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6,872 results

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1. Footnotes to papers of O’Grady and Markman

2. On a paper by Yuri G. Zarhin

3. Samuel multiplicity and the structure of essentially semi-regular operators: A note on a paper of Fang

4. Corrigendum to the paper 'Adjoining an Order Unit to a Matrix Ordered Space'

5. Heights and Degrees: A Note on a Paper of C. Liebendörfer and G. Rémond

6. Counterexample to the paper 'On the Gorenstein injective dimension and Bass formula'

7. A remark on a paper of Ibukiyama and Skoruppa

8. On matrix coefficients of the Satake isomorphism: complements to the paper of M. Rapoport

9. A correction to Epp?s paper ?Elimination of wild ramification?

10. Concerning my papers 'symmetry and ℘- commutativity of topological*-algebras' and 'symmetric topological*-algebras'of topological*-algebras' and 'symmetric topological*-algebras'

11. Corrigendum to the paper 'Hermitian forms over division algebras over real function fields'

14. Corrigendum for the paper 'Invariant tori for nearly integrable Hamiltonian systems with degeneracy'

20. On the paper ?A class of transformations of Lie groups?

21. A remark to a paper of Kato and Ikebe

22. Critical determinant of the region ∣x∣p+∣y∣p<1 (supplement to the paper 'on the application of the electronic computer to the proof of a conjecture of Minkowski from the geometry of numbers,' Zap. Nauchn. Sem. Lomi,71, 163–180, 1977)

23. The greatest mathematical paper of all time

25. A footnote to a paper by A. Grothendieck

26. A supplement to the paper 'on localizable functionals in vector lattices'

27. Special Ulrich bundles on regular Weierstrass fibrations

28. Note on my paper 'a simple proof for von Neumann's minimax theorem'

29. A remark on a paper of F. A. Szász

37. Common universal restrictions of power series

38. Remarks on blowing-up divisorial ideals

39. A functional equation of Ih-Ching Hsu

40. Order 3 symplectic automorphisms on K3 surfaces

41. Characterization on transcendental entire solutions of certain types of non-linear generalized delay-differential equations

42. On the squeezing function for finitely connected planar domains

43. On boundary-value problems for semi-linear equations in the plane

44. Quantitative subspace theorem and general form of second main theorem for higher degree polynomials

45. Multivariate quasi-tight framelets with high balancing orders derived from any compactly supported refinable vector functions

46. Geometric law for numbers of returns until a hazard under ϕ-mixing

47. A description via second degree character of a family of quasi-symmetric forms

48. A note on quasi-bi-slant submanifolds of Sasakian manifolds

49. Geometry of 1-codimensional measures in Heisenberg groups

50. Logarithmic Potential and Generalized Analytic Functions