
Showing total 30 results
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1. Proceedings of International Conference on Humanities, Social and Education Sciences (iHSES) (Denver, Colorado, April 13-16, 2023). Volume 1

2. Reviews of Literature on Accreditation and Quality Assurance

3. The Global Micro-Credential Landscape: Charting a New Credential Ecology for Lifelong Learning

4. COVID-19's Impact on Higher Education: A Rapid Review of Early Reactive Literature

5. Cross-Cultural Mentoring: A Pathway to Building Professional Relationships and Professional Learning beyond Boundaries

6. Educational Use of Free and Open Source Software (FOSS): International Development and Its Implications for Higher Education

7. Examination of the Researches on the Use of Technology by Fine Arts Teachers

8. Teachers from Instructors to Designers of Inquiry-Based Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics Education: How Effective Inquiry-Based Science Education Implementation Can Result in Innovative Teachers and Students

9. Variables Affecting Student Motivation Based on Academic Publications

10. Teachers and Teaching: (Re)Thinking Professionalism, Subjectivity and Critical Inquiry

11. Review of Empirical Research on University Social Responsibility

12. Mapping the Integration of the Sustainable Development Goals in Universities: Is It a Field of Study?

13. Exploratory Study of MOOC Learners' Demographics and Motivation: The Case of Students Involved in Groups

14. Insights into Accounting Education in a COVID-19 World

15. Diffusion of KM Education in LIS Schools

16. How Is Digitalisation Affecting the Flexibility and Openness of Higher Education Provision? Results of a Global Survey Using a New Conceptual Model

17. Education's Role in Preparing Globally Competent Citizens. BCES Conference Books, Volume 12

18. Turning the Digital Divide into Digital Dividends through Free Content and Open Networks: WikiEducator Learning4Content (L4C) Initiative

19. The Kuznets Curve of Education: A Global Perspective on Education Inequalities. CEE DP 116

20. An Investigation into International Postgraduate Students' Decision-Making Process

21. A Study of Knowledge Management Systems Processes and Technology in Open and Distance Education Institutions in Higher Education

22. Building A Culture Of Peace For A Civil Society

23. An Assessment of the Growth in Coverage of Social and Environmental Issues in Graduate Accounting Courses

25. EdMedia 2018: World Conference on Educational Media and Technology (Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 25-29, 2018)

26. Report on the Activities of the Commonwealth Scholarship and Fellowship Plan 2012-2015

27. The Global Picture. Recession to Recovery

28. Academic Mobility and Immigration

29. Indian international students in Toronto: exploring young men resisting their family's expectations.

30. "Sitting with myself by myself": Indian Students in Canada During the Pandemic.