
Showing total 103 results
103 results

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1. Microenterprise and home care for older adults in England and Wales: A partial revolution?

2. Employment leave for early pregnancy endings: A biopolitical reproductive governance analysis in England and Wales.

3. Mental health outcomes for those who have offended and have been given a Mental Health Treatment Requirement as part of a Community Order in England and Wales.

4. Investigating trial spaces: Thinking through legal spatiality beyond the court.

5. Becoming breastfeeding friendly in Great Britain—Does implementation science work?

6. How do patients feel during the first 72 h after initiating long‐acting injectable buprenorphine? An embodied qualitative analysis.

7. Experiences of dog theft and spatial practices of search/ing.

8. Twins Early Development Study (TEDS): A genetically sensitive investigation of mental health outcomes in the mid-twenties.

9. Public access, private land, and spatial politics: The geographical importance of the right of way in Coventry, England.

10. Ethnic diversification and neighbourhood mixing: A rapid response analysis of the 2021 Census of England and Wales.

11. Intersections of (infra)structural violence and cultural inclusion: The geopolitics of minority cemeteries and crematoria provision.

12. "I wish someone would explain why I am in care": The impact of children and young people's lack of understanding of why they are in out‐of‐home care on their well‐being and felt security.

13. Natural Flood Management: Beyond the evidence debate.

14. Courts, care proceedings and outcomes uncertainty: The challenges of achieving and assessing "good outcomes" for children after child protection proceedings.

15. Constructing 'exceptionality': a neglected aspect of NHS rationing.

16. How can additional secondary data analysis of observational data enhance the generalisability of meta‐analytic evidence for local public health decision making?

17. What is dyslexia? An exploration of the relationship between teachers' understandings of dyslexia and their training experiences.

18. Families beyond boundaries: Conceptualising kinship in gay and lesbian adoption and fostering.

19. The canary in the coal mine: Continence care for people with dementia in acute hospital wards as a crisis of dehumanization.

20. Boundary line models for soil nutrient concentrations and wheat yield in national‐scale datasets.

21. Research campaigns in the UK National Health Service: patient recruitment and questions of valuation.

22. Discrimination against offenders with mental disorder.

23. The paradox of parental participation and legal representation in 'edge of care' meetings.

24. Protecting Unborn and Newborn Babies.

25. Routine practice in staffed community accommodation (approved premises) in England and Wales: Quantitative benchmarking from the first year of a longitudinal study.

26. Child protection systems between professional cooperation and trustful relationships: A comparison of professional practical and ethical dilemmas in England/Wales, Germany, Portugal, and Slovenia.

27. Testing for labour pooling as a source of agglomeration economies: Evidence for labour markets in England and Wales.

28. Being counted? Examining the prevalence of looked-after disabled children and young people across the UK.

29. Updated precipitation series for the UK derived from Met Office gridded data.

30. Understanding Complex Systems of Abuse: Institutional and Ritual Abuse.

31. Epidemiology of Toxocariasis in England and Wales.

32. Post G20: The Challenge of Change, Implementing Evidence-based Public Order Policing.

33. The local universality of veterinary expertise and the geography of animal disease.

34. Out-of-area provision for adults with intellectual disabilities and challenging behaviour in England: policy perspectives and clinical reality.

35. Online or face-to-face? An experimental study of examiner training.

36. Libel Cases and Public Debate – Some Reflections on whether Europe Should be Concerned about SLAPPs.

37. Male Sex Work: Exploring Regulation in England and Wales.

38. Parental negotiations of the moral terrain of risk in relation to young people with intellectual disabilities.

39. Estimating intrapartum-related perinatal mortality rates for booked home births: when the ‘best’ available data are not good enough.

40. Recent developments in operational flood forecasting in England, Wales and Scotland.

41. A comfortable night out? Alcohol, drunkenness and inclusive town centres.

42. The Integrated Children's System and disabled children.

43. Every Child Matters? A critical review of child welfare reforms in the context of minority ethnic children and families.

44. The Mental Capacity Act 2005: implications for dietetic practice.

45. Learning for reality.

46. New Destinations? Assessing the Post-migration Social Mobility of Minority Ethnic Groups in England and Wales.

47. Toolkit for Assessing the Readiness of Local Safeguarding Children Boards: Origins, Ingredients and Applications.

48. Policing a complex community; political influence on policing and its impact on local and central accountability.

49. Beyond toleration: privacy, citizenship and sexual minorities in England and Wales.

50. Unruly topographies: unemployment, citizenship and land settlement in inter-war Wales.