
Showing total 131 results
131 results

Search Results

1. Prevalence and risk factors of psychological symptoms and quality of life in COVID‐19 survivors: A cross‐sectional study of three different populations.

2. The effect of nurse‐led motivational interviewing based on the trans‐theoretical model on promoting physical activity in healthy older adults: A randomized controlled trial.

3. Psychological impact of the earthquake 2023 in Turkey.

4. The effect of solution‐focussed education and counselling on problematic internet usage, sleep quality and school achievement: A randomized controlled trial.

5. The effect of mobile assisted teaching on nursing students' learning ventrogluteal injection application: The case of Turkey.

6. Examination of the effects of technological device use on preschool children's quality of life: An exploratory and cross‐sectional study.

7. The unseen aspect of negative birth experience: Blues of birth.

8. The effect of pedometer‐supported walking and telemonitoring after disc hernia surgery on pain and disability levels and quality of life.

9. The effects of video‐driven discussions integrated into the flipped classroom model on learning achievement, practical performance, and higher‐order thinking skills in dental education.

10. Work stress and obsessive-compulsive symptoms in nurses and office workers: a comparative study.

11. The effects of augmented reality on students' academic achievement and motivation in a biology course.

12. Kes Sesi: A mobile game designed to improve kindergarteners' recognition of letter sounds.

13. Examining prevalence of urinary incontinence and risk factors in women in third postpartum month.

14. The effect of self-management support on knowledge level, treatment compliance and self-care management in patients with hypertension.

15. The effect of music on comfort, pain, and anxiety in patients with bone marrow aspiration and biopsy in Turkey: a mixed-methods study.

16. Beyond Language Scores: How Language Exposure Informs Assessment of Nonword Repetition, Vocabulary and Narrative Macrostructure in Bilingual Turkish/Swedish Children with and without Developmental Language Disorder.

17. 'Hearing silences': Exploring culturally safe transitional care: A qualitative study among Turkish‐speaking migrant frail older adults.

18. Evaluation of Genital Hygiene Behaviors and Vaginal Douching Practices of Married Women Aged 15-49 in Fertile Period.

19. Onkoloji-Hematoloji Kliniklerinde Çalışan Sorumlu Hemşirelerde Merhamet Yorgunluğu: Bir Nitel Çalışma.

20. 0-24 Ay Arası Çocuk Sahibi Olan Ebeveynlerin Uyku Kalitesi Anksiyete-depresyon ve Yeme Tutumu Arasındaki İlişki.

21. The Prevalence of Tobacco Product Use Among Students in the Faculty of Medicine at Pamukkale University and Their Views on the Smoke-Free Campus Implementation.

22. Nutrition Literacy and Quality of Life of University Students: Evidence from a Cross-Sectional Survey.

23. Management of psychiatric treatments of patients diagnosed with bipolar disorder in the COVID-19 pandemic: A one-year evaluation in the pandemic.

24. Exploring strategies to reach individuals of Turkish and Moroccan origin for health checks and lifestyle advice: a mixed-methods study.

25. A valid and reliable tool in assessing patient education: the Patient Education Implementation Scale.

26. Effects of early mobilization protocol performed after cardiac surgery on patient care outcomes.

27. Feelings, Difficulties and Attitudes in relation to Fasting: A Qualitative Study on Spiritual Coping Among Turkish Patients with Type 2 Diabetes.

28. Turkish Primary Care Patients' Overviews and Attitudes About Traditional and Complementary Medicine: A Cross-Sectional Study.

29. Job demands-resources model and burnout in physical education teaching: A mixed-method sequential explanatory study.

30. Can childbearing and marriage of underage girls be prevented? A study of population data in Turkey.

31. How should we give vitamin D supplementation? evaluation of the pediatricians' knowledge in Turkey.

32. Evaluation of occupational health and safety risk factors in Turkish marine fish hatcheries.

33. Effects of care given in line with Levine's Conservation Model on the quality of life of women receiving infertility treatment: A single blind randomized controlled trial.

34. Sağlık Bakımı Alan Hastaların Toplumsal Cinsiyet Bakış Açısı: Hekimler ve Hemşireler.

35. Nurses' Experiences While Opening a Pediatric Intensive Care Unit: A Qualitative Study.

36. Turkish Validity and Reliability of the Self-care of Hypertension Inventory (SC-HI) among Older Adults.

37. The effect of breastfeeding support provided by video call on postpartum anxiety, breastfeeding self‐efficacy, and newborn outcomes: A randomized controlled study.

38. Fruit and Vegetable Consumption, Attitudes and Knowledge in Preschool Children and Adolescents.

39. The effect of modified constraint-induced movement therapy in children with hemiparetic cerebral palsy. Consecutive or intermittent days?

40. Views of Syrian Mothers in Ankara on Infant Hearing Loss: Cross-sectional Survey.

41. Desires vs. conditions: A qualitative study exploring the factors affecting the place of death of child with cancer in Turkey.

42. Examination of family caregivers of advanced cancer patients within the scope of the cancer family caregiving experience model: An embedded mixed‐methods design.

43. Evaluation of alarm fatigue of nurses working in the COVID‐19 Intensive Care Service: A mixed methods study.

44. Online Art Therapy With Refugee Children: A Feasibility Study.

45. Medicinal plants used by traditional healers in Bozüyük (Bilecik–Turkey).

46. Experiences Shared Through the Interviews from Fifteen Mothers of Children with Cerebral Palsy.

47. An ethnobotanical study on medicinal plants in Espiye and its surrounding (Giresun-Turkey).

48. COVID-19 Patients' Life Events, Emotional Health And Post-Illness Awareness: A Qualitative Study.

49. Effect of care programme based on Comfort Theory on reducing parental anxiety in the paediatric day surgery: Randomised controlled trial.

50. The effect psychoeducation intervention has on the caregiving burden of caregivers for schizophrenic patients in Turkey.