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982 results

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1. Commission for International Adult Education (CIAE) of the American Association for Adult and Continuing Education (AAACE). Papers of the 2020 International Pre-Conference (69th, Virtual, October 27-30, 2020)

2. Science Teacher Educators' Engagement with Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Scientific Inquiry in Predominantly Paper-Based Distance Learning Programs

3. Developmental TVET Rhetoric In-Action: The White Paper for Post-School Education and Training in South Africa

4. Developmental TVET Rhetoric In-Action: The White Paper for Post-School Education and Training in South Africa

5. Are e-Books Effective Tools for Learning? Reading Speed and Comprehension: iPad®[superscript i] vs. Paper

6. Mentoring Higher Education Leaders and Managers through Contextual Intelligence

7. 'I Am Asking the Scope of the Paper': Negative Washback and Examination (Under)Preparedness in South Africa

8. Invited Paper: Teaching Critical Thinking, Problem Solving, and Design Thinking--Preparing IS Students for the Future

9. South Africans Speak: Discussion Forum Presentations 1987-1989. South African Information Exchange Working Paper Number 12.

10. Loans for Vocational Education and Training in Europe. Research Paper. Number 20

11. Alternatives to the Entrepreneurial University: New Modes of Knowledge Production in Community Service Programs. ASHE Annual Meeting Paper.

12. Working Papers in Educational Linguistics, 2001.

13. Issues in School to College Transition in Developing Countries: The Case of South Africa. ASHE Annual Meeting Paper.

14. Investment Budgeting as a Tool for Quality Management in the School. AIR 1996 Annual Forum Paper.

15. Profits and Practicality: How South Africa Epitomizes the Global Surge in Commercial Private Higher Education. Working Paper.

16. An Integrated Decision Support System for Planning and Measuring Institutional Efficiency. AIR 1992 Annual Forum Paper.

17. Developing Priorities and Strategies To Meet the Challenge: Educational Development in Post-Apartheid Universities. ASHE Annual Meeting Paper. Draft.

18. Working Papers in Educational Linguistics (WPEL), Fall 1992.

19. Media Matters in South Africa. Selected Papers Presented at the Conference on Developing Media Education in the 1990s (Durban, South Africa, September 11-13, 1990).

20. Canadian NGOs Providing Resources for Development and Social Justice in South Africa: A Handbook. Working Paper Number 19.

21. Accreditation and Quality Assurance in Higher Education: Papers on Higher Education Series.

22. U.S. College and University Initiatives for Change in South Africa: An Update. South African Information Exchange Working Paper Number 11.

23. U.S. Foundation Funding for Change in South Africa: An Update. South African Information Exchange Working Paper Number 10.

24. Education for Sustainable Development: Insights from Canadian and South African Universities

25. A Pilot Study of MBA Programmes in South Africa

26. Towards a Social Realist Framework for Analyzing Academic Advising in Global South Contexts

27. Affirming Inclusive Education at University: A Case of Two Sub-Sahara African Universities

28. Data-Driven Insights: A Decade of Sol Plaatje University's Research Journey and Development

29. Proceedings of the International Association for Development of the Information Society (IADIS) International Conference on Mobile Learning (13th, Budapest, Hungary, April 10-12, 2017)

30. Current Business and Economics Driven Discourse and Education: Perspectives from around the World. BCES Conference Books, Volume 15

31. Education Provision to Every One: Comparing Perspectives from around the World. BCES Conference Books, Volume 14, Number 1

32. Evaluation of Final Examination Papers in Engineering: A Case Study Using Bloom's Taxonomy

33. Towards Enhancing Open Distance Learning Students' Roles and Responsibilities: An African Epistemological Perspective

34. Challenges Associated with Implementation of Sustainability-Oriented Principles and Practices: Lessons Learnt from South African Universities

35. Combing Online and Paper Assessment in a Web-Based Course in Undergraduate Mathematics

36. Managing Racial Integration in BRICS Higher Education Institutions

37. Institutional Autonomy and Academic Freedom in the Light of National Regulatory Frameworks: Glance at Hungary and South Africa

38. University Education in a Developing Country: The Revolution in the Role of a Department Head. AIR Annual 1984 Forum Paper.

39. Proceedings of the International Conference e-Learning 2014. Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems (Lisbon, Portugal, July 15-19, 2014)

40. Proceedings of the International Conference on Mobile Learning 2014. (10th, Madrid, Spain, February 28-March 2, 2014)

41. U.S. College and University Initiatives To Expand Educational Opportunities for Black South Africans: A Models Workshop. Information Exchange: Working Paper #3.

42. Universal Design for Learning and Writing Centres in South African Higher Education

43. Applying Threshold Concepts Strategies to Teaching Computing Students in an ODL Context

44. International Conference on Education and New Developments 2013: Book of Proceedings (June 1-3, Lisbon, Portugal)

45. Education in One World: Perspectives from Different Nations. BCES Conference Books, Volume 11

46. Proceedings of the International Conference on Educational Technologies 2013 (ICEduTech 2013) (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, November 29-December 1, 2013)

47. Global Knowledge Transfer Issues. Symposium 12. [AHRD Conference, 2001].

48. Novice Doctoral Supervision in South Africa: An Autoethnographic Approach

49. Critical Determinants for Learning Analytics Adoption in Higher Education

50. Mobile Technologies Reinventing Teacher Preparation for Education 4.0 Outcomes in Marginalised Communities