
Showing total 160 results
160 results

Search Results

1. Longitudinal data on speech outcomes in internationally adopted children compared with non‐adopted children with cleft lip and palate.

2. 'It depends on who I'm with': How young people with developmental language disorder describe their experiences of language and communication in school.

3. A rocky road but worth the drive: A longitudinal qualitative study of patient innovators and researchers cocreating research.

4. Parent rating of intelligibility: A discussion of the construct validity of the Intelligibility in Context Scale (ICS) and normative data of the Swedish version of the ICS.

5. Combined effects of age and hearing impairment on utterances and requests for clarification in spontaneous conversation and a referential communication task.

6. The expectations and experiences of patients regarding the diagnostic workup at a specialized memory clinic: An interview study.

7. The Swedish physical activity and fitness cohort born in 1958 - dropout analysis and overview at 36-year follow-up.

8. Displays of parent suitability in adoption assessment reports.

9. Conditioned agency? The role of children in the audit of Swedish residential care.

10. Palliative Care Research - A Systematic Review of foci, designs and methods of research conducted in Sweden between 2007 and 2012.

11. Patient participation in dialysis care—A qualitative study of patients' and health professionals' perspectives.

12. Xerostomia in 75–85‐year‐olds: A longitudinal population study.

13. Assessing the use of clinical guidelines against domestic violence in southern Sweden: A mixed‐methods study.

14. Prevalence of cannabis use among young adults in Sweden comparing randomized response technique with a traditional survey.

15. Dental hygienists and dentists as providers of brush biopsies for oral mucosa screening.

16. The association between disability, school achievement expectations, self‐efficacy and psychosomatic problems among Swedish adolescents attending compulsory regular school.

17. Undergraduate nursing students' experiences of practicing caring behaviours with standardised patients.

18. Palliative care delivery at nursing homes before and after an educational intervention from professionals' perspective: A pre–post design.

19. Assessing time processing ability and daily time management in persons with dementia: Psychometric properties of three instruments.

20. Longitudinal changes in nursing home leadership, direct care staff job strain and social support in Swedish nursing homes—findings from the U‐AGE SWENIS study.

21. How much are we worth? Experiences of nursing assistants in Swedish nursing homes during the first wave of COVID‐19.

22. Men's experiences of receiving a prostate cancer diagnosis after opportunistic screening—A qualitative descriptive secondary analysis.

23. Ambulance clinicians' attitudes to older patients' self‐determination when the patient has impaired decision‐making ability: A Delphi study.

24. Pain prevalence among residents living in nursing homes and its association with quality of life and well-being.

25. Experiences of surviving life-threatening illness: The meaning of recovery.

26. 'Acknowledge me as a capable person': How people with mental ill health describe their experiences with general emergency care staff – A qualitative interview study.

27. Factors associated with improvement in depressive symptoms among older persons after hospitalisation – a prospective design with two follow‐ups.

28. Community nurses' experiences of the Swedish Dignity Care Intervention for older persons with palliative care needs – A qualitative feasibility study in municipal home health care.

29. Interactional practices in person‐centred care: Conversation analysis of nurse‐patient disagreement during self‐management support.

30. Evidence‐based practice in child and adolescent mental health services – The challenge of implementing national guidelines for treatment of depression and anxiety.

31. Health Literacy among patients with end‐stage kidney disease and kidney transplant recipients.

32. Quality of life among frail older persons (65+ years) in nursing homes: A cross‐sectional study.

33. Assessing person‐centred care: An item response theory approach.

34. Complexity of best‐evidenced practice in periodontal therapy: Views of Swedish Dental Hygienists.

35. Sibling Ill Health and Children's Educational Outcomes.

36. Oral health and oral care in short‐term care: prevalence, related factors and coherence between older peoples' and professionals' assessments.

37. Young carers in Sweden—A pilot study of care activities, view of caring, and psychological well‐being.

38. Assessment of voice, speech and communication changes associated with cervical spinal cord injury.

39. Person‐centred climate and psychometrical exploration of person‐centredness and among patients not conveyed by the Ambulance Care Service.

40. Health‐related quality of life in patients with lymphoedema – a cross‐sectional study.

41. Residents' perceptions of the most positive and negative aspects of the housing situation for people with psychiatric disabilities.

42. Vulnerable children's rights to participation, protection, and provision: The process of defining the problem in Swedish child and family welfare.

43. Reforming foodservice in elderly care: National actions and local outcomes.

44. The Swedish P-CAT: modification and exploration of psychometric properties of two different versions.

45. Aphasia and literacy-the insider's perspective.

46. Speech production in 3-year-old internationally adopted children with unilateral cleft lip and palate.

47. Parents' Self-Reported Use of Corporal Punishment and Other Humiliating Upbringing Practices in Finland and Sweden - A Comparative Study.

48. Does the recording medium influence phonetic transcription of cleft palate speech?

49. The impact of personality on person-centred care: a study of care staff in Swedish nursing homes.

50. Effect of a chlorhexidine-containing brush-on gel on peri-implant mucositis.