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1,457 results

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1. Nurses' health beliefs about paper face masks in Japan, Australia and China: a qualitative descriptive study.

2. Digital reading in beginner readers: Advantage or disadvantage for comprehension of narrative and informational linear texts?

3. Is it time to abandon paper? The use of emails and the Internet for health services research - a cost-effectiveness and qualitative study.

4. In praise of postgraduate career clinics: Translating health professionals' willingness to engagement.

5. The patient representation struggle during the COVID‐19 pandemic: Missed opportunities for resilient healthcare systems.

6. Seeking consensus on a play‐based intervention framework for promoting play of children with HIV/Aids in a low‐resourced setting: A Delphi study.

7. Creating in the metaverse: An SSRL‐based collaborative painting approach to promote students' creativity, socially shared regulation and positive painting behaviours.

8. Understanding differential reductions in undernutrition among districts in Rwanda through the perspectives of mid‐level and community actors on policy commitment and policy coherence.

9. A mixed methods systematic review exploring infant feeding experiences and support in women with severe mental illness.

10. Towards an Implementation‐STakeholder Engagement Model (I‐STEM) for improving health and social care services.

11. The Lived Experience of Informal Caregivers of People Who Have Severe Mental Illness and Coexisting Long‐Term Conditions: A Qualitative Study.

12. Assessing the Gap Between Women's Expectations and Perceptions of the Quality of Intrapartum Care in Jordan: A Two‐Stage Study Using the SERVQUAL Model.

13. The psychosocial impact of a chronic disease in Ireland: Burdens and helpful practices for a life with epidermolysis bullosa.

14. Behaviour change communication to improve complementary feeding practices in Ethiopia: Couples' beliefs concerning paternal involvement in childcare.

15. Supportive care among head and neck cancer patients: An initial validation of the Dutch version of the Performance Status Scale for Head and Neck Cancer (D‐PSS‐HN).

16. Comprehensive Assessment of Reading in Aphasia (CARA) reading questionnaire—German version.

17. Diagnostic procedures of paediatric speech and language therapists in the UK: Enabling and obstructive factors.

18. 'It depends on who I'm with': How young people with developmental language disorder describe their experiences of language and communication in school.

19. Access, referral, service provision and management of individuals with primary progressive aphasia: A survey of speech‐language therapists in Italy.

20. Embedding key word sign prompts in a shared book reading activity: The impact on communication between children with Down syndrome and their parents.

21. Measuring communication as a core outcome in aphasia trials: Results of the ROMA‐2 international core outcome set development meeting.

22. 'It gives you encouragement because you're not alone': A pilot study of a multi‐component social media skills intervention for people with acquired brain injury.

23. Experiences of health service access: A qualitative interview study of people living with Parkinson's disease in Ireland.

24. 'We manage, but yeah, it's challenging': A mixed‐methods study of enablers and barriers to hearing assessments for parents of children in metropolitan and regional Australia.

25. Walk‐in Together: A pilot study of a walk‐in online family therapy intervention.

26. The impact of participation in research for speech and language therapy departments and their patients: A case example of the Big CACTUS multicentre trial of self‐managed computerized aphasia therapy.

27. Com‐mens: a home‐based logopaedic intervention program for communication problems between people with dementia and their caregivers — a single‐group mixed‐methods pilot study.

28. 'Is there something wrong with your voice?' A qualitative study of the voice concerns of people with laryngotracheal stenosis.

29. Augmented‐reality‐enhanced game‐based learning in flipped English classrooms: Effects on students' creative thinking and vocabulary acquisition.

30. Involving patients and caregivers to develop items for a new patient‐reported experience measure for older adults attending the emergency department. Findings from a nominal group technique study.

31. UpStart Parent Survey-Prenatal: A New Tool for Evaluating Prenatal Education Programs.

32. Validation of Serbian version of the LittlEARS® Early Speech Production Questionnaire for the assessment of early language development in typically developing children.

33. Evaluation of a co‐designed Health Check‐in for adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities and family caregivers to support pandemic recovery.

34. Coming of age in a pandemic era: The interdependence of life spheres through the lens of social integration of care leavers in Quebec during the COVID‐19 pandemic.

35. Design and development of a mobile augmented reality‐based learning environment for teaching the lives of scientists.

36. Learning Newtonian mechanics with an intrinsically integrated educational game.

37. Exploring the impact of a co‐designed shared book reading environment for families in a community hub.

38. Telepractice application for the overt stuttering assessment of children aged 6–15 years old.

39. Convergent validity of functional communication tools and spoken language comprehension assessment in children with cerebral palsy.

40. Preliminary evidence supporting the clinical utility of an Analog Task of Prosocial Helping.

41. The use of goal‐based outcome measures in digital therapy with adults: What goals are set, and are they achieved?

42. Impact of anxiety and confidence in virtual reality‐mediated learning transferred to hands‐on tasks.

43. Developing cooperative learning in a content and language integrated learning context to enhance elementary school students' digital storytelling performance, English speaking proficiency, and financial knowledge.

44. Comparing music‐ and food‐evoked autobiographical memories in young and older adults: A diary study.

45. A rocky road but worth the drive: A longitudinal qualitative study of patient innovators and researchers cocreating research.

46. Adapting private family time in child protective services decision‐making processes.

47. Staff perceptions of the quality of care delivered in a New Zealand mental health and addiction service: Findings from a qualitative study.

48. "Impaired Resilience (00210)" in patients under fertility treatment: Clinical validation study.

49. How do patients feel during the first 72 h after initiating long‐acting injectable buprenorphine? An embodied qualitative analysis.

50. Development and norming of the Hungarian CDI‐III: A screening tool for language delay.