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1. Nurses' health beliefs about paper face masks in Japan, Australia and China: a qualitative descriptive study.

2. Effects of providing EFL learners with additional online and face‐to‐face practise opportunities to promote active learning in higher education.

3. Using multimodal learning analytics to understand effects of block‐based and text‐based modalities on computer programming.

4. Improving short‐term academic performance in the flipped classroom using dynamic geometry software.

5. The incorporation of peer learning into MosoTeach‐supported flipped language class: Effects on student motivation, participation, feedback and test performance.

6. The development of a parent report instrument of early communication and language skills of infants and toddlers in mainland China.

7. Understanding the effect of video conferencing learning environments on students' engagement: The role of basic psychological needs.

8. User empowerment and well‐being with mHealth apps during pandemics: A mix‐methods investigation in China.

9. Collaborative programming based on social shared regulation: An approach to improving students' programming achievements and group metacognition.

10. The zoomorphic effect: A contribution to the study of images of pedagogical agents for children's learning in instructional videos.

11. Promoting children's computational thinking: A quasi‐experimental study of web‐mediated parent education.

12. Promoting international high‐school students' Chinese language learning achievements and perceptions: A mind mapping‐based spherical video‐based virtual reality learning system in Chinese language courses.

13. Exploring the effects of automatic speech recognition technology on oral accuracy and fluency in a flipped classroom.

14. Digital game‐based learning in a Shanghai primary‐school mathematics class: A case study.

15. More than a solo method: Netnography's capacity to enhance offline research methods.

16. Exploring age and gender differences of computational thinkers in primary school: A developmental perspective.

17. Supporting primary students' learning of fraction conceptual knowledge through digital games.

18. Supporting digitally enhanced learning through measurement in higher education: Development and validation of a university students' digital competence scale.

19. The effects of an augmented reality based magnetic experimental tool on students' knowledge improvement and cognitive load.

20. Learning performance and cognitive load in mobile learning: Impact of interaction complexity.

21. Corruption or professional dignity: An ethical examination of the phenomenon of "red envelopes" (monetary gifts) in medical practice in China.

22. Clinical and genetic features in pyridoxine-dependent epilepsy: a Chinese cohort study.

23. Ethical Implications of Case-Based Payment in China: A Systematic Analysis.

24. Mistrust of physicians in China: society, institution, and interaction as root causes.

25. Natural, practical and social contexts of e-learning: a critical realist account for learning and technology.

26. Effects of an intelligent web-based English instruction system on students' academic performance.

27. Conducting community research in rural China: Addressing the methodological challenges of recruiting participants in rapidly changing social environments.

28. A survey of psychiatrists' and registered nurses' levels of mental health literacy in a Chinese general hospital.

29. Patient Safety Research in China: A Literature Review.

30. The Convergent Validity of Four Burnout Measures in a Chinese Sample: A Confirmatory Factor-Analytic Approach.