27 results on '"Alip Sugianto"'
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2. Javenglish: Permainan Bahasa di Era Masyarakat Multilingual. Ranah: Jurnal Kajian Bahasa
- Author
Alip Sugianto
- Subjects
permainan ,bahasa ,javenglish ,game ,language ,Language and Literature - Abstract
Javanglish is a combination of two languages, namely Java or Java with English or English. These two languages are very interesting to study with a sociolinguistic approach because both languages contain linguistic and social facts. This study aims to determine the form of language games used in Javenglish, and the similarities and differences between the two languages. The method in this study went through three stages, namely provision, analysis and exposure. The results show that Javenglish aims to play language by gathuk mathuk between Javanese and English so that it creates a uniqueness, and it's funny because there are several language element games in the form of phonological games or language sounds, and semantic games or language meanings. Abstrak Javenglish merupakan penggabungan dari dua bahasa yaitu bahasa Jawa atau Java dengan bahasa Inggris atau English. Kedua bahasa tersebut sangat menarik dikaji dengan pendekatan sosiolinguistik karena dalam dua bahasa tersebut mengandung fakta bahasa dan sosial. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bentuk permainan bahasa yang digunakan dalam Javenglish, dan kesamaan dan perbedaan di antara dua bahasa tersebut, metode dalam penelitian ini melalui tiga tahap yaitu penyediaan data, analisis, dan pemaparan. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa Javenglish bertujuan untuk permainan bahasa dengan cara gathuk mathuk antara bahasa Jawa dan English sehingga memunculkan keunikan dan lucu karena terdapat beberapa permainan unsur bahasa berbentuk seperti permainan fonologi atau bunyi bahasa dan permainan semantik atau makna bahasa.
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Muhammad Lukman Syafii, Alip Sugianto, and Nanang Cendriono
- Subjects
action research ,multimedia presentation ,speaking skill ,students’ involvement ,Education (General) ,L7-991 ,English language ,PE1-3729 - Abstract
Multimedia presentation strategy is one of strategies that can be used for developing students’ speaking skills. Therefore, this research is intended to describe how multimedia presentation strategy can improve the eighth graders’ speaking skills. A collaborative classroom action research design was employed in this research. This action research was conducted in four main steps, namely planning, implementing, observing, and reflecting. To collect the data, some instruments, i.e. students’ oral performance test, the observation checklist, field notes, and questionnaire, were used. The result showed that the students’ speaking performance improved from 64.29% in Cycle 1 to 100% in Cycle 2. Meanwhile, the students’ involvement has achieved the criteria of success (100% of students) in Cycle 1. Here, they could fulfill at least 2 out of 4 indicators in Cycle 1 and Cycle 2. In addition, the students’ perception towards the implementation of Multimedia Presentation strategy was 94.29% and only 5.71% of students who were not interested in the implementation of Multimedia Presentation strategy in teaching speaking skills. Hence, it can be concluded that Multimedia Presentation strategy can improve students’ speaking skill.
- Published
- 2019
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- Author
Alip Sugianto
- Subjects
Village Name ,civil ,Etnolinguistic ,History of scholarship and learning. The humanities ,AZ20-999 ,Social sciences (General) ,H1-99 - Abstract
This paper expplains that the Pattern Name of villages in Ponorogo at period of Duke Raden Katong Batoro has some morphological word formations and meanings. For the method, this research used literature and historical analysis. Research shows that names of the village in Ponorogo relate to Batoro Katong. From the historical point of view, names of the villages came from the names of People Punggawa Raden Batoro Katong who have lived in and founded Ponorogo. This was intended for the remembrance of Raden Katong Batoro’s struggle, the founding father of Ponorogo.
- Published
- 2017
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- Author
Alip Sugianto
- Subjects
Kata Kunci: Kebudayaan, Jawa dan Etnik Panaragan ,History of scholarship and learning. The humanities ,AZ20-999 ,Social sciences (General) ,H1-99 - Abstract
Abstrak Ponorogo menurut banyak kalangan merupakan sub etnik kebudayaan Mataraman yang meliputi Madiun, Magetan, Ngawi, Pacitan dan Trenggalek. Namun berdasarkan analisa penulis Ponorogo merupakan sub etnik kebudayaan sendiri yang tidak termasuk dalam wilayah kebudayaan Mataraman. Melainkan sebuah Etnik tersendiri Kebudayaan Jawa Etnik Panaragan. Artikel ini menjelaskan tentang kebudayaan Jawa Etnik Panaragan sehingga memiliki ciri khas tersendiri sebagai sub etnik budaya sendiri di Jawa Timur. Kata Kunci: Kebudayaan, Jawa dan Etnik Panaragan
- Published
- 2016
- Author
Alip Sugianto
- Subjects
ethnolinguistics ,Warok curse ,Panaragan Javanese ethnics ,Language and Literature - Abstract
This research aims at describing spell (mantra) language of Ponorogo’s warok on the aspect of language style, diction, and rhyme. This is a field research with Ponorogo’s warok as the informant. It applies observing, listening and note-taking technique. The data are analyzed using descriptive qualitative approach. The results of the research show that the spells of warok have characteristics of aliteration, assonance, polysidenton, asidenton, antonomatia, metaphor, hyperbole, pararhyme, and repetition language style, including anadiplosis, simploke, mesodiplosis, epizeuksis, tautotes, epistrofa, anafora. Meanwhile, on the aspect of diction, they cover connotation, denotation, religious symbols, synonyms, antonyms, and spirits. In addition, the taste of spell rhyme is resulted from some factors, such as sound repetition and connection between lines in a couplet, all that has functions to add artistic values to the spells so that they produce harmonious and synchronous effects of sounds.
- Published
- 2016
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- Author
Alip Sugianto
- Subjects
tourism village, increasing economic ,Business ,HF5001-6182 ,Economics as a science ,HB71-74 - Abstract
Ponorogo is a region of East Java which has kind of potential tourisms, such as culture tourisms, natural tourisms, and craft industries which has spread out in many places. One of the places which has potential tourisms village is Karang Patihan subdistrict of which belongs to Balong Ponorogo. The Potention needs to be developed as one of the efforts to keep the culture, environmental lives and as alternative to increase economic society. This reaserch aims to identify the potention which has high values as the tourisms village. Thus, it can be known as original characters Karang Patihan Village in developing strategies of tourism village as the alternative increasing economic society.
- Published
- 2016
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- Author
Alip Sugianto
- Subjects
Etnolinguistik, Semiotika dan Pakaian Adat Warok Ponorogo ,History of scholarship and learning. The humanities ,AZ20-999 ,Social sciences (General) ,H1-99 - Abstract
Pakaian Adat merupakan sebuah identitas suatu daerah yang mana simbol darikebudayaan yang dimiliki oleh wilayah tersebut. Hal tersebut sebagaimana Pakaian AdatEtnik Panaragan yang terkenal dengan Pakaian Khas Warok Ponorogo. Pakaian Adat KhasPonorogo memiliki nilai filosofi yang terkandung didalamnya yang akan di telaah denganmenggunakan pendekatan etnolinguistik. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa pakaianadat panaragan atau warok memiliki kharakter jiwa masyarakat Ponorogo yang tersimpandalam nilai-nilai yang terdapat dalam pakaian adat. Nilai tersebut antara lain ketenangan,keberanian, kesabaran.
- Published
- 2016
9. A Conceptual Model of Culture-Based English Learning Materials in Indonesia
- Author
Muhammad Lukman Syafii, Ghulam Asrofi Buntoro, Alip Sugianto, Nurohman Nurohman, and Sutanto Sutanto
- Subjects
Education - Abstract
The purpose of this research was to create a culture-based English learning model for use in junior high schools. This study was part of a larger research project that used a research and development (R&D) design. In the first year, the project aims to create a conceptual model of culture-based English learning materials. This study was conducted at Muhammadiyah 1 Junior High School in Ponorogo, East Java province, Indonesia. Muhammadiyah is one of the biggest Islamic non-governmental organizations in Indonesia. We chose this school due to its easy access and low motivation levels of its students in learning English. Sample selection was conducted using a multi-stage sampling technique. The data were collected using questionnaires, document analysis, and interviews, and triangulated using expert judgment. The results of the data analysis led to the production of a conceptual model of English learning material which contains core competencies, basic competencies, themes, or materials of English for junior high school students. The result of the interviews with the students and teachers during need analysis indicated that it is necessary to include local culture in English learning materials to increase students’ engagement and knowledge about their culture. The results of the product try-out showed that students are motivated because they are familiar with the culture-based learning materials. As such, this conceptual model will be the basis to develop similar modules of English learning materials for junior high school students.
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Alip Sugianto
- Abstract
Nama merupakan identitas sosial sebagai penanda objek salah satunya adalah penamaan paguyuban Reyog Ponorogo. Sebagai kesenian tradisional, kesenian ini masih Mempertahankan pengunaan nama dengan Bahasa Jawa Kuna sebagai salah satu identitas budaya etnik Jawa Panaragan. Pengunaan nama tersebut salah satu yang melatar belakangi adalah kearifan lokal sebagai upaya pemertahanan bahasa Jawa Kuna. Penelitian ini memiliki beberapa tujuan: (1) Mendeskripsikan unsur apa saja yang melatar belakangi penamaan paguyuban Reyog Ponorogo (2) Mendeskripsikan makna yang terdapat dalam paguyuba Reyog Ponorogo (3) faktor apa saja yang melatar belakangi pemertahanan bahasa Jawa Kuna dalam penamaan Paguyuban Reyog. Data berupa nama-nama paguyuban Reyog yang diperoleh dari Dinas Pariwisata diambil secara purposif sampling dan wawancara serta interprestasi dengan mengunakan pendekatan deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil temuan dalam penelitian ini terdapat beberapa unsur penamaan yaitu unsur agama, alam, flora, fauna dan entitas lainnya. Unsur tersebut mencermin makna dibalik nama paguyuban Reyog Ponorogo dan bertahan dalam pengunaan Bahasa Jawa Kuna karena sikap masyarakat yang memiliki sikap primodialisme dan etnosentris positif sehingga nama pegunaan Bahasa Jawa Kuna masih bertahan dalam pengunaan nama paguyuban Reyog.
- Published
- 2022
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11. Pelatihan Jurnalisme: Bijak Bermedsos, Training Motivasi dan Digital Marketing di Muhammadiyah Singosaren Ponorogo
- Author
Nurul Abidin, Erni Prastyaningsih, Alip Sugianto, and Azid Syukroni
- Abstract
Muhammadiyah Singosaren Ponorogo merupakan organisasi dakwah amar mar'uf nahi mungkar yang bergerak di berbagai bidang kehidupan. Dari beberapa ranah gerak yang dilakukan oleh Muhammadiyah Singosaren tersebut, yang kurang memperoleh perhatian serius adalah bidang Media, Humas dan Informasi. Permasalahan rendahnya gerakan bidang media, humas dan informasi ini berdasarkan laporan pengurus bahwa yang mengelola bidang tersebut kurang maksimal salah satu bisa dilihat dalam produk yang dihasilkan sudah vakum lama sebagaimana salah satu media dakwah yang dikelola melalui facebook dengan laman berikut: https://www.facebook.com/annuur.singosaren berdasarkan informasi melalui facebook tersebut, akun sudah tidak aktif sejak 2018 dan berita yang ditampilkan tidaklah memadai sesuai dengan kaidah jurnalistik. Selain permasalahan tersebut juga tidak terdapat pengelolaan manajemen yang baik sebagai organisasi yang terkenal tertib, hal ini banyak faktor salah satunya minimnya sumber daya insani kader yang terbatas. Keterbatasan itu seharusnya dikelola dengan melakukan manjemen organisasi yang baik, terutama dalam mengelola dakwah persyarikat sehingga berjalan dengan optimal. Solusi Permasalah di atas ada dua hal yang akan kami lakukan yaitu dengan melakukan pelatihan manajemen dakwah dan pelatihan jurnalistik sebagai upaya penguatan, pengembangan dan pemberdayaan potensi dakwah persyarikatan. Luaran dari pengabdian ini yang pertama adalah tata kelola manajemen dakwah yang baik sehingga mampu mengorganisir potensi dan penguatan dakwah persyarikatan yang lebih rapi, tertatur, dan berkemajuan. Luaran yang kedua adalah penguatan media dakwah muhammadiyah singosaren dengan pelatihan jurnalistik sehingga menghasilkan konten-konten dakwah yang menarik sesuai kaidah jurnalistik.Kata Kunci: Pelatihan, Manajemen, Jurnalistik
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Titis Purwaningrum, Alip Sugianto, and Riyantika D
- Abstract
Ponorogo is a cultural city that is famous for its reyog art. This art has been worldwide in various countries. To support Ponorogo as a cultural city that has tourism value, it needs to be supported by souvenirs as part of souvenirs, but not many souvenirs have been produced from Ponorogo SMEs so that they are not maximized. Therefore, this great opportunity needs to be captured by local entrepreneurs, one of the souvenirs that have the opportunity is ethnic screen printing shirts with rigged patterns and so on. This requires synergies and sharing of screen printing programs with several stages, so that it is hoped that it will result in strengthening entrepreneurship and making MSMEs stronger and more competitive.
- Published
- 2022
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13. Seni Besutan Jombang Jawa Timur: Kondisi dan Strategi Pengemasan di Sekolahan
- Author
Dwi Nuriana and Alip Sugianto
- Abstract
Seni Besutan merupakan kesenian khas kabupaten Jombang Jawa Timur. Keberadaan kesenian ini mulai terancam punah seiiring dengan perkembangan jaman. Untuk itu pemerintah kabupaten Jombang berusaha mengenalkan kesenian ini melalui ekstrakulikuler di Sekolahan, namun belum semua sekolah menerapkan seni ini sebagai muatan lokal, serta generasi muda belum memiliki ketertarikan terhadap seni ini. Penelitian ini berusaha untuk memotret kondisi seni besutan dan strategi pengemasan sebagai upaya pelestarian. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan deskriptif dengan survey untuk mengetahui data dan gambaran kondisi seni ini. Hasilnya generasi muda masih tertarik dengan kesenian ini, serta upaya untuk pengemasan kesenian ini melalui beberapa saluran yaitu melalui sisi pendidikan, religi dan budaya.
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Heri Wijayanto, Rhesma Intan Vidyastari, and Alip Sugianto
- Subjects
General Medicine - Abstract
Teknologi informasi sebagai pilar pembangunan nasional, sebagaimana visi teknologi informasiIndonesia yaitu terwujudnya Indonesia sebagai negara tangguh dalam kompetisi global, melalui pengembangan dan pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi demi terbentuknya masyarakat sejahtera berbasis pengetahuan yang berpegang teguh pada nilai-nilai luhur bangsa. Ketidakmampuan menyesuaikan diri dengan kecenderungan global akan membawa masyarakat pada keterisolasian dari perkembangan global karena tidak mampu memanfaatkan informasi. Kondisi inilah yang terjadi di pengrajin perangkat Reyog Ponorogo, sehingga perlu penguatan literasi digital. Program Pengabdian Masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk mendesain system digital marketing perangkat Reyog Ponorogo, sebagai upaya penguatan pemasaran dan mempertahankan nilai budaya adiluhung. Metode yang digunakan dengan konsep perancangan system yang dimulai dengan desain flowchart, data flow diagram, pemrogram, dan desiminasi teknologi. Hasil dari kegiatan pengabdian berupa desain system digital marketing (start up) dengan alamat website: https://ukmreyog.solusi17.com, dan kegiatan desiminasi hasil perancangan system digital marketing kepada pengrajin Reyog Ponorogo dengan capaian dapat meningkatkan literasi digital pengrajin Reyog Ponorogo sebesar 85%, ditandai dengan keberhasilan pengrajin Reyog Ponorogo dalam memasarkan, mempromomosikan, dan menjual produk melalui system digital marketing.
- Published
- 2021
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- Author
Alip Sugianto, Riyanto Riyanto, and Muh Tajab
- Subjects
Fluid Flow and Transfer Processes ,Building and Construction - Abstract
Taman Pendidikan Al Qur'an Muhammadiyah se Ponorogo sejumlah 42 lembaga yang tersebar di 21 Kecamatan. Sebanyak 42 peserta perwakilan lembaga mengikuti keterampilan menulis al Qur'an (Maharah al Kitabah) dengan membuat seni Kaligrafi. Seni kaligrafi merupakan sebuah seni menulis indah menggunakan huruf Arab. TPA Muhammadiyah Ponorogo yang memiliki ketertarikan dalam menulis seni Kaligrafi masih sangat terbatas. Maka, tidak heran jika seni Kaligrafi di Muhammadiyah Ponorogo serasa kering. Mitra pengabdian ini adalah Forum Lembaga Pendidikan Al Qur’an Muhammadiyah Ponorogo dengan mengadakan program pengabdian masyarakat dengan mengelar pelatihan menulis seni kaligrafi bagi guru TPA Muhammadiyah Ponorogo. Hasil dari pengabdian ini adalah pemahaman mengenai teori dalam menulis seni kaligrafi dan ketrampilan dalam membuat seni kaligrafi guna mendukung kualitas pembelajaran menulis al Qur’an bagi guru.Abstract: The Muhammadiyah Al Qur'an Education Park in Ponorogo has 42 institutions spread across 21 sub-districts. A total of 42 participants representing institutions participated in the skills of writing the Qur'an (Maharah al Kitabah) by making the art of Calligraphy. Calligraphy is the art of beautiful writing using Arabic letters. TPA Muhammadiyah Ponorogo which has an interest in writing calligraphy is still very limited. So, do not be surprised if the art of Calligraphy at Muhammadiyah Ponorogo feels dry. The partner of this service is the Muhammadiyah Ponorogo Al Qur'an Educational Institution Forum by holding a community service program by organizing calligraphy writing training for TPA Muhammadiyah Ponorogo teachers. The result of this service is an understanding of the theory in writing calligraphy art and skills in making calligraphy art to support the quality of learning to write the Qur'an for teachers.
- Published
- 2022
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16. Transivitas Teks Mantra Warok Aji Gebyagan Pada Paguyuban Reyog Ponorogo
- Author
Alip Sugianto
- Subjects
Mantra ,Blessing ,Closeness ,Spell ,Meaning (existential) ,Systemic approach ,Attributive ,Psychology ,Linguistics ,Mental processing - Abstract
Alip Sugianto, 2020, The Aji Gebyagan spell is a warok mantra as an introduction to the Gebyagan ritual. Spell data were analyzed using the transiveness of the Linguistic Functional Systemic approach. The aim of this research is to find out more deeply the meaning of the spell of aji gebyagan and to reveal the ideational meaning. The results obtained by verbal processes 33%, attributive relational processes 33%, relational identification processes 25% and behavioral processes 9%. The data shows that the dominance of attributive verbal and relational factors indicates that warok has a closeness in mental processing that is reflected in the spell to get the blessing of God. In addition, there is also a behavioral process as the goal of the spell of safety in the Reyog Ponorogo performance.
- Published
- 2020
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17. Healthy Home Concept According to Javanese Ethnic Panaragan Society: An Etnolinguistic Study
- Author
Hujaefa Hi Muhamad, Sri Sugiharti, Alip Sugianto, Titi Rapini, and Siska Diana Sari
- Subjects
Aesthetics ,Realm ,Ethnic group ,Mindset ,Residence ,Ethnolinguistics ,Sociology ,Space (commercial competition) ,Pathology and Forensic Medicine ,Building construction - Abstract
Javanese ethnic Panaragan culture is very diverse. One of them is the traditional Javanese ethnic Panaraganhome. The home as a shelter is expected to bring outer and inner health to its inhabitants. The conceptof a healthy house can be known to the mindset of the people contained in language. The theory usedis ethnolinguistics which views language tends to reflect the mindset of a society. The method is usedethnoscience by analyzing linguistic utterances in the realm of building a healthy house. As a result, there areouter and inner concepts before building construction, healthy house space and griyowingking concept thatreflects a healthy home mindset for the comfort and safety of a residence which is summarized in languagepatterns.
- Published
- 2021
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18. Organizational Conflict Management In Creating Effective Communication of Higher Education Employees (Case Study at Darul ‘Ulum University Jombang)
- Author
Alip Sugianto and Veri Setiawan
- Subjects
Higher education ,business.industry ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Interpretation (philosophy) ,General Medicine ,Public relations ,Work (electrical) ,Organizational conflict ,Conflict management ,Position (finance) ,Prejudice ,business ,Internal conflict ,media_common - Abstract
The purpose of this research is to explain how promotes management conflict and communication effective. This kind of conflict can happen to everyone and in any places disregarding status, income and position. Someone who cannot manage conflicts will have a threat for his personal performance, and unfortunately, company’s performance will also gain the effect. Accordingly, we need a strategy to manage conflicts as an effort to create a good performance for individual employee performance as well as the team performance. Communication means providing information and distributing to the members of the organization, if the distribution is hampered because of the bad behavior committed by a person or one of the employees of the communication that exists becomes ineffective. In the long term ineffective communications will result in the emergence of misunderstanding interpretation giving rise to prejudice and ultimately lead to internal conflicts within the company or organization. Role management is urgently needed to resolve the conflict because of the impact of impact of the conflict will impact on the performance and effectiveness of the work in the company especially in in Darul Ulum University. Key words: conflict management, effective communication, organization.
- Published
- 2020
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19. Assertive Speech Act in the Sang Kyai Comic to Teach Religious Value: A Pragmatic Study
- Author
Zulfa W Khusnatul, Purwanto, and Alip Sugianto
- Subjects
Speech act ,business.industry ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Assertiveness ,Comics ,business ,Psychology ,Social psychology ,Value (mathematics) ,media_common - Published
- 2020
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20. Sapir Whorf Hypothesis and its Relevance to the Language Expression 'Bombongan' in Ethnic Java of Panaragan
- Author
Alip Sugianto, Wakit Abdullah, Sahid Teguh Widodo, and Sumarlam Sumarlam
- Subjects
symbols.namesake ,Expression (architecture) ,Java ,symbols ,Ethnic group ,Relevance (information retrieval) ,Linguistic relativity ,Psychology ,computer ,Linguistics ,computer.programming_language - Published
- 2019
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21. Bombongan: Expressive Speech Act Ethnic Java of Panaragan in the Art of Reyog (An Etnopragmatic Study)
- Author
Alip Sugianto and Wakit Abdullah
- Subjects
Speech act ,Java ,Ethnic group ,Sociology ,computer ,Linguistics ,computer.programming_language - Published
- 2018
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22. Pendampingan Pelaksanaan Disiplin Bahasa dengan Pendekatan Logic Consequence Di Pondok Modern
- Author
Nanang Cendriono, Alip Sugianto, and Muhammad Syafii
- Subjects
Punishment ,media_common.quotation_subject ,Foreign language ,Socialization ,Mathematics education ,Sanctions ,language discipline, punisments, Logic Consequences, Modern boarding school ,Sociology ,Commit ,Enforcement ,Logical consequence ,On Language ,media_common - Abstract
This Science and Technology Activities for Communities is to approve sanctions applied in upholding the discipline of language in modern boarding school which fall into the category of punishment or logical consequences, which support can instill a high awareness in students to use language only to be able to enforce it as requested, but more because of the awareness of the importance of this language in the learning process. The method applied in this PKM activity was published in several stages, namely: discussing and enforcing debates on language discipline, socialization programs to modern cottage leaders, seminars on Punishment VS Logic Consequences, followed by workshops on language safety agreements with logical consequences, Preparing relevant punishment for students who commit an offense. In the end, from the implementation of the PKM program, it is hoped that the modern boarding school will no longer use punishment consisting of punishment in the enforcement of language discipline but instead uses logical agreement, so as to increase the awareness and interest of students in learning foreign languages.
- Published
- 2019
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23. Local Wisdom of Mathematics in Building Calculations Ponorogo Traditional House
- Author
Sumarlam, Sahid Teguh Widodo, Alip Sugianto, and Wakit Abdullah
- Subjects
History ,Mathematics education ,Local wisdom ,Computer Science Applications ,Education - Abstract
This article aims to reveal the logical relationship between the folklore of the Ponorogo community in the tradition of building a house with a mathematical calculation pattern. It is important to know how people overcome the problems of living wisely through mathematical calculations. Therefore, this research focuses on how the integration of local wisdom in the foklor for mathematical calculations in determining good days (dragon days) according to the beliefs of the Ponorogo community. This research uses descriptive method by describing the pattern of mathematical calculation in the tradition of building a house so that it can be known about natural phenomena or human engineering.
- Published
- 2019
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24. Reyog Ponorogo art exploration as mathematics learning resources: An ethnomathematics study
- Author
Alip Sugianto, Sahid Teguh Widodo, Wakit Abdullah, and Sumarlam
- Subjects
History ,Dance ,Ethnography ,Mathematics education ,Musical ,Ethnomathematics ,Computer Science Applications ,Education - Abstract
The combination of culture and mathematics is called ethnomatematics. Ethnomatematics is used to determine the role of mathematics in a society's culture. This research is to explore ethnomathematics on Reyog Ponorogo art as a source of learning mathematics. The method used in this study is descriptive ethnographic. The results showed that Reyog's art contained mathematical concepts contained in musical instruments, the rhythm of music, makeup, and dance movements so that it was interesting as a medium for learning mathematics for students.
- Published
- 2019
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- Author
Muhammad Syafii and Alip Sugianto
- Subjects
General Medicine - Abstract
Pengucapan bahasa dalam bahasa inggris khususnya memang sangat rentan sekali dalam membuat kesalahan. Terkadang orang tidak mampu atau bahkan malu mempraktekkan bahasa inggris karena takut salah dalam mengucapkan bahasa tersebut. Jadi banyak sekali dikalangan para siswa pendidikan anak dini sampai level mahasiswa bahkan seorang dosen pun kebanyakan merasakan hal yang sama. Oleh karena itu pendampingan pengucapan bahasa Inggris ini harus dilaksanakan secara konsisten dan optimal. Kegiatan Ipteks bagi Masyarakat ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi masalah apa yang membuat para santri enggan mengucapkan dalam bahasa Inggris di pondok modern. Kebanyakan mereka berpendapat bahwa bahasa Inggris sulit pengucapannya. Sebenarnya pengucapan bahasa Inggris itu tidak sulit untuk digunakan dalam percakapan sehari-hari selama mengetahui cara membacanya dengan menggunakan metode drilling pada setiap item dan simbul suara dalam pembelajarannya. Metode yang akan diterapkan dalam kegiatan Pengabdian masyarakat ini meliputi beberapa tahap, yaitu: identifikasi kesulitan pengucapan dalam bahasa Inggris, media pembelajaran khususnya dalam hal simbul suara, dan seminar tentang pengucapan bahasa Inggris. Pada akhirnya, dari pelaksanaan program pengabdian masyarakat ini diharapkan para santri pondok modern tidak canggung lagi menggunakan bahasa Inggris sebagai bahasa sehari-hari mereka karena mereka mempunyai pedoman buku standar tentang simbul suara, sehingga mereka dapat dengan mudah mempraktekkan bahasa tersebut dimanapun mereka berada.
- Published
- 2019
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26. Pelatihan Bahasa Inggris Berekuivalensi Toefl Bagi Dosen Universitas Muhammadiyah Ponorogo
- Author
Lukman Syafii and Alip Sugianto
- Subjects
General Medicine - Abstract
Thisis training aims to help academicians of Muhammadiyah University of Ponorogo in effort to improve the mastery of English for lecturers, especially in the reparation of TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) with purpose to pursue Doctoral. Moreover, it is also directed to provive opportunity for lecturer to participate an integrated English Language training which is designed and oriented toward TOEFL mastery program with prescribed 450 minimum score. The activity lasted from 4th of August 2016 for more than two weeks. The required amount of time is related to time allocation provided by university in considering that this training is expected not to interfere university activities. The participants are as much as 15 lecturers from various faculties in University of Muhammadiyah Ponorogo.
- Published
- 2017
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27. Local Wisdom of Mathematics in Building Calculations Ponorogo Traditional House.
- Author
Alip Sugianto, Wakit Abdullah, Sumarlam, and Sahid Teguh Widodo
- Published
- 2019
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