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48 results

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1. Integrating Social Forestry and Biodiversity Conservation in Indonesia.


3. Habitat-associated and temporal patterns of bat activity in a diverse forest landscape of southern New England, USA.

4. Core area analysis at semi-deciduous forest islands in the Comoé National Park, NE Ivory Coast.

5. Spatial smoothing techniques for the assessment of habitat suitability.

6. Participatory forest monitoring: an assessment of the accuracy of simple cost—effective methods.

7. Simulating the cumulative effects of multiple forest management strategies on landscape measures of forest sustainability.

8. Wildlife studies on the Tongass National Forest challenge essential assumptions of its wildlife conservation strategy.

9. Future supply of boreal forest ecosystem services is driven by management rather than by climate change.

10. Diversity and Spatial Distribution of Leaf Litter Curculionidae (Coleoptera: Curculionoidea) in Two Ecuadorian Tropical Forests.

11. Heritage Trees as an Important Sanctuary for Saproxylic Beetles in the Central European Landscape: A Case Study from Litovelské Pomoraví, Czech Republic.

12. Are calicioids useful indicators of boreal forest continuity or condition?

13. Spatially dynamic forest management to sustain biodiversity and economic returns.

14. The occurrence of cavities in fruit trees: effects of tree age and management on biodiversity in traditional European orchards.

15. Environmental diagnosis: Integrating biodiversity conservation in management of Natura 2000 forest spaces.

16. Conserving biodiversity in managed forest landscapes: The use of critical thresholds for habitat.

17. A method for evaluating alternative landscape management scenarios in relation to the biodiversity conservation of habitats

18. Utility of habitat suitability models as biodiversity assessment tools in forest management.

19. The importance of superior-quality wildlife habitats.

20. Mobonda Community Conservation Project: Chimpanzees, oysters, and community engagement in Sierra Leone.

21. Habitat enhancements for reptiles in a beech forest may increase fungal species richness.

22. Deadwood volume in strictly protected, natural, and primeval forests in Poland.

23. Sugar maple ( Acer saccharum) at its northeastern range limit: a fire-resilient tree species.

24. Climate change may threaten the southernmost Pinus nigra subsp. salzmannii (Dunal) Franco populations: an ensemble niche-based approach.

25. How does forest species specialization affect the application of the island biogeography theory in fragmented landscapes?

26. Unsupervised classification of airborne laser scanning data to locate potential wildlife habitats for forest management planning.


28. Protecting one, protecting both? Scale-dependent ecological differences in two species using dead trees, the rosalia longicorn beetle and the barbastelle bat.

29. Vegetation Communities in Intensively Established Loblolly Pine Plantations at Crown Closure.

30. Multi-coefficient goal programming in thinning schedules to increase carbon sequestration and improve forest structure.

31. Lessons from native spruce forests in Alaska: managing Sitka spruce plantations worldwide to benefit biodiversity and ecosystem services.

32. Habitat characteristics of Aradidae (Insecta: Heteroptera) in two french deciduous forests.

33. The value of the trackway system within a lowland plantation forest for ground-active spiders.

34. Food Preferences of Winter Bird Communities in Different Forest Types.

35. Optimizing spatial habitat suitability and timber revenue in long-term forest planning.

36. Width of riparian buffer and structure of adjacent plantations influence occupancy of conservation priority birds.

37. Woodland key habitats in northern Europe: concepts, inventory and protection.

38. Are streamside buffers edge-affected habitat for ground-dwelling forest beetle assemblages?

39. The cumulative effects of resource development on biodiversity and ecological integrity in the Peace-Moberly region of Northeast British Columbia, Canada.

40. The early effects of afforestation on biodiversity of grasslands in Ireland.

41. Options for biodiversity conservation in managed forest landscapes of multiple ownerships in Oregon and Washington, USA.

42. Alternative targets and economic efficiency of selecting protected areas for biodiversity conservation in boreal forest.

43. The role of land tenure in conservation of tree and shrub species diversity in miombo woodlands of southern Malawi.

44. Assessment of spatial functionality of old forest in Sweden as habitat for virtual species.

45. Forest landscape pattern in the KwaZulu–Natal midlands, South Africa: 50 years of change or stasis?

46. Predicting the Effects of Cerulean Warbler, Dendroica cerulea Management on Eastern Ontario Bird Species.

47. Habitat Models of Focal Species Can Link Ecology and Decision-Making in Sustainable Forest Management.

48. Climate-Resilient Development in Vietnam : Strategic Directions for the World Bank