3 results on '"fokus grupa"'
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2. Interpretation of Performances of Femininity in Music Videos: Focus Groups of High School Students
- Author
Lešić, Stela and Dremel, Anita
- Subjects
seksualizacija ,glazbeni video spotovi ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Sociologija. Posebne sociologije ,music videos ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Sociology. Specific Sociologies ,fokus grupa ,focus groups ,interpretacija ,sexualization ,objektivizacija ,interpretation ,objectivization - Abstract
Utjecaj je popularne kulture na mlade dobro opisano i istraženo mjesto u literaturi, no politika prikaza ženskosti ima ambivalentno mjesto u rasponu od emancipacijskih do porobljavajućih interpretacija seksualiziranih izvedbi ženskosti. Zato postoji potreba za lokalnim empirijskim istraživanjima konkretnih interpretacija popularno kulturnih slika, narativa i diskursa kod različitih društvenih skupina. Ciljevi su ovoga istraživanja mapirati osnovne teme, argumente i načine pregovora koji se pojavljuju kada srednjoškolci u fokusnim skupinama interpretiraju nekoliko video spotova popularnih pjesama u Hrvatskoj, s posebnim fokusom stavljenim na izvedbe ženskosti. U radu će se prikazati pregled relevantne literature u kojoj se govori o razvoju glazbenih video spotova, kao i o ženskosti, rodnim stereotipima i rodnim ulogama, na koji način ih učimo te gdje nam se sve prikazuju. Nadalje, rad donosi prikaz žena u medijima te ukazuje na seksualizaciju žena u glazbenim video spotovima i potkrjepljuje primjerima. U radu se također analizira literatura o utjecaju glazbenih spotova na mlade, vođeno pitanjem na koji se način mladi identificiraju sa svojim idolima i likovima iz glazbenih video spotova te se prikazuju primjeri toga kako mladi vide tipičnu pjevačicu. Kako bismo mapirali osnovne teme i narative u istraživanju su se koristile fokusne skupine u kojima su sudjelovali srednjoškolci u dobi od 16 godina s područja Đakova. Sudionicima su prikazana tri glazbena video spota o kojima se raspravljalo prema prethodno osmišljenom vodiču za pitanja. Rezultati pokazuju da se kao najčešće teme u raspravama srednjoškolaca o izvedbama ženskosti u glazbenim video spotovima pojavljuju objektivizacija i seksualizacija žena te muškarci kao ciljana publika. U raspravi o značenju prikupljenih podataka naglasak se stavlja na pitanje utjecaja na mlade. The influence of popular culture on young people is a well-described and researched place in literature, but the politics of the representation of femininity has an ambivalent place, ranging from emancipatory to enslaving interpretations of sexualized performances of femininity. That is why there is a need for local empirical research on concrete interpretations and reception of popular cultural images, narratives, and discourses among different social groups. The goals of this research are to map the basic themes, arguments and ways of negotiation that appear when high school students in focus groups interpret several music videos of popular songs in Croatia, with a special focus on the performance of femininity. The paper will present an overview of relevant literature that talks about the development of music videos, as well as femininity, gender stereotypes, gender roles, how we learn them, and where everything is shown to us. Furthermore, the paper presents the portrayal of women in the media and points to the sexualization of women in music videos and supports it with examples. The paper also analyses the literature on the influence of music videos on young people, guided by the question of how young people identify with their idols and characters from music videos, and shows examples of how young people see a typical female singer. To map the basic themes and narratives, the research uses focus groups in which high school students aged 16 from the Đakovo area participated. Participants were shown three music videos that were discussed according to a previously designed question guide. The results show that the objectification and sexualization of women and men as the target audience appear as the most common topics in the discussions of high school students about the performances of femininity in music videos. In the discussion about the meaning of the collected data, emphasis is placed on the issue of impact on young people.
- Published
- 2022
3. Budućnost pedagoškog odnosa u dječjem vrtiću
- Author
Bučević, Petra and Varga, Rahaela
- Subjects
pedagoški odnos ,SOCIAL SCIENCES. Pedagogy ,futures studies ,pedagogical relation ,relacijska pedagogija, pedagoški odnos, istraživanje budućnosti, fokus grupa ,istraživanje budućnosti ,relational pedagogy ,fokus grupa ,focus group ,DRUŠTVENE ZNANOSTI. Pedagogija ,relacijska pedagogija - Abstract
Odnose među ljudima u odgoju i obrazovanju proučava relacijska pedagogija. Pedagoški odnos je odnos između djeteta i odgojitelja u odgojno obrazovnom kontekstu, a u ovom radu je definiran kroz različite dimenzije. Uvažavajući te dimenzije, provedeno je istraživanje anticipiranja budućnosti pedagoškog odnosa sa studentima preddiplomskog i diplomskog studija ranog i predškolskog odgoja i obrazovanja. Istraživanja budućnosti imaju vrijednost za (buduće) odgojitelje, ali i za sve sudionike odgojno-obrazovnog procesa. Istraživanje je rađeno metodom fokus grupa, na uzorku od ukupno 32 sudionika. Uočene su sličnosti u anticipiranju budućnosti pedagoškog odnosa koje studenti obje skupine planiraju ostvariti u pedagoškoj praksi. U scenarijima budućnosti najviše su promišljali o implementiranju pedagoškog autoriteta i dječjem pristajanju uz autoritet, te pedagoškom taktu, kao dimenzijama pedagoškog odnosa. Kvaliteta pedagoškog odnosa bitan je čimbenik djelotvornosti odgojno-obrazovnog procesa, te ju je potrebno aktivno kritički razmatrati, istraživati i analizirati. Human relations in education are studied by relational pedagogy. Pedagogical relation refers to a relations established between an educator and a child in an educational context, and in this paper it is determined by various dimensions. While taking those dimensions into account, research was conducted to investigate the anticipation of the pedagogical relations in the future among the students of early and preschool education on different educational levels (BA and MA levels). Futures studies have value for (future) educators, but also for all participants in the educational process. The research was conducted in focus groups with a total of 32 participants. Among both groups of students, similarities were found in their manner of anticipating the future of the pedagogical relations, which the students of both groups plan to realize in pedagogical practice. In the scenario planning of the future, they mostly thought about the implementation of pedagogical authority and children's compliance with authority, as well as pedagogical tact, as dimensions of the pedagogical relationship. The quality of the pedagogical relations is an important factor in the effectiveness of the educational process, and it is necessary to actively and critically research it.
- Published
- 2022
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