
Showing total 114 results
114 results

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1. The Role of Labour Market Information in Guiding Educational and Occupational Choices. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 229

2. Loans for Vocational Education and Training in Europe. Research Paper. Number 20

3. Higher Education in TAFE: An Issues Paper

4. Understanding the Regional Contribution of Higher Education Institutions: A Literature Review. OECD Education Working Papers, No. 9

5. Guidelines for Quality Provision in Cross-Border Higher Education: Where Do We Strand? OECD Education Working Papers, No. 70

6. Microteaching Networks in Higher Education

7. Issues in Cross-National Comparisons of Institutions That Provide Vocational Education and Training

8. Vietnamese Doctoral Students' Imaginative Geographies of Their Destination Countries

9. Teacher Education Models in Geography: An International Comparison. Papers Prepared in Conjunction with the International Geographical Union Congress (25th, 1984).

10. Social Justice Knowledge Construction among Physical Education Teacher Educators: The Value of Personal, Professional, and Educational Experiences

11. Policy Efforts to Meet UNESCO's Sustainable Development Goal 4: A 3-Pronged Approach

12. Navigating AACSB Accreditation with Strategic Leadership and Change Management: A Systematic Literature Review

13. Employability Initiatives in Undergraduate Education and Application to Human Nutrition: A Scoping Review

14. Going beyond Technological Affordances -- Assessing Organizational and Socio-Interactional Affordances

15. Multi-Level Classification of Literacy of Educators Using PIAAC Data

16. Named or Nameless: University Ethics, Confidentiality and Sexual Harassment

17. Resilience of Higher Education Academics in the Time of 21st Century Pandemics: A Narrative Review

18. Charting the Terrain of Global Research on Graduate Education: A Bibliometric Approach

19. 'We Have to Get More Teachers to Help Our Kids': Recruitment and Retention Strategies for Teacher Education Programs to Increase the Number of Indigenous Teachers in Canada and Abroad

20. Considering the State and Status of Internationalization in Western Higher Education Kinesiology

21. Incubators for Student Leader Identity Emergence

22. Workforce Upskilling: Can Universities Meet the Challenges of Lifelong Learning?

23. The Importance and Level of Individual Social Capital among Academic Librarians

24. Insights into Accounting Education in a COVID-19 World

25. International. [SITE 2001 Section].

26. The Challenges and Opportunities for Chinese Overseas Postgraduates in English Speaking Universities

27. Global Citizenship through Global Health

28. How Is Digitalisation Affecting the Flexibility and Openness of Higher Education Provision? Results of a Global Survey Using a New Conceptual Model

29. Turning the Digital Divide into Digital Dividends through Free Content and Open Networks: WikiEducator Learning4Content (L4C) Initiative

30. The Praxis of Teaching Artists in Theatre and Dance: International Perspectives on Preparation, Practice and Professional Identity

31. Through the Looking Glass: Adult Education through the Lens of the Australian Journal of Adult Learning over Fifty Years

32. A Systematic Review of the Educational Uses and Effects of Exemplars

33. The Kuznets Curve of Education: A Global Perspective on Education Inequalities. CEE DP 116

34. Review of the Literature on Stress and Wellbeing of International Students in English-Speaking Countries

35. Music Instrument Teachers in Higher Education: An Investigation of the Key Influences on How They Teach in the Studio

36. Bodies of Knowledge and Doctoral Identities

37. Students Cheat More Often from Those Known to Them: Situation Matters More than the Individual

38. Exploring the Relationship between Dispositions to Think Critically and Sustainability Concern in HESD

39. A Review of Research of the Reggio Inspired Approach: An Integrative Re-Framing

40. How Do You (Demonstrate) Care in an Institution That Does Not Define 'Care'?

41. Professional Mentoring in Student Affairs: Evaluation of a Global Programme

42. The Changing Roles of Online Deans and Department Heads in Small Private Universities

43. Community-Engaged Faculty: A Must for Preparing Impactful Ed.D. Graduates

44. The World Indigenous Research Alliance (WIRA): Mediating and Mobilizing Indigenous Peoples' Educational Knowledge and Aspirations

45. Gender Parity in Higher Education Enrolments: Trends and Paradoxes

46. An Exploration of the Influence of Professional Relationships on the Career Pathways of Physical Education Teacher Educators

47. An International Perspective of Pre-Service Preparatory Programs in Educational Administration.

48. Development, Evaluation and Use of a Student Experience Survey in Undergraduate Science Laboratories: The Advancing Science by Enhancing Learning in the Laboratory Student Laboratory Learning Experience Survey

49. Global Impacts of the Bologna Process: International Perspectives, Local Particularities

50. Podcasting for Language Learning through iTunes U: The Learner's View