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1. A step further in the theory of regional integration: A look at the South American integration strategy.

2. Climatology of heatwaves in South America identified through ERA5 reanalysis data.

3. Adaptation behaviours across ecosystems under global warming: A spatial micro-econometric model of the rural economy in South America* Adaptation behaviours across ecosystems under global warming: A spatial micro-econometric model of the rural economy in South America

4. Evapotranspiration trends and variability in southeastern South America: The roles of land‐cover change and precipitation variability.

5. Fish conservation must go beyond the concrete: A comment on Celestino et al. (2019).

6. The diurnal cycle of precipitation over South America represented by five gridded datasets.

7. A systematic review of the epidemiology of multiple sclerosis in South America.

8. South American heartland: the Charcas, Latin American geopolitics and global strategies.

9. The effect of livestock grazing on plant diversity and productivity of mountainous grasslands in South America – A meta‐analysis.

10. A Microeconometric Analysis of Adapting Portfolios to Climate Change: Adoption of Agricultural Systems in Latin America.

11. Influence of Central and East ENSO on precipitation and its extreme events in South America during austral autumn and winter.


13. Type specimens collected by Juan Isern during the Pacific Scientific Commission to South America (1862-1866).

14. Biodiversity loss under existing land use and climate change: an illustration using northern South America.

15. ‘First’ appearances in the Cenozoic land-mammal record of the Greater Antilles: significance and comparison with South American and Antarctic records.

16. Climate as a determinant of dung beetle response to native forest replacement by cattle pastures in South America.

17. Host specificity of flea parasites of mammals from the Andean Biogeographic Region.

18. A legal assessment of private land conservation in South America.

19. Spatial and temporal dynamics of the urban heat island effect in a small Brazilian city.

20. Interdecadal Pacific Oscillation modulation of ENSO teleconnections in its decaying stages: Relations with Indian Ocean basin‐wide mode and South American precipitation.

21. Sea lion and fur seal interactions with fisheries and aquaculture in South American waters: threats and management perspectives.

22. The Pacific Alliance and its influence on South American regionalism.

23. Revisiting phylogeny, systematics, and biogeography of a Pleistocene radiation.

24. Observational study of the South American low‐level jet during the SALLJEX.

25. Multiyear La Niña effects on the precipitation in South America.

26. Influences of different intensities of El Niño–Southern Oscillation on South American precipitation.

27. How morning soil moisture conditions influence afternoon precipitation events in South America.

28. Relationship between frontal systems and extreme precipitation over southern South America.

29. ENSO and Paraná flow variability: Long‐term changes in their connectivity.

30. The rise of South–South relations: Creating space for resistance, development and peace in South America.

31. Movement and habitat use of non‐breeding Semipalmated Sandpiper (Calidris pusilla) at the Banco dos Cajuais in Northeast Brazil.

32. Ayenia albiflora, (Malvaceae, Byttnerioideae) a new species from the Cerrado of Goiás, Central‐West Brazil.

33. Effect of the Quasi‐Biennial Oscillation on the Madden Julian Oscillation Teleconnections in the Southern Hemisphere.

34. Topographically Trapped Waves Around South America With Periods Between 40 and 130 Days in a Global Ocean Reanalysis.

35. Reflections of Grinnellian and Eltonian niches on the distribution of phyllostomid bats in the Atlantic Forest.

36. Characterization of simulated extreme El Niño events and projected impacts on South American climate extremes by a set of Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 global climate models.

37. Common ancestry or environmental trait filters: cross-continental comparisons of trait-habitat relationships in tropical anuran amphibian assemblages.

38. Corporate Governance and Firm Value: The Case of Venezuela.

39. Present‐day and future climate over central and South America according to CMIP5/CMIP6 models.

40. Impacts of teleconnection patterns on South America climate.

41. Attribution and projections of temperature extreme trends in South America based on CMIP5 models.

42. Evolutionary pattern of Metacaremys gen. nov. (Rodentia, Octodontidae) and its biochronological implications for the late Miocene and early Pliocene of southern South America.

43. Morphological–phylogenetic analysis of the late Cenozoic Chlamydini von Teppner (Bivalvia, Pectinidae) of southern South America.

44. Teleconnection patterns in the Southern Hemisphere represented by ECMWF and NCEP S2S project models and influences on South America precipitation.

45. Evaluation of synthetic satellite images computed from radiative transfer models over a region of South America using WRF and GOES‐13/16 observations.

46. Land privatization and deforestation in a commodity production frontier.

47. Host range dynamics at different scales: host use by a hemiparasite across its geographic distribution.

48. A multivariate assessment of climate change projections over South America using the fifth phase of the Coupled Model Intercomparison Project.

49. Historical antecedents and recent innovations in pitheciid (titi, saki, and uakari) feeding ecology.

50. Evolution of flower morphology and a natural re‐arrangement of Calyceraceae.