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1. Art Treasures of the United Kingdom and the United States: The George Scharf Papers.

2. The Stamp Act of 1765.

3. History and its contribution to understanding addiction and society.

4. From charity to security: the emergence of the National School Lunch Program.

5. Reform and community care: has de-institutionalisation delivered for people with intellectual disability?

6. Tracing the shifting sands of ‘medical genetics’: what’s in a name?

7. LGBT Psychosocial Theory and Practice in the UK: A Review of Key Contributions and Current Developments.

8. Defining the Australian mechanical engineer.

9. Growth hormone, enhancement and the pharmaceuticalisation of short stature.

10. Meaning and Context: Anglo-American Perception of the Ottoman Slave Markets Through the Greek Question in the Abolition Era.

11. The special relationship and the 1945 Anglo-American Loan.

12. Scientific Strategy and Ad Hoc Response: The Problem of Typhoid in America and England, c. 1910–50.

13. Patriotism, Self-Interest and the ‘Empire Effect’: Britishness and British Decisions to Invest in Canada, 1867–1914.

14. Basic Research as a Political Symbol.

15. A lost Bermuda Governor: George Bruere's burial in context.

16. 'Education makes you have more say in the way your life goes': Indian women and arranged marriages in the United Kingdom.

17. Magic, science and masculinity: marketing toy chemistry sets

18. "The Beginning of the End".

19. The 1968-1974 labour upsurge in Britain and America: a critical history, and a look at what might have been.

20. Constructing Pentecostalism: On Issues of Methodology And Representation.

21. Evaluating Antebellum Railroads.

22. Collections released individually in 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2012.

23. "Improving" the Decoration of Furniture Imitation and Mechanization in the Marquetry Process in Britain and America, 1850-1900.