data and traffic counts with use of Telraam, while the first one was the main data source for analyzing VRU behaviors and the others were used for checking the validity of video data. The investigation mainly focused on VRU’s space usage, speed, acceleration and lateral position and distance with and without AS presence. Bikes maneuvers, compatible with overtaking, were also examined. The analysis results can help for simulation model improvement.
- Published
- 2022
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36. Definitions of performance metrics and qualitative indicators : Deliverable D3.2 of the CoEXist project
- Author
Olstam, Johan, Johansson, Fredrik, Liu, Chengxi, Pereira, Iman, Fléchon, Charlotte, Dahl, Alexander, Burghout, Wilco, Thiebaut, Ronan, Olstam, Johan, Johansson, Fredrik, Liu, Chengxi, Pereira, Iman, Fléchon, Charlotte, Dahl, Alexander, Burghout, Wilco, and Thiebaut, Ronan
- Abstract
The capability of making structured and informed decisions about the comprehensive deployment of CAVs (connected and automated vehicles) in a mixed road environment. This capability requires: A clear awareness of the technology underpinning CAVs, the different functional uses and business models for CAVs and a high-level understanding of the impacts different deployment scenarios can have on traffic, quality of life and stakeholders involved in local transport planning. The institutional capacity to plan for a future with CAVs by using tools that accurately represent CAV behaviour in order to identify the impacts of different CAV deployment scenarios. A strategic approach in deploying a wide range of measures that will ensure a deployment of CAVs, which supports higher level mobility goals. The aim of this report is to present definitions of the metrics that will be utilised in CoEXist to assess the effects on traffic performance and space efficiency as well as to present the qualitative assessment approach used to assess potential effects on traffic safety. The definitions will be used as a basis for the development of the assessment tool. The definitions presented in this report may be revised, and the final definitions of the metrics will be presented in deliverable “D3.3: AV-ready hybrid road infrastructure assessment tool”.
- Published
- 2022
37. A Review of Guidelines for Applying Traffic Simulation to Level-of-service Analysis
- Author
Olstam, Johan and Tapani, Andreas
- Published
- 2011
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38. Analytical Traffic Models for Roundabouts with Pedestrian Crossings
- Author
Bergman, Astrid, Olstam, Johan, and Allström, Andreas
- Published
- 2011
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39. An algorithm for combining autonomous vehicles and controlled events in driving simulator experiments
- Author
Olstam, Johan, Espié, Stéphane, Måardh, Selina, Jansson, Jonas, and Lundgren, Jan
- Published
- 2011
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40. Calibration of travel time functions using surrogate-based optimization
- Author
Olstam, Johan, Bernhardsson, Viktor, Ekström, Joakim, and Ringdahl, Rasmus
- Subjects
Transportteknik och logistik ,Transport Systems and Logistics - Abstract
Vid beräkningar av restider och ruttval i statiska nätutläggningsmodeller så används restidsfunktioner för att beskriva sambandet mellan hur restiden på en väglänk beror av trafikvolymen på samma väglänk för olika typer av vägar. Tidigare genomförda projekt kring framtagning av restidsfunktioner i Sverige är till stor del fokuserat på att återskapa en representativ länkrestid givet ett visst länkflöde. Studierna lägger mindre fokus på att säkerställa att resulterande flöden och restider stämmer överens med uppmätta flöden och restider, även om analyser av överenstämmelsen förstås har genomförts. Syftet med denna rapport har därför varit att undersöka och utvärdera en metod för kalibrering av parametrar i restidsfunktioner där en optimeringsmetod används för att minimera skillnaden mellan modellberäknade och uppmätta flöden och restider. Målet är att ta fram en metod som kan tillämpas för att kalibrera restidsfunktionerna i Sampers. Metoden utgår från en surrogat-baserad optimeringsmetod som skapar en målfunktionsyta som beskriver hur väl modellberäknade flöden och restider överensstämmer med tillgängliga mätdata. Metoden har implementerats och testats för Sampersnätet för Stockholm och Mälardalen (Samm). Den restidsdata som använts är inköpt från företaget Inrix som samlar in, bearbetar och säljer restidsdata. Flödesobservationer har hämtats från Trafikverkets motorvägstyrningssystem (MCS) samt från slangmätningar från Stockholms stad. Tillämpningstestet visar att metoden fungerar och att det går att erhålla en minst lika bra överensstämmelse med uppmätta flöden som för nuvarande restidsfunktioner utan behov av de grova påslag och manuella justeringar som de nuvarande restidsfunktionerna inkluderar. Route choice and travel time calculations in static assignment models utilize volume-delay functions to describe the relationship between travel time on a road link and the traffic volume on the same road link. Previous projects on development and calibration of volume-delay functions in Sweden have focused on reproducing a representative link travel time given a specific traffic volume. There has been limited focus on how well the resulting link flows and travel times match real world observations on link flow and travel time. The aim of this report has therefore been to investigate and evaluate a method for calibration of the parameters in volume-delay functions using an optimization method that minimizes the difference between the resulting flows and travel times from a static assignment and real-world observations. The goal is a method that can be applied to calibrate the volume-delay functions in the Swedish national demand model Sampers. The calibration method utilizes a surrogate-based optimization method that fits a response surface to the observed values of the objective function of the optimization problem, which in this case is a normalized root mean square error between model predicted and observed flows and travel times. The calibration method was tested and evaluated for the Sampers region for Stockholm and Mälardalen (Samm). The travel time data consisted of probe-data from Inrix and the flow observations included both data from the Motorway Control System (MCS) in Stockholm and cross-sectional pneumatic tube measurements from Stockholm municipality. The application test shows that it is possible to get as good or better match with real world observations as the currently used volume-delay functions in Sampers, without the manual adjustments and additional correction terms that the current volume[1]delay functions include.
- Published
- 2022
41. Investigating the behaviors of cyclists and pedestrians under automated shuttle operation
- Author
Flötteröd, Yun-Pang, Pereira, Iman, Olstam, Johan, and Bieker-Walz, Laura
- Subjects
shared space ,real data ,automated shuttle - Abstract
To understand the influence of the automated shuttles on active modes as pedestrians and bicyclists, data was collected at the pilot site Linköping within the context of the European project SHOW, where AS provide regular transport service on the campus and run along a corridor restricted to bike and pedestrian traffic with pre-defined stops. Three types of data were collected, i.e. video data, shuttle data and traffic counts with use of Telraam, while the first one was the main data source for analyzing VRU behaviors and the others were used for checking the validity of video data. The investigation mainly focused on VRU’s space usage, speed, acceleration and lateral position and distance with and without AS presence. Bikes maneuvers, compatible with overtaking, were also examined. The analysis results can help for simulation model improvement.
- Published
- 2022
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42. SHOW Deliverable 10.2:Pilot guiding simulation results
- Author
Katrakazas, Christos, Hillebrand, Joachim, Flötteröd, Yun-Pang, Krajzewicz, Daniel, Bieker-Walz, Laura, Hartmann, Michael, Xiao, Lin, van der Tuin, Marieke, Sekadakis, Marios, Oikonomou, Maria, Rudloff, Christian, Töttel, Lars, Mintsis, Evangelos, Touliou, Katerina, Porfyri, Kallirroi, Karagounis, Vasilios, Mitsakis, Evangelos, Hauch, Daniel, Berglund, Magnus, Olstam, Johan, Oguz Kagan Capkin, Sevket, and Koskinen, Sami
- Subjects
traffic simulation ,SUMO ,simulation coupling ,autonomous shuttle ,SHOW - Published
- 2022
43. Towards safe and efficient shared-space oriented DRT Service – some insights with real case study in Linköping
- Author
Flötteröd, Yun-Pang, Bieker-Walz, Laura, and Olstam, Johan
- Subjects
Transportteknik och logistik ,autonomous shuttles, demand responsive transport (DRT), shared space, microscopic simulation ,microscopic simulation ,autonomous shuttles ,demand responsive transport (DRT) ,shared space ,Transport Systems and Logistics - Abstract
With the expeditious development in technology autonomous vehicles (AVs) are going to become a part of our daily life. Their possible influences on current transportation systems and the needs of the future traffic systems with the introduction of AVs have been investigated extensively with use of traffic simulation tools. Apart from simulative studies more and more real-life demonstrations of AVs are carried out and real AV data becomes available. The latter one facilitates to further properly model AVs’ driving behaviour in traffic simulation. Related AVs’ impact evaluations can then be more representative and support policy and decision making. In this paper, real autonomous shuttle bus data is analysed to understand driving situation, to derive vehicle-related parameters for enhancing microscopic traffic simulation model, and to find out possible issues in real traffic environment.
- Published
- 2021
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44. Incidenters påverkan på motorvägar : ett förslag på metodik för att skatta och prediktera trafikefterfrågan, incidentens varaktighet och kapacitet för incidenthantering
- Author
Grumert, Ellen, Bernhardsson, Viktor, Strömgren, Per, Gundlegård, David, Olstam, Johan, Ekström, Joakim, and Ringdahl, Rasmus
- Subjects
Transportteknik och logistik ,Transport Systems and Logistics - Abstract
Effective traffic incident management is important to minimize negative impacts of congestion caused by incidents. Predictions of the traffic state at the incident site and its surrounding road network, together with an estimate of incident duration, can be used to get increased knowledge about current and future incident characteristics. The aim is to propose methods for estimating capacity, duration and demand profiles in case of an incident, and to explore how the level of detail and the possibility to identify explanatory variables for incidents with similar characteristics given currently available data sources affects the proposed methods. The knowledge obtained within the project is intended to be used for incident management. The report presents a methodology for predicting capacity, traffic demand, and incident duration, when none of the parameters are known. The proposed methods can be used as input to traffic models, when the purpose is to perform scenario-based analysis and real-time predictions to be used in the decision-making processes for traffic management/control, but also for predicting travel times which can be communicated to road users. A motorway use-case study area south of Stockholm is used to propose methods for predicting incident duration, capacity and demand profiles based on the availability of data. The methodology is evaluated by using the predicted variables as input in a scenario-based analysis with two queue models. Effektiv incidenthantering är viktigt då man vill minimera trängsel till följd av incidenter. Prediktering av framtida trafikförhållanden vid incidentplatsen och dess omgivande vägnät, tillsammans med en uppskattning av incidentens varaktighet, kan användas för att få ökad kunskap om nuvarande och framtida utveckling till följd av incidenter med specifika egenskaper. Syftet med denna studie är att föreslå metoder för att skatta kapacitet, varaktighet och efterfrågan för incidenter med olika egenskaper, samt att undersöka hur detaljnivån och möjligheten att identifiera förklaringsvariabler för incidenter med liknande egenskaper givet tillgängliga datakällor påverkar de föreslagna metoderna. Kunskapen som erhållits i projektet avsedd att användas för incidenthantering. Rapporten presenterar en metodik för att prediktera kapacitet, trafikefterfrågan och varaktigheten av incidenter när ingen av parametrarna är kända. Den föreslagna metodiken kan användas för att förse trafikmodeller med input då syftet är att utföra scenariobaserad analys och realtidspredikteringar som ska användas i beslutsprocessen för trafikledning/styrning vid incidenter, men också för att förutsäga förändrade restider till följd av incidenten som skulle kunna kommuniceras till trafikanter. En motorvägssträcka söder om Stockholm används som fallstudieområde för att föreslå metoder för att prediktera varaktighet, kapacitet och efterfrågan vid incidenter baserat på tillgängligheten av data. Den föreslagna metodiken utvärderas genom att använda de predikterade variablerna som input i en scenariobaserad analys med två kömodeller.
- Published
- 2021
45. Zero crashes, zero congestion, and zero emissions - Future Research in Traffic Management
- Author
Almeras, Caroline, Buisson, Christine, Olstam, Johan, Papamichail, Ioannis, Ponweiser, Wolfgang, and Wagner, Peter
- Subjects
Transportteknik och logistik ,Zero Congestion ,Traffic Management ,Zero Crashes ,Transport Systems and Logistics ,Zero Emissions - Abstract
This text is the result of the Thematic Group Traffic Management of the ECTRI – European Conference of Transport Research Institutes. As a position paper, it states the challenges that the European Research Agenda will have to face if the following goals for a future transportation system are considered: • User-aware mobility • Zero accidents and zero emissions • Minimum space, time, energy & costs for transport It describes in a concise manner the research approaches needed to achieve the realization of these goals.
- Published
- 2020
46. Metodik för beräkning av emissioner baserat på trafikdata från dynamiska trafikmodeller och trafikmätningar
- Author
Ekström, Joakim, Ericsson, Eva, Olstam, Johan, Persson, Anna, Ekström, Joakim, Ericsson, Eva, Olstam, Johan, and Persson, Anna
- Abstract
Projektet syftade till att ta fram en metod för tillämpning av HBEFA på trafikdata från mätningar och dynamiska trafikmodeller på ett sätt som är konsistent med den tillämpning av HBEFA som idag sker med statisk trafikdata. Projektet fokuserade främst på tillämpningar där lokala emissioner från vägtrafik är av intresse. Exempel på sådana tillämpningar är uppföljning, estimering och prediktering av luftkvalitet. Men även analys av förändring av utsläpp från vägtrafiken över tid, samt före/efter studier vid förändringar av trafikinfrastrukturen. I HBEFA är skattning av trafiktillstånd centralt för estimering av emissioner. I denna studie har vi studerat och jämfört tre olika sätt att definiera trafiktillståndet i HBEFAs trafiksituationer nämligen baserat på: flöde (det som används i nuläget) hastighet densitet Flödesbaserade definitioner har en inbyggd begränsning i att de inte entydigt kan beskriva trafiksituationen, då lågt flöde kan innebära både låg trängsel och hög trängsel, beroende på hastighet. Detta är inget problem i nuvarande tillämpning av HBEFA med statisk trafikdata, då en förenklad beskrivning av det överbelastade fallet görs, som tillåter flöden över kapaciteten, men som då representerar en efterfrågan snarare än flöde. Undersökningarna i denna studie indikerar att en hastighetsbaserad definition av trafiktillstånd inte är att föredra då hastigheten kan variera relativt mycket mellan olika fordon och över en sträcka vid liknande flödes- och densitetsförhållanden. Hastighetsbaserade gränser mellan trafiktillstånd blir främst problematiskt vid tillämpning på mätdata. Vid hastighetsbaserade gränser blir varje fordonspassage med låg hastighet automatiskt klassade i ett trafiktillstånd som innebär trängsel. Densitet är ett mer stabilt mått vid liknande trafikförhållanden och kan sägas bättre definiera graden av trängsel i trafikteoretisk mening., Metodik för beräkning av emissioner på trafikdata från dynamiska trafikmodeller och trafikmätningar
- Published
- 2021
47. Towards safe and efficient shared-space oriented DRT Service : someinsights with real case study in Linköping
- Author
Flötteröd, Yun-Pang, Bieker-Walz, Laura, Olstam, Johan, Flötteröd, Yun-Pang, Bieker-Walz, Laura, and Olstam, Johan
- Abstract
With the expeditious development in technology autonomous vehicles (AVs) are going to become a part of our daily life. Their possible influences on current transportation systems and the needs of the future traffic systems with the introduction of AVs have been investigated extensively with use of traffic simulation tools. Apart from simulative studies more and more real-life demonstrations of AVs are carried out and real AV data becomes available. The latter one facilitates to further properly model AVs’ driving behaviour in traffic simulation. Related AVs’ impact evaluations can then be more representative and support policy and decision making. In this paper, real autonomous shuttle bus data is analysed to understand driving situation, to derive vehicle-related parameters for enhancing microscopic traffic simulation model, and to find out possible issues in real traffic environment.
- Published
- 2021
48. Data-driven network loading
- Author
Tsanakas, Nikolaos, Ekström, J., Gundlegård, David, Olstam, Johan, Rydergren, Clas, Tsanakas, Nikolaos, Ekström, J., Gundlegård, David, Olstam, Johan, and Rydergren, Clas
- Abstract
Dynamic Network Loading (DNL) models are typically formulated as a system of differential equations where travel times, densities or any other variable that indicates congestion is endogenous. However, such endogeneities increase the complexity of the Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA) problem due to the interdependence of DNL, route choice and demand. In this paper, attempting to exploit the growing accessibility of traffic-related data, we suggest that congestion can be instead captured by exogenous variables, such as travel time observations. We propagate the traffic flow based on an exogenous travel time function, which has a piece-wise linear form. Given piece-wise stationary route flows, the piece-wise linear form of the travel time function allows us to use an efficient event-based modelling structure. Our Data-Driven Network Loading (DDNL) approach is developed in accordance with the theoretical DNL framework ensuring vehicle conservation and FIFO. The first simulation experiment-based results are encouraging, indicating that the DDNL can contribute to improving the efficiency of applications where the monitoring of historical network-wide flows is required. Abbreviations: DDNL–Data Driven Network Loading; DNL–Dynamic Network Loading; DTA–Dynamic Traffic Assignment; ITS–Intelligent Transportation Systems; OD–Origin Destination; TTF–Travel Time Function; LTT–Linear Travel Time; DL–Demand level.
- Published
- 2021
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49. Effects of incidents on motorways : a proposed methodology for estimating and predicting demand, duration and capacity for incident management
- Author
Grumert, Ellen, Bernhardsson, Viktor, Strömgren, Per, Gundlegård, David, Olstam, Johan, Ekström, Joakim, Ringdahl, Rasmus, Grumert, Ellen, Bernhardsson, Viktor, Strömgren, Per, Gundlegård, David, Olstam, Johan, Ekström, Joakim, and Ringdahl, Rasmus
- Abstract
Effective traffic incident management is important to minimize negative impacts of congestion caused by incidents. Predictions of the traffic state at the incident site and its surrounding road network, together with an estimate of incident duration, can be used to get increased knowledge about current and future incident characteristics. The aim is to propose methods for estimating capacity, duration and demand profiles in case of an incident, and to explore how the level of detail and the possibility to identify explanatory variables for incidents with similar characteristics given currently available data sources affects the proposed methods. The knowledge obtained within the project is intended to be used for incident management. The report presents a methodology for predicting capacity, traffic demand, and incident duration, when none of the parameters are known. The proposed methods can be used as input to traffic models, when the purpose is to perform scenario-based analysis and real-time predictions to be used in the decision-making processes for traffic management/control, but also for predicting travel times which can be communicated to road users. A motorway use-case study area south of Stockholm is used to propose methods for predicting incident duration, capacity and demand profiles based on the availability of data. The methodology is evaluated by using the predicted variables as input in a scenario-based analysis with two queue models., Effektiv incidenthantering är viktigt då man vill minimera trängsel till följd av incidenter. Prediktering av framtida trafikförhållanden vid incidentplatsen och dess omgivande vägnät, tillsammans med en uppskattning av incidentens varaktighet, kan användas för att få ökad kunskap om nuvarande och framtida utveckling till följd av incidenter med specifika egenskaper. Syftet med denna studie är att föreslå metoder för att skatta kapacitet, varaktighet och efterfrågan för incidenter med olika egenskaper, samt att undersöka hur detaljnivån och möjligheten att identifiera förklaringsvariabler för incidenter med liknande egenskaper givet tillgängliga datakällor påverkar de föreslagna metoderna. Kunskapen som erhållits i projektet avsedd att användas för incidenthantering. Rapporten presenterar en metodik för att prediktera kapacitet, trafikefterfrågan och varaktigheten av incidenter när ingen av parametrarna är kända. Den föreslagna metodiken kan användas för att förse trafikmodeller med input då syftet är att utföra scenariobaserad analys och realtidspredikteringar som ska användas i beslutsprocessen för trafikledning/styrning vid incidenter, men också för att förutsäga förändrade restider till följd av incidenten som skulle kunna kommuniceras till trafikanter. En motorvägssträcka söder om Stockholm används som fallstudieområde för att föreslå metoder för att prediktera varaktighet, kapacitet och efterfrågan vid incidenter baserat på tillgängligheten av data. Den föreslagna metodiken utvärderas genom att använda de predikterade variablerna som input i en scenariobaserad analys med två kömodeller.
- Published
- 2021
50. Effects on Traffic Performance Due to Heterogeneity of Automated Vehicles on Motorways: A Microscopic Simulation Study
- Author
Postigo, Ivan, Olstam, Johan, Rydergren, Clas, Postigo, Ivan, Olstam, Johan, and Rydergren, Clas
- Abstract
The introduction of automated vehicles (AVs) is commonly expected to improve different aspects of transportation. A long transition period is expected until AVs become prevalent on roads. During this period, different types of AVs with different driving logics will coexist along human driven vehicles. Using microscopic traffic simulation, this study investigates the range of potential impacts on traffic performance in terms of throughput and travel delays for different types of AVs and human driven vehicles on motorways. The simulation experiment includes scenarios with combinations of three different driving logics for AVs together with human driven vehicles at increasing penetration rates. The utilized AV driving logics represent the evolution of AVs, they were defined in the microscopic simulation tool Vissim and were created by modifying and extending the human driver behaviour models. The results of the simulation experiment show a decrease in vehicle throughput and significant effects on delay times when AVs with a more cautious driving logic are predominant. Overall, results show higher vehicle throughput and lower travel delays as AVs evolve to more advanced driving logics., Funding Agencies|Swedish Transport Administration (Trafikverket) [TRV 2016/20608, TRV 2019/27044]; European UnionEuropean Commission [H2020-ART-2016-2017, 723201]
- Published
- 2021
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