21 results on '"Martinyuk V"'
Search Results
- Author
Khoma, V. V., primary, Gnatyshyna, L L, additional, Martinyuk, V. V., additional, Rarok, Yu. S., additional, Ozoliņš, D., additional, Kokorite, I., additional, Skuja, A., additional, Spriņģe, G. H., additional, and Stoliar, O. B., additional
- Published
- 2019
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3. Epileptic Paroxysms in Children with Apalic Syndrome.
- Author
Martinyuk, V.
- Published
- 1998
- Author
Malanchuk, L. M., primary, Krivitska, G. O., additional, Malanchuk, S. L., additional, and Martinyuk, V. М., additional
- Published
- 2018
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- Author
Martinyuk, T. V., Romanyuk, O. M., Martinyuk, V. F., Gorbatyuk, O. M., Selyuk, V. S., and Rutskiy, P. V.
- Subjects
открытый артериальный проток ,некротический энтероколит ,новорожденный ,респираторный дистресс – синдром ,эхокардиография ,Patent Ductus Arteriosis ,necrotizing enterocolitis ,newborn (neonate) ,respiratory distress syndrome ,echocardiography ,відкрита артеріальна протока ,некротичний ентероколіт ,новонароджений ,респіра-торний дистрес синдром ,ехокардіографія - Abstract
Вступ. Боталова протока в більшості випадків закривається після народження в перші 3 доби, однак, її тканини у недоношених новонароджених незрілі, і тому мають значно меншу схильність до рефлекторного самозакриття. Чим менший термін гестації недоношеного новонародженого, тим він більше потребує медика-ментозного чи хірургічного лікування з причин розвитку типових важких ускладнень перебігу ВАП: серцевої не-достатності, легеневої декомпенсації, бронхолегеневої дисплазії, внутрішньочерепних крововиливів, НЕК та ін.Мета роботи – проаналізувати перший досвід хірургічного закриття гемодинамічно значимої ВАП у недо-ношених новонароджених на базі ВОДТМО.Матеріали та методи. З 2010 по 2016 роки на базі ВОДТМО в співпраці зі спеціалістами ДУ НПМЦДКК МОЗ України було прооперовано 21 недоношена новонароджена дитина з ВАП. Середній вік гестації при на-родженні був 27,6 тиж., гестаційний вік на момент операції – 30,7 тиж.. Середня вага склала 1145 г. Всі пацієнти знаходились на ШВЛ від народження до операції, всі мали в анамнезі більш ніж дві невдалі спроби переводу на самостійне дихання. Неврологічний статус був обтяжений в усіх пацієнтів. Усі діти мали клініч-ні ознаки РДС та НЕК у різних стадіях: від ІА до ІІВ, одному пацієнту було виконано хірургічне втручання на черевній порожнині з приводу маніфестації НЕК. ЕхоКГ значимим ВАП ми вважали випадки, коли: співвідно-шення розмірів лівого передсердя та діаметру кореня аорти було більше 1,4; діаметр ВАП - більше 1,4 мм/кг ваги; діаметр ВАП дорівнює чи більший за діаметр легеневої артерії; є збільшення лівого шлуночка; є ретро-градний діастолічний кровотік в нисхідній аорті; є наявність турбулентного систолічного та діастолічного кровотоку в легеневій артерії зі швидкістю більше 0,5 м/с. Клінічними показами до оперативного втручання були: соматичні стадії НЕК; неможливість припинення апаратної ШВЛ; рефрактерність до патогенетичної терапії. Всі пацієнти, які були оперовані, мали вище наведені клінічні та ЕхоКГ критерії. Перев`язка гемоди-намічно значимої ВАП виконувалась в умовах відділення реанімації новонароджених під загальним знеболен-ням на ШВЛ, через лівобічну середньо-задню торакотомію за стандартною методикою.Результати дослідження. Госпітальна летальність склала 9,53%, (померло 2 пацієнтів). Ускладнення післяопераційного періоду включали: серцеву недостатність - у 5 дітей; виражену дихальну недостатність - у 7 дітей; неврологічні ускладнення - у 6 дітей; маніфестацію НЕК - у 1 дитини. Всі 19 пацієнтів, що вижили, спостерігались після виписки. Не було жодного віддаленого летального випадку та реканалізації ВАП. Був розроблений алгоритм передопераційного ведення таких хворих. Основним діагностичним методом дослі-дження була ЕхоКГ. У визначені показів до операції ми спиралися на ЕхоКГ критерії оцінки гемодинамічно значимої ВАП, що були наведені вище, та клінічну картину. Клінічними показами до закриття ВАП ми вва-жаємо появу та прогресування легеневої та серцевої недостатності, ознаки соматичних стадій НЕК, невро-логічні розлади, викликані ВШК чи нейросонографічне діагностування ВШК при наявності ЕхоКГ ознак ВАП. Важливим клінічним критерієм необхідності втручання для закриття ВАП є неможливість переводу дитини на самостійне дихання. Всі недоношені новонароджені нашого дослідження мали гемодинамічно значимий ВАП, що проявлявся на момент операції об'ємним перевантаженням малого кола кровообігу, високою леге-невою гіперетензією, збільшенням кінцево-діастолічного індексу лівого шлуночку, клінічними проявами НЕК різної стадії та ВШК. Усі недоношені новонароджені, які мали НЕК ІІА та РДС, з гемодинамічно значимим ВАП були прооперовані. В результаті цього НЕК та РДС регресували; пацієнти, за виключенням одного, були екстубовані та виписані в різні терміни після операції. Висновки. Шестирічний досвід співпраці показав можливість виконання закриття ВАП в умовах неспеці-алізованого лікувального закладу. Основою успіху є вчасна діагностика ВАП та визначення показів до опера-тивного втручання. Хірургічне закриття ВАП у недоношених новонароджених з малою вагою є ефективною процедурою, яка запобігає розвитку таких важких патологічних станів, як НЕК та РДС, значно покращує прогнози важкої групи пацієнтів і є, в більшості випадків, єдиною можливістю врятувати життя., Вступ. Боталов проток в большинстве случаев закриваеться после рождения в первые 3 суток, однак, его ткани у недоношеных новорожденных незрелые и поэтому имеют значительно меньшую склонность до рефлекторного самозакрытия. Чем меньший термин гестации недоношеного новорожденного, тем он больше требует медикаментозного или хирургического лечения з причины розвития типических тяжелых осложнений протекания ОАП: сердечной недостаточности, легочной декомпенсации, бронхолегогной дисплазии, ВШК, НЭК и др.Цель работы – проанализировать первый опыт хирургического закрытия гемодинамичеки значущего ОАП у недоношеных новорожденных на базе ВОДТМО.Материалы и методы. С 2010 по 2016 год на базе ВОДТМО в сотрудничестве с специалистами ДУ НПМЦДКК МОЗ Украини было прооперовано 21 недоношеный новорожденный з ОАП. Средний возраст гестации при рождении был 27,6 н., гестационный возраст на момент операции - 30,7 н.. Средняя маса была 1145 г.. Все пациенты находились на ШВЛ з рождения до операции, все имели в анамнезе больше чем две неудачьные попытки перевода на самостоятельное дыхание. Неврологический статус був обтяженый у 13 детей. Все пациенты имели клинические признаки РДС та НЭК в разных стадиях: от ІА до ІІВ, одному пациенту было проведено хирургическое вмешательство на брюшной полости в связи с манифестацией НЭК. ЭхоКГ значущим ОАП мы считали, когда: соотношение розмеров левого предсердия и диаметра корня аорты больше 1,4; диаметр ОАП больше 1,4 мм/кг веса; диаметр ОАП равен или больше за диаметр легочной атерии; эсть увеличение левого желудочка; эсть рэтроградный диастолический кровоток в нисходящей аорте; эсть турбулентный систолический и диастолический кровоток в легочной артерии со скоростью больше 0,5 м/с.. Клиническими показаниями до операции были: соматические стадии НЭК; невозможность остановки аппаратной ШВЛ; рефрактерность к патогенетической терапии. Все опперированые дети имели више наведенные клинические и ЭхоКГ критерии. Перевязка гемодинамически значушей ОАП исполнялась в условиях отделения реанимации новорожденных под общим наркозом с ШВЛ, через средне-заднюю торакотомию слева за стандартной методикой.Результати исследования. Госпитальна летальность составила 9,53%, (умерло 2 пациента). Осложнения послеоперационного пероода включали: сердечную недостаточность у 5 детей; вираженую дихательною недостаточность у 7 детей; неврологические у 6 детей; манифестацию НЭК у 1 ребёнка. Все 19 виживших пациентов наблюдались после виписки. Не было ни одного отдаленного летального исхода и реканализации ОАП. Быв разработан алгоритм предоперационного ведения таких детей. Основным диагностическим методом исследования была ЭхоКГ. В опредилении показаний к операции мы опиральсь на ЭхоКГ критерии оценки гемодинамически значущего ОАП, что были наведены више и клиническую картину. Клиническими показаниями к закрытию ОАП мы считаем появление и прогресирование легочной сердечной недостаточности, ознак соматических стадий НЭК, неврологические расстройства, вызваные ВШК или нейросонографическое диагносцирование ВШК при наявых ЭхоКГ ознаках ОАП. Важным клиническим критэрием необходимости операции для закрытия ОАП есть невозможность перевода ребёнка на самостоятельное дыхание. Все недоношеные новорожденные нашого исследования имели гемодинамически значущий ОАП, что проявлялся на момент операции объёмной перенагрузкой малого круга кровообращения, высокую легочную гипертензию, увеличением конечно-диастолического индекса левого желудочка, клиническими онаками НЭК разной стадии и ВШК. Все недоношеные новорожденные которые имели НЭК ІІА и РДС с гемодинамически значущим ОАП были прооперированы. В результате етого НЭК и РДС регресировал, пациенты, за исключением одного, были екстубированы и выписаны в разные сроки после операций.Выводы. Пятилетний опыт сотрудничества показал возможность исполнения закрытия ОАП в условиях неспециализированого отделения лечебного учериждения. Основой успеха есть своевременная диагностика ОАП и определение показов к оперативному лечению. Хирургическое закрытие ОАП у недоношеных новорожденных с малым весом есть эфективной процедурой которая предупреждает развитию таких тяжелых патолгических состояний, как НЭК и РДС, значительно улучшает прогнозы тяжелой труппы пациентов в большинстве случаев эсть единственной возможностью спасти жизнь., Background. Botallo’s duct typically closes within the first three days after birth. Its tissue, however, is immature in preterm infants and, therefore, has a much lower tendency to reflex closure. The shorter is the period of the premature child’s gestation, the more he/she needs medication or surgical treatment owing to a number of severe complications most commonly associated with a PDA: cardiac insufficiency, pulmonary decompensation, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, intracranial hemorrhage, necrotizing enterocolitis and others.Purpose. The analysis of the first experience (gained on the basis of the facilities of the VRTPMA) of providing a surgical close of a hemodynamically significant PDA in premature newborns.Materials and Methods. From 2010 to 2016, using the facilities of the VRTPMA and in collaboration with the specialists of the SPMCPCCS, we performed an operation of 21 premature infants with a PDA. The average age of gestation at birth was 27.6 weeks. The gestation age at the instant of the surgery was 30.7 weeks. The average weight was 1145 gr. All the patients had been on mechanical lung ventilation from birth to the operation time; the antecedent history of all of them had registered two unsuccessful attempts to transfer the children to independent (spontaneous) breathing. The neurological condition of all patients was grave. All the children had clinical symptoms of a Respiratory- Distress Syndrome (RDS) and a varying degree (stage) of necrotizing enterocolitis (from IA to IIB); one patient underwent surgical intervention in the abdominal cavity regarding a manifestation of necrotizing enterocolitis. We considered the following indications of an echocardiogram to be significant for a PDA: the correlation between the size of the left atrium and the diameter of the root of the aorta is over 1.4; the diameter of a PDA exceeds 1.4 mm/kg of weight; the diameter of a PDA is equal to or greater than that of a pulmonary artery; the enlarged size of a left ventricle; a retrograde diastolic blood flow in a descending aorta; the velocity of a turbulent systolic blood flow in a pulmonary artery is higher than 0.5 m/sec. The clinical signs of a need to administer surgical treatment include: a somatic phase of a necrotizing enterocolitis; no way to discontinue the assisted (mechanical) ventilation of the lungs; the patient is refractory to pathogenic therapy. All the patients we operated on had met the above-listed clinical and echocardiographic criteria. The ligation of a hemodynamically significant PDA was applied in a newborns’ resuscitation unit with a general desensitization provided by a mechanical pulmonary ventilation. A left-sided, midline and posterior thoracotomy followed a standard procedure.Results. The hospital lethality rate amounted to 9,53 per cent. One operation had a fatal outcome. The postoperative complications were as follows: cardiac failure in 5 children; marked respiratory insufficiency in 7 children; neurological disorders in 6 children; manifestation of a necrotizing enterocolitis in 1 child. All the 19 children who survived were monitored after they had been discharged from the hospital. There was not a single late lethal outcome and recanalization of a PDA. We devised an algorythm of a preoperative management of patients. The basic diagnostic method was echocardiography study. In determining the indications for surgery we drew upon a clinical picture and the above-stated echocardiographic criteria of evaluating a hemodynamically significant PDA. Our experience leads us to conclude that the indications for the close of a PDA are the emergence and progression of a pulmonary and cardiac failure, the symptoms of somatic phases of necrotizing enterocolitis, neurological disorders caused by internal ventricular hemorrhage or a neurosonographic diagnosis of internal ventricular hemorrhage, given the echocardiographic evidence of a PDA.The essential criterion for the surgical intervention targeted at closing a PDA was a failure to transfer a child to independent breathing. As our study suggests, all the premature newborns had a hemodynamically significant PDA, which is manifested at the time of the surgery by a volume overload of pulmonary blood circulation, high pulmonary hypertension, an increase in end-diastolic left ventricular index, clinical manifestations of a necrotizing enterocolitis (at different stages) and internal ventricular hemorrhage. All those premature neonates with a necrotizing enterocolitis of stage IIA and a respiratory distress syndrome associated with a hemogynamically significant PDA were operated on. As a result, the necrotizing enterocolitis and a respiratory distress syndrome regressed. After surgery the patients (with one exception) were extubated and discharged from the hospital at different time.Conclusions. Our 6-year experience of cooperation demonstrated an opportunity to perform the closure of a PDA in a non-specialized medical facility. The success was grounded on a timely diagnosis and a detection of evidence for a surgical intervention. Surgical closure of a PDA in premature low birth weight neonates is an effective procedure, because it allows to prevent such pathological states as necrotizing enterocolitis and respiratory distress syndrome. Surgical treatment, under the circumstances, improves substantially the prospects of the patients with severe disorders and is, in most cases, the only option for saving their lives.
- Published
- 2017
- Author
Martinyuk, T. V., Romanyuk, O. M., Martinyuk, V. F., Gorbatyuk, O. M., Selyuk, V. S., Rutskiy, P. V., Martinyuk, T. V., Romanyuk, O. M., Martinyuk, V. F., Gorbatyuk, O. M., Selyuk, V. S., and Rutskiy, P. V.
- Abstract
Background. Botallo’s duct typically closes within the first three days after birth. Its tissue, however, is immature in preterm infants and, therefore, has a much lower tendency to reflex closure. The shorter is the period of the premature child’s gestation, the more he/she needs medication or surgical treatment owing to a number of severe complications most commonly associated with a PDA: cardiac insufficiency, pulmonary decompensation, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, intracranial hemorrhage, necrotizing enterocolitis and others.Purpose. The analysis of the first experience (gained on the basis of the facilities of the VRTPMA) of providing a surgical close of a hemodynamically significant PDA in premature newborns.Materials and Methods. From 2010 to 2016, using the facilities of the VRTPMA and in collaboration with the specialists of the SPMCPCCS, we performed an operation of 21 premature infants with a PDA. The average age of gestation at birth was 27.6 weeks. The gestation age at the instant of the surgery was 30.7 weeks. The average weight was 1145 gr. All the patients had been on mechanical lung ventilation from birth to the operation time; the antecedent history of all of them had registered two unsuccessful attempts to transfer the children to independent (spontaneous) breathing. The neurological condition of all patients was grave. All the children had clinical symptoms of a Respiratory- Distress Syndrome (RDS) and a varying degree (stage) of necrotizing enterocolitis (from IA to IIB); one patient underwent surgical intervention in the abdominal cavity regarding a manifestation of necrotizing enterocolitis. We considered the following indications of an echocardiogram to be significant for a PDA: the correlation between the size of the left atrium and the diameter of the root of the aorta is over 1.4; the diameter of a PDA exceeds 1.4 mm/kg of weight; the diameter of a PDA is equal to or greater than that of a pulmonary artery; the enlarged size of a left ventri
- Published
- 2017
- Author
Martinyuk, T. V., primary, Romanyuk, O. M., additional, Martinyuk, V. F., additional, Gorbatyuk, O. M., additional, Selyuk, V. S., additional, and Rutskiy, P. V., additional
- Published
- 2017
- Full Text
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- Author
Romanyuk, O. M., Martinyuk, V. F., Martinyuk, T. V., Gnativ, M. M., Romanyuk, O. M., Martinyuk, V. F., Martinyuk, T. V., and Gnativ, M. M.
- Abstract
Summary. Background. Botallo’s duct typically closes within the first three days after birth. Its tissue, however, is immature in preterm infants and, therefore, has a much lower tendency to reflex closure. The shorter is the period of the premature child’s gestation, the more he/she needs medication or surgical treatment owing to a number of severe complications most commonly associated with a PDA: cardiac insufficiency, pulmonary decompensation, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, intracranial hemorrhage, necrotizing enterocolitis and others.Purpose. The analysis of the first experience (gained based on the facilities of the VRTPMA) of providing a surgical close of a hemodynamically significant PDA in premature newborns.Materials and Methods. From 2010 to 2015, using the facilities of the VRTPMA and in collaboration with the specialists of the SPMCPCCS, we performed an operation of 16 premature infants with a PDA. The average age of gestation at birth was 27.6 weeks. The gestation age at the instant of the surgery was 30.7 weeks. The average weight was 1450 gr. All the patients had been on mechanical lung ventilation from birth to the operation time; the antecedent history of all of them had registered two unsuccessful attempts to transfer the children to independent (spontaneous) breathing. The neurological condition of 13 patients was grave. All the children had clinical symptoms of a Respiratory- Distress Syndrome (RDS) and a varying degree (stage) of necrotizing enterocolitis (from IA to IIB); one patient underwent surgical intervention in the abdominal cavity regarding a manifestation of necrotizing enterocolitis. We considered the following indications of an echocardiogram to be significant for a PDA: the correlation between the size of the left atrium and the diameter of the root of the aorta is over 1.4; the diameter of a PDA exceeds 1.4 mm/kg of weight; the diameter of a PDA is equal to or greater than that of a pulmonary artery; the enlarged size of a left ventr
- Published
- 2016
- Author
Romanyuk, O. M., primary, Martinyuk, V. F., additional, Martinyuk, T. V., additional, and Gnativ, M. M., additional
- Published
- 2016
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10. Взаємозв’язок імунозалежних миханізмів із делецією генів глутатіон-s-трансфераз у розвитку генітального ендометріозу
- Author
Malanchuk, L. M., primary and Martinyuk, V. M., additional
- Published
- 2016
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- Author
Malanchuk, L. M., primary and Martinyuk, V. M., additional
- Published
- 2015
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12. This title is unavailable for guests, please login to see more information.
- Author
Martinyuk, V. P. and Martinyuk, V. P.
- Published
- 2012
13. This title is unavailable for guests, please login to see more information.
- Author
Martinyuk, V. P. and Martinyuk, V. P.
- Published
- 2009
14. Long-term toxicity of chlorpromazine, diclofenac and two lanthanides on three generations of Ceriodaphnia dubia .
- Author
Gylytė B, Martinyuk V, Cimmperman R, Karitonas R, Stoliar O, and Manusadžianas L
- Subjects
- Animals, Chlorpromazine toxicity, Diclofenac toxicity, Cladocera, Lanthanoid Series Elements toxicity
- Abstract
Amultigenerational study on Ceriodaphnia dubia was carried out by exposing three subsequent generations to pharmaceuticals chlorpromazine (CPZ) and diclofenac (DCF), and two lanthanide chlorides, gadolinium as GdCl
3 and europium as EuCl3 . As the treatments, environmentally relevant concentrations were chosen (0.001, 0.01 and 0.1 mg/L for CPZ; 0.1, 1 and 10 mg/L for DCF; 0.425, 4.25 and 42.5 µg/L for Gd and 0.41, 4.1 and 41 µg/L for Eu). Survival, population growth and reproduction success were evaluated at 21 and 30 days of exposure, and the whole observation period lasted 40 days. The least sensitive to all selected substances was the first daphnid generation (F1). Within 21-day exposure, no significant effects of the psychotropic drug CPZ on C. dubia survival were observed in generations F1-F3. The anti-inflammatory drug DCF did not affect survival in the F1 generation; however, it significantly reduced survival in the F3 generation at 1-10 mg/L. Both lanthanides did not affect survival in the F1 and F2 generations of C. dubia but considerably decreased survival in the F3 at 4-42 µg/L. Both pharmaceuticals stimulated the reproduction of C. dubia in the F1 generation, while inhibition occurred at the highest tested concentrations in generations F2 and F3. The inhibitory effect on the reproductive success of lanthanides in the F2 generation resembled that for CPZ but not for DCF. The dynamics of adverse effects during the 21-30-day period revealed that despite increased mortality in the controls (up to 30%), concentrations used in the study minified, in most instances, the survival and aggravated population growth and reproduction success of C. dubia . Our data suggest that C. dubia as a test organism can be used for 21 days in multigenerational investigations, especially when testing close to environmental concentrations. In this respect, the standard C. dubia chronic toxicity assay seems limited since prolonged observations and several generations of daphnids are required to obtain reliable information for the risk assessment of potentially aggressive chemicals., Competing Interests: The authors declare there are no competing interests., (©2023 Gylytė et al.)- Published
- 2023
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15. Sublethal cadmium exposure in the freshwater snail Lymnaea stagnalis meets a deficient, poorly responsive metallothionein system while evoking oxidative and cellular stress.
- Author
Gnatyshyna L, Khoma V, Martinyuk V, Matskiv T, Pedrini-Martha V, Niederwanger M, Stoliar O, and Dallinger R
- Subjects
- Humans, Animals, Cadmium toxicity, Cadmium metabolism, Fresh Water chemistry, Oxidative Stress, Biomarkers metabolism, Lymnaea genetics, Lymnaea metabolism, Metallothionein genetics, Metallothionein metabolism
- Abstract
The Great Pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis (Gastropoda, Hygrophila) is a wide-spread freshwater gastropod, being considered as a model organism for research in many fields of biology, including ecotoxicology. The aim of the present study was to explore the Cd sensitivity of L. stagnalis through the measurement of a biomarker battery for oxidative, toxic and cellular stress. The interpretation of biomarker parameters occurred against the background of a truncated metallothionein protein with a limited Cd-binding capacity. Individuals of L. stagnalis were exposed through 14 days to uncontaminated water (controls) or to low (30 μg · L
-1 ) or high (50 μg · L-1 ) Cd concentrations. The digestive gland of control and low-Cd exposed snails was processed for transcriptional analysis of the Metallothionein (MT) gene expression, and for determination of biomarkers for oxidative stress, toxicity and cellular stress. Digestive gland supernatants of high-Cd exposed snails were subjected to chromatography and subsequent analysis by spectrophotometry. It was shown that the MT system of L. stagnalis is functionally deficient, with a poor Cd responsiveness at both, the transcriptional and the protein expression levels. Instead, L. stagnalis appears to rely on alternative detoxification mechanisms such as Cd binding by phytochelatins and metal inactivation by compartmentalization within the lysosomal system. In spite of this, however, traces of Cd apparently leak out of the pre-determined detoxification pathways, leading to adverse effects, which is clearly indicated by biomarkers of oxidative and cellular stress., Competing Interests: Declaration of competing interest The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence the work reported in this paper., (Copyright © 2022 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)- Published
- 2023
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16. Does roundup affect zinc functions in a bivalve mollusk in ex vivo exposure?
- Author
Khoma V, Martinyuk V, Matskiv T, Yunko K, Gnatyshyna L, and Stoliar O
- Subjects
- Animals, Metallothionein, Mollusca, Zinc toxicity, Unio, Water Pollutants, Chemical analysis, Water Pollutants, Chemical toxicity
- Abstract
Roundup (Rn), a glyphosate-based formulation, is one of the most commonly used herbicides in the world. It affects non-targeted organisms in several ways, including adhesive activity towards metal ions. Zinc (Zn) plays a crucial role in a number of biochemical processes. In this study, we aim to elucidate the direct impact of Rn on Zn accumulation and Zn-dependent activities in the ex vivo system. To this end, we exposed the samples of the digestive gland of a bivalve mollusk Unio tumidus to 3 µM of Rn (calculated as 3 µM of glyphosate), Zn, Zn chelator (N,N,N',N'-Tetrakis(2-pyridylmethyl)ethylenediamine) (TPEN, Tp), and their combinations ZnTp and ZnRn for 17 h. We determined the levels of Zn in the tissue (Zn t) and metallothioneins (Zn-MT), metallothioneins (MTSH), and glutathione (GSH & GSSG), total antioxidant capacity (TAC), lysosomal membrane integrity, and caspase-3 activity. Our study demonstrated that Rn and Tp had different effects on the accumulation and functionality of Zn. Rn did not affect the accumulation of Zn (Zn t, Zn-MT) in the Zn- and ZnRn-groups. On the contrary, Tp produced effects antagonistic to Zn on caspase-3 activity, lysosomal stability, and MTSH concentration. Rn caused particular pro-oxidative effect that decreased GSH level (Rn- and ZnRn-groups) and lysosomal stability (Rn-group). The shared affected index was the GSH/GSSG ratio, which decreased by 2-8 times in each exposure. As the first experience with the application of Tp to indicate Zn activity in mollusks, the study concluded that the ex vivo approach could be useful in the study of numeral aquatic pollutants., (© 2021. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature.)
- Published
- 2022
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17. Environmental concentrations of Roundup in combination with chlorpromazine or heating causes biochemical disturbances in the bivalve mollusc Unio tumidus.
- Author
Khoma V, Martinyuk V, Matskiv T, Gnatyshyna L, Baranovsky V, Gladiuk M, Gylytė B, Manusadžianas L, and Stoliar O
- Subjects
- Animals, Chlorpromazine toxicity, Heating, Mollusca, Unio, Water Pollutants, Chemical analysis, Water Pollutants, Chemical toxicity
- Abstract
Bivalve molluscs represent the most recognized bioindicators of freshwater pollution. However, their ability to indicate specific xenobiotics in complex exposures is unclear. In this study, we aimed to track the particular effects of the pesticide Roundup (Rnd) and the antipsychotic drug chlorpromazine (Cpz) on the mussel Unio tumidus at the simpler environmentally relevant models. We treated the mussels by Rnd (17 μg L
-1 ), Cpz (18 μg L-1 ), the mixture of Rnd and Cpz at 18 °C (RndCpz), and Rnd at 25 °C (RndT) and examined their digestive glands after 14 days of exposure. We analyzed total antioxidant capacity, glutathione (GSH&GSSG) and protein carbonyls levels, total and Zn-related concentrations of metallothioneins (MT and Zn-MT, respectively), the activities of CYP450-related EROD, glutathione S-transferase, cholinesterase, caspase-3, citrate synthase (CS), lysosomal membrane integrity (NRR), and Zn level in the tissue. Shared responses were indicated as the increase of the antioxidant, Zn-MT, and EROD levels, whereas the changes of Zn concentration, NRR, and caspase-3 activity were most diverse compared to control. According to discriminant analysis, complex exposures abolished the individual response traits and intensified the harmful effects that caused a decrease in the Zn level in the RndCpz- and RndT-groups and the loss of lysosomal integrity in the RndT-group. We concluded that multi-marker expertise with the application of integrated indices had benefits when evaluating the effects of complex exposures., (© 2021. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature.)- Published
- 2022
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18. Common and particular biochemical responses of Unio tumidus to herbicide, pharmaceuticals and their combined exposure with heating.
- Author
Khoma V, Gnatyshyna L, Martinyuk V, Mackiv T, Mishchenko L, Manusadžianas L, and Stoliar O
- Subjects
- Animals, Biomarkers metabolism, Environmental Exposure analysis, Herbicides metabolism, Hot Temperature adverse effects, Lysosomes drug effects, Lysosomes metabolism, Oxidative Stress drug effects, Unio metabolism, Water Pollutants, Chemical metabolism, Environmental Exposure adverse effects, Herbicides toxicity, Pharmaceutical Preparations metabolism, Unio drug effects, Water Pollutants, Chemical toxicity
- Abstract
The priority list of freshwater pollutants is increasingly amended by pharmaceuticals. Their impact on the aquatic biota can be modulated by the presence of typical pollutants, like pesticides, and/or abnormal heating. The aim of this study was to elucidate potentially hazardous impact of combined environmental factors on the freshwater mussels by analyzing various sets of biochemical markers. We treated the bivalve molluscs of Unio tumidus with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug diclofenac (Dc, 2 nM), calcium antagonist and antihypertensive drug nifedipine (Nf, 2 nM) or organophosphonate glyphosate-based herbicide Roundup MAX (Rn, 79 nM of glyphosate) at 18 °C as well as with the mixture of these substances at 18 °C (Mix) or 25 °C (MixT) during 14 days. The concentrations used were correspondent to the environmentally relevant levels. The biomarkers of stress and toxicity were evaluated in digestive gland, except the lysosomal membrane stability measured in hemocytes. Exposures caused an oxidative stress due to the decreased SOD and GST activities and GSH/GSSG ratio, increased levels of thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances and protein carbonyls (with some exceptions). Dc increased cathepsin D activity in lysosomes. Nf increased lysosomal membrane stability and caspase-3 activity. Rn caused a dramatic distortion of metallo-thiolome due to increased levels of GSH and metallothionein-related thiols (MTSH) as well as depletion of Zn, Cu and Cd in the composition of metallothioneins, and decreased Zn/Cu molar ratio in the tissue. The particular toxicity of Rn was also attested by decreased lysosomal membrane stability and cholinesterase activity. Canonical discriminant analysis separated Rn-, Mix- and MixT-groups from the joint set of C-, Dc- and Nf-groups. Generally, compound-specific effects were expressed in U. tumidus responses to the mixtures, but in MixT-group some effects were particular or extremely strong. Multi-marker approach and integrative analysis proved to be a useful tool for understanding possible future risks to freshwater mussels under a combination of xenobiotics and warming climate., (Copyright © 2020 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.)
- Published
- 2021
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19. Biochemical Responses of the Bivalve Mollusk Unio tumidus Inhabiting a Small Power Plant Reservoir on the Dniester River Basin, Ukraine.
- Author
Khoma V, Gnatyshyna L, Martinyuk V, Rarok Y, Mudra A, and Stoliar O
- Subjects
- Animals, Biomarkers metabolism, Catalase metabolism, Glutathione Transferase metabolism, Lipid Peroxidation, Metallothionein metabolism, Mollusca metabolism, Rivers, Ukraine, Unio metabolism, Water Pollutants, Chemical analysis, Environmental Monitoring, Power Plants, Unio physiology, Water Pollutants, Chemical toxicity
- Abstract
Hydropower plants (HPPs) can affect the hydrological regime. However, biochemical responses of aquatic animals for the evaluation of this disturbing are not applied yet. The specimens of Unio tumidus were sampled in a reservoir (R) of a small HPP as well as downstream from the dam (DS). Biochemical indexes in the digestive gland and alkali labile phosphates (ALP) in the gonads were examined. The R-mollusks showed low cholinesterase, catalase and caspase-3 activities, and metallothionein concentration, but elevated levels of zinc and copper, oxidized glutathione and protein carbonyls. Concentrations of lactate, pyruvate and ALP, activity of superoxide dismutase and glutathione S-transferase, and lipid peroxidation level were similar in both groups. Integrated biomarker response (IBR/n) index (n = 13) was 2.17 and 0.29 in the R- and DS-groups correspondingly. We suggest that using integrative biological response based on the biochemical markers of bivalve mollusks can be a valid early warning step in assessing 'environmental flow' impact.
- Published
- 2020
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20. Multi-marker study of the responses of the Unio tumidus from the areas of small and micro hydropower plants at the Dniester River Basin, Ukraine.
- Author
Gnatyshyna L, Khoma V, Mishchuk O, Martinyuk V, Spriņģe G, and Stoliar O
- Subjects
- Animals, Biomarkers, Lipid Peroxidation, Rivers, Ukraine, Unio
- Abstract
The impact of the hydropower plants (HPPs) on the aquatic life is expected, but the biochemical markers of ecotoxicity have not been investigated in relation to HPP proximity. The aim of this study was to compare the responses of mollusk Unio tumidus from the small HPP (reservoir (Ku) and downstream of the dam (Kd)) and micro HPP (upstream (Zu) and downstream of the dam (Zd)). In total, 11 indexes (n) from digestive gland, hemocytes (lysosomal integrity), and gonads (alkali-labile phosphates, ALP) were analyzed. The mollusks from the reservoir demonstrate the typical signs of toxic impact: cholinesterase and glutathione depletion, the highest glutathione S-transferase activity, and ratio of extralysosomal cathepsin D compare to all other groups. The specimens from the micro HPP have the highest levels of glutathione (Zd) and lipid peroxidation (Zu) and lesser Cu/Zn-SOD activity (Zu) than other groups. These indications of stressful conditions may derive from the regular oscillations in the water flow regimes at the micro HPP. For both HPPs, the responses of upstream and downstream groups are distinct. The calculated IBR/n (4.17, 3.85, 3.12, and 0.26 for Ku, Kd, Zu, and Zd correspondingly) gives a quantitative basis for the evaluation of environmental impact of HPPs. Graphical abstract .
- Published
- 2020
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21. Biochemical responses of freshwater mussel Unio tumidus to titanium oxide nanoparticles, Bisphenol A, and their combination.
- Author
Gnatyshyna L, Falfushynska H, Horyn O, Khoma V, Martinyuk V, Mishchuk O, Mishchuk N, and Stoliar O
- Subjects
- Animals, Unionidae metabolism, Benzhydryl Compounds toxicity, Endocrine Disruptors toxicity, Metal Nanoparticles toxicity, Phenols toxicity, Titanium toxicity, Unionidae drug effects, Water Pollutants, Chemical toxicity
- Abstract
Multiple interactions between different pollutants in the surface waters can cause unpredictable consequences. The aim of the study was to evaluate the combined effect of two widespread xenobiotics, titanium oxide nanoparticles (TiO
2 ) and bisphenol A (BPA), on freshwater bivalve Unio tumidus. The specimens were exposed for 14 days to TiCl4 (Ti, 1.25 µM), TiO2 (1.25 μM), BPA (0.88 nM), or their combination (TiO2 + BPA). Every type of exposure resulted in a particular oxidative stress response: TiO2 had antioxidant effect, decreasing the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and phenoloxidase (PhO) activity, and doubling reduced glutathione (GSH) concentration in the digestive gland; Ti caused oxidative changes by increasing levels of ROS, PhO and superoxide dismutase; BPA decreased the GSH level by a factor of two. In the co-exposure treatment, these indices as well as lysosomal membrane stability were not affected. All Ti-containing exposures caused elevated levels of metalated metallothionein (Zn,Cu-MT), its ratio to total metallothionein protein, and lactate/pyruvate ratio. Both BPA-containing exposures decreased caspase-3 activity. All exposures, and particularly co-exposure, up-regulated CYP450-dependent oxidation, lipid peroxidation and lipofuscin accumulation, lysosomal cathepsin D and its efflux, as well as alkali-labile phosphates in gonads and caused DNA instability (except for TiO2 ). To summarize, co-exposure to TiO2 + BPA produced an overlap of certain individual responses but strengthened the damage. Development of water purification technologies using TiO2 requires further studies of the biological effects of its mixtures. U. tumidus can serve as a sentinel organism in such studies.- Published
- 2019
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