
Showing total 199 results
199 results

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1. Implementable tensor methods in unconstrained convex optimization

2. A note on gonality of curves on general hypersurfaces

3. McKay Quivers and Lusztig Algebras of Some Finite Groups

4. The universality of Hughes-free division rings

5. Block-coordinate and incremental aggregated proximal gradient methods for nonsmooth nonconvex problems

6. Homogenization of boundary value problems in plane domains with frequently alternating type of nonlinear boundary conditions: critical case

7. Universality and distribution of zeros and poles of some zeta functions

8. The impact of the existence of multiple adjustable robust solutions

9. Corrigendum: On the complexity of finding first-order critical points in constrained nonlinear optimization

10. Simple modules and their essential extensions for skew polynomial rings

11. On the relationship between the stochastic Galerkin method and the pseudo-spectral collocation method for linear differential algebraic equations

12. Identities on Some Special Poynomials Derived from the Concepts of n -Normed Structures, Accretive Operators and Contraction Mappings

13. The effect of immigrant communities coming from higher incidence tuberculosis regions to a host country

14. Introduction to graded geometry

15. Plane quartics: the universal matrix of bitangents

16. On the existence of proper Nearly Kenmotsu manifolds

17. Finite and infinitesimal flexibility of semidiscrete surfaces

18. Cut loci and conjugate loci on Liouville surfaces

19. The radial curvature of an end that makes eigenvalues vanish in the essential spectrum I

20. The inhomogeneous Cauchy-Riemann equation for weighted smooth vector-valued functions on strips with holes

21. Mathematical modeling of dynamical stress field problem for a pre-stressed bi-layered plate-strip

22. Balancing Diophantine triples with distance 1

23. Hysteresis Model of Unconscious-Conscious Interconnection: Exploring Dynamics on m-Adic Trees

24. Some inequalities for the Poincaré metric of plane domains

25. Discrete Universality of L-Functions for New Forms

26. On torsors under elliptic curves and Serre's pro-algebraic structures

27. Applications of classical approximation theory to periodic basis function networks and computational harmonic analysis

28. A study of exponential neighborhoods for the Travelling Salesman Problem and for the Quadratic Assignment Problem

29. Volume functions of linear series

30. Primes between consecutive squares and the Lindelof hypothesis

31. Reverse Khas'minskii condition

32. An Analogy of the Carleson–Hunt Theorem with Respect to Vilenkin Systems

33. Initial and Final Backward and Forward Discrete Time Non-homogeneous Semi-Markov Credit Risk Models

34. An evolutionary Haar-Rado type theorem

35. Representation theory of some infinite-dimensional algebras arising in continuously controlled algebra and topology

36. Partial stability analysis of stochastic differential equations with a general decay rate

37. Partial practical exponential stability of neutral stochastic functional di erential equa- tions with Markovian switching

38. Surface words are determined by word measures on groups

39. Integration Operators in Average Radial Integrability Spaces of Analytic Functions

40. Non-instantaneous impulsive fractional differential equations with state dependent delay and practical stability

41. Kac regular sets and Sobolev spaces in geometry, probability and quantum physics

42. Strongly stable C-stationary points for mathematical programs with complementarity constraints

43. Some Hardy-type integral inequalities involving functions of two independent variables

44. Influence of Noisy Environments on Behavior of HPC Applications

45. Non-integrable Stable Approximation by Stein’s Method

46. Some large deviations principles for time-changed Gaussian processes

47. Values of modular functions at real quadratics and conjectures of Kaneko

48. Subdomain deflation combined with local AMG: a case study using AMGCL library

49. Extremal bounded complete trajectories for nonautonomous reaction-diffusion equations with discontinuous forcing term

50. Measuring the Entropy of Sinan's Muqarnas Patterns