
Showing total 14 results
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1. Is a PhD worth more than a Master's in the UK labour market? The role of specialisation and managerial position.

2. All look the same? Diversity of labour market outcomes of Chinese ethnic group populations in the UK.

3. Academic workforce in France and the UK in historical perspectives.

4. The Regional Geography of New Young Graduate Labour in the UK.

5. From professional contractor to independent professional: The evolution of freelancing in the UK.

6. New Migrants in the UK: Employment Patterns and Occupational Attainment.

7. The disconnection between policy practices and women's lived experiences: combining work and life in the UK and the Netherlands.


9. Work, employment and the material conditions of young people in developed economies: a Marxist political economy of youth perspective.

10. What happens to refugee-origin entrepreneurs? Combining mixed embeddedness and strategy perspectives in a longitudinal study.

11. Ethno-religious identities and persisting penalties in the UK labor market.

12. Measure for measure: towards a measurement and evaluation framework for skills utilisation policy in the UK.

13. The immigrant–native earnings gap across the earnings distribution.

14. Enabling and disabling: disability in the British and Dutch construction sectors.