Background: Prior to 1970, women authored or co-authored a variety of eponymously named psychometric tests predominately in children and young adults with developmental and behavioral disorders. Gaps remain in understanding and appreciating the extent of their contributions to these psychometric tests. Methods: Two authors adjudicated psychometric tests in the text, Tests in Print, to identify those eponymously named after women. To be eligible for this study, the psychometric test title must contain the name of a woman and be published prior to 1970. If a woman published more than one eponymously named test, the earliest one, if available, was chosen to be included in this study. A search for individual and a combination of related Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) keywords of the “name of the women author” and “name of the test” was performed using the Google web browser, PubMed, APA PsycNet, and APA PsycInfo from inception to August 1, 2021. Further papers were identified using bibliographic search from source papers and reference books. Results: Three hundred eighty-six eponymously named psychometric tests were identified, with 124 (32%) of them named in whole or in part by or for a woman. Of these 124 psychometric tests, 93 represent unique women’s names. Before 1970, there were twenty-three (19%) eponymously named psychometric tests with women, with twenty-one (17%) representing unique women’s names. Conclusion: These tests were published by women whereby they served either as a single author or in collaboration with others or their spouse. In the latter case, the woman’s name universally appeared after their husband’s name. In only a few cases, are these women’s names well-referenced in biographical source materials. These women made essential contributions to the development and revision of psychometric tests and the field of psychology in general.