
Showing total 14 results
14 results

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1. Southern Methodist University Football and the Stadia: Moving toward Modernization.

2. Easterlin revisited: Relative income and the baby boom.

3. The wages of whiteness in the absence of wages: racial capitalism, reactionary intercommunalism and the rise of Trumpism.

4. From Movement to Mainstream: A Battered Women's Shelter Evolves (1976-2017).

5. For Richer or Poorer: The Politics of Redistribution in Bad Economic Times.

6. Same Contract, Different Day? An Analysis of Teacher Bargaining Agreements in Louisville Since 1979.

7. Interventions to increase smoking cessation at the population level: how much progress has been made in the last two decades?

8. The failure of a transatlantic alliance? Franco-American trade, 1783–1815.

9. Sobre o fim da hegemonia dos Estados Unidos: Uma análise conceitual.


11. Towards a Bourgeois Revolution? Explaining the American Civil War.

12. Slavery's Capitalism: A New History of American Economic Development.

13. How Much Do Hospitals Cost Shift? A Review of the Evidence.

14. Where do we go from here? Reflections on the future of nuclear energy in the United States