
Showing total 22 results
22 results

Search Results

1. Women sleeping rough: The health, social and economic costs of homelessness.

2. An Australian National Survey of First Nations Careers in Health Services.

3. A Profile of Occupational Therapists Working in School-Based Practice in Australian Primary Schools.

4. Exploration of an On-Site Pharmacist Intervention within Australian Residential Aged Care Facilities Using Normalisation Process Theory: A Mixed-Methods Study.

5. Perspectives of Food Insecurity and Service Delivery amongst Emergency Food Relief Clients in a Regional City in Victoria, Australia.

6. Impacts of the COVID‐19 pandemic, and of government responses to the pandemic, on people who are homeless in Australia: Mapping perceptions of a national sample of homelessness service workers.

7. Social connectedness of carers: An Australian national survey of carers.

8. Assessing the effectiveness of a 4‐week online intervention on food literacy and fruit and vegetable consumption in Australian adults: The online MedDiet challenge.

9. Understanding health and social service accessibility for young people with problematic substance use exiting prison in Australia.

10. How gender, education and nutrition knowledge contribute to food insecurity among adults in Australia.

11. Determinants of worse care for non‐COVID‐19 health or disability needs in Australia in the first month of COVID‐19 restrictions: A national survey.

12. Uptake of advance care planning and its circumstances: An nationwide survey in Australian general practice.

13. A Postmarket Surveillance Study on Electro-Neuro-Adaptive-Regulator Therapy.

14. Safety attitudes build safety culture: Nurse/midwife leaders improving health care using quantitative data.

15. Health care need and health disparities: Findings from the Regional South Australia Health (RESONATE) survey.

16. Australian parents' use of universal child and family health services: A consumer survey.

17. Predicting variations to missed nursing care: A three-nation comparison.

18. Radiation therapists' and radiation oncology medical physicists' perceptions of work and the working environment in Australia: a qualitative study.

19. Importance and performance of managerial skills in the Australian aged care sector - a middle managers' perspective.

20. Personal care workers in Australian aged care: retention and turnover intentions.

21. The physical functioning and mental health of informal carers: evidence of care-giving impacts from an Australian population-based cohort.

22. Financial and social impact of supporting a haematological cancer survivor.