
Showing total 28 results
28 results

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1. 'It gives you encouragement because you're not alone': A pilot study of a multi‐component social media skills intervention for people with acquired brain injury.

2. Is it time to abandon paper? The use of emails and the Internet for health services research - a cost-effectiveness and qualitative study.

3. Exploring Older Tenants' Healthy Ageing in Privately Rented Homes.

4. Mechanisms of scaling up: combining a realist perspective and systems analysis to understand successfully scaled interventions.

5. Committed, ambivalent, concealed, or distanced: community organisations' perceptions of their role in local prevention systems.

6. Heart Failure Integrated Care Project: overcoming barriers encountered by primary health care providers in heart failure management.

7. Barriers and facilitators: Clinicians' opinions and experiences of telehealth before and after their use of a telehealth platform for child language assessment.

8. Barriers to the provision of optimal care to dying patients in hospital: a cross-sectional study of nurses' perceptions.

9. Home telemonitoring for chronic disease management: Perceptions of users and factors influencing adoption.

10. Clarity, confidence and complexity: Learning from mental health nurses' experiences of events involving physiological deterioration of consumers in acute inpatient mental health settings.

11. Factors influencing general practitioners' decisions about cardiovascular disease risk reassessment: findings from experimental and interview studies.

12. International scoping exercise into expertise in children's orthopaedic nursing and educational pathways.

13. 'Falls not a priority': insights on discharging older people, admitted to hospital for a fall, back to the community.

14. Do patents impede the provision of genetic tests in Australia?

15. Innovations in primary mental healthcare.

16. Matter but so does their substance use: The impact of social networks on substance use, offending and wellbeing among young people attending specialist alcohol and drug treatment services.

17. The Effects of Introducing Peer Support to Young People with a Chronic Illness.

18. Is cancer care dependant on informal carers?

19. RESPOND: a patient-centred programme to prevent secondary falls in older people presenting to the emergency department with a fall--protocol for a mixed methods programme evaluation.

20. A process evaluation of an adolescent weight management intervention: findings and recommendations.

21. Exploring identity in the 'figured worlds' of cancer care-giving and marriage in Australia.

22. Community participation: Conversations with parent-carers of young women with Rett syndrome.

23. GLBTIQ teachers in Australian education policy: protections, suspicions, and restrictions.

24. Profiling bone and joint problems and health service use in an Australian regional population: The Port Lincoln Health Study.

25. Mental health correlates of anger and violence among individuals entering substance use treatment.

26. Outcomes and opportunities: a nurse-led model of chronic disease management in Australian general practice.

27. Introducing mental health and substance use screening into a community-based health service in Australia: usefulness and implications for service change.

28. Australian youth still have limited awareness of headspace: Results from a national survey.