
Showing total 141 results
141 results

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1. Maximum Matching Sans Maximal Matching: A New Approach for Finding Maximum Matchings in the Data Stream Model.

2. Multidomain computational modeling of photoacoustic imaging: verification, validation, and image quality prediction

3. Burn wound classification model using spatial frequency-domain imaging and machine learning

4. Super-resolution recurrent convolutional neural networks for learning with multi-resolution whole slide images

5. Constructing Distributed Hippocratic Video Databases for Privacy-Preserving Online Patient Training and Counseling

6. Bioinformatics tools and database resources for systems genetics analysis in mice--a short review and an evaluation of future needs

7. Efficient Top-k Dominating Computation on Massive Data.


9. An Improved Muti-Task Learning Algorithm for Analyzing Cancer Survival Data

10. A Manifold Regularized Multi-Task Learning Model for IQ Prediction From Two fMRI Paradigms

11. Distributed Coupled Multiagent Stochastic Optimization

12. Online Learning of Gait Models From Older Adult Data

13. An adaptive spark-based framework for querying large-scale NoSQL and relational databases

14. A Generative Model to Synthesize EEG Data for Epileptic Seizure Prediction

15. A Cancer Survival Prediction Method Based on Graph Convolutional Network

16. Machine learning and modeling: Data, validation, communication challenges

17. Improving Detection of Driver Genes: Power-Law Null Model of Copy Number Variation in Cancer

18. Towards Uncovering the Intrinsic Data Structures for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation Using Structurally Regularized Deep Clustering

19. Poisoning Attack Against Estimating From Pairwise Comparisons

20. Generalized One-Class Learning Using Pairs of Complementary Classifiers

21. DeepIPR: Deep Neural Network Ownership Verification With Passports

22. Exact and Approximate Area-Proportional Circular Venn and Euler Diagrams

23. Ten Simple Rules for Creating a Good Data Management Plan

24. Linear latent force models using Gaussian processes

25. Supervised Dimension Reduction for Large-Scale 'Omics' Data With Censored Survival Outcomes Under Possible Non-Proportional Hazards

26. Data Fusion by Matrix Factorization

27. Community detection in dynamic networks via adaptive label propagation.

28. Guest editors' introduction to the special section on computational methods in systems biology

29. High-Risk Prediction of Cardiovascular Diseases via Attention-Based Deep Neural Networks

30. Hierarchical Object Parsing from Structured Noisy Point Clouds

31. A simple yet effective data integration approach to tree-based microarray data classification

32. A visual analytics approach to understanding spatiotemporal hotspots

33. Graph Learning Based Head Movement Prediction for Interactive 360 Video Streaming

34. DotFAN: A Domain-Transferred Face Augmentation Net

35. Toward a real-time simulation of ultrasound image sequences based on a 3-D set of moving scatterers

36. Predicting wafer-lot output time with a hybrid FCM-FBPN approach

37. Oblique Survival Trees in Discrete Event Time Analysis

38. Adaptive Augmentation of Medical Data Using Independently Conditional Variational Auto-Encoders

39. Correlating Time Series Signals and Event Logs in Embedded Systems

40. SAP-Net: A Simple and Robust 3D Point Cloud Registration Network Based on Local Shape Features

41. Unsupervised Abstract Reasoning for Raven's Problem Matrices

42. Self-Training With Progressive Representation Enhancement for Unsupervised Cross-Domain Person Re-Identification

43. Comparison of INDEL Calling Tools with Simulation Data and Real Short-Read Data

44. Modeling the Kinematics of Human Locomotion Over Continuously Varying Speeds and Inclines

45. Predicting Hospital Readmission via Cost-Sensitive Deep Learning

46. A joint analysis of multi-paradigm fMRI data with its application to cognitive study

47. ML-Net: Multi-Channel Lightweight Network for Detecting Myocardial Infarction

48. Building and Interpreting Deep Similarity Models

49. Differentiable neural architecture search for optimal spatial/temporal brain function network decomposition

50. How to trust unlabeled data? Instance Credibility Inference for Few-Shot Learning