665 results on '"A. D Deev"'
Search Results
2. Comparison of the effect of treatment with the main groups of antihypertensive drugs on the quality of life in patients with stable arterial hypertension
- Author
G. F Andreeva, V. M Gorbunov, O. V Molchanova, and A. D Deev
- Subjects
quality of life ,arterial hypertension ,antihypertensive therapy ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 ,Diseases of the endocrine glands. Clinical endocrinology ,RC648-665 - Abstract
When appointing antihypertensive drugs to patients with stable mild to moderate arterial hypertension (AH) it is necessary to take into account the effect of treatment on the quality of life (QoL) of these patients. The aim of the study was to compare the effect of prolonged use of antihypertensive drugs from the main treatment groups on QoL of patients with stable AH in 5 controlled trials. The results of monotherapy efficacy were assessed by 24-hour blood pressure monitoring and QoL patients were studied before and after long-term monotherapy according to the results of a database analysis of 5 studies performed in our center for the last 4 years. After the period of withdrawal of antihypertensive therapy, patients underwent 24-hour blood pressure monitoring, QoL was evaluated. According to 24-hour blood pressure monitoring, diltiazem had an antihypertensive effect, comparable to the effect of enalapril. Both drugs had no effect on the circadian rhythm of arterial pressure and the outpatient heart rate. Long-term use of none of the antihypertensive drugs (diltiazem, amlodipine, enalapril, metoprolol, telmisartan) did not worsen QoL. The greatest impact on QoL was provided by the group of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, enalapril, significantly improving QoL.
- Published
- 2017
3. Correlation of quality of life and significant seasonal fluctuations blood pressure in the morning hours in patients with arterial hypertension
- Author
G. F Andreeva, A. D Deev, V. M Gorbunov, and O. V Molchanova
- Subjects
arterial hypertension ,blood pressure ,seasonal dynamics ,quality of life ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 ,Diseases of the endocrine glands. Clinical endocrinology ,RC648-665 - Abstract
The aim of the present study was to identify the relationship between the quality of life of patients with arterial hypertension (AH) and the degree of seasonal fluctuations in blood pressure (BP) in the morning hours in these patients, as well as to trace the seasonal dynamics of the average morning levels of blood pressure in this group of patients. We analyzed the database of various studies carried out in our center between 1996 and 2011, which contained data 953 ambulatory BP monitoring (ABPM). ABPM data were analyzed in patients with hypertension, without serious comorbidities, who conducted blood pressure monitoring on a weekly background of antihypertensive therapy. Results of the study. It has been shown that diastolic blood pressure (DBP) in the morning (at) was the highest in winter (83.5±13.7 mm Hg), at the lowest - in summer (80.2±11.5 mm Hg), which was typical of the seasonal dynamics of blood pressure generally. The systolic blood pressure (SBP) was characterized by the highest level of the fall in blood pressure (133.3±18.7 mm Hg). The smallest - in the winter (131,8 B±17,6 mm Hg). The differences between the seasons are not reliable. When analyzing the results by using generalized linear models (Generalized Linear Models) and calculating the Fisher's exact test (F) The following patterns were identified. Intensity of seasonal increases in blood pressure (compared with the average level of blood pressure) was inversely related to the level of social support of friends, colleagues, relatives (Scale VI Quality of Life Questionnaire) (for F DBP was 4.29 (p
- Published
- 2016
4. Terapevticheskie effekty metabolicheskoy terapii s trimetazidinom modifitsirovannogo vysvobozhdeniya u patsientov so stabil'noy stenokardiey i khronicheskoy serdechnoy nedostatochnost'yu (rossiyskoe issledovanie «PERSPEKTIVA»)
- Author
M. G Bubnova, D. M Aronov, M. I Il'chenko, and A. D Deev
- Subjects
Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 ,Diseases of the endocrine glands. Clinical endocrinology ,RC648-665 - Abstract
Цель. Оценить клинический эффект добавления к стандартной терапии триметазидина (ТМЗ) модифицированного высвобождения у больных со стенокардией и хронической сердечной недостаточностью (ХСН) в реальной клинической практике. Материал и методы. В исследование были включены 806 пациентов, страдающих стабильной стенокардией II-III функционального класса (ФК) и ХСН I-III ФК по NYHA в возрасте 35-65 лет. Все пациенты были рандомизированы в 2 группы: 1-я - больные (n=691) получали ТМЗ в дозе 70 мг/сут и 2-я - контрольная (n=115). В исследовании оценивали клиническое течение болезни (количество приступов стенокардии, прием таблеток нитроглицерина, количество госпитализаций), по ЭКГ - динамику корригируемого QT-интервала (QTdc), по ЭхоКГ - фракцию выброса (ФВ) левого желудочка (ЛЖ), конечный систолический объем (КСО) ЛЖ, лабораторные параметры (уровень высокочувствительного С-реактивного белка - вчСРБ и количество лейкоцитов в периферической крови). Продолжительность лечения и наблюдения составила 12 мес. Результаты. Терапия ТМХ способствовала снижению количества приступов стенокардии на 62,8% (p
- Published
- 2017
5. Vyrazhennost' razlichiy mezhdu urovnyami klinicheskogo i ambulatornogo arterial'nogo davleniya zavisit ot psikhologicheskogo statusa patsientov s arterial'noy gipertenziey
- Author
G. F Andreeva, O. V Molchanova, A. D Deev, and V. M Gorbunov
- Subjects
Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 ,Diseases of the endocrine glands. Clinical endocrinology ,RC648-665 - Abstract
Артериальное давление (АД) на визите у врача (клиническое АД) по разным причинам может отличаться от показателей АД, полученных в амбулаторных условиях (амбулаторное АД). Цель. Выявить факторы психологические статуса (ПС), влияющие на выраженность различий между уровнями клинического и амбулаторного АД. Материал и методы. Была проанализирована база данных 5 исследований, включающая результаты 508 суточных мониторирований АД (СМАД). Критерии включения в анализ результатов СМАД были следующие: 1) наличие у больных (без серьезных сопутствующих заболеваний) стабильной артериальной гипертензии (АГ); 2) проведение СМАД при помощи прибора SpaceLabs 90207 в период отмены антигипертензивной терапии; 3) начало проведения СМАД в 10:00-10:30; 4) период отмены препарата перед включением в исследование 1-2 нед. Показатель, характеризующий различие между клиническим и амбулаторным АД, определялся как разность между клиническим и средним дневным АД, полученная при помощи СМАД. После проведения СМАД пациенты заполняли психологический опросник СМОЛ (В.П.Зайцев и соавт.) - сокращенная версия Minnesota Multiphase Personality Inventory. Результаты. Среднее (M±SD) дневное систолическое АД составило 142,1±14,5, диастолическое - 89,1±9,9 мм рт. ст. Найдены следующие достоверные корреляционные связи (r) между выраженностью различий уровня клинического и амбулаторного АД и ПС: 1) отрицательные - с уровнем эмоциональной напряженности, агрессивности, стремлением к лидерству - показатели шкал F и 6 (r=-0,20 и -0,17 соответственно); 2) положительные - с уровнем поведенческой и эмоциональной импульсивности - шкалы 3, 4 (r=-0,19 и -0,27 соответственно), с социальной конформностью и высоким самоконтролем поведения - шкалы K, 7 (r=0,17 и 0,27 соответственно). Таким образом, высокие показатели шкал F и 6, характеризующие эмоциональную напряженность, агрессивность, стремление к лидерству, нивелируют разность между клиническим и амбулаторным АД. Напротив, высокие показатели шкал 3, 4, K, 7, которые отражают поведенческую и эмоциональную импульсивность в сочетании с высоким уровнем самоконтроля поведения и социальной конформности, способствуют увеличению различий между клиническим и амбулаторным АД. Заключение. Высокая эмоциональная напряженность, агрессивность, стремление к лидерству нивелируют разницу между клиническим и амбулаторным АД. Напротив, поведенческая и эмоциональная импульсивность в сочетании с высоким самоконтролем поведения и социальной конформностью способствуют увеличению разницы между клиническом и амбулаторным уровнем АД.
- Published
- 2017
6. Privychki pitaniya, kharakterizuyushchie uroven' serdechno-sosudistogo zdorov'ya v rossiyskoy populyatsii. Rezul'taty epidemiologicheskogo issledovaniya ESSE-RF
- Author
N. S Karamnova, S. A Shal'nova, A. D Deev, and S. A Boytsov
- Subjects
Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 ,Diseases of the endocrine glands. Clinical endocrinology ,RC648-665 - Abstract
От имени участников исследования ЭССЕ-РФ. Привычки питания наряду с уровнем физической активности, курением и показателями артериального давления, общего холестерина и глюкозы крови являются научно обоснованным компонентом оценки сердечно-сосудистого здоровья в популяции.Цель. Изучить привычки питания взрослого населения России, имеющие протективный вклад в формирование сердечно-сосудистого здоровья.Материал и методы. Обследована представительная выборка 13 регионов России: 21 530 человек (6919 мужчин и 11 386 женщин в возрасте 25-64 лет) в рамках эпидемиологического исследования ЭССЕ-РФ (2012-2013 гг.). Привычки питания изучены частотным методом, оценка «питания для ССЗ» проведена по критериям «FINRISK study». Оценивалось «рекомендуемое питание для ССЗ», «промежуточный вариант» и«неблагоприятное питание для ССЗ».Результаты. Распространенность ежедневного потребления овощей и фруктов в общей популяции составила 58,9%: более высокая среди женщин - 63,4% и значительно ниже среди мужчин - 50,1%. Использование растительных масел в приготовлении блюд отмечено у 93,3% населения, среди женщин 95,5%, среди мужчин 89,9%. Рекомендуемое потребление рыбы выявлено у 64,0% взрослого населения: 66,5% среди мужчин и 62,4% среди женщин. Используют в рационе питания молочные продукты низкой жирности только 26,0% населения: каждая четвертая женщина (24,4%) и почти каждый третий мужчина (29,0%). «Рекомендуемое питание для ССЗ» имели 14,8% общей популяции: 15,4% мужчин и 13,8% женщин. В отдельных регионах отмечены как более высокие показатели (г. Владивостоке и г. Вологде - 26,7 и 23,2% соответственно), так и более низкий - 5,5% в г. Оренбурге. «Промежуточный вариант питания» отмечен у 85,4% взрослого населения: 86,1% женщин и 84,1% мужчин. «Неблагоприятное питание для ССЗ» имеют лишь 0,4% населения: 0,6% мужчин и втрое меньше женщин - 0,2%. Независимо от пола отмечены положительные ассоциации «рекомендуемого» и «промежуточного» вариантов питания с возрастом, статусом образования, проживанием в городе и отрицательные - с уровнем дохода. В оценочной комбинации «промежуточного варианта» питания чаще присутствовали: использование только растительных масел в приготовлении пищи (92,5%), ежедневное потребление фруктов и овощей (88,2%), реже - рекомендуемое потребление рыбы (59,3%) и молочных продуктов пониженной жирности (13,6%), что объективно демонстрирует резерв для популяционных образовательных профилактических программ, позволяя выделить конкретные акценты в формировании привычек питания у населения.Заключение. В целом оценка привычек питания в российской популяции, проведенная по расширенным критериям соответствия «пирамиде питания ВОЗ», показала, что 7,0% взрослого населения имеют рацион, полностью соответствующий требованиям здорового питания.
- Published
- 2015
7. Sindrom emotsional'nogo vygoraniya v proizvodstvennykh kollektivakh po dannym populyatsionnogo issledovaniya
- Author
A. N Britov, N. A Eliseeva, A. D Deev, E. V Miroshnik, S. I Drozdetskiy, A. M Inarokova, G. I Nechaeva, and V. V Sibireva
- Subjects
Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 ,Diseases of the endocrine glands. Clinical endocrinology ,RC648-665 - Abstract
Цель. Изучить влияние психосоциальных факторов на здоровье организованной популяции и параллельно - синдром эмоционального выгорания (СЭВ).Материал и методы. По специальной шкале были протестированы 2227 рабочих и служащих в 5 городах России. СЭВ - это неминуемое последствие неадекватного разрешения стресса на рабочем месте и профессионального кризиса (самоощущение собственной профессиональной некомпетенции). Непрекращающееся воздействие на человека стрессовых ситуаций приводит к интеллектуальному, душевному и физическому переутомлению. Если стресс имеет негативные последствия для здоровья - это дистресс (СЭВ). Проявления СЭВ - организационные недостатки. К ним относятся такие коллизии, как высокая рабочая нагрузка и при этом дефицит времени для выполнения работы; отсутствие поддержки со стороны коллег и начальства; недостаточное вознаграждение за работу. Сюда же следует отнести противоречивые требования к сотруднику, постоянную угрозу штрафных санкций и т.п. Опасность СЭВ заключается в том, что «выгоранию» свойственно изо дня в день прогрессировать. На его фоне могут обостряться разные хронические заболевания, развиваться новые болезни и меняться физиологические параметры с саногенных на патогенные. Как правило, профессиональная помощь врача не приносит быстрого и стойкого облегчения.Результаты. Низкие значения (0-1) СЭВ (характерно для эмоционально здоровой части популяции) отмечены у 47,6 и 58,7% наиболее молодых (25-34 года) мужчин и женщин. С возрастом этот процент снижается до 23,3 и 32,4% в 35-44 года и до 9,1 и 10,9% - в 65-74 года. Зато возрастает частота менее благоприятных значений СЭВ (2-6 балла), это касается лиц зрелого и особенно пожилого возраста. В 35-44 года такие значения отмечены более чем в 60% наблюдений, а у пожилых - более чем в 80%. Явный же СЭВ диагностирован, конечно, существенно реже, но все же у ~15% мужчин и 6-8% женщин зрелого и пожилоговозраста (65-74 года).Заключение. При проведении профилактики хронических неинфекционных заболеваний в производственных коллективах должны учитываться психологическая обстановка и правильная организация труда.
- Published
- 2015
8. Novaya shkala stratifikatsii riska serdechno-sosudistykh oslozhneniy u bol'nykh s khronicheskoy ishemicheskoy bolezn'yu serdtsa
- Author
S. N Tolpygina, S. Yu Martsevich, and A. D Deev
- Subjects
Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 ,Diseases of the endocrine glands. Clinical endocrinology ,RC648-665 - Abstract
Цель. Создание новой шкалы риска развития сердечно-сосудистых осложнений (ССО) у больных с хронической ишемической болезнью сердца (ИБС) в рамках регистра ПРОГНОЗ ИБС на основании клинико-анамнестических и инструментальных данных. Материал и методы. В регистр был включен 641 пациент (500 мужчин и 141 женщина) из Московского региона, последовательно поступившие в стационар ФГБУ «Государственный научно-исследовательский центр профилактической медицины» с 1 января 2004 г. по 31 декабря 2007 г. в плановом порядке с направительным диагнозом ИБС, которым во время госпитализации была выполнена коронарная ангиография. Диагноз ИБС не был подтвержден у 100 из 641 больного. Жизненный статус в 2010 г. был установлен у 551 пациента (86%), которые и были включены в анализ выживаемости. Средний срок наблюдения составил 3,9 года. Комбинированной первичной конечной точкой (ПКТ) являлись все случаи смерти от любых причин и нефатальных сердечно-сосудистых событий (инфаркт миокарда, инсульт, транзиторная ишемическая атака). Статистический анализ данных проводился в системе SAS, версия 6.12. Для тестирования прогностической значимости факторов применялись t-тест Стьюдента, критерий Фишера, асимптотический критерий c2 Вальда. Для оценки частоты событий применялись регрессионная модель пропорционального риска Кокса и параметрические модели выживаемости. Пол и возраст независимо учитывались при анализе всех других переменных.Результаты. При проведении многомерного регрессионного анализа установлено, что наибольшую прогностическую значимость в отношении развития ПКТ (фатальных и нефатальных ССО) имели следующие признаки, включенные в шкалу риска: наличие жалоб на одышку сопровождалось увеличением относительного риска в 1,86 раза (95% доверительный интервал - ДИ 1,104-2,887, р =0,02) - 1 балл по шкале, признаки нестабильности течения ИБС в анамнезе (острый коронарный синдром, острый инфаркт миокарда, нестабильная стенокардия) - в 1,76 раза (95% ДИ 0,939-2,458, р =0,09) - 1 балл по шкале; потребность в приеме диуретиков до госпитализации - в 1,92 раза (95% ДИ 1,091-2,886, р =0,09) - 1 балл по шкале; наличие любого стеноза клапана - в 2,95 раза (95% ДИ 1,479-5,737, p
- Published
- 2015
9. Sostavlyayushchie kachestva zhizni, vliyayushchie na stepen' vyrazhennosti sezonnykh izmeneniy ambulatornogo arterial'nogo davleniya u bol'nykh stabil'noy arterial'noy gipertenziey
- Author
G. F Andreeva, O. V Molchanova, A. D Deev, V. M Gorbunov, and O. V Lerman
- Subjects
Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 ,Diseases of the endocrine glands. Clinical endocrinology ,RC648-665 - Abstract
Цель. Выявить возможное влияние качества жизни больных артериальной гипертензией (АГ) на выраженность сезонных колебаний амбулаторного артериального давления (АД).Материал и методы. Была проанализирована база данных исследований, проведенных с 1996 по 2011г., которая включала результаты 724 суточных мониторирований АД (СМАД). Критерии включения в исследование были сходными. Больным АГ 1-2-й степени без серьезных сопутствующих заболеваний на фоне отмены антигипертензивной терапии проводилось СМАД прибором SpaceLabs 90207 и затем пациенты заполняли опросник, оценивающий качество жизни - КЖ (J.Siegrist и соавт.). Опросник КЖ содержит следующие шкалы: I - физическое самочувствие (жалобы), II - работоспособность, III - позитивное или IV - негативное психологическое самочувствие, V - психологические способности, VI - социальное самочувствие, VII - способность к социальным контактам, VIII - сексуальные способности у мужчин. Для статистической обработки использовалась процедура обобщенной линейной модели регрессионного анализа с учетом пола, возраста и длительности АГ и рассчитывался критерий Фишера (F). Результаты. Было выявлено, что показатели шкалы VI (социальное самочувствие), которая оценивает уровень социальной поддержки со стороны друзей, семьи, коллег по работе, наиболее значим для выраженности сезонных изменений следующих показателей амбулаторного АД: 1) для среднесуточного систолического АД - САД (Fisher's criterion - F=11,34, p
- Published
- 2015
10. Psikhologicheskie prediktory «effekta belogo khalata» u bol'nykh stabil'noy arterial'noy gipertenziey
- Author
G. F Andreeva, A. D Deev, V. M Gorbunov, O. V Molchanova, and O. V Lerman
- Subjects
Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 ,Diseases of the endocrine glands. Clinical endocrinology ,RC648-665 - Abstract
Цель. Общеизвестно, что у больных артериальной гипертензией (АГ) в ответ на измерение артериального давления (АД) врачом возникает тревожная реакция, которая сопровождается повышением АД. Уровни АД в клинике у большинства больных АГ превышают амбулаторные показатели АД (так называемый «эффект белого халата» - ЭБХ). Целью представленного исследования было выявить взаимосвязи между показателями, характеризующими психологический статус больных АГ, и степенью выраженности ЭБХ у пациентов.Материалы и методы. Была проанализирована база данных 5 исследований, включающая результаты 204 суточных мониторирований АД (СМАД). Критерии включения и дизайн исследований были сходными. Больным АГ 1-2-й ст. без серьезных сопутствующих заболеваний на фоне отмены антигипертензивной терапии проводилось СМАД прибором SpaceLabs 90207. Степень выраженности ЭБХ оценивалась как разность:между первым клиническим измерением АД и средним дневным АД по данным СМАД;между средним клиническим АД за 1 ч, проведенный в клинике, и средним дневным АД по данным СМАД (методики P.Owens и соавт.). После проведения СМАД пациенты заполняли психологический опросник СМОЛ (В.ПЗайцев. и соавт.) (сокращенная версия «Minnesota Multiphase Personality Inventory»). Результаты. Среднее систолическое АД (САД) составило 143,1±12,6, диастолическое АД (ДАД) -89,2±7,6 мм рт. ст. (M±SD). ЭБХ для САД - 9,8±12,6, для ДАД - 7,7±7,8 мм рт. ст. (оценено по первому методу).Интенсивность проявления ЭБХ зависела от степени выраженности таких психологических характеристик больных АГ, как тревожность, неуверенность в себе (шкала 7 опросника СМОЛ), психоэмоциональная импульсивность (шкала 4) в сочетании с социальным самоконтролем поведения (шкала K) (достоверные, прямые корреляционные связи величины ЭБХ с показателями этих шкал, p
- Published
- 2013
11. Znachenie psikhologicheskikh faktorov v otsenke indeksa zdorov'ya
- Author
A. N Britov, N. A Eliseeva, A. D Deev, E. V Miroshnik, V. V Sibireva, S. I Drozdetskiy, A. M Inarokova, and G. I Nechaeva
- Subjects
Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 ,Diseases of the endocrine glands. Clinical endocrinology ,RC648-665 - Abstract
Цель. С целью разработки алгоритма интегральной оценки общественного здоровья, основанного на результатах обследования представительных выборок в 2009-2011гг. в разных регионах России в организованных популяциях: Нижний Новгород, Великий Новгород, Вологда, Омск и Нальчик (2227 человек) с использованием специально разработанных вопросников, данных диспансеризации и простейших антропометрических (в том числе индекс массы тела - ИМТ) и функциональных методов, проводится проспективное (через 3 года) популяционное исследование.Методы. Методами для оценки индивидуального и общественного здоровья служили опросники на выявление социально-экономического статуса, соматического и психологического состояния здоровья (индекс жизненного стиля, социальной адаптации, саногенной рефлексии, шкала психотизма Г.Айзенка и нравственный потенциал развития личности, синдром эмоционального выгорания, госпитальная шкала тревоги и депрессии, международная шкала на выявление стресса - PSS). Комплексно эти методы были впервые нами применены для популяционных научных исследований. Математическая, статистическая обработка полученных данных осуществлялась с использованием статистических пакетов SAS.Результаты. В 2012г. был проведен скрининг в городах Нижний Новгород и Нальчик. Скрининг одной и той же организованной популяции проведен у 831 человека (359 мужчин и 472 женщины). Отклик (охват обследованием) составил в Нижнем Новгороде 96,2%, а в Нальчике - 78,2%. Такой отклик является вполне репрезентативным, однако в Нальчике для усиления эффекта значимости исследуемых параметров в 2013 г. будет сделана попытка дополнительно дообследовать 110 человек. Кроме того, в 2013 г. буду проскринированы по 500 человек в Великом Новгороде и Омске. Конечные точки (новые случаи всех заболеваний и смертей по расширенным критериям) составили 13%. Мы проанализировали частную корреляцию по Спирмену, где изучали корреляционную связь новых конечных точек в зависимости от двух типов переменных - физиологических и психологических параметров. Оказалось, даже анализируя данные на 831 человека (первично были обследованы 2227 человек), выявлено, что психологические признаки сильно опережают по значимости влияния на состояние здоровья популяции физиологические параметры ( р< 0,0078 против р
- Published
- 2013
- Author
A. N. Brittov, N. A. Eliseeva, A. D Deev, E. V. Miroshnik, B. B. Fishman, V. V. Sibireva, S. I. Drozdetskiy, A. M Boryak, N. B Smirnova, A. M Inarokova, L. L Zhanataeva, G. I. Nechaeva, A. F. Veselkov, R. A Kasimov, and M. N. Zaytseva
- Subjects
Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 ,Diseases of the endocrine glands. Clinical endocrinology ,RC648-665 - Abstract
По определению ВОЗ - «здоровье это единство физического, психического и духовного состояний человека». Нарушение любого из указанных компонентов - свидетельство «нездоровья», индивидуального и/или общественного. С целью разработки алгоритма интегральной оценки общественного здоровья нами были обследованы репрезентативные выборки в 5 регионах России. В 2010 году в этих регионах был проведен скрининг на полноценных выборках (всего обследовано 1552 человека, 919 женщин и 633 мужчины). Методами для оценки здоровья служили опросники на выявление социально-экономического статуса, соматического и психологического состояния здоровья (индекс жизненного стиля, социальной адаптации, саногенной рефлексии, шкала психотизма Айзинка и нравственный потенциал развития личности, синдром эмоционального выгорания). Математическая, статистическая обработка полученных данных осуществлялась с использованием статистических пакетов SAS. Результаты. Все обследованные были опрошены в отношении уровня образования, уровня благосостояния (самооценка). Лица с высшим образованием составляли от 82% в Нальчике (работники К-Б Госуниверситета) до 29, 3 в г. Омске (работники одного из заводов). Самооценка уровня благосостояния оказалась низкой у значительной части обследованных: от 10, 4 и 13% (мужчины в Омске и Нальчике) до 40,4% (женщины в В. Новгороде). Еще один социальный фактор риска - это отсутствие брачного союза. Сюда относятся как многие молодые респонденты, так и разведенные и вдовцы среди лиц старших возрастов. Таких оказалось от 24 до 44%. Среди лиц без высшего образования низкая самооценка своего благосостояния была у 20% мужчин и у 37,7% женщин. Но среди лиц с высшим образованием (в/о) 13,2% мужчин и 18,7% женщин оценивали уровень своего благосостояния как низкий. Высоко оценили уровень благосостояния примерно каждый пятый мужчина, при любом уровне образования, а у женщин эта оценка различалась: 30,8% при в/о и лишь 19,6% - без в/о. Ведущий показатель нездоровья конкретной популяции - распространенность общепризнанных факторов риска (ФР) хронических неинфекционных заболеваний (ХНИЗ). Артериальная гипертония, диагностируемая по расширенным критериям (АД >140/90 мм рт.ст. и/или антигипертензивная терапия), была выявлена - от 1,29 и 1,64% у мужчин и женщин в самой молодой группе 25-34 г. до 60 и 75,8% в самой старшей группе. Уровни систолического АД оказались у лиц с высшим образованием (в/о) как у мужчин, так и у женщин в среднем несколько ниже (126,65±0,87 и 124,91±0,64 мм рт.ст.) по сравнению с лицами без в/о (127,42±0,89 и 128,00±0,91 мм рт.ст.). Столь заметных различий для диастолического АД мы не наблюдали. Ожирение (ИМТ > 30) выявлено более чем у половины обследованных во всех социальных группах. Ценными были данные по шкалам синдрома эмоционального выгорания (СЭВ). Низкие значения [0-1] СЭВ (характерно для эмоционально здоровой части популяции) отмечены у 47.6 и 58,7% наиболее молодых (25-34 года) мужчин и женщин. С возрастом этот процент снижается до 23,3 и 32,4% в 35-44 года и до 9,1 и 10,9% в 65-74 года. Зато возрастает частота менее благоприятных значений СЭВ [2-6], это касается лиц зрелого и особенно пожилого возраста. В 35-44 года такие значения СЭВ отмечены более чем в 60% наблюдений, а у пожилых более чем в 80%. Явный же СЭВ диагностирован существенно реже, но все же у ~15% мужчин и у 6-8% женщин зрелого и пожилого возраста (35-64 года). При анализе психологических тестов Р. Плутчика выявлено, что шкала «защитное отрицание» свойственна 63.57±4.91% мужчин и 56.55±1.71% женщин, что говорит об их не всегда адекватной реакции, завышенной самооценке. Шкала «защитной проекции» в негативном смысле выявлена у 76.69±1.75% мужчин и у 75.09±1.52 женщин. Эти лица склонны обвинять других для облегчения внутреннего состояния и снятия напряжения. По шкале «защитное замещение» видно, что "внутренняя агрессия" выражена у 45.01± 4.93 мужчин и у 40.46±1.74 женщин. По шкале «защитное подавление», которое приводит к скрытой агрессии или равнодушию, выявлено 44.0±3.24% респондентов. У женщин данные по указанной шкале выглядят хуже (до 73% в старшей возрастной группе). По шкале «защитной регрессии» видно, что у мужчин проявление «инфантильного» поведения выявлено в 55,9±9,5% и 63,9%±10,3 случаев, а у женщин - в 47,3±1,8%. Была проведена оценка теста на социальную адаптацию (поведение в конфликтной ситуации). Мужчины во всех возрастных группах склонны к проявлению агрессивного стиля поведения в сложных ситуациях: от 74.78±5.37% в возрасте 35-44 г. до 90,2±2,8% в возрасте 45-54 г. У женщин это- 92,4%±2,2 в возрасте 35-64 г. Анализ психотизма по Х. Ю. Айзинку также показал, очень высокую склонность к вербальной агрессии (89,9%). Таким образом, при психологическом анализе выявлено высокое напряжение механизмов психологических защит, таких как подавление, проекция, замещение; у респондентов слабо сформирован навык разрешать конфликтную ситуацию с учетом личной модели поведения в конфликте, наблюдается нереализованный нравственный потенциал, замечена тенденция к личной безопасности и эгоцентризму. Для реального оздоровления населения требуется разработка мер, могущих улучшить психологический климат, в первую очередь, среди работающего населения.
- Published
- 2011
13. Possibilities of Detecting Pre-clinical Forms of Atherosclerosis During Periodic Preventive Inspections in Organized Collectives at Workers of Machine Building Enterprises
- Author
A. N. Britov, N. A. Eliseeva, A. D. Deev, and S. A. Shalnova
- Subjects
periodic preventive examination ,arterial hypertension ,subclinical atherosclerosis of the carotid and femoral arteries ,Therapeutics. Pharmacology ,RM1-950 ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
Aim. To study the structural and functional features of the carotid and femoral arteries using ultrasound duplex scanning of them in patients with hypertension undergoing periodic preventive medical examination.Material and methods. Periodic preventive examination was carried out for 2431 employees (1311 men and 1120 women) aged 20-65 years using a specially developed questionnaire, blood pressure measurement, anthropometry, total cholesterol test. Hypertensive men were assessed for preclinical manifestations of atherosclerosis by ultrasound duplex scanning of the carotid and femoral arteries.Results. Hypertensive men (BP ≥140/90 mmHg and/or taking antihypertensive drugs; n=176, mean age 43.5 years) were included in the study. An increase in the thickness of the intima-media complex in the carotid arteries was found in 22.2% (n=38) people, in the femoral arteries – in 34.1% (n=60) people, in both basins – in 16.5% (n= 29) man. Atherosclerotic plaques in the carotid arteries were found in 40.3% of people (n=71), and in the femoral arteries – in 34.7% (n=61) of people, in both pools – in 23.9% (n=42) of men.Conclusion. Ultrasound diagnostic using modern ultrasound scanners is a highly informative method for non-invasive diagnosis of atherosclerosis in the arteries of the carotid and femoral basins in employees of a large industrial enterprise with arterial hypertension in the conditions of the medical and sanitary department. Carrying out these diagnostic approaches is advisable when organizing periodic medical examinations in order to improve primary prevention, as well as to prevent the aggravation of the identified pathological process, reduce complications, improve quality and increase life expectancy.
- Published
- 2022
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14. Results of the prospective observation in routine practice of hypertensive patients with concomitant chronic respiratory diseases. Part II. Predictors of adverse events
- Author
M. I. Smirnova, V. M. Gorbunov, A. S. Kurekhyan, G. F. Andreeva, Ya. N. Koshelyaevskaya, and А. D. Deev
- Subjects
hypertension ,chronic respiratory diseases ,asthma ,chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ,comorbidity ,adverse events ,predictors ,degree of nocturnal blood pressure decrease ,blood pressure variability ,leukocytes ,platelets ,statins ,blood pressure control ,ambulatory blood pressure monitoring ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
Aim. To study the predictors of adverse events in hypertensive (HTN) patients, including those with chronic respiratory diseases (CRDs).Material and methods. Regression analysis evaluated clinical and anamnestic data and blood pressure (BP) in outpatients with stage II-III HTN (n=156): 49 patients had asthma, 20 — chronic obstructive pulmonary disease; age — 63,4±8,8 years, women — 72,4%, followup duration 29,3±8,0 months. The outcomes included in the composite primary endpoint (EP) were registered in 32 patients (death, major cardiovascular events and complications), while the secondary EPs were registered in 57 patients (hospitalizations, emergency calls, temporary disability due to cardiovascular disease/CRD, hypertensive crisis, exacerbation of CRD, pneumonia, respiratory failure), and tertiary EP — in 76 (other significant diseases/conditions, including increased blood pressure without hypertensive crisis, requiring correction of regular therapy).Results. Predictors of primary EPs were the decrease level of nocturnal diastolic BP (DBP) (β=-5,335, p=0,026), nocturnal DBP variability (β=1,796, p=0,007), blood leukocyte level (β=0,241, p=0,039); secondary EPs — systolic blood pressure ≥170 mm Hg in history (β=1,305-1,641, p=0,037-0,017), statin use (β=-0,997, p=0,037), CRD (β=0,734, p=0,023), blood platelet level (β=-0,008, p=0,022); tertiary EPs — only CRD (β=1,082, p
- Published
- 2023
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15. Prospective follow-up of hypertensive patients with concomitant chronic respiratory diseases in routine practice. Part I. Characterization of adverse events
- Author
M. I. Smirnova, A. S. Kurekhyan, V. M. Gorbunov, G. F. Andreeva, Ya. N. Koshelyaevskaya, and А. D. Deev
- Subjects
hypertension ,blood pressure ,asthma ,chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ,chronic respiratory diseases ,outcomes ,end points ,prospective observation ,comorbidity ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
The most common cardiovascular disease (CVD) and risk factor for the main causes of death is hypertension (HTN), the prevalence of which in Russia is 44%. The combination of HTN and chronic respiratory diseases (CRDs) can lead to mutual influence and worsen the prognosis.Aim. To study long-term outcomes in HTN patients with CRDs under outpatient monitoring in primary health care.Material and methods. This prospective observational study of hypertensive outpatients (n=156, age, 63,4±8,8 years, men, 27,6%) was carried out, of which 49 had asthma, 20 — chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (n=69; group with CRD). The composite primary endpoint included death, myocardial infarction, cerebral stroke, transient ischemic attack, arterial revascularization, angina pectoris, peripheral arterial disease (>50% stenosis), heart failure, atrial fibrillation, and ventricular premature beats >30 h. There were following secondary endpoints: hypertensive crisis, hospitalization, emergency call and temporary disability due to cardiovascular diseases, asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pneumonia, chronic respiratory failure. In addition, the following tertiary endpoints were analyzed: increased blood pressure (BP) without a hypertensive crisis, which required correction of HTN therapy, deterioration in CRD course (an increase in the ACQ-5 or CAT total score without exacerbation), acute bronchitis, other acute diseases and exacerbations of chronic ones, which required hospitalizations, new clinically significant chronic diseases not included in the primary and secondary endpoints.Results. The follow-up period was 29±8 months. The groups did not differ in relation to prevalence of primary endpoints. The frequency of secondary and tertiary endpoints was higher in the CRD group due to "respiratory" events and episodes of BP destabilization requiring correction of HTN therapy (p
- Published
- 2022
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16. Prevalence and Characteristics of Blood Pressure Phenotypes in Patients with Hypertension and Chronic Respiratory Diseases (Study of Ambulatory Practice Data of a Cardiologist)
- Author
A. S. Kurekhyan, M. I. Smirnova, V. M. Gorbunov, Ya. N. Koshelyaevskaya, A. D. Deev, and M. M. Loukianov
- Subjects
arterial hypertension ,blood pressure ,asthma ,white coat hypertension ,ineffective antihypertensive therapy ,orthostasis ,masked hypertension ,degree of nighttime blood pressure decrease ,ambulatory blood pressure monitoring ,blood pressure phenotypes ,cholesterol ,chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ,heart rate ,Therapeutics. Pharmacology ,RM1-950 ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
Diagnosis of the blood pressure (BP) phenotype is the most important indication for its ambulatory measurement because BP phenotype is associated with cardiovascular complications and death. The study of BP phenotypes is important for patients with hypertension (HT) and comorbidity, including asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The combination of HT with these lower airway diseases (LAD) leads to the mutual influence of pathologies creates difficulties in the drugs choice and may affect BP phenotype in HT patients.Aim. To compare in the prospective investigation various characteristics of BP phenotype in HT patients considering LAD (asthma or COPD).Material and methods. The prospective cohort study of ambulatory patients with HT (n=156) was carried out. The part of these patients had asthma or COPD (n=69). The clinical measurements and 24-hour BP monitoring, spirometry, clinical and biochemical blood tests, standard examination were performed, initially and after 12 months. BP phenotype were determined by the ratio of clinical BP and ambulatory BP considering their threshold values. Standard statistical methods and multivariate analysis were used.Results. Patients with LAD had 2 times more often prognostically unfavorable phenotypes: ineffective antihypertensive therapy (AHT) 37.3% vs 15.7% and masked AHT inefficiency 7.5% vs 4.5%; white coat HT on treatment (WCH) and effective AHT were less common(29.9% vs 42.7%; 25.5% vs 37.1%, respectively, p 148 mm Hg (b=2.733, p=0.040), LAD (b=1.015, p=0.011), serum total cholesterol (b=0.350, p=0.043), degree of nighttime diastolic BP decrease (for 13.1-18.0% b=-2.130, p=0.004; for 18.1-24.0% b=-2.509, p=0.001). The factors associated with masked AHT inefficiency in comparison to effective AHT were heart rate in orthostasis >87 beats/min(b=3,512, p=0.006) and SBP in orthostasis 141-148 mm Hg (b=3.405, p=0.004).Conclusion. The prevalence of prognostically unfavorable BP phenotypes (ineffective AHT and masked AHT inefficiency) is two times higher in HT patients with LAD. The first is associated with LAD presence, sex, and serum cholesterol; both phenotypes interrelated with hemodynamic parameters including degree of nighttime diastolic BP decrease. We found no association between AHT and LAD therapy with the BP phenotypes in this study. However, larger works in this area are required, including analysis of outcomes in long-term prospective studies.
- Published
- 2020
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17. Association of the Level Healthcare Resource Consumption and Frequency of Temporary Disability Cases with Cardiovascular Risk Factors Based on Data of Population Study in Russian Federation
- Author
E. I. Suvorova, A. V. Kontsevaya, S. A. Shalnova, A. D. Deev, and Yu. A. Balanova
- Subjects
risk factors ,health care resource utilization ,hospitalizations ,emergency ,medical help seeking ,working age ,Therapeutics. Pharmacology ,RM1-950 ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
Aim. To analyze the associations of health care system resources utilization and temporary disability (TD) with the main cardiovascular risk factors (RF) at the population and individual level in working age population based on ESSE-RF study data.Material and methods. The analysis was based on ESSE-RF study data. Standard epidemiological survey methods and evaluation criteria were used. Analysis of probability and number of outpatient visits, hospitalizations, ambulance calls and TD was conducted by using hurdle model. Hypertension, obesity, hypercholesterolemia, hyperglycemia and tobacco consumption were independent variables.Results. A total of 21923 individuals aged 25-64 years were included: men – 8373 (38%) and women – 13550 (62%). The probability of outpatient visits significantly determined in group with tobacco consumption and with hypercholesterolemia for men, and for women – in the smoking group, with obesity and with hyperglycemia. Numbers of outpatient visits has doubled for patient with hyperglycemia. The numbers of outpatient visits were higher among women smokers compared to non-smokers. Chance to be hospitalized significantly associate with smoking, obesity, hypercholesterolemia for men and with obesity, hyperglycemia – for women. Hypercholesterolemia was associated with a smaller number of inpatient treatment cases among men. The probability of ambulance calls increased for smoking men, for male group with hypertension, hypercholesterolemia, obesity and with hyperglycemia, at the same time, the likelihood increased in female group with hypertension, hyperglycemia, smoking and with obesity. In addition, numbers of ambulance calls were higher in 1.55 times for women with obesity (p
- Published
- 2020
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18. Enhanced risk stratification scale for predicting death and non-fatal cardiovascular events in patients of the PROGNOZ IBS registry
- Author
S. N. Tolpygina, S. Yu. Martsevich, and A. D. Deev
- Subjects
chronic coronary artery disease ,prognosis ,register ,risk stratification ,cardiovascular events ,prognostic scal ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
Aim. To develop a risk stratification scale for predicting cardiovascular events (CVEs) in patients with chronic coronary artery disease (CAD) based on the data from the PROGNOZ IBS registry.Material and methods. The PROGNOZ IBS registry included 641 patients (men, 500; women, 141) living in Moscow and the Moscow Region, who were routinely admitted to the National Medical Research Center for Therapy and Preventive Medicine from January 1, 2004 to December 31, 2007 with a preliminary diagnosis of CAD. All included participants underwent coronary angiography during hospitalization. The diagnosis of CAD was verified in 84% of patients. The vital status was established in 551 (86%) patients in 2010 and 583 (92%) in 2014. The follow-up period was 7 years. A multivariate statistical analysis of the predictive value of data obtained during primary hospitalization was carried out.Results. The enhanced risk stratification scale included factors with the highest predictive value for developing CVEs. The presence of NYHA class III-IV heart failure increased the relative risk of CVEs by 5,4 times (3 points), atherosclerotic aortic stenosis by 2,8 times (2 points), stroke by 2,3 times (3 points), a confirmed diagnosis of CAD by 1,7 times (1 point), the presence of dyspnea by 1,4 times (1 point), unstable CAD course in the last 3 months by 1,4 times (1 point), taking diuretics before hospitalization by 1,9 times (1 point), left ventricular ejection fraction of 40-60% and left ventricular diastolic dysfunction according to echocardiography by 1,9 and 2 times (1 point each), respectively, an increase in the heart rate according resting electrocardiography >90 bpm by 1,7 times (1 point), the presence of chronic lung disease or renal failure by 1,5 times (1 point). Seven-year risk of fatal and nonfatal CVEs in patients with CAD in case of score of 0-3 is considered low, score of 4-5 points — moderate (increase in CVE risk by 3 times), score of ≥6 — high (increase in CVE risk by 9 times).Conclusion. The enhanced risk stratification scale allows predicting the risk of fatal and non-fatal CVC in patients with suspected and confirmed CAD and may be used for widespread use due to informative value, simplicity and availability.
- Published
- 2021
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19. Characteristics of Patients with Reproducible Masked Hypertension and its Diagnosis Approach
- Author
М. I. Smirnova, V. M. Gorbunov, Ya. N. Koshelyaevskaya, A. D. Deev, D. A. Volkov, N. V. Furman, and P. V. Dolotovskaya
- Subjects
hypertension ,masked hypertension ,normotension ,office blood pressure ,orthostasis ,seasonal blood pressure variability ambulatory blood pressure monitoring ,"masked hypertension" coefficient ,Therapeutics. Pharmacology ,RM1-950 ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
Background. Early diagnostics of masked hypertension (MH) is one of the key problems in modern cardiology due to the association of this blood pressure (BP) phenotype with doubled cardiovascular risk in comparison with normotension (NT). The current hypertension guidelines list numerous conditions, when the ambulatory BP monitoring (ABPM) is desirable in patients with normal office BP. However this list does not represent clearly defined, agreed and approved indications for ABPM as a diagnostic tool for MH.Aim. To develop a method of MH diagnostics for the use in routine clinical practice based on the comparing characteristics of patients with reproducible MH vs NT.Material and methods. The patients were selected from two trials that used ABPM (n=1778). The selection criteria included age 40-79 years, office BP
- Published
- 2020
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20. Home and clinical office pressure measurements in assessment of the prevalence and markers of arterial hypertension phenotypes in a cohort study
- Author
E. V. Platonova, A. D. Deev, V. M. Gorbunov, and S. A. Shalnova
- Subjects
prevalence of arterial hypertension ,home blood pressure measurements ,white coat hypertension ,masked hypertension ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
Aim. To study a combined use of home (HBPM) and office (OBP) blood pressure measurements in assessment of prevalence and predictors of hypertensive phenotypes in population of 55 years and older.Material and methods. From prospective cohort of Moscow population, a sample was randomly formed (n=1871, 64% response), representative of parameters of general health, educational level, time of residence in Moscow, and with an equal number of men and women. Data of HBPM (4 days: 2 morning/2 evening) and OBP (2 measurements) were studied in complex after comparing the reproducibility of the valid results in 974 subjects. The prevalence of hypertensive phenotypes was assessed in subjects without treatment. The main risk factors and previous anamnesis were analyzed as potential predictors of belonging to the identified phenotype.Results. Preliminary results of 1120 patients are presented: mean age was 68,9±8 years, 43% of men; 44% with antihypertensive therapy. Themean levels of HBPM and OBP were 137,0±18,5/79,5±9,3 and 141,0±23,9/ 79,9±13,1 mmHg, respectively. The reproducibility of HBPM data was not inferior to OBP (SD for SBP/DBP =18,5/9,3 vs. 23,9/13,1 mmHg, respectively). Among 556 subjects without treatment (68,8±8 years; 47% — men; 42% — OBP ≥140/90 mmHg; 39% — abdominal obesity (AO); 17% — smoking; 8% — diabetes mellitus (DM); 8% — history of myocardial infarction (MI) and 5% — history of stroke. The both methods revealed normal level of blood pressure in 42% of patients, stable arterial hypertension — in 32%, white coat hypertension (WCH) — in 10%, masked hypertension (MH) — in 16%. DM and MI history increased by more than 1,5 times the MH risk. History of stroke and AO absence were predictors of WCH.Conclusion. HBPM reclassified data of arterial hypertension prevalence in the population. Combined use of HBPM and OBP allow to establish every sixth person with ambulatory hypertension, who requires antihypertensive treatment. Low “sensitivity” of HBPM in present case “mask” stable arterial hypertension in every second patient with WCH and history of stroke.Working group: Alexandri A. L., Balanova Yu. A., Kapustina A. V., Konstantinov V. V., Kukushkin S. K., Lelchuk I. N., Muromtseva G. A., Timofeeva T. N., Khudyakov M. B.
- Published
- 2019
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21. Gender differences in the nutritional pattern of the adult population of the Russian Federation. The results of ESSE-RF epidemiological study
- Author
N. S. Karamnova, S. A. Shalnova, V. I. Tarasov, A. D. Deev, Yu. A. Balanova, A. E. Imaeva, G. A. Muromtseva, A. V. Kapustina, S. E. Evstifeeva, and O. M. Drapkina
- Subjects
nutritional pattern, gender characteristics of nutrition, dietary habits, differences in the diet of men and women ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
Many nutritional studies have noted that men and women form their diets from various food sources, preferring different dishes.Aim. To study the sex differences in the nutritional pattern of the adult population of the Russian Federation according to the epidemiological study.Material and methods. The analysis was performed on representative data from male and female population aged 25-64 years (22,258 people, of whom 8,519 men and 13,698 women) from 13 regions of the Russian Federation. The response was about 80%. The nutritional pattern was estimated by the frequency of food consumption with individual quantitative assessment.Results. The most pronounced differences in men and women diets were observed in the consumption of fresh vegetables and fruits, dairy products, meat, and confectionery products. Women more often than men include in their diet (odds ratio, 95% CI): raw vegetables and fruits 1,45 [1,33-1,59], sweets and pastries 1,22 [1,33-1,59] , dairy products 1,57 [1,39-1,76], in particular, cottage cheese 1,69 [1,60-1,79], milk 1,46 [1,36-1,56] and cheese 1,31 [1,23-1,40]. The number of daily consumption of fruits and vegetables is more significant in the diet of women — 207,6 g/day versus 165,8 g/day for men, p
- Published
- 2019
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22. Factors Associated with Cause-Specific Death in Russia. Data from Longitudinal Prospective Study 1977-2001
- Author
S. A. Shalnova, A. V. Kapustina, A. D. Deev, and Yu. A. Balanova
- Subjects
cause-specific mortality ,coronary heart disease ,stroke ,cardiovascular disease ,risk factors ,Therapeutics. Pharmacology ,RM1-950 ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
Aim. To evaluate the associations between main risk factors (RF) with cause-specific death in cohorts of Russian men and women.Material and methods. Data of a number of crossectional studies conducted in different years by unified base protocol had become the subjects for the study. A total of 12,497 men and 5,039 women aged 35-74 years, residents of Moscow and S-Petersburg (former Leningrad) cities at the moment of examination, were enrolled into the study. We analyzed 17 previously selected risk factors and their associations with cause-specific mortalities: coronary heart disease (CHD), stroke, cardiovascular diseases (CVD), non-CVD, all causes. A total of 10,650 deaths were registered: 8,726 in men (for 10 years) and 1,924 – in women (for 20 years).Results. Men died more often from all the examined causes except for stroke, what was more typical to women. Mortality in men was associated with significantly larger number of RF than in women and correlations were stronger. In particular, smoking (hazard ratio [HR] 2.25; 95% confidence interval [95%CI] 1.75-2.89; р=0.0001), high blood pressure (HR 1.78; 95%CI 1.43-2.22; р=0.0001) and history of CHD (HR 3.23; 95%CI 2.71- 3.84; р=0.0001) significantly increased CHD-related mortality in the men’s cohort but were much less significant for women. The total cholesterol level demonstrated significance in men but was not even selected in the model for women. The main RF for stroke-related mortality were smoking, high blood pressure and atrial fibrillation, while for non-cardiovascular mortality there was only one common factor – smoking. Factors associated with CVD and all-cause mortality were almost the same because CVD cover more than half in the all-cause mortality, however a larger number of predictors were reported in men.Conclusion. The data obtained indicate: 1) considerably larger number of unfavorable risk factors in the men’s cohort, which significantly increased risk for death from any cause; 2) statistically more pronounced relation between risk factors and mortality rates in men as compared to women, especially note that mortality rates were followed up for 10 years in men and 20 years in women. It is obvious that successful prevention focused on risk factors must be gender-based.
- Published
- 2019
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23. The prevalence of wide QRS complex (≥110 ms) among the population, depending on sex, age and place of residence
- Author
G. A. Muromtseva, V. G. Vilkov, S. A. Shalnova, V. V. Konstantinov, A. D. Deev, S. E. Evstifeeva, Yu. A. Balanova, A. E. Imaeva, A. V. Kapustina, N. S. Karamnova, E. V. Shlyakhto, S. A. Boytsov, S. V. Nedogoda, A. A. Shabunova, T. M. Chernykh, O. A. Belova, E. V. Indukaeva, Yu. I. Grinshteyn, I. A. Trubacheva, A. Yu. Efanov, Z. T. Astakhova, and N. V. Kulakova
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qrs ≥110 ms ,prevalence of wide qrs complex ,age and sex characteristics ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
Aim. To assess the prevalence of wide QRS complex (≥110 ms) among the population, depending on sex, age, place of residence (urban or rural area), the presence of obesity and cardiovascular disease.Material and methods. The analysis was based on the ESSE-RF study (n=17,364, men — 38%). Twelve-lead resting electrocardiography (ECG) data from the regions participating in the study were analyzed according to the Minnesota code manual. Patients were divided into groups of QRS
- Published
- 2020
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24. Markers of vascular damage depending on the blood pressure level: data of the population study ESSE-RF
- Author
A. M. Erina, M. A. Boyarinova, E. V. Moguchaya, E. P. Kolesova, A. S. Aliyeva, O. P. Rotar, E. I. Baranova, S. A. Shalnova, A. D. Deev, Z. T. Astakhova, L. Z. Bolieva, G. V. Tolparov, V. S. Kaveshnikov, V. N. Serebryakova, I. A. Trubacheva, R. S. Karpov, A. Yu. Efanov, M. A. Storozhok, I. V. Medvedeva, S. V. Shalaev, A. N. Rogoza, A. O. Konradi, S. A. Boytsov, and E. V. Shlyakhto
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prehypertension ,vascular lesion ,cardio-ankle vascular index ,vascular index ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
Aim. To evaluate the relationship of prehypertension (preHTN) with vascular wall damage and decreased renal function depending on cardiovascular risk in a representative sample of Russian population.Material and methods. As a part the ESSE-RF study in 4 regions (St. Petersburg, Tomsk, Tyumen, the Republic of North Ossetia), 7042 participants aged 25-64 were additionally examined for state of vessels. All participants signed informed consent and completed the approved questionnaires. Anthropometry, fasting glucose and blood pressure (BP) levels were assessed. BP was measured by the OMRON monitor (Japan) twice on the right hand in a sitting position; average BP was calculated. The optimal BP was considered
- Published
- 2020
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25. Different Types of Blood Pressure Variability in Hypertensive Patients with Chronic Lower Airway Diseases
- Author
M. I. Smirnova, V. M. Gorbunov, A. S. Kurekhyan, Ya. N. Koshelyaevskaya, and A. D. Deev
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arterial hypertension ,blood pressure variability ,asthma ,chronic obstructive pulmonary disease ,clinical blood pressure ,24-hour blood pressure monitoring ,home blood pressure monitoring ,forced expiratory volume in 1 second ,creatinine ,glomerular filtration rate ,arrhythmias ,leukocytes ,Therapeutics. Pharmacology ,RM1-950 ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
In hypertensive patients, blood pressure variability (BPV) and comorbidity are associated with prognosis. However, there have been no complex prospective studies of BPV in patients with hypertension and chronic lower airway diseases (CLAD). Aim. To investigate specific features of different BPV types and their prognostic value in hypertensive patients with and without CLAD in a prospective study. Material and methods. This prospective cohort study included hypertensive patients, approximately half of whom had asthma or chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Clinic blood pressure (BP) measurements, ambulatory and home BP monitoring (ABPM, HBPM), spirometry, clinical blood analysis and blood chemistry, and a standard questionnaire and physical examination were performed at baseline and 12 months later. Clinical BP measurements and HBPM were also repeated 6 months after the baseline visit. At 12 months from the last study visit, we collected the information about cardiovascular complications and deaths. Statistical methods included ANOVA and survival analysis. The BPV indices were calculated as SD for different time periods, ARV (average real variability), and VIM (variation independent of mean). The inter-group comparisons were adjusted for age and sex. The assessment of intra-visit and long-term BPV was based on clinical BP measurement. The assessment of 24-hour BPV and mid-term BPV was based on ABPM and HBPM, respectively. Results. The BPV levels, assessed by ABPM and HBPM, were higher in patients with CLAD. There were no long-term BPV differences between two groups, in according to clinical BP data. Higher levels of daytime BPV were associated with orthostatic systolic BP, baseline forced expiratory volume in 1 second (FEV1), and glomerular filtration rate (GFR). An increase in nighttime BPV was associated with COPD, serum creatinine, FEV1 after β2-agonist inhalation, and GFR. In the CLAD group, the cumulative survival was lower, while the total risk was higher. The following endpoint predictors were identified: supraventricular arrhythmias, SD of nighttime diastolic BP, blood leukocyte count and nocturnal BP fall (Wald Chi-Square 14.780- 4.257; p
- Published
- 2019
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26. Comparative analysis of several methods for blood pressure measurement in the morning in patients with arterial hypertension
- Author
G. F. Andreeva, A. D. Deev, and V. M. Gorbunov
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arterial hypertension ,ambulatory blood pressure monitoring ,morning surge in blood pressure ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
Aim. To compare the known methods of blood pressure (BP) measurement in the morning and a new method for estimating the average morning BP for fixed time intervals, comparing their reproducibility and validity.Material and methods. We analyzed database containing 983 cases of ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM). Results of ABMP in patients with hypertension without severe associated diseases and weekly cancellation of antihypertensive therapy were analyzed. Blood pressure data per 24-hour period, day and night, level and rate of morning BP surge were assessed. In addition, we proposed new method for estimating the average morning BP level for fixed time intervals, based on calculating the average BP level for the following time windows: from 5:00 to 7:00 a.m., from 7:00 to 9:00 a.m., from 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. To assess the reproducibility of the new method, we determined correlations between the first and second group results calculated by the new method based on two repeated ABPM conducted with 1-2 weeks interval (n=90). To study the validity of the new method for measurement of average morning BP level, we used an objective validation criterion — Left Ventricular Myocardium Mass Index (LVMMI). There were performed 98 echocardiographic tests with the use of Acuson 128XP. LVMMI was calculated using the L. Teichholtz method (1976).Results. The new method for measurement of average morning BP level had good reproducibility while the reproducibility of dynamic showings of ABMP (level and rate of morning BP surge) was low. A new method for assessing morning blood pressure was characterized by a high level of validity: the indicators obtained using this technique reliably correlated with the validation criteria: LVMI and the average daily blood pressure level.Conclusion. The proposed new method for estimating the average morning level of blood pressure has a high level of validity and reproducibility. Time interval from 7 to 9 a. m. seems to be the most optimal. The maximum reproducibility of the showings was noted during this period.
- Published
- 2018
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27. The prevalence of electrocardiographic abnormalities in the Russian population in the early 21st century (the ESSE-RF study)
- Author
G. A. Muromtseva, V. G. Vilkov, V. V. Konstantinov, A. D. Deev, E. V. Oshchepkova, O. P. Rotar, and S. A. Shalnova
- Subjects
ecg in epidemiological studies ,minnesota code ,major (certain) signs of cad on ecg ,minor (possible) signs of cad on ecg ,sex-age associations ,gender ratios. ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
Electrocardiography (ECG) takes the lead in assessing the prevalence of coronary artery disease (CAD) in the population. ECG disorders, grouped in the Major (certain) and Minor (possible) categories, are prognostic markers of a high risk of cardiovascular diseases and sudden cardiac death. Unified assessing methods of ECG disorders prevalence and their associations with socio-demographic parameters have not previously been made in Russia.Aim. To study the prevalence of ECG parameters of certain and possible coronary artery disease among population of Russia, depending on the socio-demographic characteristics — age, sex, education and place of residence (city or country).Material and methods. We used 17504 ECGs from representative samples of population (25-64 years old), who participated in the epidemiological study “Epidemiology of cardiovascular diseases and their risk factors in the Russian Federation”. The analysis using Minnesota code was carried out among men and women of four age groups, two educational levels, among citizens and countrymen.Results. The highest prevalence was observed in the “Certain” (5,7%) and “Possible signs of CAD” (7,1%) categories, in the “Certain” (3,8%) and “Possible myocardial ischemia” groups (4,9%), the smallest is in the “Rhythm and conduction disorder” (0,7%) and “STT changes in left ventricular hypertrophy” (0,4%) groups. It was shown that the frequency of ECG disorders increases with age, has an sharp increase after 55 years, regardless of sex. In the age dynamics of categories, STT changes and atrial fibrillation have a decrease of gender differences. All groups of ECG disorders are detected more often among men than women, except for STT changes. With an increase in the level of education, the frequency of ECG pathologies decreases, with the exception of the groups of “major” and “minor Q (QS)”, “major rhythm and conduction disorders”. The prevalence of most ECG disorders does not depend on the place of residence. However, signs of major myocardial ischemia in men are more common in country than in the city (3,9% vs. 2,7%, p
- Published
- 2018
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28. Basic Anthropometric Indices and Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 in Russian Population
- Author
O. M. Drapkina, R. N. Shepel, S. A. Shalnova, A. D. Deev, Yu. A. Balanova, S. E. Evstifeeva, Yu. V. Zhernakova, A. E. Imaeva, A. V. Kapustina, G. A. Muromtseva, O. P. Rotar, E. V. Shlyakhto, and S. A. Boytsov
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diabetes mellitus ,obesity ,anthropometric indices ,body mass index ,waist circumference ,visceral obesity index ,“lipid accumulation product” index ,screening ,Therapeutics. Pharmacology ,RM1-950 ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
Obesity is one of the main risk factors for type 2 diabetes developing. The question of the advantages and disadvantages of using various anthropometric indices [body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), waist-to-height ratio (WHR), lipid accumulation product index (LAPI), visceral obesity index (VOI)] has been under discussion lately.Aim. To perform an analysis of anthropometric obesity indicators (BMI, WC, WHR, VOI, LAPI) depending on the presence of type 2 diabetes in the adult population of the Russian Federation.Material and methods. The results of the study "Epidemiology of Cardiovascular diseases and their risk factors in the regions of the Russian Federation" (ESSE-RF) performed in 2012-2014 in 13 regions of the Russian Federation are included into the analysis. People aged 25-64 years (n=20878; 8058 men and 12820 women) were examined. The following indicators in people with/without type 2 diabetes were analyzed: age; sex; anthropometric indicators: height, weight, WC; smoking status (“never smoked”, “smoked”, “smokes now”); alcohol consumption, which was ranked for “never in the last year” and “a lot” (≥168 g of ethanol per week for men and ≥84 g of ethanol per week for women); the level of systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) blood pressure; heart rate (HR); levels of glucose, total cholesterol (TC), high density lipoproteins cholesterol (HDL-C), triglycerides (TG); WHR; VOI; LAPI, BMI.Results. Levels of TC and glucose, excessive alcohol consumption, BMI were selected in a multifactor regression model in men after adjusting for age, region of residence and IVO. The same factors (SBP instead of alcohol and BMI instead of WHR were included in the model) were selected in women. VOI showed the greatest degree of association with type 2 diabetes regardless of gender after adjusting for age and region of residence (in men odds ratio 1,085; p=0.0001; in women odds ratio 1,136; p=0.0001). Thus, VOI (predictor of type 2 diabetes in population of working age) was common to both sexes.Conclusion. VOI has statistically significant associations with type 2 diabetes. VOI is the best surrogate marker for measuring the degree of abdominal obesity in the Russian population and can be used to determine the presence of type 2 diabetes in clinical practice. Screening for elevated VOI values in healthy individuals and patients with pre-diabetes can serve as a guide for targeted aggressive preventive interventions.Participants of the ESSE-RF Study: Vladivostok: Kulakova N.V., Nevzorova V.A., Shestakova N.V., Mokshina M.V., Rodionova L.V.; Vladikavkaz: Tolparov G.V.; Vologda: Shabunova A.A., Kalashnikov K.N., Kalachikova O.N., Popov A.V.; Volgograd: Nedogoda S.V., Chumachek E.V., Lediaeva A.A.; Voronezh: Chernyih T.M., Furmenko G.I., Ovsyannikova V.V., Bondarcov L.V.; Ivanovo: Belova O.A., Romanchuk S.V., Nazarova O.A., Shutemova O.A.; Kemerovo: Barbarash O.L., Artamonova G.V., Indukaeva E.V., Mulerova T.A., Maksimov S.A., Skripchemko A.E., Cherkass N.V., Tabakaev M.V., Danilchenko Ia.V.; Krasnoyarsk: Grinshtein Yu.I., Petrova M.M., Danilova L.K., Evsiukov A.A., Shabalin V.V., Ruph R.R., Kosinova A.A., Filonenko I.V., Baykova O.A.; Moscow: Gomyranova N.V., Oganov R.G., Oshepkova E.V.; Orenburg: Libis R.A., Basyrova I.R., Lopina E.A.; Samara: Dupliakov D.V., Gudkova S.A., Cherepanova N.A.; St. Petersburg: Konradi A.O., Baranova E.I.; Tomsk: Trubacheva I.A., Kaveshnikov V.S., Karpov R.S., Serebriakova V.N.; Tyumen: Efanov A. Yu., Medvedeva I.V., Storozhok M.A., Shalaev S.V.
- Published
- 2018
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29. Atherosclerotic plaque in carotid arteries as a risk marker for cardiovascular events risk in middle aged population
- Author
A. I. Ershova, A. N. Meshkov, A. D. Deev, E. L. Aleksandrova, N. E. Lishchenko, А. S. Novikova, О. V. Khoroshilova, Е. A. Shutemova, О. A. Belova, Т. V. Balakhonova, S. А. Shalnova, О. М. Drapkina, and S. А. Boytsov
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atherosclerotic plaque ,carotid arteries ,ultrasound markers ,stenosis ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
Aim. To reveal the associations of carotid arteries atherosclerosis severity and cardiovascular events in mostly middle aged population.Material and methods. In the study, 1100 persons participated of the ATHEROGEN-Ivanovo trial (substudy of ESSE-RF), age 40-67 y. o. All participants underwent duplex scan of carotid arteries (Samsung Medison MySono U6) with assessment of the number of atherosclerotic plaques (AP), maximum stenosis and total stenosis with calculation of gender-specific quintiles. With the Cox regression model, risk was estimated for combinatory endpoint including all-cause death, myocardial infarction, novel onset of coronary heart disease, stroke, any area revascularization. Median follow-up 3,8 years.Results. The AP were found in 74,5% males and 58,0% females. In males atherosclerosis was more severe: maximum stenosis 27 (0-34)% in males vs 22 (0-58)% in females (р
- Published
- 2018
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30. Nutrition characteristics of adult inhabitants by ESSE-RF study
- Author
N. S. Karamnova, S. A. Shalnova, A. D. Deev, V. I. Tarasov, Yu. A. Balanova, А. E. Imaeva, G. A. Muromtseva, A. V. Kapustina, S. Е. Evstifeeva, and О. М. Drapkina
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nutrition characteristics ,nutrition structure ,food related behavior ,consumption ,grocery ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
Nutrition, in general, and physical activity do determine the level of health of an individual and population in general.Aim. To evaluate the characteristics of nutrition and food-related behavior in adult population of Russia currently.Material and methods. The study materials were representative selections of non-organized male and female inhabitants of 25-64 y. o. (n=22258, males 8519, females 13698) of 13 regions of Russia РФ. Nutrition characteristics were evaluated by the rate of the main meal types consumption and selected routines of food-related behavior (salt added, animal fats in cooking). Quantitative evaluation was done for: red meat, fish and seafoods, poultry, fresh vegetables and fruits.Results. Every day the raw vegetables and fruits are added to the meals only in 59,7% of citizens, with the mean number of portions — 1,48±0,8. High level of dairy food was noted: 49,7% do consume milk, joghurt, sour milk every day, 40,4% — cheese, 18,9% — quark, 20,6% — sour creme and creme. The meat is added to diet in 42,9% of inhabitants. Recommended level of meat consumption as a healthy nutrition, do follow only 40,2% of participants. Poultry consumption level is at 27,5% — lower than meat. Low rate of fish consumption is found in 34,9%. Preserved with salt and vinegar products are consumed by 10,1% and a third of inhabitants (32,4%) does consume these not rarer than 1-2 times a week. The level of sausages consumption is high — at 22,5%. Almost a half of participants (47,6%) consume pastry and confectionery every day, and 28,0% — 1-2 times weekly. About a quarter, 24,4% do voluntarily decrease the rate of pastry consumption. Behavior of addition of salt to a prepared meal do have 40,5%. It was noted that 72,5% use butter for a “morning sandvich”. High fat dairies consumption is about 74,0%. Only plant oils are in use for cooking in 95,4% of participants.Conclusion. In the nutrition related behavior of adult population of Russia currently there are positive as well as negative components, from the perspective of socially significant diseases development.
- Published
- 2018
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31. Obesity trends in populations of the Russian Federation and the United States of America. Thirty-year long dynamics
- Author
V. G. Vilkov, S. A. Shalnova, A. D. Deev, Yu. A. Balanova, S. E. Efstifeeva, A. E. Imaeva, A. V. Kapustina, G. A. Muromtseva, and N. V. Kiseleva
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body mass index ,risk factors ,cardiovascular diseases ,nhanes ii ,continuous nhanes ,esse-rf ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
Aim. To evaluate the dynamics of obesity and mean body mass index (BMI) in Russia and USA in various age and gender categories during 1975-2014.Material and methods. By a repeat analysis of one-moment studies of Russian and US population in 1975-1982 and 2007-2014, the values of obesity and BMI were assessed in men and women age 25-64 y. o. Into analysis, the data was included from Russian part of the Lipid Clinics study and multicenter ESSE-RF study (Epidemiology of cardiovascular diseases and risk factors in various regions of Russian Federation). American data acquired from the studies NHANES (National Health And Nutrition Examination Survey), open access. Total number of observations 48974.Results. In the 80s of XX century in all age groups of women the mean BMI levels were lower in USA comparing to Russia, in men there were no significant differences. For the following 30 years in Russia the situation improved for men and women 45 years old — in Russia.
- Published
- 2018
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32. What factors do influence arterial hypertension control in Russia
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S. A. Shalnova, A. О. Konradi, Yu. A. Balanova, A. D. Deev, A. E. Imaeva, G. A. Muromtseva, S. E. Evstifeeva, A. V. Kapustina, E. V. Shlyakhto, S. A. Boytsov, and О. М. Drapkina
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treatment efficacy ,hypertension control ,arterial hypertension ,risk factors ,treatment non-efficacy factors ,low adherence ,insufficient treatment coverage ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
In the work, the results presented, gathered in the multicenter study ESSE-RF, and characterizing factors associated with insufficient control of blood pressure (BP) in arterial hypertension (AH) patients.Aim. Evaluation of the factors associated with insufficient BP control in Russian males and females age 25-64 y. o., with AH, by the ESSE-RF data.Material and methods. Representative selections were assessed of 13 regions of Russia, males (n=5563) and females (n=9737) 25-64 y. o., investigated in 2012-2013 y. Systematic stratified multistage random selection was applied. Response about 80%. All participants were surveyed with a standard questionnaire (demography, anamnesis, wealth). Mean values were calculated (M±m), quintiles and ranges. Methods of analytical statistics were applied: dispersion-co variation, logistic regression, odds ratio.Results. Two groups were revealed, with raised BP, that differ basically. Group one, those with BP higher than 140/90 mm Hg, not taking antihypertensive medication, and group two — those who take medications, but do not reach target BP. Group one consists of men almost 2 times more, with risk factors, but no cardiovascular diseases in anamnesis. Only the heart rate (HR) and alcohol overconsumption significantly positively correlate with the treatment absence in men — OR=1,49 (p
- Published
- 2018
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Yu. A. Balanova, S. A. Shalnova, A. D. Deev, A. E. Imaeva, A. V. Kontsevaya, G. A. Muromtseva, А. V. Kapustina, S. E. Evstifeeva, and О. M. Drapkina
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prevalence of obesity ,obesity in russia ,overweight ,non-communicable diseases risk factors ,arterial hypertension. national research center for preventive medicine of the ministry of health ,moscow ,russia ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
Aim. Evaluation of the prevalence of obesity and association with the risk factors of chronic non-communicable diseases of the inhabitants of selected regions of Russia, by the data from ESSE-RF study.Material and methods. Representative selections investigated, of the inhabitants of 13 regions of Russia, totally 21768 participants, males n=8 304, females n=13 464, age 25-64 y. o., under the circumstances of the study “Epidemiology of cardiovascular diseases (ESSE-RF)”, with response ~80%. Standard questionnaire, consisting 12 modules, was developed based upon adapted international methods. For the risk factors prevalence assessment, the standard epidemiological methods were applied. Body mass (BM) was evaluated in the categories of body mass index (BMI) (Ketle index: BMI — Body mass, kg / height, m2). BM as BMI was evaluated as insufficient (BMI
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- 2018
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N. S. Karamnova, S. A. Shalnova, A. D. Deev, V. I. Tarasov, Yu. A. Balanova, A. E. Imaeva, А. V. Kontsevaya, G. A. Muromtseva, A. V. Kapustina, S. E. Evstifeeva, and O. M. Drapkina
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nutrition character ,specifics of nutrition ,smoking ,food-related behavior ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
Smoking influences nutrition type and food-related behavior of the smokers.Aim. To evaluate the specifics of adult population of Russian Federation nutrition type according to smoking status.Material and methods. Analysis was done on the representative selection of nonorganized male and female population, age 25-64 y. o. (n=22258, of those males 8519, females 13698) from 13 regions of Russia. Response about 80%. Nutrition character was assessed by the rates of food items consumption with quantitative assessment in several units. Smoking status was assessed with questionnaire with selection to the groups: non-smokers, past smokers, current smokers.Results. Most prominent differences were found on the intake of fresh vegetables and fruits, of curd, cheese, red meat, sausages, pastry and behavior of adding salt to cooked meals. In comparison with the smokers, non-smokers do more often take curd — by 38%, vegetables and fruits — by 30%, and rarer — red meat, by 25%, and sausages, by 21%; they add salt rarer — by 26%. However, pastry and sweets they eat more commonly, by 19%. With the quittance from smoking, there is increase of curd in the meals by 20%, fresh fruits and vegetables by 19%, and decrease of adding salt behavior by 26%, as by 17% — consumption of sausages and by 11% — high fat dairy (sour cream and cream). Sweets and pastry are consumed only 8% more, that distinguishes the model as healthier and more protective against NCD.Conclusion. Smoking influences negatively food related behavior, shaping the character of nutrition with higher intake of meat and sausages, saltings and adding salt behavior, lower consumption of vegetables and fruits, that should be considered in prevention events.
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- 2018
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A. E. Imaeva, A. V. Kapustina, Yu. A. Balanova, G. A. Muromtseva, A. D. Deev, S. A. Shalnova, and V. М. Shkolnikov
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impaired cognition ,childhood life conditions ,place of living ,social and economical status ,wealth ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
Aim. To assess changes of cognitive function in population older 55 y. in relation with childhood life conditions.Material and methods. The study is a part of prospective cohort trial “Stress, ageing and health”. Totally, 1816 participants included, of those 20% (358) with declined cognitive ability. Childhood life conditions were evaluated with the questions: “Characterize the place where you spent most of your childhood”, “Education level of your parent”, “When you were growing up, was your family wealth better or worse than average that times?”, “When you were growing up, how often you went to bed with hunger due to lack of food in your family?”. Life quality was measured with the score Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE), and decreased life quality was set if less than 24 points from 30. Associations were evaluated with logistic regression after correction for social and demographic parameters, alcohol intake status and diagnoses of arterial hypertension and stroke.Results. With analysis of decreased cognitive function association and conditions of life, it was found that childhood in rural areas increases the risk of the problem 1,6 times (p=0,001). Higher education of father (not mother) decreases the risk of lower cognitive functioning by 45% (p=0,001). There were significant associations of hunger in childhood with decreased cognitive function (p=0,006). Also, the lower wealth in the family where participant was growing up, the higher risk of decreased cognitive functioning at later stage of life (HR 1,68 (95% CI 1,07-1,94) p=0,02).Conclusion. Results of the current study witness on the presence of adverse childhood life circumstances and cognition decline at adulthood.
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- 2018
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S. A. Shalnova, V. G. Vilkov, A. V. Kapustina, and A. D. Deev
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heart rate ,risk factors ,cardiovascular diseases ,nhanes ii ,continuous nhanes ,esse-rf ,Therapeutics. Pharmacology ,RM1-950 ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
Heart rate (HR) acceleration is one of the risk factors of the number of prevalent chronic non-communicable diseases.Aim. To evaluate changes in mean levels of HR in the Russian Federation (RF) and the United States of America (USA) in different age and sex groups from 1975 to 2014.Material and methods. HR levels in men and women of different age groups were evaluated in the populations of the RF and the USA in 1975-1982 and in 2007-2014 by the secondary analysis of cross-sectional trials data. A total number of cases was 48974.Results. In 80th years of XX century Russian men and women of all age groups had lower HR as compared to the USA, the distinctions were statistically significant in all age groups except for men aged 25-34 years (p
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- 2018
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S. A. Shalnova, A. D. Deev, G. A. Muromtseva, J. A. Balanova, A. E. Imaeva, A. V. Kapustina, S. E. Evstifeeva, R. N. Shepel, O. P. Rotar, S. V. Nedogoda, A. A. Shabunova, T. M. Chernykh, S. V. Romanchuk, E. V. Indukaeva, Y. I. Grinstein, R. A. Libis, D. V. Duplyakov, I. A. Trubacheva, A. Y. Efanov, G. V. Tolparov, N. V. Kulakova, E. V. Shlyakhto, S. A. Boytsov, and O. M. Drapkina
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obesity ,coronary heart disease ,body mass index ,waist circumference ,waist-hip ratio ,index of visceral obesity ,the lipid deposition product ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
An epidemics of obesity in the world during recent two decades, has already led to increased prevalence of diabetes, metabolic syndrome, oncological diseases, etc. Obesity is assessed with a variety of indexes, and recently the number of such tools was added with the two additional: visceral obesity index (VOI) and index of lipid products deposition (ILPD). The aim of the study — evaluation of the relation of anthropometric parameters with coronary heart disease. Materials of the study were representative selections from 13 regions of the ESSE-RF trial. In analysis of associations of body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), relation of WC to height (WC/height x 100), VOI and IPLD with correction on the age and region, it was found that all studied parameters are significantly correlated with ischemic heart disease, however when the main risk factors were added, only two remained — odds ratio (95% confidence interval) for: WC/height×100 — 1,030 (1,019;1,040) (р
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- 2018
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S. Yu. Martsevich, N. P. Kutishenko, A. V. Zagrebelnyy, Yu. V. Lukina, М. L. Ginzburg, A. V. Fokina, E. V. Daniels, and A. D. Deev
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stroke ,registry ,long-term follow-up ,mortality ,Therapeutics. Pharmacology ,RM1-950 ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
Aim. To assess long-term outcomes in patients after acute stroke within LIS-2 registry.Material and methods. 960 patients hospitalized in 2009-2011 due to acute stroke in one of the district hospitals of Lyubertsy town were included into analysis. The first assessment of the life status was carried out in 2012-2013 through 2.8 [2.1; 3.5] years after discharge, and a reassessment was in 2017 through 7-8 years after discharge, median follow-up 6.1 [6.9; 7.7] years. The primary endpoint was total mortality. Survival was assessed using the Kaplan-Meier curves.Results. Only 300 patients were alive by the end of the follow-up, 543 patients died, and life status of 117 patients were unknown. Kaplan-Mayer curves showed that mortality was the highest during the first year after stroke, and then it stabilized and remained unchanged till the end of the followup. Less than a third of patients were alive after 8 years of follow-up. The identification of causes of death was difficult in a significant number of cases (in 52% of cases the cause was unknown). Acute stroke and other cerebrovascular diseases, as causes of death, were found in 15% of deaths, other cardiovascular diseases – in 18%, oncological diseases – in 7%, injuries – in 4%. Such causes of death as acute myocardial infarction, pulmonary disease or pulmonary embolism accounted for only 2% in the structure of deaths. A trend towards decrease in the proportion of recurrent stroke as the cause of death was observed as the follow-up period increases.Conclusion. Mortality rate of patients after acute stroke remains stably high throughout the follow-up period: after 8 years less than a third of patients were alive. Death from acute stroke and cardiovascular diseases prevailed among the main causes of death at a distant stage of observation. It is necessary to analyze the factors determining the long-term outcomes at different periods after the stroke.
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- 2018
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M. M. Loukianov, S. Yu. Martsevich, S. S. Yakushin, A. N. Vorobyev, K. G. Pereverzeva, A. V. Zagrebelnyy, V. Val. Yakusevich, V. Vl. Yakusevich, T. A. Gomova, M. N. Valiakhmetov, V. P. Mikhin, Yu. V. Maslennikova, M. A. Bichurina, L. A. Matskevich, E. N. Belova, V. G. Klyashtorny, E. V. Kudryashov, A. D. Deev, O. M. Drapkina, and s. A. Boytsov
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atrial fibrillation ,registers ,anticoagulant therapy ,warfarin ,international normalized ratio (inr) ,outpatient and hospital stages of treatment ,adherence to inr control ,achievement of target inr values ,Therapeutics. Pharmacology ,RM1-950 ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
Am. To study in the RECVASA registers the availability of data about the international normalized ratio (INR) indicator and achievement of its target values in outpatient and hospital practice in patients with atrial fibrillation (AF) receiving anticoagulant therapy with warfarin.Material and methods. Data about the INR control and the frequency of achievement of its target values at the outpatient and hospital stages were analyzed in RECVASA (Ryazan) and RECVASA FP – Yaroslavl outpatient registries, as well as in the hospital registers RECVASA FP (Moscow, Kursk, Tula) in 817 patients (46.9% of men, age 68.5±9.6 years) with AF and the prescribed anticoagulant therapy with warfarin.Results. INR was determined in 689 (84.3%) of 817 patients. The values of INR were monitored during therapy with warfarin in RECVASA (Ryazan) and RECVASA FP –Yaroslavl outpatient registries in 73.7% and 77.7% of patients, respectively, and in RECVASA FP hospital registers: 95.8% (Moscow); 81.3% (Tula) and 93.5% (Kursk). The target level of INR (2.0-3.0) was achieved in a minority of patients with AF during treatment with warfarin: inRyazan – in 26.3% of cases;Yaroslavl – 38.3%;Kursk – 34.8%;Moscow – 39.5%; Tule – 26.3%. Control of INR in hospital registries during warfarin therapy in patients with AF significantly more often (p
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- 2018
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E. I. Suvorova, S. A. Shalnova, A. V. Kontsevaya, A. D. Deev, A. V. Kapustina, and Yu. A. Balanova
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risk factors ,health care resource utilization ,hospitalizations ,emergency ,medical help seeking ,working age ,Therapeutics. Pharmacology ,RM1-950 ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
Aim. To analyze the associations of health care system resources utilization and temporary disability (TD) with the main risk factors (RF) for cardiovascular diseases (CVD) in working age population based on ESSE-RF study data.Material and methods. The analysis was based on ESSE-RF study data (13 regions of the Russian Federation). Standard epidemiological survey methods and evaluation criteria were used. The analysis included results of a survey of the ESSE-RF study participants about the utilization of health services and TD during last 12 months. Average number of outpatient visits, hospitalizations (including duration of in-hospital treatment and number of cases), ambulance calls and TD (a number of days and cases) per one study participant and associations with RF for CVD were estimated. We conducted a comparative analysis of the utilization of health services and TD in association with cardiovascular RF, also logistic regression analysis was performed to predicting the likelihood of outpatient visits, hospitalizations, ambulance calls and TD.Results. A total of 21,923 individuals in the 25-64 age group were included: men – 8,373 (38%) and women – 13,550 (62%). Number of men who was hospitalized significantly increased in group with tobacco consumption (1,41; p
- Published
- 2018
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S. А. Shalnov, A. D. Deev, O. A. Belova, Yu. I. Grinshtein, D. V. Duplyakov, A. Yu. Efanov, E. V. Indukaeva, N. V. Kulakova, R. A. Libis, S. V. Nedogoda, O. P. Rotar, G. V. Tolparov, I. A. Trubacheva, T. M. Chernykh, A. A. Shabunova, and S. A. Boytsov
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esse-rf study ,heart rate ,prevalence ,associations ,risk factors ,Therapeutics. Pharmacology ,RM1-950 ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
Aim. To study the association of heart rate (HR) with the health parameters obtained in the ESSE-RF study.Material and methods. The data of the multicenter epidemiological study of ESSE-RF were used in the work. 8,343 men and 13,531 women aged 25-64 years were examined. The response to the survey was about 80%. The analysis is performed depending on the elevated heart rate. Education, place of residence, region, lipid profile, levels of C-reactive protein (CRP) and glucose, history of diabetes, anxiety and depression, elevated blood pressure were analyzed as factors possibly associated with increased heart rate. Epidemiological diagnosis of ischemic heart disease (IHD) was established using the Rose questionnaire, an electrocardiogram analysis, followed by the Minnesota code coding.Results. Almost every fifth inhabitant had a pulse rate of more than 80 beats/min. No significant difference was found between the sexes. The increase in heart rate in men, starting in the age group 25-34 years to 45-54, and in women only up to 35-44 years with subsequent reduction in men and women was found. The prevalence of increased heart rate varies from region to region. The highest heart rate in men is recorded in Orenburg (33.1%), Ossetia (Alania) and Volgograd (29.7% and 27.6%, respectively), in women – in Vladivostok (37.4%), and the lowest heart rate in both gender groups– in Samara (9.4% for men and 8.1% for women). Increase in heart rate in men with secondary education [odds ratio (OR) 1.24; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.10-1.40], smokers and quitters (OR 1.90, 95% CI 1.63-2.27), who did not drink alcohol during the last year (OR 1.18, 95% CI 1.021.37), living in rural areas (OR 1.22, 95% CI 1.04-1.42), who are obese (OR 1.27, 95% CI, 1.101.45), having elevated blood pressure (OR 2.24, 95% CI 1.88-2.67), elevated levels of triglycerides, glucose and CRP was found after correction for age, region and all indicators included in the analysis (multidimensional model). The heart rate >80 beats/min was found significantly less often in people with history of myocardial infarction. A different model was found in women, it included, like in men, living in the village, elevated levels of blood pressure, triglycerides, glucose and CRP, but not education, smoking and alcohol consumption, obesity. Anxiety, low level of high-density lipoproteins and history of diabetes mellitus were also in the model in women.Сonclusion. Significant associations between increased heart rate and metabolic risk factors, inflammation and residence in the village are found.
- Published
- 2017
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A. N. Britov, S. A. Tjupaeva, N. A. Eliseeva, A. N. Meshkov, and A. D. Deev
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arterial hypertension ,periodic medical examination ,industrial and professional factors ,metabolic syndrome ,Therapeutics. Pharmacology ,RM1-950 ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
Aim. To study the incidence of arterial hypertension (HT) and prevalence of risk factors and occupational factors (OF) among people with HT on the base of engineering plant within "The program of formation of healthy lifestyle and prevention of chronic non-communicable diseases among the contingent, attached for the medical assistance for the period 2012-2016".Material and methods. The study included men (n=586), aged 20-65 years – the workers of the engineering plant directly involved in the works in conditions of industrial occupational exposures. These specified works occupied not less than 50% of the general time, and work experience at the enterprise in examined workers was at least 5 years.Results. All examined people were divided into 2 groups according to the office blood pressure (BP) levels: without HT – 380 people (64.8%) and with HT – 206 patients (35.2%). HT was observed more often among people without higher education (39.2 vs 28.3%; р
- Published
- 2017
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M. I. Smirnova, V. M. Gorbunov, S. A. Boytsov, M. M. Loukianov, A. M. Kalinina, D. A. Volkov, A. D. Deev, Ya. N. Koshelyaevskaya, and E. N. Belova
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hypertension ,ambulatory blood pressure monitoring ,blood pressure phenotypes ,masked hypertension ,masked uncontrolled hypertension ,seasonal variability ,Therapeutics. Pharmacology ,RM1-950 ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
Background. Seasonal variability of cardiovascular morbidity and mortality emphasizes the need for the development of new preventive approaches. One of them could be early diagnostics of the unfavorable blood pressure (BP) phenotypes.Aim. To evaluate markers of the masked uncontrolled hypertension (MUH) phenotype in winter and summer in ambulatory treated hypertensive patients.Material and methods. We selected patients from the database (n=477; Ivanovo and Saratov residents) according to the following criteria: regular antihypertensive treatment (AHT), clinical BP
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- 2017
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A. A. Kiseleva, М. V. Klimushina, S. A. Tyupaeva, N. A. Eliseeva, S. A. Smetnev, А. D. Deev, А. N. Britov, А. N. Meshkov, and О. М. Drapkina
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arterial hypertension ,single nucleotide polymorphisms ,production factors ,genetic risk score. ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
Aim. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the contribution of 11 singlenucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and production factors to the development of arterial hypertension (AH) in men in an organized workers cohort of machinebuilding plant.Material and methods. The study included men aged 20-65 years who had contact with production factors (PF) during at least 50% of the working time. Genotyping of 11 SNPs was performed using TaqMan real-time PCR. Data statistical analysis was carried out using statistica 8.0 and SAS, v. 6.12 software.Results. 583 men were included in the study, 205 of those had AH, 378 did not. The groups differed significantly in age, presence of higher education, the frequency of combination of two or more components of the metabolic syndrome and the severity of its individual components: weight, waist circumference, level of total cholesterol, triglycerides, low density lipoprotein cholesterol, glucose. As a result of genotyping, it was found that the frequency distribution of genotypes between groups with and without AH significantly differed for two SNPs — rs2932538 (p=0,0414) in the MOV10 gene and rs4373814 (p=0,0344) in the CACNB2 gene. Combining information on several SNPs in the genetic risk SCORE (GRS) it was shown that the mean value of the total GRS in the groups with and without AH was 0,0382±0,119 and 0,0195±0,111, correspondingly. The differences between the groups were significant (p=0,032). Based on the results of multivariate analysis, it was shown that the independent factors associated with the presence of AH in participants were age (OR=1,057 (1,037-1,076), p=0,0001), the presence of two or more components of the metabolic syndrome (OR=2,519 (1,621-3,914), p=0,0001) and the total GRS, consisting of 11 SNP (OR=1,479 (1,02-2,143), p=0,04). PF adjusting for the age were not associated with the presence of AH.Conclusion. In men, who had direct contact with PF at machine-building plant, GRS consisting of 11 SNPs was an independent factor influencing the presence of AH. The results show the necessity of practical USAge of genetic tests together with traditional risk factors assessment with the aim for increase of AH risk estimation precision and for carrying out individual prevention.
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- 2017
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M. I. Smirnova, V. M. Gorbunov, S. A. Boytsov, M. M. Loukianov, A. M. Kalinina, D. A. Volkov, A. D. Deev, Y. N. Koshelyaevskaya, and E. N. Belova
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hypertension ,ambulatory blood pressure monitoring ,blood pressure phenotypes ,masked hypertension ,masked uncontrolled hypertension ,seasonal variability ,Therapeutics. Pharmacology ,RM1-950 ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
Background. The seasonal variability of blood pressure (BP) and cardiovascular morbidity and mortality motivates researchers to search for the new approaches of the antihypertensive treatment (AHT) efficacy assessment, including the analysis of interrelation between clinic and ambulatory BP, i.e. BP phenotypes.Aim. To evaluate the prevalence of BP phenotypes in treated hypertensive outpatients both in winter and summer.Material and methods. Hypertensive patients under regular AHT with available data of clinic BP and 24-hour BP monitoring both in winter and summer seasons (n=477) were selected from a outpatient database with clinic BP 60%) in this region. In contrast, the cohort of relatively older patients with longer hypertension history examined in a relatively warmer region revealed significantly higher rate of masked uncontrolled hypertension in summer (50.2%) while prevalence of all other phenotypes – in winter.
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- 2017
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A. E. Imaeva, S. A. Shalnova, Yu. A. Balanova, A. V. Kapustina, G. A. Muromtseva, S. E. Evstifeeva, A. D. Deev, and V. M. Shkolnikov
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traditional risk factors ,senior population ,elderly ,all-cause mortality ,cardiovascular mortality ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
Aim. To evaluate the impact of traditional risk factors (RF) to overall and cardiovascular mortality of the population ≥75 year old.Material and methods. The results are acquired in the prospective cohort study “Stress, ageing and health”. Totally, 455 Moscovites assessed, age ≥75 y.o. The traditional RF were evaluated: arterial hypertension, smoking, obesity and dyslipidemia. The follow up on mortality lasted for 8 years. Totally, 239 deaths registered, of those 169 cardiovascular. Statistics was done with STATA 14.1.Results. After stratification by sex and age, with the mortality from all cases in the 75-79 y.o. cohort, only current smoking status associated significantly (p=0,0001), and with cardiovascular mortality — current smoking and abdominal obesity, with relative risks 2,91 and 1,92, respectively. Also, in the ≥80 y.o. group, there were no RF influencing significantly the mortality.Conclusion. Among all traditional RF, in the age strata 75-79 y.o., only current smoking associated significantly with the all-cause mortality, and with cardiovascular — also abdominal obesity. Among the persons of ≥80 y.o., traditional RF lose their impact for both all-cause and cardiovascular mortality.
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- 2017
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S. E. Evstifeeva, S. А. Shalnova, А. D. Deev, О. А. Belova, Yu. I. Grinshtein, D. V. Duplyakov, А. Yu. Efanov, Yu. V. Zhernakova, Е. V. Indukaeva, N. V. Kulakova, R. А. Libis, S. V. Nedogoda, О. P. Rotar, G. V. Tolparov, I. А. Trubacheva, Т. М. Chernykh, А. А. Shabunova, and S. А. Boytsov
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esse-rf ,prevalence ,association ,findrisc — the finnish diabetes risk score ,behavioral factors ,social and demographic factors ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
Aim. To evaluate 10-year risk of potential development of type 2 diabetes (DM) in Russian population with the FINDRISC score, and to assess its associations with social, demographic and behavioral factors by the data from epidemiological study ESSE-RF. Material and methods. In the work, the data used, from multi-center study (Epidemiology of cardiovascular diseases in various regions of Russian Federation: ESSE-RF). Totally, 21923 persons investigated, age 25-64 y.o., of those 1045 (3,76% males, 5,39% females) had DM. To the final analysis 20878 persons included (8058 males, 12820 females) with no DM, for whom the 10-year risk was assessed with the FINDRISC (The FINnish Diabetes RIsk SCore). Level of risk and probability of DM onset were evaluated by the points summation. Also, associations were analyzed with education, marital status, place of inhabitance, income, smoking and alcohol status.Results. The threshold for high DM risk in Russian population was set at ≥12 level, with AUC 0,76, that represents good quality of model. The prevalence of the high risk by Russian criteria was 20,4%. Multifactorial analysis demonstrated that after correction for region and age, DM high risk was associated with smoking cessation (odds ratio (OR) 1,34; 95% confidence interval (CI) 1,14-1,58; р=0,0004) and alcohol consumption (OR 2,01; 95% CI 1,48-2,71; р=0,0001), and in women — with low income, low educational level and being married.Conclusion. Mean score by FINDRISC was 6,5±0,03, and absolute risk 5,3%. There were associations found of higher DM risk (≥12 points) with behavioral factors in males and social-demographic factors in women.
- Published
- 2017
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A. V. Kontsevaya, Yu. A. Balanova, A. E. Imaeva, A. D. Deev, A. V. Kapustina, G. A. Muromtseva, S. E. Evstifeeva, and S. A. Shalnova
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risk factors ,health care resource utilization ,hospitalizations ,emergency ,medical help seeking ,Therapeutics. Pharmacology ,RM1-950 ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
Aim. To analyze health care resource utilization and temporary disability in people of pre-retirement age in the Russian population.Material and methods. The analysis was carried out on the basis of the ESSE-RF study materials (13 regions of the RF). Standard epidemiological survey methods and evaluation criteria were used. The analysis included results of a survey of the ESSE-RF study participants about health care resource utilization and temporary disability (TD) during 12 months before the survey. The following characteristics were ascertained: a number and reasons of outpatient visits for medical assistance, hospital admissions (including duration of in-hospital treatment), emergency calls and temporary disability (a number of days and cases), their mean number per one study participant, mean number of cases and days of TD per 100 working participants, associations with social-demographic parameters, risk factors, chronic non-communicable diseases, stress and anxiety levels by the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS).Results. A total of 8334 people aged 50-64 years were examined: men – 2784 (33%) and women – 5550 (67%). A share of the hospitalized (at least one time) was 11% in the age group of 50-54 years, 12% – in the age group of 55-59 years and by the age of 60-64 this indicator increased to 15%. 20% of the participants at least one time were admitted to hospital and/or called an ambulance. A share of people who had utilized health care resources at least one time was increasing with age. Unemployed people were hospitalized more frequently than employed ones. Number of chronic non-communicable diseases correlated with the probability of hospitalization and/or emergency call. Categories 2 and 3 of disability, presence of diabetes mellitus, ischemic heart disease and hypertension were statistically significantly associated with the probability of hospitalization and/or emergency call. Smoking did not increase the probability of hospitalization and/or emergency call in comparison with absence of this risk factor, at that, people who had given up smoking were 1.3 times more likely to be hospitalized than non-smokers. People with low and moderate alcohol consumption were hospitalized and called an ambulance significantly less often than those who abstained from alcohol. Clinically significant anxiety increased the probability of hospital admission and/or emergency call as compared to people without this factor by the HADS. Subclinical and clinically significant anxiety, mean and high levels of stress were associated with the probability of hospitalization and/or emergency call. Number of TD days turned out to be rather low - 0.3 day per 1 working man and 0.4 day - per 1 working woman, this index did not significantly differ with age.Conclusion. So, pre-retirement age (50-64 years) is characterized by increase in health care resource utilization due to health state worsening. At the same time significant share of people of this age (40%) did not seek medical help. These 40% of pre-retirement age people can be possible reserve for health state improvement by means of their active involvement in preventive activity of primary health care system (the study had been conducted before the preventive medical examination program starting).
- Published
- 2017
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S. A. Shalnova, A. D. Deev, Yu. A. Balanova, A. V. Kapustina, A. E. Imaeva, G. A. Muromtseva, N. V. Kiseleva, and S. A. Boytsov
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obesity, arterial hypertension, dynamics, trends, risk factors ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
The prevalence of obesity and obesity-related disorders has been increasing in the world during last decades, reaching the level of epidemics, being one of the key challenge for medical society and healthcare systems in developed countries.Aim. To evaluate the trends of arterial hypertension (AH) and obesity in Russia for the last 20 years.Material and methods. Into analysis, the results form 3 studies included, by identical protocol, performed in 1993, 2003, 2013 with participation of the National Research Center for Preventive Medicine. The data of general investigation was analyzed, of 55640 men and women at the age 25-64 y.o. In the analysis, the social and demographic data was included, AH, body mass index, smoking, alcohol consumption, heart rate.Results. The prevalence of AH in men in 1993 was 43,0%, declining by 2003 to 36,9%, and significantly increased in 2013 (47,3%). From 2003 to 2013 the prevalence of AH increased by approx. 20%, and of obesity — raised two times during the period. In females, contrary, AH prevalence decreased from 1993 to 2013; and if during 1993-2003 gradient was 15,4%, in 2003-2013 only 6,3%. If in 1993 the prevalence of AH predominated in females, in 2013 — in males. The relation of obesity and AH was assessed for every year of observation, by gender, in multiple regression model. It was found that, if corrected by age, educational level, smoking, alcohol consumption, and increased heartrate, chance of AH increases with obesity rate increase in both genders, 4,5-18 times. In men as in women the weakest relation of AH and obesity was found in 1993.Conclusion. Taken recent tendencies, it is important to develop strategies of prevention and management of obesity and AH, with the aim to decrease obesity-related AH development rate.
- Published
- 2017
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A. N. Meshkov, A. I. Ershova, A. D. Deev, V. A. Metelskaya, Yu. V. Zhernakova, O. P. Rotar, S. A. Shalnova, and S. A. Boytsov
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total cholesterol ,triglycerides ,high density lipipoproteides cholesterol ,low density lipoproteides cholesterol ,percentiles ,population ,monitoring ,cardiovascular diseases ,Diseases of the circulatory (Cardiovascular) system ,RC666-701 - Abstract
Elevated level of plasma cholesterol, together with arterial hypertension, is the main modifiable factor of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) development. Monitoring of lipid levels at populational level is an important instrument of the prevention medicine, applied for CVD populational risk assessment.Aim. Blood lipid levels assessment, with the data obatined during epidemiological study “ESSE-RF” (Epidemiology of cardiovascular diseases in various regions of Russian Federation) in 13 regions of Russia.Material and methods. In the study, the patients were included, of 25-64 y.o. All participants underwent specimens collection for total cholesterol (TC), triglycerides (TG), high density lipoproteides cholesterol (HDL-C) and low density lipoproteides cholesterol (LDL-C) by enzymatic methods on automatic analyzer Abbott Architect 8000. Also, in all the participants, hypolipidemic therapy was evaluated.Results. Totally, 21167 persons included into analysis, 7937 males and 13230 females. 807 (3,81%) had been taking hypolipidemic therapy and were ruled out from further analysis. Mean age 44±12 and 47±11 y.o., respectively. Mean values for men were TC 5,31±1,15 mM/L, TG 1,58±1,24 mM/L, HDL-C 1,30±0,33 mM/L and LDL-C 3,38±0,99 mM/L (7643 persons), for women — 5,48±1,18 mM/L, 1,36±0,85 mM/L, 1,47±0,35 mM/L and 3,42±1,04 mM/L, respectively (12717 persons). In the study we present percentile variations of the studied groups by the measured levels of TC, TG, HDL-C, LDL-C according to the age and sex. There were moderate correlations found of HDL-C with age and sex (r=0,34, p=0,000) and LDL-C (r=0,33, p=0,000). Correlation of TG with age and sex was low, but significant (r=0,18, p=0,000). There was no correlation of HDL-C with age and sex (r=-0,002, p=0,740). Also, a high prevalence is shown for severe lipid disorders. 23% of the participants had severely increased TC level (>6,2 mM/L), and 20,6% — of LDL-C (>4,2 mM/L). Severe increase of TG (>5,0 mM/L) was found much more rarely (1,1%).Conclusion. In the ESSE-RF study the prevalence of significant lipid disorders was shown as high, that demands respective prevention and management. This study might be a starting point for lipids populational dynamics analysis in Russia.
- Published
- 2017
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