
Showing total 13 results
13 results

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1. Evaluating Potential of MODIS-based Indices in Determining "Snow Gone" Stage over Forest-dominant Regions.

2. Estimating impacts of resource management policies in the Foothills Model Forest .

3. An economic assessment of using the allowable cut effect for enhanced forest management policies: an Alberta case study.

4. Forest management issues in a wildland-urban interface: The case of West Bragg Creek Timber licence in Alberta.

5. Forestry and conspecifics influence Canada Warbler (Cardellina canadensis) habitat use and reproductive activity in boreal Alberta, Canada.

6. Percent stocking models for four major Alberta tree species.

7. Stand composition and structure of the boreal mixedwood and epigaeic arthropods of the Ecosystem Management Emulating Natural Disturbance (EMEND) landbase in northwestern Alberta.

8. Microbial biomass, nitrogen and phosphorus mineralization, and mesofauna in boreal conifer and deciduous forest floors following partial and clear-cut harvesting.

9. Are mixed-species stands more productive than single-species stands: an empirical test of three forest types in British Columbia and Alberta.

10. A comparison of impact measures from hybrid and synthetic techniques: A case study of the Foothills Model Forest.

11. Cultural, geographical, and sectoral refinements to measures of forest industry dependence

12. Establishment and interactions of carabid populations: an experiment with native and introduced species.