14 results on '"vanjska politika"'
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2. Međunarodno društvo u konceptima vanjske politike Ruske Federacije 2000-2023: analiza prema pristupu Engleske škole međunarodnih odnosa
- Author
Davor Boban
- Subjects
međunarodno društvo ,Engleska škola ,Rusija ,vanjska politika ,međunarodni odnosi ,Political science - Abstract
Koncepti vanjske politike Ruske Federacije doneseni od 2000. do 2023. imaju komunikacijsku funkciju o glavnim ciljevima i idejama ruskih vanjskopolitičkih aktera. Koristeći pristup Engleske škole međunarodnih odnosa, posebice njezina teorijska obilježja međunarodnog društva, pluralističkog i solidarističkog pristupa te globalnog i regionalnog društva, u radu se analiziraju ruske ideje o međunarodnom društvu koje su istaknute u tim konceptima. Zajedno s tom analizom pokazano je koliko se stvarna ruska vanjska politika podudara s idejama iznesenim u njima.
- Published
- 2023
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- Author
Petrović, Željko
- Abstract
With the end of the Cold War and the disintegration of the SFRY, the states that emerged on its territory, including Bosnia and Herzegovina, began to redefine their foreign policy. From the point of view of international law, we can certainly consider Bosnia and Herzegovina as an internationally recognized state, which cooperates in international, ie bilateral, regional and global frameworks, and regulates contractual and other relations, with states and international organizations. In federal states, as a rule, foreign policy is entrusted to central authorities, as is the case in Bosnia and Herzegovina, where the authority to conduct foreign policy is given primarily to the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, as a joint body of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Today's era in many countries brings a number of innovations in terms of conducting foreign policy and the competencies themselves, but Bosnia and Herzegovina has a number of specifics here as well. It is a time when states should fight for the best possible integration, with the most stable way of preserving national sovereignty and state subjectivity in general. In Bosnia and Herzegovina, practically both the state and the entities have their own foreign policy, despite the fact that there are state bodies at the level of Bosnia and Herzegovina that are responsible for its management. In circumstances where participation in international relations is set as an imperative, Bosnia and Herzegovina allows for internal conflicts caused by the distribution of power, which are maintained on the very conduct of foreign policy. The paper analyzes the state bodies of Bosnia and Herzegovina responsible for conducting foreign policy with an indication of the specifics that exist in this regard and a review of the foreign policy of Bosnia and Herzegovina. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
- Author
Boban, Davor
- Subjects
INTERNATIONAL relations - Abstract
Copyright of Annals of the Croatian Political Science Association / Anali Hrvatskog Politoloskog Drustva is the property of Croatian Political Science Association and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2023
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5. Ruski svijet kao moralna zajednica i vanjskopolitička doktrina.
- Author
Bajt, Marko Boris and Buzar, Stipe
- Subjects
INTERNATIONAL relations - Published
- 2023
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6. Neki aspekti političkih i ekonomskih odnosa Jugoslavije i Etiopije od 1975. do 1990.
- Author
Markuš, Petar
- Subjects
COMMUNIST countries ,WAR ,POLITICAL affiliation ,COLD War, 1945-1991 ,INTERNATIONAL relations - Abstract
Copyright of Journal of the Institute of Croatian History / Radovi Zavoda za Hrvatsku Povijest is the property of Zavod za Hrvatsku Povijest, Filozofski Fakultet and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2022
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7. Vanjska politika Ruske Federacije prema Zapadnom Balkanu
- Author
Gugić, Frano and Jakešević, Ružica
- Subjects
Ruska Federacija ,vanjska politika ,Zapadni Balkan ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Political Science ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Politologija - Abstract
U ovom radu se analizira utjecaj vanjske politike Ruske Federacije na zemlje Zapadnog Balkana. Rusija je tijekom 20. i 21. stoljeća bila značajna gospodarska i vojna sila. Ipak, ratom u Ukrajini tu svoju snagu je izgubila, te je mnoge značajne svjetske sile okrenula protiv sebe. Vladimir Putin je na početku 21. stoljeća došao na vlast u Rusiji, te nakon raspada SSSR-a vratiti zemlju na željenu poziciju, uz bok SAD-u i ostalim svjetskim silama. Osim toga nastojao je biti protuteža dominaciji SAD-a i širenja NATO-a. U određenom razdoblju je čak postojala mogućnost pristupanja Rusije EU, ali do toga nije došlo. Zemlje Zapadnog Balkana su politički zaboravljene od strane EU i zapadnih sila. Predugo se odugovlači sa reformama i procesa širenja EU na navedeno područje. Njihovom integracijom u EU bi se vjerojatno minimalizirao utjecaj Rusije na te zemlje, te tako riješili brojni međunarodni problemi. Koliko će Rusija svoju energetsku moć moći i dalje koristiti za širenje svog utjecaja i vanjske politike vrijeme će pokazati, ali je primjetno kako ta moć može učiniti velike probleme ukoliko se njima ne prida posebna pažnja., This paper analyzes the influence of the foreign policy of the Russian Federation on the countries of the Western Balkans. During the 20th and 21st centuries, Russia was a significant economic and military power. However, with the war in Ukraine, it lost its strength, and turned many important world powers against it. Vladimir Putin came to power in Russia at the beginning of the 21st century, and after the collapse of the USSR, returned the country to the desired position, alongside the USA and other world powers. In addition, he tried to be a counterweight to the dominance of the USA and the expansion of NATO. In a certain period, there was even a possibility of Russia joining the EU, but that did not happen. The countries of the Western Balkans have been politically forgotten by the EU and the Western powers. Reforms and the process of expanding the EU to the mentioned area are being delayed for too long. Their integration into the EU would probably minimize Russia's influence on these countries, thus solving numerous international problems. Time will tell how far Russia will be able to continue to use its energy power to expand its influence and foreign policy, but it is noticeable that this power can cause big problems if special attention is not paid to them.
- Published
- 2022
8. Ideological and Structural Influences in Soviet Foreign Policy from 1917 to 1941
- Author
Crnković, Ana and Anušić, Nikola
- Subjects
Soviet Union ,Sovjetski Savez ,ideologija ,realpolitika ,foreign policy ,neorealism ,vanjska politika ,ideology ,realpolitik ,HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. History ,HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Povijest ,neorealizam - Abstract
Ovaj diplomski rad analizira sovjetsku vanjsku politiku od 1917. do 1941. godine s obzirom na ideološke i strukturalne utjecaje. Prvi dio rada postavlja teorijski temelj analize. Sastoji se od poglavlja u kojem se iznosi neorealistička teorija međunarodnih odnosa čija je glavna ideja da struktura međunarodnog sustava utječe na ponašanje država te od poglavlja u kojem se iznosi vanjskopolitička dimenzija predrevolucionarne doktrine marksizma-lenjinizma. Drugi dio rada započinje analizom sovjetske vanjske politike u prvim godinama nakon Oktobarske revolucije koju obilježava usvajanje realpolitičkih metoda te promjene u položaju i sadržaju ideologije što rezultira formuliranjem dualne vanjske politike. Daljnja analiza identificira aspekte ideološkog i strukturalnog utjecaja unutar dualne vanjske politike tijekom međuratnog perioda. This master's thesis analyses the structural and ideological influence of the Soviet foreign policy between 1917 and 1941. The first section of the paper lays the theoretical groundwork for the analysis. It consists of two chapters; the first chapter outlines the neorealist international relations theory which is based upon the idea that the structure of the international system affects the conduct of states; the second chapter presents the foreign policy aspects of the pre-revolutionary doctrine of Marxism-Leninism. The second section of the thesis starts with an analysis of the Soviet foreign policy in the years following the October Revolution. That period was characterized by the adoption of realpolitik methods, as well as by changes in the position and content of ideology, which therefore resulted in the creation of a dual foreign policy. The analysis goes on to further identify aspects of the structural and ideological influence present in the dual foreign policy during the interwar period.
- Published
- 2022
9. Zajednička vanjska i sigurnosna politika Europske unije u okolnostima nastanka novog međunarodnog poretka
- Author
Korenić, Michelle and Jović, Dejan
- Subjects
obrambena politika ,međunarodni odnosi ,China ,svjetski poredak ,international relations ,world order ,vanjska politika ,SAD ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Political Science ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Politologija ,Kina ,rusko-ukrajinski sukob ,foreign policy ,hard power ,CFSP ,defense policy ,tvrda moć ,EU ,Russian-Ukrainian conflict ,ZVSP ,USA - Abstract
Diplomski rad „Zajednička vanjska i sigurnosna politika Europske unije u okolnostima nastanka novog međunarodnog poretka“ pokušati će se odmaknuti od dosadašnjih istraživanja unutar područja europskih studija te međunarodnih odnosa i to prema modalitetu veze između vanjske politike Europske unije, točnije pomacima prema tvrdoj moći i uzročno tome pomaku na ljestvici međunarodno utjecajnih aktera. Kao što je i ranije navedeno, dosadašnja istraživanja slična ovome uglavnom su se orijentirala na analizu prakse, ali i odrednica politika EU-e „na papiru“ pri čemu je Unija često kritizirana kao spora, neodlučna, nepraktična i razjedinjena posebice kada je u pitanju donošenje odluka u području vanjske politike. Ovaj rad elaborira nešto drukčiji stav, koji se temelji na pretpostavci da je Unija ovoga puta odgovorila neočekivanom brzinom (počevši od nametanja najoštrijih sankcija Rusiji, te slanjem izravne vojne pomoći Ukrajini). Iako su zemlje članice, kao što je u radu ranije spomenuto, uoči invazije još uvijek bile podijeljene oko pitanja odnosa s Rusijom, od početka invazije europska je reakcija došla u brzini i razmjeru koji se do sada nije vidio. Države članice EU-e odbacile su nekoliko dugogodišnjih politika i poduzele korake koji bi u normalnim okolnostima naišli na snažno protivljenje s raznih strana (Fama, Musiol, 2022). Dakle, opravdanost ovog rada može se uvidjeti u tome kako priroda ovog novog obrasca europskih politika do sada nije posebice akedemski istražena i slijedom toga postoji potreba za novim istraživanjima koja imaju za cilj objasniti kakve je to geopolitičke pomake polučilo preslagivanje globalnog poretka moći koje je potaknula recentna sigurnosna kriza te na nju neviđeni europski odgovor. Upravo je na ovo pitanje, to jest pitanje je li u Europskoj uniji došlo do „repozicioniranja“ ZVSP-e obzirom na previranje u međunarodnom poretku, ovaj diplomski rad pokušao dati adekvatan odgovor. „Zajednička vanjska i sigurnosna politika Europske unije u okolnostima nastanka novog međunarodnog poretka“ napisana je jer se proučavanje uloge Europske unije u novome globalnome sustavu smatra od velikog značaja, prvenstveno zbog činjenice da je Republika Hrvatska dio europske multilateralne zajednice te kao takva sudjeluje u njezinom djelovanju i osjeća posljedice njezinih odluka. Osim toga, intrigantna priroda međunarodnih odnosa vidljiva je i u samoj znanstvenoj pokrivenosti ove teme. Istraživanje „Zajednička vanjska i sigurnosna politika Europske unije u okolnostima nastanka novog međunarodnog poretka“ može se kategorizirati kao eksplanatorni rad. Za potrebe ovog rada korišten je dizajn „malog N“, točnije studija jednog slučaja. Dakle, riječ je o kvalitativnom istraživanju koje se zasniva se na promatranju obilježja jednog fenomena, pojave ili primjera (N=1). Temeljna jedinica, ujedno i ključni slučaj ovog rada je Zajednička vanjska i sigurnosna politika EU-e. Prikupljeni su podaci iz primarnih (dokumenti EU-e) i sekundarnih izvora (znanstveni članci i internetski izvori) koji su obrađeni prema tematskoj / kvalitativnoj analiza sadržaja. Glavna teza ovog rada jest da je zbog novih okolnosti – potresa svjetskog poretka ponukanog ruskom invazijom Ukrajine, Europska unija napravila dugo očekivani zaokret u smislu snažnije vanjske i sigurnosne politike. Ova sigurnosna kriza potaknula je EU da donese odluke bez presedana o sigurnosti, obrani i proširenju EU, te je počela šire oblikovati vanjsko djelovanje EU-e. Međutim, važno je naglasiti i kako će svejedno povećanje fokusa na tvrdu moć te uzročno tome – povećanje geopolitičke uloge, Europska unija u novom svjetskom poretku sudjelovati primarno kao element preslagivanja. O tome koliko je ova tema relevantna nije potrebno dodatno pojašnjavati, stoga je znanstveni doprinos ovog rada viđen u tome da se do sada nije puno pisalo o jačanju europske tvrde moći te se potonje nije pretežito povezivalo s povećanjem uloge EU-e na međunarodnoj sceni obzirom na nedavne geopolitičke promijene. Jedan od razloga je dakako sama recentnost događaja, koja je ujedno i ograničenje ovog istraživanja koje je zahtijevalo značajne napore u pronalaženju odgovarajuće i „svježe“ literature te vjerodostojnih informacija. Kroz ovaj rad, pokušala se dati i autentična kritika na europske politike u području sigurnosti i obrane koje su do sada bile najslabije točke Europske unije kao i autorov uvid u trenutno stanje na međunarodnoj geopolitičkoj sceni. Koristeći ovo polazište, kao još jedan doprinos istraživanja, kreirane su svojevrsne smjernice koje su uključene u zaključku za daljnji kontinuiran i adekvatan razvoj europske vanjske politike te uz to tijesno vezanih politika u području sigurnosti i obrane. The diploma thesis „Common foreign and security policy of the European Union in the circumstances of the emergence of a new international order“ will try to move away from previous research in the field of European studies and International relations, and this according to the modality of the connection between the foreign policy of the European Union, more precisely, moves towards stronger power and the causal shift in the ranking of internationally influential actors. As stated earlier, previous researches similar to this have mainly focused on the analysis of practice, but also the determinants of EU policies „on paper“, whereby the Union is often criticized as slow, indecisive, impractical and disunited, especially when it comes to the adoption decision in the field of foreign policy. This paper elaborates a somewhat different position, which is based on the assumption that this time the Union responded with an unexpected speed (starting with the imposition of the harshest sanctions on Russia, and by sending direct military aid to Ukraine). Although the member states, as mentioned earlier in the paper, were still divided on the issue of relations with Russia on the eve of the invasion, since the beginning of the invasion, the European reaction came in a speed and scale that had not been seen before. EU member states rejected several long-standing policies and took steps that would normally have met with strong opposition from various quarters. Therefore, the justification of this work can be seen in the fact that the nature of this new pattern of European policies has not been particularly academically researched so far, and as a result there is a need for new research aimed at explaining what kind of geopolitical shifts resulted from the rearrangement of the global order of power that was triggered by the recent security crisis and the unprecedented European response to it. This graduate thesis tried to give an adequate answer to this question, that is, the question of whether there has been a „repositioning“ of the CSDP in the European Union due to the turmoil in the international order. „Common Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union in the circumstances of the emergence of a new international order“ was written because the study of the role of the European Union in the new global system is considered to be of great importance, primarily due to the fact that the Republic of Croatia is part of the European multilateral community and as such participates in its activities and feels the consequences of its decisions. In addition, the intriguing nature of international relations is visible in the very scientific coverage of this topic. The research „Common Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union in the circumstances of the emergence of a new international order“ can be categorized as an explanatory work. For the purposes of this work, a „small N“ design was used, more precisely a case study. Therefore, it is a question of qualitative research that is based on the observation of the characteristics of a phenomenon, phenomenon or example (N=1). The fundamental unit, at the same time the key case of this paper, is the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the EU. Data were collected from primary (EU documents) and secondary sources (scientific articles and internet sources) which were processed according to thematic / qualitative content analysis. The main thesis of this paper is that due to new circumstances – the upheaval of the world order caused by the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the European Union made a long-awaited turn in terms of a stronger Foreign and security policy. This security crisis prompted the EU to take unprecedented decisions on security, defense and EU enlargement, and began to shape the EU's external action more broadly. However, it is important to emphasize that regardless of the increase in focus on hard power and the consequent increase in geopolitical role, the European Union will participate primarily as an element of adjustment in the new world order. It is not necessary to further clarify how relevant this topic is, therefore the scientific contribution of this paper is seen in the fact that so far not much has been written about the strengthening of European hard power, and the latter was not predominantly associated with increasing the role of the EU on the international scene, considering recent geopolitical changes. One of the reasons is of course the very recentness of the event, which is also a limitation of this research that required significant efforts in finding appropriate and „fresh“ literature and credible information. Through this work, an attempt was made to provide an authentic critique of European policies in the field of security and defense, which have so far been the weakest point of the European Union, as well as the author's insight into the current situation on the international geopolitical scene. Using this starting point, as another contribution of the research, a kind of guidelines were created that are included in the conclusion for further continuous and adequate development of European foreign policy and closely related policies in the field of security and defense.
- Published
- 2022
10. Common Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union in the circumstances of the emergence of a new international order
- Author
Korenić, Michelle, Jović, Dejan, Luša, Đana, and Popović, Petar
- Subjects
obrambena politika ,međunarodni odnosi ,China ,svjetski poredak ,international relations ,world order ,vanjska politika ,SAD ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Political Science ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Politologija ,Kina ,rusko-ukrajinski sukob ,foreign policy ,hard power ,CFSP ,defense policy ,tvrda moć ,EU ,Russian-Ukrainian conflict ,ZVSP ,USA - Abstract
Diplomski rad „Zajednička vanjska i sigurnosna politika Europske unije u okolnostima nastanka novog međunarodnog poretka“ pokušati će se odmaknuti od dosadašnjih istraživanja unutar područja europskih studija te međunarodnih odnosa i to prema modalitetu veze između vanjske politike Europske unije, točnije pomacima prema tvrdoj moći i uzročno tome pomaku na ljestvici međunarodno utjecajnih aktera. Kao što je i ranije navedeno, dosadašnja istraživanja slična ovome uglavnom su se orijentirala na analizu prakse, ali i odrednica politika EU-e „na papiru“ pri čemu je Unija često kritizirana kao spora, neodlučna, nepraktična i razjedinjena posebice kada je u pitanju donošenje odluka u području vanjske politike. Ovaj rad elaborira nešto drukčiji stav, koji se temelji na pretpostavci da je Unija ovoga puta odgovorila neočekivanom brzinom (počevši od nametanja najoštrijih sankcija Rusiji, te slanjem izravne vojne pomoći Ukrajini). Iako su zemlje članice, kao što je u radu ranije spomenuto, uoči invazije još uvijek bile podijeljene oko pitanja odnosa s Rusijom, od početka invazije europska je reakcija došla u brzini i razmjeru koji se do sada nije vidio. Države članice EU-e odbacile su nekoliko dugogodišnjih politika i poduzele korake koji bi u normalnim okolnostima naišli na snažno protivljenje s raznih strana (Fama, Musiol, 2022). Dakle, opravdanost ovog rada može se uvidjeti u tome kako priroda ovog novog obrasca europskih politika do sada nije posebice akedemski istražena i slijedom toga postoji potreba za novim istraživanjima koja imaju za cilj objasniti kakve je to geopolitičke pomake polučilo preslagivanje globalnog poretka moći koje je potaknula recentna sigurnosna kriza te na nju neviđeni europski odgovor. Upravo je na ovo pitanje, to jest pitanje je li u Europskoj uniji došlo do „repozicioniranja“ ZVSP-e obzirom na previranje u međunarodnom poretku, ovaj diplomski rad pokušao dati adekvatan odgovor. „Zajednička vanjska i sigurnosna politika Europske unije u okolnostima nastanka novog međunarodnog poretka“ napisana je jer se proučavanje uloge Europske unije u novome globalnome sustavu smatra od velikog značaja, prvenstveno zbog činjenice da je Republika Hrvatska dio europske multilateralne zajednice te kao takva sudjeluje u njezinom djelovanju i osjeća posljedice njezinih odluka. Osim toga, intrigantna priroda međunarodnih odnosa vidljiva je i u samoj znanstvenoj pokrivenosti ove teme. Istraživanje „Zajednička vanjska i sigurnosna politika Europske unije u okolnostima nastanka novog međunarodnog poretka“ može se kategorizirati kao eksplanatorni rad. Za potrebe ovog rada korišten je dizajn „malog N“, točnije studija jednog slučaja. Dakle, riječ je o kvalitativnom istraživanju koje se zasniva se na promatranju obilježja jednog fenomena, pojave ili primjera (N=1). Temeljna jedinica, ujedno i ključni slučaj ovog rada je Zajednička vanjska i sigurnosna politika EU-e. Prikupljeni su podaci iz primarnih (dokumenti EU-e) i sekundarnih izvora (znanstveni članci i internetski izvori) koji su obrađeni prema tematskoj / kvalitativnoj analiza sadržaja. Glavna teza ovog rada jest da je zbog novih okolnosti – potresa svjetskog poretka ponukanog ruskom invazijom Ukrajine, Europska unija napravila dugo očekivani zaokret u smislu snažnije vanjske i sigurnosne politike. Ova sigurnosna kriza potaknula je EU da donese odluke bez presedana o sigurnosti, obrani i proširenju EU, te je počela šire oblikovati vanjsko djelovanje EU-e. Međutim, važno je naglasiti i kako će svejedno povećanje fokusa na tvrdu moć te uzročno tome – povećanje geopolitičke uloge, Europska unija u novom svjetskom poretku sudjelovati primarno kao element preslagivanja. O tome koliko je ova tema relevantna nije potrebno dodatno pojašnjavati, stoga je znanstveni doprinos ovog rada viđen u tome da se do sada nije puno pisalo o jačanju europske tvrde moći te se potonje nije pretežito povezivalo s povećanjem uloge EU-e na međunarodnoj sceni obzirom na nedavne geopolitičke promijene. Jedan od razloga je dakako sama recentnost događaja, koja je ujedno i ograničenje ovog istraživanja koje je zahtijevalo značajne napore u pronalaženju odgovarajuće i „svježe“ literature te vjerodostojnih informacija. Kroz ovaj rad, pokušala se dati i autentična kritika na europske politike u području sigurnosti i obrane koje su do sada bile najslabije točke Europske unije kao i autorov uvid u trenutno stanje na međunarodnoj geopolitičkoj sceni. Koristeći ovo polazište, kao još jedan doprinos istraživanja, kreirane su svojevrsne smjernice koje su uključene u zaključku za daljnji kontinuiran i adekvatan razvoj europske vanjske politike te uz to tijesno vezanih politika u području sigurnosti i obrane., The diploma thesis „Common foreign and security policy of the European Union in the circumstances of the emergence of a new international order“ will try to move away from previous research in the field of European studies and International relations, and this according to the modality of the connection between the foreign policy of the European Union, more precisely, moves towards stronger power and the causal shift in the ranking of internationally influential actors. As stated earlier, previous researches similar to this have mainly focused on the analysis of practice, but also the determinants of EU policies „on paper“, whereby the Union is often criticized as slow, indecisive, impractical and disunited, especially when it comes to the adoption decision in the field of foreign policy. This paper elaborates a somewhat different position, which is based on the assumption that this time the Union responded with an unexpected speed (starting with the imposition of the harshest sanctions on Russia, and by sending direct military aid to Ukraine). Although the member states, as mentioned earlier in the paper, were still divided on the issue of relations with Russia on the eve of the invasion, since the beginning of the invasion, the European reaction came in a speed and scale that had not been seen before. EU member states rejected several long-standing policies and took steps that would normally have met with strong opposition from various quarters. Therefore, the justification of this work can be seen in the fact that the nature of this new pattern of European policies has not been particularly academically researched so far, and as a result there is a need for new research aimed at explaining what kind of geopolitical shifts resulted from the rearrangement of the global order of power that was triggered by the recent security crisis and the unprecedented European response to it. This graduate thesis tried to give an adequate answer to this question, that is, the question of whether there has been a „repositioning“ of the CSDP in the European Union due to the turmoil in the international order. „Common Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union in the circumstances of the emergence of a new international order“ was written because the study of the role of the European Union in the new global system is considered to be of great importance, primarily due to the fact that the Republic of Croatia is part of the European multilateral community and as such participates in its activities and feels the consequences of its decisions. In addition, the intriguing nature of international relations is visible in the very scientific coverage of this topic. The research „Common Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union in the circumstances of the emergence of a new international order“ can be categorized as an explanatory work. For the purposes of this work, a „small N“ design was used, more precisely a case study. Therefore, it is a question of qualitative research that is based on the observation of the characteristics of a phenomenon, phenomenon or example (N=1). The fundamental unit, at the same time the key case of this paper, is the Common Foreign and Security Policy of the EU. Data were collected from primary (EU documents) and secondary sources (scientific articles and internet sources) which were processed according to thematic / qualitative content analysis. The main thesis of this paper is that due to new circumstances – the upheaval of the world order caused by the Russian invasion of Ukraine, the European Union made a long-awaited turn in terms of a stronger Foreign and security policy. This security crisis prompted the EU to take unprecedented decisions on security, defense and EU enlargement, and began to shape the EU's external action more broadly. However, it is important to emphasize that regardless of the increase in focus on hard power and the consequent increase in geopolitical role, the European Union will participate primarily as an element of adjustment in the new world order. It is not necessary to further clarify how relevant this topic is, therefore the scientific contribution of this paper is seen in the fact that so far not much has been written about the strengthening of European hard power, and the latter was not predominantly associated with increasing the role of the EU on the international scene, considering recent geopolitical changes. One of the reasons is of course the very recentness of the event, which is also a limitation of this research that required significant efforts in finding appropriate and „fresh“ literature and credible information. Through this work, an attempt was made to provide an authentic critique of European policies in the field of security and defense, which have so far been the weakest point of the European Union, as well as the author's insight into the current situation on the international geopolitical scene. Using this starting point, as another contribution of the research, a kind of guidelines were created that are included in the conclusion for further continuous and adequate development of European foreign policy and closely related policies in the field of security and defense.
- Published
- 2022
11. Mehanizam kočnica i ravnoteže u oblikovanju američke vanjske politike
- Author
Badžek, Ivana and Luša, Đana
- Subjects
foreign policy ,The United States of America ,presude američkog Vrhovnog suda ,vanjska politika ,zakonodavni akti Kongresa ,Sjedinjene Američke Države ,mehanizam kočnica i ravnoteže ,the mechanism of Checks and Balances ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Political Science ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Politologija ,decisions made by the US Supreme Court ,Congress' legislative acts - Abstract
Vanjska politika važan je element svakog političkog sustava. Sama vanjska politika može biti oblikovana od strane domaćih i vanjskih aktera te kao takva i ona može, posljedično, oblikovati odnose između država u međunarodnom sustavu. Kako bi i unutarnja, ali i vanjska politika neke države bile uspješne važno je uspostavljanje balansa i kontrole među akterima koji sudjeluju u kreaciji, oblikovanju i provođenju iste. Glavna jedinica analize ovog rada su Sjedinjene Američke Države za koje se smatra da su predvodnice suvremenog svijeta. Ovaj se rad stoga bavi analizom mehanizma kontrola i ravnoteže u oblikovanju američke vanjske politike posredstvom zakonodavnih akata donesenih od strane Kongresa te presuda Vrhovnog suda SAD-a. Foreign policy is a quintessential element of every political system. Foreign policy can be shaped by the domestic and foreign actors, and, as such, it can, consequently, shape the relations between states in the international system. In order to have a functional and successful domestic and foreign policy, a state must establish a functional system of Checks and Balances between the actors that take part in the creation, shaping, and execution of the aforementioned policies. This paper's pain unit of analysis is the United States of America as they are viewed as a leader in today's modern world. Therefore, this paper describes and analyzes the mechanism of Checks and Balances in the shaping of the American foreign of the USA through the legislative acts passed by Congress and the decisions made by the Supreme Court of the USA.
- Published
- 2022
12. The Mechanism of Checks and Balances in the Shaping of the American Foreign Policy
- Author
Badžek, Ivana, Luša, Đana, Picula, Boško, and Kos-Stanišić, Lidija
- Subjects
foreign policy ,The United States of America ,presude američkog Vrhovnog suda ,vanjska politika ,zakonodavni akti Kongresa ,Sjedinjene Američke Države ,mehanizam kočnica i ravnoteže ,the mechanism of Checks and Balances ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Political Science ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Politologija ,decisions made by the US Supreme Court ,Congress' legislative acts - Abstract
Vanjska politika važan je element svakog političkog sustava. Sama vanjska politika može biti oblikovana od strane domaćih i vanjskih aktera te kao takva i ona može, posljedično, oblikovati odnose između država u međunarodnom sustavu. Kako bi i unutarnja, ali i vanjska politika neke države bile uspješne važno je uspostavljanje balansa i kontrole među akterima koji sudjeluju u kreaciji, oblikovanju i provođenju iste. Glavna jedinica analize ovog rada su Sjedinjene Američke Države za koje se smatra da su predvodnice suvremenog svijeta. Ovaj se rad stoga bavi analizom mehanizma kontrola i ravnoteže u oblikovanju američke vanjske politike posredstvom zakonodavnih akata donesenih od strane Kongresa te presuda Vrhovnog suda SAD-a., Foreign policy is a quintessential element of every political system. Foreign policy can be shaped by the domestic and foreign actors, and, as such, it can, consequently, shape the relations between states in the international system. In order to have a functional and successful domestic and foreign policy, a state must establish a functional system of Checks and Balances between the actors that take part in the creation, shaping, and execution of the aforementioned policies. This paper's pain unit of analysis is the United States of America as they are viewed as a leader in today's modern world. Therefore, this paper describes and analyzes the mechanism of Checks and Balances in the shaping of the American foreign of the USA through the legislative acts passed by Congress and the decisions made by the Supreme Court of the USA.
- Published
- 2022
13. Diplomatski pečat - sasvim osobno
- Author
Bandov, Goran, Perleta, Jelena, and Petrović, Ivana
- Subjects
diplomacija ,Hrvatska ,međunarodni odnosi ,priznanje ,vanjska politika - Abstract
Diplomatski pečat - sasvim osobno je monografija posvećena suvremenoj diplomatskoj povijesti Republike Hrvatske kroz kratke diplomatske priče kreatora i nositelja vanjske politike i diplomatskih aktivnosti Hrvatske od borbe za međunarodno priznanje do suvremenog razdoblja.
- Published
- 2022
14. Some Aspects of Political and Economic Relations between Yugoslavia and Ethiopia from 1975 to 1990 (Summary)
- Author
Markuš, Petar
- Subjects
Etiopija ,Jugoslavija ,Nesvrstani ,vanjska politika ,ekonomija ,projekt Nekemte - Abstract
Pokret nesvrstanih činio je okosnicu vanjske politike Jugoslavije tijekom Hladnoga rata. Kao jedna od osnivačica Pokreta, Jugoslavija je nastojala zadržati, koliko je to bilo moguće, ravnotežu unutar Pokreta u kojemu su bile zemlje različitih političkih opredjeljenja i sustava, od kojih su neke blisko surađivale sa suprotstavljenim blo- kovima predvođenim SAD-om i SSSR-om. Nakon etiopske revolucije 1974, kojom je svrgnut car Haile Sellasie, vlast je preuzelo vojno namjesničko vijeće Derg u kojemu će 1977. glavnu ulogu preuzeti marksističko ideološka opredijeljena struja predvođena Mengistuom Haile Meriamom. U ovome radu želimo istražiti kakvi su bili politički i ekonomski odnosi Etiopije i Jugoslavije, uključujući i gospodarske odnose SR Hrvatske s Etiopijom, od 1975. do 1990, kada će postupnim raspadom Jugoslavije i socijalističkih sustava polako kopniti i jugoslavenska uloga u pokretu nesvrstanih. Također, u radu će se prikazati i zajednički jugoslavensko-etiopski pro- jekt Nekemte koji se izvodio tijekom 1980-ih, čiji je cilj bio pokazati kako povećati poljoprivrednu proizvodnju u Etiopiji.
- Published
- 2022
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