
Showing total 24 results
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1. Modelling diameter at breast height distribution of jack pine and black spruce natural stands in eastern Canada.

2. Tree-ring evidence of larch sawfly outbreaks in western Labrador, Canada.

3. Stand structure and dynamics of Picea mariana on the northern border of the natural closed boreal forest in Quebec, Canada.

4. Prescribed burning of harvested boreal black spruce forests in eastern Canada: effect on understory vegetation.

5. An economic analysis of seed source options under a changing climate for black spruce and white pine in Ontario, Canada.

6. Insects can limit seed productivity at the treeline.

7. Temporal changes in stem decay and dead and sound wood volumes in the northeastern Canadian boreal forest.

8. Moving towards carbon neutrality: CO2 exchange of a black spruce forest ecosystem during the first 10 years of recovery after harvest.

9. Influence of recent fire season and severity on black spruce regeneration in spruce-moss forests of Quebec, Canada.

10. Black spruce reforestation in Kalmia heath: seedling response to forest floor mixing and mycorrhizal inoculation with Paxillus involutus.

11. Latitudinal variation in tree-ring and wood cell characteristics of Picea mariana across the continuous boreal forest in Quebec.

12. Estimating branch production in trembling aspen, Douglas-fir, jack pine, black spruce, and balsam fir.

13. Reduction of black spruce seed bank by spruce budworm infestation compromises postfire stand regeneration.

14. Recruitment of Picea mariana, Pinus banksiana, and Populus tremuloides across a burn severity gradient following wildfire in the southern boreal forest of Quebec.

15. Persistence of early growth of planted Picea mariana seedlings following clear-cutting and drainage in Quebec wetlands.

16. Xylophagous insect species composition and patterns of substratum use on fire-killed black spruce in central Quebec.

17. The responses of black spruce growth to an increased proportion of aspen in mixed stands.

18. Croissance et statut nutritif de marcottes, de semis naturels et de plants d'épinette noire à la suite du scarifiage : résultats de 10 ans.

19. Understory vegetation in northern Ontario jack pine and black spruce plantations: 20-year successional changes.

20. Patterns of canopy interception and throughfall along a topographic sequence for black spruce dominated forest ecosystems in northwestern Ontario.

21. Predicting basal area increment in a spatially explicit, individual tree model: a test of competition measures with black spruce.

22. Effects of mechanized careful logging on natural regeneration and vegetation competition in the southeastern Canadian boreal forest.

23. Évolution de la structure diamétrale et production ligneuse des pessières noires issues de coupe et de feu.

24. Dynamics and morphology of giant circular patterns of low tree density in black spruce stands in northern Quebec.