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2,128 results

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1. Freehand drawing activity: a comparison between tablet-finger vs paper&crayon throughout time.

2. The efficacy of appropriate paper-based technology for Kenyan children with cerebral palsy.

3. Usability and Emotions of Mental Health Assessment Tools: Comparing Mobile App and Paper-and-Pencil Modalities.

4. Assessment of completion of early medical abortion using a text questionnaire on mobile phones compared to a self-administered paper questionnaire among women attending four clinics, Cape Town, South Africa.

5. Evaluation of electrogustometry and the filter paper disc method for taste assessment.

6. Electronic paper display preferred viewing distance and character size for different age groups.

7. The reliability and validity of a digital version of the Cumberland Ankle Instability Tool.

8. Using a monolingual screening test for assessing bilingual children.

9. Development and psychometric properties of the supporting mental health in sport instrument.

10. Alcohol use disorder among Whites and Hispanics on and off the U.S./Mexico border in California.

11. Alcohol consumption among older adults with symptoms of cognitive decline consulting specialist health care.

12. A qualitative study on the needs of visually impaired users in Brazil for smart home interactive technologies.

13. Influence of nuclear power plant interface complexity on user decision-making: an ERP study.

14. Validation of the Swedish version of PROMIS-29v2 and FACIT-Dyspnea Index in patients with systemic sclerosis.

15. Digital implementation of originally school-based stroke educational programme in Greece due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

16. Trade-offs in the design of multimodal interaction for older adults.

17. Intercepted journeys: Associations between migration and mobility experiences and depressive symptoms among substance using migrants at the Mexico-Guatemala border.

18. Oral contraceptive use, coffee consumption, and other risk factors of type 2 diabetes in women: a case–control study.

19. Simultaneous Cannabis and Alcohol Use among Medical Cannabis Patients.

20. Restricting family life - an examination of citizens’ views on state interventions and parental freedom in eight European countries.

21. A virtual reality photography application to assess spatial memory.

22. Looking for impact in all the wrong places: Setting realistic expectations and measurable outcomes for small-scale community building initiatives.

23. Reducing outcome measures in mental health: a systematic review of the methods.

24. Preschool children's consistency of word production.

25. Copula Omission in Down Syndrome.

26. Factors influencing the willingness to adopt telerehabilitation among rehabilitation professionals in Austria and Germany: a survey comparing data before and during COVID-19.

27. Badminton as a dynamic system – A new method for analyzing badminton matches based on perturbations.

28. "Compliant Supporters," "Anxious Skeptics," and "Defiant Deniers": A Latent Profile Analysis of People's Responses to COVID-19 Communications.

29. Physiological evidence of escalating stress during COVID-19: a longitudinal assessment of child welfare workers.

30. School Bullying Victimization and Suicidal Tendency Among Chinese Adolescents: The Mediating Role of Internalizing Problems and Non-Suicidal Self-Injury.

31. When liquids and fricatives outrank stops: A Kuwaiti Arabic-speaking child with Down syndrome and protracted phonological development.

32. A systematic review of methods of uncertainty analysis and their applications in the assessment of chemical exposures, effects, and risks.

33. Comparative evaluation of augmented reality-based assistance for procedural tasks: a simulated control room study.

34. Measurement properties of the Arm Function in Multiple Sclerosis Questionnaire (AMSQ): a study based on Classical Test Theory.

35. Parents' perspectives on the inclusion of gender and sexuality diversity in K-12 schooling: results from an Australian national study.

36. A new method of onset and offset detection in ensemble singing.

37. Evaluation and prediction method of railway passenger long-term vibration comfort under complex operating conditions.

38. Gendered exposures: exploring the role of paid and unpaid work throughout life in U.S. women's cardiovascular health.

39. Past-tense inflection of non-verbs: a potential clinical marker of developmental language disorder in Swedish children.

40. From skeuomorphism to flat design: age-related differences in performance and aesthetic perceptions.

41. Evaluation of the MCAST, a multidisciplinary toolkit to improve mental capacity assessment.

42. National origins, social context, timing of migration and the physical and mental health of Caribbeans living in and outside of Canada.

43. Some insights into the impact of affective information when delivering feedback to students.

44. The Dilemma of Correcting Nicotine Misperceptions: Nicotine Replacement Therapy versus Electronic Cigarettes.

45. In favour of or against multi-lingual Q&A sites? Exploring the evidence from user and knowledge perspectives.

46. ArmMenu: command input on distant displays with proprioception based lateral arm movements.

47. The duration effect of pictorial health warnings on tobacco consumption in Mexico.

48. The family and romantic relationships of trans and gender diverse Australians: an exploratory survey.

49. Tablet game-supported speech therapy embedded in children’s popular practices.

50. Mental Health First Aid is an effective public health intervention for improving knowledge, attitudes, and behaviour: A meta-analysis.