Proverbs 30:3–5 depends on Job 38–39, hence, the use of the divine name Eloah in Prov 30:5. We note the same in Ps 18:31 but with the substitution of the name of YHWH for Eloah, as part of the messianic Yahwist reaffirmation of the writing of the whole Psalter. In this perspective, Ps 18:32 identifies Eloah with YHWH. In the parallel of 2 Sam 22 to Ps 18, the name Eloah is not repeated, the emphasis being on the relationship between David and the Psalter. Deuteronomy 32 agrees with the overall redaction of the Psalter, which jointly reaffirms the Davidic Messiah and the Torah of Moses, in the general introduction (Ps 1, the Torah and Ps 2, the Messiah), in the first Book, Pss 3––41 (Ps 18, the Messiah and Ps 19, the Torah) and the fifth Book, Pss 107–150 (Ps 119, the Torah and Pss 120–132, the Messiah). Thus as inclusion, Deut 32:2–4 is based on Ps 18:31–32 with the reference to YHWH the ROCK, an allusion to the Temple and its cult, including the performance of the Psalter. The vocabulary of this passage from Ps 18 appears again in the following verses of Deut 32, including the name Eloah in Dt 32:15, 17, its only occurrences in Deuteronomy.