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1. The uneven impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on domestic tourist flows: what does mobile phone data tell us?

2. The effect of regional factors on energy poverty.

3. Solving task management conflict in hotel establishments through knowledge management tools: effects on innovation capabilities.

4. Climate change literacy and commitment in Spanish university students.

5. Overeducation and scarring effects on the wages of young graduates.

6. The early bird catches the retirement savings.

7. Testing for multiple bubbles: historical episodes on the sustainability of public debt in Spain, 1850–2020.

8. ISO 9001: a vaccine for time of crisis.

9. Are mega-journals a publication outlet for lower quality research? A bibliometric analysis of Spanish authors in PLOS ONE.

10. The Anthropocene and the sustainable development goals: key elements in geography higher education?

11. Determinants of online intellectual capital disclosure by Spanish local governments.

12. Forced telecommuting during the COVID-19 lockdown: the impact on corporate culture in Spain and Kazakhstan.

13. Visualization of scientific co-authorship in Spanish universities From regionalization to internationalization.

14. Application of the constitutional principle of generality in Spanish companies' taxation. A compared study to Portugal.

15. Childhood, disability and vocational training in Franco's Spain during the 1950s and early 1960s.

16. Antecedents and consequences of bank reputation: a comparison of the United Kingdom and Spain.

17. What are the determinants of European hotel room design 2030?

18. Knowledge management processes and organizational performance: the mediating role of organizational learning.

19. Social movement organizations in Spain.

20. Economic crisis, unemployment and illegal drug consumption in Spain.

21. International capital movement towards the Spanish real estate sector.

22. Digital transparency and public accountability in Spanish universities in online media.

23. All precarious? Institutional change and turning points in labour market trajectories in Spain.

24. The effect of parent university on firm growth: an analysis of the Spanish and Italian USOs.

25. The international performance of standardizing and customizing Spanish firmsThe M curve relationships.

26. Examining the intellectual capital web reporting by Spanish universities.

27. Factors and determinants of value- and business-driven sustainability initiatives in health care organizations: intrinsic differences and extrinsic similarities.

28. Human capital obsolescence: some evidence for Spain.

29. The region-of-origin effect in the choice of banks.

30. From guests to hosts: immigrant-native wage differentials in Spain.

31. Analysis of social information as a measure of the ethical behavior of Spanish firms.

32. The role of loyalty programs in behavioral and affective loyalty.

33. Competitive capabilities in knowledge-intensive services firms: strategic advantages of born globals in a peripheral region.

34. Determining factors of environmental education in Spanish universities.

35. The emergence of Spanish REITs.

36. Recognition and measurement of intellectual capital in Spanish universities.

37. Marketing-specific intellectual capital: conceptualization, scale development and empirical illustration.

38. Long-term care in Spain: a reform failure or the regulation of a development path?

39. Schools and health education in Spain during the dictatorship of General Franco (1939-1975).

40. An empirical exploration of the link between reporting to stakeholders and corporate social responsibility reputation in the Spanish context.

41. Does training influence organisational performance?Analysis of the Spanish hotel sector.

42. Outsourcing and strategy in Spanish town halls: a field study.

43. Occupational selection in multilingual labor markets: the case of Catalonia.

44. Higher education and the development of competencies for innovation in the workplace.

45. Industrial clusters in Mexico and SpainComparing inter-organizational structures within context of change.

46. ERP use and value: Portuguese and Spanish SMEs.

47. Modelling the integration-performance relationshipCollaborative practices, enablers and contextual factors.

48. CSR-labelled products in retailers' assortmentA comparative study of British and Spanish retailers.

49. Components of sustainable improvement systems: theory and practice.

50. What do teachers think about quality in the Spanish university?