14 results on '"práva"'
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- Subjects
FAIR trial ,PLEA bargaining ,PRESUMPTION of innocence ,CRIMINAL procedure ,HUMAN rights ,PREJUDICES - Abstract
The paper deals with the recent topic of plea bargaining in relation to the case-law of the European Court of Human Rights. It focuses on several areas in the Court's jurisprudence, which are waiver of the right to a fair trial, prejudice to the accused, the right to a defense, the speed of criminal proceedings, and finally, the presumption of innocence and group cases. The paper concludes with an assessment of whether the regulation of the plea bargaining procedure is in conformity with the jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
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3. The application of the legal principle of proportionality in the practice of social work.
- Author
Janebová, Radka
- Subjects
SOCIAL case work ,DECISION making ,LAW - Abstract
Copyright of European Journal of Social Work is the property of Routledge and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2023
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4. Insajderi ili autsajderi građanstva? Državljani, stranci i socijalno građanstvo u Hrvatskoj
- Author
Vedrana Baričević
- Subjects
državljanstvo ,građanstvo ,imigracija ,identitet ,prava ,etnifikacija ,Political science - Abstract
U radu se analiziraju politike državljanstva i imigracije u Hrvatskoj, s posebnim osvrtom na etnifikaciju i marketizaciju građanstva koja se odvija u posljednja tri desetljeća. Studija polazi od koncepta građanstva kao "diferenciranog članstva" koji pretpostavlja da su beneficije članstva nejednako raspoređene među različitim subjektima građanstva neovisno o njihovom formalnom državljanskom statusu i često u suprotnosti s dominantnim nacionalnim mitologijama. Po modelu Rogersa Brubakera i njegovog koncepta "socijalnog zatvaranja", studije državljanstva u Hrvatskoj dosad su se bavile problematikom etniciteta i formalnog članstva. Pri tome, etnicitet se poima kao ključna kategorija koja pretpostavlja stjecanje državljanstva i građanskih prava. Nasuprot tome, slijedeći pristup Brigdet Anderson, u ovom radu na etničko državljanstvo gledam kao političku strategiju kojom se održava mit da sudjelovanje u naciji nosi jasne simboličke i materijalne koristi članstva. Ovaj rad nastojat će pokazati da procesi komodifikacije djeluju protiv logike etnonacionalizma pa se građanska prava rastaču u korist tržišta, a na štetu ciljanih socioekonomskih skupina unutar (etno)nacionalne većine i manjina. Socijalno građanstvo koje Brubaker i literatura "socijalnog zatvaranja" zanemaruju kritično je za razumijevanje građanstva kao koncepta i društvene prakse.
- Published
- 2022
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- Author
Baričević, Vedrana
- Subjects
SOCIAL constructionism ,POLITICAL participation ,ETHNONATIONALISM ,GROUP process ,CITIZENSHIP ,MINORITIES ,EMIGRATION & immigration - Abstract
Copyright of Annals of the Croatian Political Science Association / Anali Hrvatskog Politoloskog Drustva is the property of Croatian Political Science Association and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2022
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6. Činnost odborové organizace u zaměstnavatele
- Author
Šmíd, Martin, Štveráková, Dominika, Šmíd, Martin, and Štveráková, Dominika
- Abstract
Bakalářská práce se zabývá oblastí odborové organizace a kolektivního vyjednávání. První část je zaměřena na právní úpravu, subjekty a formy kolektivních pracovněprávních vztahů. Popisuje také kolektivní vyjednávání, kolektivní smlouvy a kolektivní spory. V druhé části práce je analýza činnosti odborové organizace a doporučení pro jednotlivé strany kolektivního vyjednávání., The bachelor thesis deals with the field of trade union organization and collective bargaining. The first part is focused on legislation, subjects and forms of collective labor law. It also describes collective bargaining, collective agreements and collective disputes. The second part of the thesis contains an analysis of the trade union´s activities and recommendations for individual parties to collective bargaining., Fakulta ekonomicko-správní, Studentka přednesla obhajobu práce s názvem:Činnost odborové organizace u zaměstnavatele. Cílem práce je analyzovat činnost odborové organizace v rámci zaměstnavatele. V práci bude provedena deskripce právní úpravy činnosti odborové organizace se zaměřením na problematiku informování a projednávání záležitostí s odborovou organizací v rámci zaměstnavatele a na situace, kdy zaměstnavatel potřebuje k vybraným jednáním souhlas odborové organizace. Bude provedena analýza činnosti konkrétní odborové organizace u vybraného zaměstnavatele. Na základě zjištěných poznatků bude provedena syntéza a podány návrhy a doporučení pro praxi zaměstnavatele, příp. odborové organizace. Během rozpravy byl položen dotaz dle posudku vedoucího bakalářské práce: Otázka 1.:Má vypracování Vaší bakalářské práce nějaký konkrétní hmatatelný přínos pro odborovou organizaci či pro zaměstnavatele? Studentka na otázku reagovala. Následně byl během rozpravy položen doplňující dotaz: Otázka 2.: Jak je možné, že zaměstnanci nepobírají reálnou mzdu? Studentka na otázku reagovala. Závěry práce nejsou podloženy analýzou., Dokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobou
- Published
- 2023
7. Professional ethics as a source of ethical behavior of decision makers
- Author
Bogdanović, Ivona and Lacmanović, Sabina
- Subjects
svrha ,odluka ,morals ,zakon ,prava ,decision ,ethics ,kodeks ,moral ,etika ,profesionalna etika ,codex ,rights ,values ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Economics. Organization and Management ,professional ethics ,purpose ,law ,vrijednosti ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Ekonomija. Organizacija i menadžment - Abstract
Etika je znanost o moralu, definira način ponašanja ljudi. Profesionalna etika obuhvaća standarde, kodekse te pravila koja definiraju kako bi se trebali ponašati prilikom obavljanja svog posla. Kako bi se zaštitila prava čovjeka, postoje zakoni i pravila koji reguliraju poslovne djelatnosti. Svrha poslovne etike je zapravo ta da pokuša uskladiti te ostvariti odabrane ciljeve, misiju i viziju s onim unutar organizacije što već postoji i s onim prema čemu se krećemo. Imamo različite razine etike, a to su: društvena etika, osobna etika, radna, odnosno poslovna etika, organizacijska etika te profesionalna etika. Usporedba kodeksa odvjetnika i liječnika nam govori kako svaka profesija ima svoja pravila i načela koja zaposlenici moraju poštivati. Ethics is the science of morals and defines peoples behaviour. Professional ethics contains standards, codexes and rules which define how to behave during work. In order to ensure human rights, there are laws and rules which regulate business activities. The purpose of business ethics is to try to harmonize and achieve the selected goals, mission and vision with what exists within the organization and with what we are moving towards. There are different levels of ethics, which are: social ethics, business ethics and professional ethics. A comparison of the code of lawyers and doctors tells us that every professions has its own rules and norms that employees must follow.
- Published
- 2023
8. Percepcija medija i okoline osoba s invaliditetom
- Author
Kljuković, Antonela and Vojković, Goran
- Subjects
mediji ,prava ,osobe s invaliditetom ,terminologija ,djeca ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Informacijske i komunikacijske znanosti ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Information and Communication Sciences - Abstract
Pravni okvir pomaže u razvoju inkluzije te osvješćivanju društva o temi invaliditeta. U tome procesu pomažu i mediji, čiji će primjeri dobre prakse biti prikazani u radu, međutim imamo i puno primjera loše prakse. Zabrinjavajuća je činjenica da su dio loše prakse educirani novinari, koji već godinama rade u medijima te bi stoga trebali imati puno radnog iskustva. Kako se takvim' obrazovanim novinarima mogu uzastopno dogoditi iste pogreške, osobito prilikom upotrebe terminologije? Javne osobe, poput novinara, imaju veliki utjecaj na javnost i kreiranje javnog mnijenja te mišljenja okoline, stoga bi iz tog razloga trebali paziti kako izvještavaju ili intervjuiraju sugovornike. U ovom radu, želimo objasniti pitanja ophođenja medija prema osobama s invaliditetom i djeci s teškoćama u razvoju. Navest će se prakse ispravnog navođenja termina tijekom izvještavanja o osobama s invaliditetom, usporedno s primjerima loše prakse, uz pregled zakonskih okvira.
- Published
- 2022
9. Trends in Advocacy for the Rights of Children with Disabilities in Educational Settings
- Author
Zelić, Brigita and Romstein, Ksenija
- Subjects
education ,inclusion ,children ,djeca ,children’s rights ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Edukacijsko-rehabilitacijske znanosti. Inkluzivna edukacija i rehabilitacija ,teškoće u razvoju ,obrazovanje ,inkluzija ,developmental disabilities ,prava ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Education/Rehabilitation Sciences. Inclusive Education and Rehabilitation ,odgoj - Abstract
Djeca su s obzirom na njihovu psihičku i fizičku nezrelost često diskriminirana u društvu. Zbog zaštite djece i njihovih prava na Glavnoj skupštini Ujedinjenih naroda 20. studenog 1989., donesen je međunarodni dokument pod nazivom Konvencija o pravima djeteta. Konvencija o pravima djeteta sastoji se od 50 članaka koji govore o djeci i njihovim pravima. Prema UNESCO-u obrazovanje je od velike važnosti na društvenom području te ima dugotrajne ishode. Najveće UNESCO-ovo oruđe za postavljanje standarda u obrazovanju je Konvencija protiv diskriminacije u obrazovanju koja je utemeljena 1960. godine i do sada je usvojena od strane 107 država. To je prvi međunarodni dokument koji opširno pokriva pravo na obrazovanje i postavlja obvezujuću snagu u međunarodnom pravu. Obrazovanje djece s teškoćama određuje se Pravilnicima i Zakonima o obrazovanju kojima se utvrđuje vrsta teškoće učenika prema kojoj se određuje primjeren program školovanja. Za kvalitetnu primjenu odgojno-obrazovne inkluzije potrebna je promjena u stavovima, uvjerenjima, znanjima i umijećima razumijevanja potreba učenika. Cilj istraživačkog dijela je proučavanjem izvješća o radu pravobraniteljice za djecu steći uvid u kršenja prava djece i preporuke vezane uz poboljšanje odgoja i obrazovanja djece s teškoćama u razvoju. U posljednjih pet godina zabilježen je sve veći broj prijava na području odgoja i obrazovanja. Iz godine u godinu nastavlja se sa kršenjem prava djece s teškoćama u razvoju, a najveći broj prijava odnosi se na osnovnoškolsko obrazovanje. Kršenja prava se mahom odnose na izostanak podrške pomoćnika u nastavi, nedostatkom kompetencija odgojno-obrazovnih radnika, provedbe primjerenog oblika školovanja i dr. Pravobraniteljica za djecu svojim radom obavještava javnost o stanju prava djece te savjetuje djecu i njihove roditelje o načinu ostvarivanja i zaštite njihovih prava i interesa. Analiza izvješća implicira potrebu za jačanjem kompetencija učitelja u smjeru inkluzivnih pristupa u izravnom radu s djecom s teškoćama u razvoju. This paper focuses on the study of changes in the advocacy of the rights of children with disabilities over the past five years and the comparison of the work of the educational setting with education laws and regulations. The paper will discuss the fundamental rights of children, including the right of education for children with disabilities. The basic rights of children in education, which should be respected and applied in educational work, will be stated through the Act and the Regulation of the educational setting. The aforementioned rights will be compared to today's problems in the educational setting that have been reported to the Ombudsperson for Children’s Office. Children are often discriminated against in society due to their psychological and physical immaturity. Due to the protection of children and their rights, at the United Nations General Assembly on November 20, 1989, an international document called the Convention on the Rights of the Child was adopted. The Convention on the Rights of the Child consists of 50 articles that talk about children and their rights. According to UNESCO, education is of great importance in the social field and has long-lasting results. UNESCO's biggest instrument for setting standards in education is the Convention against Discrimination in Education, which was established in 1960 and has been adopted by 107 countries so far. It is the first international document that comprehensively covers the right to education and establishes a binding force in international law. The education of children with disabilities is determined by Regulations and Acts on Education, which determine the type of student's disability, according to which the appropriate education program is determined. By means of inclusion, students with disabilities are included in the regular education program. For the high-quality application of educational inclusion, a change in constitutions, beliefs, knowledge, and skills is needed, with the help of which we understand the different needs of students. The aim of the research is to study reports on the work of the ombudsperson for children to gain insight into violations of children's rights and recommendations related to improving the upbringing and education of children with disabilities. In the last five years, an increasing number of applications have been recorded in the field of education. Year after year, the rights of children with disabilities continue to be violated, and the largest number of reports refer to primary school education - in connection with teaching assistants, the lack of competence of educational workers, the implementation of an appropriate form of education, etc. In the last five years, an increasing number of applications have been recorded in the field of education. Year after year, the rights of children with disabilities continue to be violated, and the largest number of reports refer to primary school education - in connection with teaching assistants, the lack of competence of educational workers, the implementation of an appropriate form of schooling, etc. Through her work, the ombudsperson for children informs the public about the state of children's rights and advises children and their parents on how to exercise and protect their rights and interests.
- Published
- 2022
10. Moralna analiza slučaja Sherri Finkbine u svjetlu tomističkog moralnog nauka
- Author
Jelena Bućan and Ivan Bodrožić
- Subjects
pobačaj ,prava ,ljudski život ,moralni čin ,tomizam ,pobačaj ,ljudski život ,moralni čin, tomizam ,abortion ,rights ,human life ,moral act ,Thomism - Abstract
Autori u ovom radu, analizirajući slučaj Sherri Finkbine, majke koja je 1962. napravila pobačaj svoga djeteta, nastoje u svjetlu nauka svetoga Tome Akvinskog dati odgovore na pobačaj kao jedno od gorućih kontroverznih pitanja današnjice. Sam rad je podijeljen u tri poglavlja. U prvom uvodnom poglavlju autori najprije opisuju sam slučaj iznoseći činjenice i okolnosti u kojima se dogodio pobačaj pred očima javnosti. Nakon toga u drugom poglavlju prave moralnu raščlambu njezina čina u svjetlu tomističkog nauka, pogotovo zato što se u nekim krugovima od šezdesetih godina naovamo smatralo da je nauk svetoga Tome o stanju embrija mogao ići njoj u prilog. U tom smislu propitali su slučaj iz biološke, pravne i sociološke perspektive, ukazujući na ćudoredni nauk sv. Tome pri svakoj od navedenih stavki. Naposljetku u trećem poglavlju daju završnu teološku sintezu cijelog slučaja naglašjući, u svjetlu tomističke moralne teologije, da je Sherri pogriješila u prosudbi svoje savjesti, te time pogriješila u svom ćudorednom izboru, bez obzira na liječnike i javno mnijenje koje ju je podupiralo., By analyzing the case of Sherri Finkbine, a mother who had an abortion in 1962, the authors of this paper seek to answer some abortion-related questions in the light of the ethical teaching of St. Thomas Aquinas, as the abortion debate presents one of today’s most pressing controversial issues. The paper is divided into three parts. In the introductory part, the authors first describe the case itself by presenting the facts as well as the circumstances in which the abortion took place before the eyes of the public. Furthermore, in the second part, the authors make a moral analysis of Finkbine’s act in the light of Thomistic teaching, especially due to the fact that, in certain circles from the 1960s onwards, it was believed that St. Thomas’ teaching on the state of the embryo could work to Finkbine’s advantage. In that sense, the authors analyze the case through a biological, legal and sociological perspective, pointing to the Thomistic moral doctrine at each of the mentioned views. Lastly, the third part provides a final theological synthesis of the whole case, putting a strong emphasis, in the light of Thomistic teaching, on the fact that Sherri made a grave error in judgment of her own conscience and thus erred in her moral choices, regardless of the doctors and public opinion that supported her choice.
- Published
- 2022
11. Assistence to victims of crime
- Author
- Subjects
pomoc ,Help ,Sacrifice ,crimes ,Oběť ,práva ,right ,ženy ,trestné činy ,women - Abstract
Committing a crime always means a big change in the lives of both the victim and the perpetrator. The psychological and social aspects of the victim of crime are affected. This bachelor thesis is focused on helping victims of crime. The main goal of this thesis was to find out what opportunities to help women - victims of social work crime in České Budějovice. This thesis is divided into two parts, a theoretical and a research part. The theoretical part deals with the definition of basic concepts, the rights of particularly vulnerable victims and the difference between them in comparison with the rights of the injured party are also listed. A substantial part of the work is devoted to legislation, which analyzes the constitutional order of the Czech Republic (CR) and international law. The empirical part was performed on the basis of a qualitative research strategy, then the data were categorized. The technique of questioning using a semi-structured interview, which consisted of 13 open-ended questions, was used to obtain data. A total of three informants from the area of assistance to victims of crime in České Budějovice were contacted, who subsequently formed a research group. The analysis and interpretation of the obtained data revealed that social work in České Budějovice offers a wide range of opportunities to help women as victims of crime. The informants mentioned the possibilities of women and also informed about changes in provision due to the pandemic. The results of the research can serve to raise awareness of society, as well as an information source for workers in organizations helping women as victims of crime.
- Published
- 2022
12. Entmystifizierung des Konzepts des Rechts auf Gesundheit
- Author
Nedić, Tomislav
- Subjects
right to health ,health ,right ,legal rights ,law ,philosophy ,environment ,legal enforcement ,bioethics ,pravo na zdravlje ,zdravlje ,prava ,zakon ,filozofija ,okoliš ,pravna prisila ,bioetika ,droit à la santé ,santé, droit ,droit(s) légal(aux) ,loi ,philosophie ,environnement ,application légale ,bioéthique ,Recht auf Gesundheit ,Gesundheit ,Recht ,Rechtsanspruch (-ansprüche) ,Gesetz ,Philosophie ,Umwelt ,Rechtsdurchsetzung ,Bioethik - Abstract
In the world of rapid general-social development, due to the emergence of questions about new holders of legal rights and the emergence of new forms of legal rights in general, the discussion about moral and legal rights has always been, is and will be an increasingly topical issue. It is not, however, disputed that law per se, in enabling a wide range of legal rights, has always been centred around the issue of human life and health in the first place. The achievement of human welfare is undoubtedly predicated upon good health, and fostered by a unique “mechanism” – the right to health. Although we live in an era of great glorification of the cult and value of health (healthism), the current epoch raises a series of human-health-focused questions and controversies. However, the primary and very crucial question we can ask ourselves is – what would health even be? Precisely because of the great questionability of the above question, the protection of human health and the exercise of the right to health may represent one of the most challenging matters of law itself. The right to health, as a legal and inclusive right, epitomizes not only the rights asserted by human beings as such, but also environmental and nature protection as an inseparable denominator of the status of human health. Although prominent legal/political philosophers and theorists were pessimist about the realisation and enforcement of the right to (the highest attainable standard of) health, this paper elaborates on the possibility of its realisation, which largely depends on the way in which the concept of health is understood. Health should be understood exclusively as an idea-value category to be aspired to, as a should (sollen), by no means as a pure and categorical reflection of reality (sein). Given the inclusiveness specific to the legal right to health, which undoubtedly contains certain problematic elements, this paper aims to grasp and consider the right to health in its conceptual and normative entirety premised upon the following question: how does law protect human health and its constitutive elements? The same question invokes interesting interdisciplinary (legal and philosophical) points of view., U realitetu rapidnoga opće-društvenog razvoja, pojavom pitanja o novim nositeljima subjektivnih prava te prodiranjem novih oblika (subjektivnih) prava općenito, rasprava o moralnim i subjektivnim (pravnim) pravima oduvijek je bila, jest i biti će aktualna društvena komponenta. Neosporno je kako pravo i (humana) bioetika primarno vlastitu usredotočenost temelje zaštiti ljudskoga života i ozbiljenju vrhovnosti ljudskoga zdravlja. Postizanje cjelokupne ljudske dobrobiti nedvojbeno je uvjetovano imanentnošću dobroga zdravlja, a u suvremenome ga društvu omogućava jedinstveni »mehanizam« – pravo na zdravlje. Iako usredotočena kulturi zdravlja (healthism), trenutna epoha oksimoronski prostire seriju izazova i kontroverzi vezanih uz pitanje ljudskoga zdravlja i njegovoga očuvanja koja su osobito došla do izražaja tijekom COVID-19 krize. No apriorno pitanje koje se može postaviti jest – što bi to samo zdravlje uopće bilo? Upravo zato zaštita ljudskoga zdravlja i ostvarivanje prava na zdravlje jedno je od najzahtjevnijih problematika s kojim se pravo (u objektivnom smislu) može susresti. Pravo na zdravlje, kao subjektivno i prilično inkluzivno pravo, utjelovljuje ne samo prava koja su antropocentrički orijentirana, već i ona prava koja teže biocentričkoj zaštiti harmonije ravnoteže okoliša i prirode kao neodvojivih nazivnika stanja ljudskoga zdravlja. Iako su istaknuti (uglavnom anglosaksonski) politički i pravni filozofi bili pesimistični glede ostvarivanja i provedbe prava na (najviši dosežni standard) zdravlja, u ovome se radu nude mogućnosti njegova ostvarivanja, koje uvelike ovise o tome na koji se način koncept zdravlja uopće shvaća. Zdravlje bi trebalo biti razmatrano u vidu idejno-vrijednosne kategorije kojoj se teži (Sollen), bez umišljaja o čistoj i kategoričkoj refleksiji zbilje (Sein). S obzirom na inkluzivnost specifičnu za pravo na zdravlje, u ovome se radu nudi obradba i razmatranje prava na zdravlje u njegovoj pojmovnoj te normativnoj cjelini i opsegu polazeći od pitanja: kako pravo štiti ljudsko zdravlje i njegove konstitutivne elemente? Isto pitanje izaziva zanimljiva interdisciplinarna (prvenstveno pravna i filozofijska) gledišta., Wenngleich wir in einer Ära leben, in der der Kult und Wert der Gesundheit verherrlicht werden (Healthismus), wird eine Reihe von Fragen und Kontroversen hinsichtlich der menschlichen Gesundheit aufgeworfen. Die Erlangung des menschlichen Wohlergehens beruht auf guter Gesundheit und wird durch einen einzigartigen „Mechanismus“ gefördert – das Recht auf Gesundheit. Der Schutz der menschlichen Gesundheit und die Ausübung des Rechts auf Gesundheit stellen allerdings aufgrund des mangelnden Verständnisses dessen, was Gesundheit überhaupt ist, eine der größten Herausforderungen für das Recht selbst dar. Das Recht auf Gesundheit als gesetzliches und inklusives Recht verkörpert nicht nur die von menschlichen Wesen als solchen geltend gemachten Rechte, sondern auch den Umwelt- und Naturschutz als untrennbaren Nenner für den Status der menschlichen Gesundheit. Obwohl prominente Rechtsund Politikphilosophen und -theoretiker die Verwirklichung und Durchsetzung des Rechts auf (den höchsten erreichbaren) Gesundheitsstandard pessimistisch beurteilten, erklärt dieser Beitrag in extenso die Möglichkeit seiner Umsetzung, die weitgehend davon abhängt, wie der Gesundheitsbegriff aufgefasst wird. Gesundheit ist ausschließlich als anzustrebende Idee-WertKategorie, als Sollen und nicht im Entferntesten als reine und kategorische Widerspiegelung der Wirklichkeit (Sein) auszudeuten. Angesichts der dem Rechtsanspruch auf Gesundheit innewohnenden Inklusivität, die zweifellos einige problematische Elemente enthält, zielt dieser Artikel darauf ab, das Recht auf Gesundheit in seiner begrifflichen und normativen Gesamtheit zu erfassen und zu betrachten, wobei der Schwerpunkt auf der folgenden Frage liegt: Wie schützt das Recht die menschliche Gesundheit und deren konstituierende Elemente?, Bien que nous vivions dans une ère où le culte et la valeur de la santé sont glorifiées (santéisme), un certain nombre de questions et de controverses émergent sur la question de la santé humaine. L’accomplissement du bien-être de l’homme repose sur un bon état de santé et est encouragé par un unique « mécanisme » – le droit à la santé. Toutefois, la protection de la santé humaine et l’exercice du droit à la santé pose l’un des plus grands défis à la loi elle-même en raison du manque de compréhension face à ce qu’est réellement la santé. Le droit à la santé, en tant que droit légal et inclusif, n’incarne pas seulement les droits revendiqués par l’être humain comme tels, mais également les droits pour la protection de l’environnement et de la nature en tant que dénominateurs communs inséparables du statut de la santé de l’homme. Bien que d’éminents philosophes juridiques et politiques, ainsi que théoriciens, aient été pessimistes au regard de la réalisation et l’application du droit à (aux normes les plus élevées de) la santé, le présent travail élabore la possibilité de sa réalisation, qui dépend grandement de la manière dont le concept de santé est compris. La santé doit être exclusivement comprise comme une catégorie d’idée-valeur à laquelle il faut aspirer, comme un devoir (Sollen), et en aucun cas comme un reflet pur et catégorique de la réalité (Sein). Étant donné l’inclusion propre au droit légal à la santé, qui indubitablement contient quelques éléments problématiques, l’objectif de ce travail est d’appréhender et considérer le droit à la santé dans sa totalité conceptuelle et normative, en se concentrant sur la question suivante : Comment la loi protège-t-elle la santé humaine et ses éléments constitutifs ?
- Published
- 2022
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13. The Change of Social Position of Child in Society from the Modern Period to the Present
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- Subjects
history of childhood ,rodina ,childhood ,sociální práce ,výchova ,family ,school attendance ,historie dětství ,rights ,školní docházka ,upbringing ,vzdělávání ,práva ,dítě ,social work ,dětství ,children ,education ,postavení dítěte - Abstract
In my bachelor's thesis I will deal with the transformation of the child's social status in society from the modern period to the present. Important sub-topics here are family, upbringing, school attendance and education, social work with the child and the rights of the child. The work raises the question of the influence of contemporary conditions on the position of the child and observes how over the last few centuries there has been a growing systemic interest in issues related to children and childhood as a distinctive period of human life. The historical point of view makes it possible to capture not only the gradual change in the child's position in society, but also to map its causal circumstances, in which the role of religion, the influence of science and contemporary authorities or the power of folk traditions and customs participate. In this context, social work with children and the issue of children's rights are addressed.
- Published
- 2022
14. Character of decisions on claims for compensation for non-pecuniary damage on the basis of the right to protection of personality
- Author
Jandová, Hana
- Subjects
nemajetkové ,újmy ,osobnosti ,compensation ,injury ,personality ,rights ,náhrada ,ochrana ,non-pecuniary ,decision ,protection ,práva - Abstract
Článek se zabývá následkem uplatnění nároků na náhradu nemajetkové újmy z titulu práva na ochranu osobnosti. Jeho primárním cílem je nalézt odpověď na otázku, zda jsou rozhodnutí o těchto nárocích konstitutivní nebo deklaratorní povahy. Správná klasifikace rozhodnutí o nárocích na náhradu nemajetkové újmy má význam nejen teoretický, ale i z hlediska právní jistoty a správného rozsahu žalobního nároku. The article deals with the consequences of claims for compensation for non-pecuniary damage under the right to protection of personality. Its primary aim is to answer the question whether the decisions on these claims are constitutive or declaratory in nature. The correct classification of decisions on claims for non-pecuniary damage is not only of theoretical importance, but also of importance in terms of legal certainty and the correct scope of the claim. The article deals with the consequences of claims for compensation for non-pecuniary damage under the right to protection of personality. Its primary aim is to answer the question whether the decisions on these claims are constitutive or declaratory in nature. The correct classification of decisions on claims for non-pecuniary damage is not only of theoretical importance, but also of importance in terms of legal certainty and the correct scope of the claim.
- Published
- 2022
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