
Showing total 2,218 results
2,218 results

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151. Variations of Hausdorff Dimension in the Exponential Family

152. Imbedded operators with finite Blaschke product symbol

153. Stability of properly efficient points and isolated minimizers of constrained vector optimization problems

154. Logarithms and sectorial projections for elliptic boundary problems

155. Existence of supercritical pasting arcs for two sheeted spheres

156. Trigonometric approximation of functions belonging to certain Lipschitz classes by C1⋅ T operator

157. Stein fillability and the realization of contact manifolds

158. A geometric problem and the Hopf Lemma. I

159. Hessian Nilpotent Polynomials and the Jacobian Conjecture

160. Cancellation in additively twisted sums on GL(n)

161. Steepest Descent on a Uniformly Convex Space

162. Affine surfaces with AK(S)=C

163. Estimates for functions of the Laplace operator on homogeneous trees

164. Lax embeddings of polar spaces in finite projective spaces

165. The rigidity for real hypersurfaces in a complex projective space

166. Contractions on a manifold polarized by an ample vector bundle

167. Subelliptic mollifiers and a basic pointwise estimate of Poincare type

168. Beurling's Theorem for the Bergman space

169. On complete metrics of nonnegative curvature on $2$-plane bundles

170. Sharp mixed norm spherical restriction

171. The automorphism group of the moduli space of semi stable vector bundles

172. Some numeric results on root systems

173. Behavior of the Bergman projection on the Diederich-Fornæss worm

174. On approximation and interpolation of entire functions with index-pair (p, q)

175. Connectivity, homotopy degree, and other properties of [alpha]-localized wavelets on R

176. Regular mappings between dimensions

177. Limit cycles bifurcating from a 2-dimensional isochronous torus in R^3

178. Boundedness of the Weyl fractional integral on one-sided weighted Lebesgue and Lipschitz spaces

179. Regularity below the continuous threshold in a two-phase parabolic free boundary problem

180. Classification of Solutions for Harmonic Functions With Neumann Boundary Value

181. Existence of entropy solutions for some nonlinear elliptic problems involving variable exponent and measure data

182. Complete moment convergence for Sung’s type weighted sums of ρ*-mixing random variables

183. A local converse theorem for $${\mathrm {Sp}}_{2r}$$ Sp 2 r

184. Weighted weak type (1, 1) estimate for the Christ-Journé type commutator

185. One-Point λ-Compactification via Grills

186. On convergence of combinatorial Ricci flow on surfaces with negative weights

187. Unirationality of the Hurwitz space $$\varvec{\mathcal {H}_{9,8}}$$ H 9 , 8

188. Sharp Bounds for Exponential Approximations of NWUE Distributions

189. The Finite Hankel Transform Operator: Some Explicit and Local Estimates of the Eigenfunctions and Eigenvalues Decay Rates

190. The small-convection limit in a two-dimensional chemotaxis-Navier–Stokes system

191. An operator approach to the indefinite Stieltjes moment problem

192. Upper Bound of Second Hankel determinant for generalized Sakaguchi type spiral-like functions

193. The Hausdorff Dimension of Graphs of Density Continuous Functions II

194. The backward operator of double almost $\left(\lambda_{m}\mu_{n}\right)$ convergence in $\chi^{2}-$Riesz space defined by a Musielak-Orlicz function

195. A fully nonlinear flow for two-convex hypersurfaces in Riemannian manifolds

196. Hypergeometric Cauchy numbers and polynomials

197. Rationality results for the exterior and the symmetric square L-function (with an appendix by Nadir Matringe)

198. Periodic Solutions of Second Order Degenerate Differential Equations with Finite Delay in Banach Spaces

199. A positive solution of a nonlinear Schrödinger system with nonconstant potentials

200. Decomposition of L p (∂D a ) space and boundary value of holomorphic functions