16 results on '"Mornar, Vedran"'
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2. Ranking model for dormitory admission process
- Author
Mlinarić, Danijel, Mornar, Vedran, and Dončević, Juraj
- Subjects
stable marriage problem , matching , student ranking , dormitory admission ,ComputingMilieux_COMPUTERSANDEDUCATION - Abstract
The process of enrolling students in dormitories corresponds to the stable marriage problem, where students and dormitories are matched as two sets. Applying the Gale-Shapley deferred acceptance algorithm ensures a condition of stability where students enroll in their highest priority dormitories while dormitories enroll students according to students’ scores. In comparison with the application for admission in schools and colleges, the dormitory admission process divides the set of students by gender into two subsets. Therefore, there are two sub-quotas for each dormitory, one for each subset of students. In this paper, we present a ranking model for the admission process based on the modified deferred acceptance algorithm. The experimental results show that the proposed model is suitable for the admission process based on the process’ requirements.
- Published
- 2022
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3. Primjena automatskog monitoringa zaslanjivanja voda i tla u dolini rijeke Neretve
- Author
Marko, Reljić, Zovko, Monika, Bubalo Kovačić, Marina, Kuspilić, Neven, Gilja, Gordon, Mornar, Vedran, Bagić Babac, Marina, Romić, Davor, Biondić, Danko, and Holjević, Danko
- Subjects
klimatske promjene, delta, intruzija mora, monitoring, zaslanjivanje, senzori - Abstract
Podizanje razine mora jedna je od najznačajnijih posljedica klimatskih promjena čime se intenziviraju procesi intruzije morske vode u obalna područja. Iako se problem prodora mora i zaslanjivanja površinskih i podzemnih voda javlja u cijelom priobalnom području Republike Hrvatske, ti procesi posebno su izraženi u dolini rijeke Neretve. Glavni cilj projekta DELTASAL je razviti i primijeniti napredni sustav praćenja, predviđanja i izvješćivanja o stanju agroekosustava doline Neretve koji se dominantno koristi za poljoprivredu. Kontinuiranim mjerenjima s većeg broja instaliranih mjernih postaja i senzora u visokoj vremenskoj rezoluciji prikupit će se veliki broj podataka. Prikupljeni podaci dostupni su dionicima projekta kroz razvijeni višejezični programski sustav, a mogu se koristiti kao smjernice u planiranju budućeg načina gospodarenja hidromelioracijskim sustavom riječne delte i planiranja poljoprivredne proizvodnje. Napredne znanstvene i informacijske tehnike i tehnologije za prikupljanje i pohranu podataka te njihovu statističku obradu i modeliranje bit će korišteni za izradu prognostičkih modela temeljenih na stohastičkim procesima i strojnom učenju za predviđanje promjena unutar ugroženih agroekosustava kao što su riječne delte, a koje su pod izravnim pritiskom klimatskih promjena.
- Published
- 2022
4. Utilizing Artificial Intelligence (AI) to Develop Soil Health Index for Salinized Coastal Agricultural Land.
- Author
Romic, Marija, Mornar, Vedran, Reljic, Marko, Slapnicar, Andrej, Babac, Marina Bagic, and Romic, Davor
- Subjects
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MACHINE learning , *SALTWATER encroachment , *SUSTAINABLE agriculture , *WATER quality monitoring , *FARMS , *SOIL salinity - Abstract
Romic, M.; Mornar, V.; Reljic, M.; Slapnicar, A.; Bagic Babac, M., and Romic, D., 2024. Utilizing artificial intelligence (AI) to develop soil health index for salinized coastal agricultural land. In: Phillips, M.R.; Al-Naemi, S., and Duarte, C.M. (eds.), Coastlines under Global Change: Proceedings from the International Coastal Symposium (ICS) 2024 (Doha, Qatar). Journal of Coastal Research, Special Issue No. 113, pp. 225-229. Charlotte (North Carolina), ISSN 0749-0208. The fertile soils found in delta regions globally are critical for food production, but the increase in sea level and the intrusion of saltwater into aquifers affect the soil health and agricultural sustainability. In the Eastern Adriatic coast in Croatia, particularly in its southern part, the shortage of water, severe droughts, and anomalous weather events in recent decades have become the main constraints on efficient agricultural productivity. The Neretva River delta has been converted to agricultural land through numerous and extensive reclamation projects resulting in the creation of polder-type agricultural land. Generally, the surface-water levels within polder-type land are artificially maintained and controlled by a network of drainage canals, pumping stations, and sluice-gate complexes, which are used to release water into the sea. The potential of AI to assist in developing informed management practices in promoting soil health in agriculture was tested using data of long-term soil and water quality monitoring. A sophisticated sensor system has been developed, providing continuous collection of data on soil and water salinity at hourly intervals, with more frequent updates occurring every ten minutes in select locations. This data is seamlessly transmitted to a centralized database, serving as a robust storage solution for comprehensive data analysis using AI. Through the collection and analysis of data, machine learning models were developed, implemented, and evaluated to identify the most effective model. In addition, ongoing monitoring allows the models to continuously learn and improve over time as new data becomes available. Optimal AI models should help farmers to adjust management practice, particularly irrigation, in accordance with the current soil and water quality condition. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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5. Multi-threaded message broker
- Author
Ružić, Josipa and Mornar, Vedran
- Subjects
TECHNICAL SCIENCES. Computing ,TEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI. Računarstvo - Abstract
- Published
- 2022
6. Network system for organizing the business of a printing company
- Author
Stojak, Mia and Mornar, Vedran
- Subjects
Aplikacija ,network logs ,Application ,TECHNICAL SCIENCES. Computing ,TEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI. Računarstvo ,NET [ASP] ,C # ,mrežna evidencija ,C# - Abstract
Izraditi sustav za organizaciju poslovanja tiskarske tvrtke u .NET tehnologiji. Sustav obuhvaća aplikaciju nad bazom podataka koja će omogućiti praćenje uvozno izlaznih dobara tiskarske tvrtke kao i evidencija dobivenih odnosno izvezenih dobara. Korisnici sustava ovisno o svojim funkcionalnim zahtjevima moći će dodavati, izvršavati i micati poslove, također imat će prikaz informacija koje su bitne pri obavljanju istih ili ostavljanje povratnih informacija kao i analizu uvozno izvoznih dobara. Na poslužiteljskoj strani koristit ću C# a i na strani klijenta HTML i CSS odnosno ASP.NET MVC(Model - View - Controller) radni okvir. Develop a system for organization of the business of a printing company in .NET technology. The system includes an application over a database that will be enable to monitor import and export goods of the printing company as well as records of received or exported goods. Depending on their functional requirements, users will be able to add, execute and move jobs, they will also have a display of information that is important in performing the same or leaving feedback as well as an analysis of import-export goods. On the server side I will use C # and on the client side HTML and CSS or ASP.NET MVC (Model - View - Controller) framework.
- Published
- 2022
7. Online cinema ticket purchase system
- Author
Pavel, Dominik and Mornar, Vedran
- Subjects
PostgreSQL ,Poslužiteljska strana ,Web-aplikacija ,TECHNICAL SCIENCES. Computing ,Web-stranica ,Klijentska strana ,TEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI. Računarstvo ,Web-application ,Web-page ,Spring Boot ,Vue.js ,Back-end server ,Front-end - Abstract
Ovaj rad se bavi izgradnjom mrežnog sustava za kupovinu ulaznica za kino. U početku je opisan problem kojim se ona bavi, te su objašnjeni zahtjevi sustava. Zatim su navedene i objašnjene pojedine tehnologije korištene za izradu ovog rada, nakon čega slijedi detaljan opis arhitekture rješenja kroz sva 3 glavna modula. Nakon toga su prikazani neki primjeri API poziva, zatim je opisan rad sustava uz pomoć slika, te upute za korištenje. This paper deals with the construction of an online system for the purchase of cinema tickets. Initially, the problem it deals with is described, and the system requirements are explained. Then, the individual technologies used to create this paper are listed and explained, followed by a detailed description of the solution architecture through all 3 main modules. After that, some examples of API calls are shown, after which the operation of the system with the help of images is described, as well as instructions for use.
- Published
- 2022
8. Application of blockchain technologies
- Author
Marević, Ivan and Mornar, Vedran
- Subjects
blockchain ,ECDSA ,pametni ugovori ,SHA-256 ,TECHNICAL SCIENCES. Computing ,TEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI. Računarstvo ,kriptovaluta ,smart contracts ,proof-of-state ,blockhain ,proof-of-state [proof-of-work] ,proof-of-work ,cryptocurrency - Abstract
Primjena blockchain tehnologija u elektroničkom glasovanju je rad čiji je glavni cilj bio čitatelju pružiti uvid u koncept blockchaina, što je točno taj izraz, koje su potencijalne prednosti i nedostatci ovih tehnologija te budućeg potencijala ove grane IT industrije. Obrađeni su pojmovi kao što su kriptovalute, proof-of-work, proof-of-stake, pametni ugovori, algoritmi poput SHA-256 te ECDSA. Osim toga, pokazane su primjene blockchain tehnologija u kontekstu velikih korporacija, ali i na razini individualnog korisnika interneta. Osim primjena, obrađeni su i rizici korištenja ovakvih tehnologija te podložnost prevarama i ilegalnim radnjama. Praktični dio rada je obradio programski jezik za pametne ugovore kao što je Solidity te knjižnice, pakete poput HardHata i MetaMask ekstenzije za web preglednik. Ostvarena je aplikacija za elektronsko glasanje u kojoj se može putem blockchain mreže verificirati vjerodostojnost jednostavnih izbora u kojima korisnik bira jednu od nekoliko ponuđenih opcija. The application of blockchain technologies in electronic voting is a masters thesis whose main goal was to provide the reader with an insight into the concept of blockchain, meaning of that term, what are the potential advantages and disadvantages of these technologies and the future potential of this branch of IT industry. Terms such as cryptocurrencies, proof-of-work, proof-of-stake, smart contracts, algorithms such as SHA-256 and ECDSA, are covered. In addition, the applications of blockchain technologies is described in the context of large corporations, but also at the level of individual Internet users, are shown. In addition to implementation of blockchain, the risks of using such technologies and susceptibility to fraud and illegal activities are also addressed. The practical part of the paper dealt with a programming language for smart contracts called Solidity, libraries and packages such as HardHat and MetaMask extensions for the web browser. An electronic voting application has been created in which the authenticity of simple choices in which the user chooses one of several offered options can be verified via a blockchain network.
- Published
- 2022
9. The client side of the family organization system
- Author
Škarpa, Leo and Mornar, Vedran
- Subjects
obaveze ,obitelj ,family ,React Native ,TECHNICAL SCIENCES. Computing ,TEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI. Računarstvo ,kalendar ,calendar ,commitments ,Expo ,organizacija ,organization - Abstract
Svi znamo koliko je teško organizirati vrijeme unutar obitelji. Ova aplikacija ima cilj to olakšati. Korisnicima koji su članovi iste obitelji se nudi korištenje zajedničkog kalendara kako bi lakše organizirali sebe i bolje rasporedili svoje obaveze. Korisnici mogu pregledavati sve obaveze, dodavati nove i mijenjati podatke starih, te uključiti druge članove na obaveze. U ovom radu opisane su trenutne i buduće funkcionalnosti te arhitektura cijelog sustava. We all know how difficult it is to organize time within the family. This app aims to make it easier. Users who are members of the same family are offered the use of a shared calendar to help organize themselves and better schedule their responsibilities. Users can view all appointments, add new responsibilities, change old ones, and include other members in them. This paper describes current and future functionalities as well as the architecture of the entire system.
- Published
- 2022
10. Movie database search system
- Author
Žura, Marko and Mornar, Vedran
- Subjects
poslužiteljska strana ,user interface ,movie search web application ,TECHNICAL SCIENCES. Computing ,TEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI. Računarstvo ,React ,Spring Boot ,web aplikacija za pretraživanje filmova ,korisničko sučelje ,server side ,baza podataka ,database - Abstract
U završnom radu napravljena je samostalna web aplikacija za pretraživanje filmova, za koju smo morali definirati bazu podataka koja radi s filmovima i detaljima vezanim za filmove kako bi omogućili korisnicima pretraživanje filmova. Korisničko sučelje je implementirano dosta detaljno kako bi korisnicima boravak na web stranici bio što ugodniji i zanimljiviji jer je riječ o aplikaciji koju će upotrebljavati svakodnevni neprofesionalni korisnici. Uz pomoć kontrolera smo na poslužiteljskoj strani lako manipulirali mapiranjima za pojedine web adrese. Prvo je napravljena baza podataka kao temelj aplikacije, iz koje ćemo potom manipulirati podacima te ih prikazivati korisnicima na klijentskoj strani. Potom smo implementirali sve zamišljene stavke i funkcionalnosti u aplikaciji koje smo sebi zadali kao zadatak, pišući kod u Spring Bootu i Reactu. In the final thesis, a standalone web application for movie search was created, for which we had to define a database that works with movies and movie-related details to allow users to search for movies. The user interface has been implemented in great detail to make users' stay on the website as pleasent and interesting as possible, because it i san application that will be used by everyday non-professional users. With the help of a controller, we easily manipulated the mapping for individual web adresses on the server page. First, a database was created as the basis of the application, from which we will then manipulate the data and display it to users on client side. We then implemented all the imagined goals and functionalities that we set at the start of the final thesis, writing code in Spring Boot and React.
- Published
- 2022
11. Image publishing system on the Internet
- Author
Radović, Matija and Mornar, Vedran
- Subjects
fotografija ,web page ,objava slika ,image publishing ,TECHNICAL SCIENCES. Computing ,web aplikacija ,TEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI. Računarstvo ,web stranica ,web application ,photography - Abstract
U završnom radu izrađena je web stranica za plasiranje i recenziju fotografija. Stranica pruža svim ljubiteljima fotografije da pokažu svoje kreativne fotografije i da pogledaju tuđe. Stranica omogućava pregled i recenziju fotografija, komentiranje i uređivanje fotografija . Također omogućava komunikaciju između korisnika i pretraživanje korisnika te pregled najboljih korisnika. Za rješenje korišten je HTML (engl. HyperText Markup Language) te za izgled CSS (engl. Cascading Style Sheets). Za određene funkcije je korišteni JavaScript, te za bazu podataka SQL (engl. Structured Query Language). Za Izradu backend dijela web stranice korišten je Python programski jezik. In this thesis, web page for image placement and image review was created. This web application provides all lovers for fotography to show their creative photographs and to look at other people photos. Web application provides review of photographs, comments and editing of images. It also provides communication between users, user search and table with best users. The application was created with HTML (engl. HyperText Markup Language) and CSS (engl. Cascading Style Sheets). For specific functions JavaScript was used and for database SQL (engl. Structured Query Language). For backend part of web application Python was used.
- Published
- 2022
12. IoT device monitoring implemented in the reactive software paradigm
- Author
Kovač, Karlo and Mornar, Vedran
- Subjects
reaktivno programiranje ,RSocket ,TECHNICAL SCIENCES. Computing ,TEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI. Računarstvo ,reactive programming ,Project Reactor ,reactive system ,reaktivni sustav - Abstract
Rad se osvrće na problem pri implementiranju raspodijeljenog programskog sustava te kako kvalitetnije implementirati sustav u cijelosti. Predložena rješenja proizašla su iz desetljeća iskustva eksperta u domenama računalnih mreža, a rad primjenjuje arhitekturu na razinu sustava nadzora sustava od kritične važnosti. Kako bi uspjeli razviti otporan nadzor potrebno je pratiti prijedloge koje su izneseni u sklopu reaktivnih sustava, a pri implementiranju takvog sustava od pomoći su nam iznesene apstrakcije i protokoli koji cijeli proces čine pristupačnim i razumljivijim. The paper deals with the problem of implementing a distributed software system and how to better implement the system as a whole. The proposed solutions are derived from a decade of experience from experts in the domains of computer networks, and the work is applied architecture at the level of the monitoring system of critical importance. In order to develop resiliant control, it is necessary to follow the proposals presented within the reactive systems, and in the implementation of such a system, abstractions and protocols that help make the whole process approachable and understandable.
- Published
- 2022
13. Sports equipment web-shop
- Author
Cerovac, Patrik and Mornar, Vedran
- Subjects
PostgreSQL ,TECHNICAL SCIENCES. Computing ,TEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI. Računarstvo ,Spring Boot ,Back-end ,Web shop ,Web trgovina ,Vue.js ,Front-end - Abstract
U ovom radu je napravljena Web trgovina za sportske opremu. Prvo je opisan problem, nakon toga su objašnjene tehnologije (PostgreSQL, Spring Boot, Node.js, Vue.js) koje su korištene za izgradnju Web aplikacije. Nakon toga slijedi opis i struktura baze podataka. U završnom dijelu rada su prikazani neki API pozivi i opisan je rad sustava i kako se taj sustav koristi. In this paper, a Web store for sports equipment was created. The problem is described first, after that the technologies (PostgreSQL, Spring Boot, Node.js, Vue.js) that were used to build the Web application are explained. This is followed by a description and structure of the database. The final part of the paper presents some API calls and describes the operation of the system and how the system is used.
- Published
- 2022
14. The server side of the family organization system
- Author
Bugarin, Filip and Mornar, Vedran
- Subjects
PostgreSQL ,TECHNICAL SCIENCES. Computing ,poslužitelj ,server ,TEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI. Računarstvo ,organizacija obitelji ,Spring Boot ,backend ,family organization ,Java - Abstract
Ovaj rad predstavlja poslužiteljsku stranu mobilne aplikacije za organizaciju obitelji. Primarni cilj je olakšati pregled obaveza u obitelji i omogućiti stvaranje novih obaveza članovima obitelji. U prvom poglavlju rada objašnjeni su funkcijski zahtjevi aplikacije. Nakon čega su opisane funkcionalnosti u drugom poglavlju. Treće poglavlje opisuje arhitekturu poslužiteljske strane aplikacije i na kraju je objašnjeno kako je sve implementirano i koje tehnologije su korištene pri izradi poslužitelja (Java Spring Boot, PostgreSQL) This paper represents the backend development of a mobile application for family organization. The primary goal is to facilitate the the review of family responsibilities and enable the creation of new responsibilities for family members. The first chapter of the paper explains the functional requirements of the application. After that, the fuctionalities are described in the second chapter. The third chapter descrives the architecture of the server side of the application. In the final chapter it is explained how everything is implemented and what technologies were used to build the server (Java, Spring Boot, PostgreSQL)
- Published
- 2022
15. Item ordering system
- Author
Lokin, Lara and Mornar, Vedran
- Subjects
JavaScript ,HTML ,Thymeleaf ,TEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI. Računarstvo ,Klijent ,Liquibase ,components ,PostgreSQL ,mikrousluge ,komponente ,Server ,microservices ,TECHNICAL SCIENCES. Computing ,React ,SpringBoot ,RabbitMQ ,Poslužitelj ,Client ,Java ,CSS - Abstract
Cilj ovog rada je načiniti sustav u kojem kupci mogu pretraživati, naručivati i ocjenjivati artikle. Sustav treba imati administracijsko sučelje u kojem osoblje dućana uređuje ponudu i pripadne kataloge, te javno sučelje u kojem kupci ažuriraju svoju košaricu za kupnju te obavljaju narudžbe. U sustavu treba implementirati notifikacije i podsjetnike putem elektroničke pošte. U pozadini treba biti sustav za upravljanje bazom podataka Postgres te programski okvir Spring, a na korisničkoj strani treba koristiti programski okvir React. The aim of this paper is to create a system in which customers can search, order and rate items. The system should have an administrative interface in which the store staff edits the offer and related catalogs, and a public interface in which customers update their shopping cart and place orders. Notifications and reminders via e-mail should be implemented in the system. The Postgres database management system and the Spring software framework should be in the background, and the React framework should be used on the user page.
- Published
- 2022
16. Library system
- Author
Ljubić, Vlaho and Mornar, Vedran
- Subjects
React.js ,TECHNICAL SCIENCES. Computing ,web aplikacija ,library management ,TEHNIČKE ZNANOSTI. Računarstvo ,upravljanje knjižnicom ,web application ,Node.js - Abstract
Tema ovog završnog rada je izrada sustava za upravljanje knjižnicom. U uvodnom dijelu opisuje se problem i način njegovog rješavanja. Nakon toga u drugom dijelu rada opisuju se tehnologije korištene pri izradi ovog sustava. Klijentski dio sustava izgrađen je JavaScript bibliotekom React.js te koristeći HTML i CSS. U segmentu o poslužiteljskom dijelu sustava govori se o Node.js-u koji s bazom komunicira koristeći Sequelize te za izradu web poslužitelja koristi Express.js. U dijelu o bazi podataka opisana je arhitektura sustava i modeli dok su u dijelu programske potpore objašnjeni obrasci uporabe. Na kraju se nalazi poglavlje o izgrađenom sustavu u kojem je sustav objašnjen iz perspektive korisnika. The topic of this final paper is constructing the system for library management. In opening section problem is described and explanation of its solution is given. Next chapter contains technologies used while constructing this system. Client part is built using JavaScript library React.js, HTML and CSS. Section about server part consists of Node.js which is communicating with database through Sequelize. Express.js is used for web server core. System architecture and data models are described in the part about database while use case diagrams are explained in software part. Final section contains built system from user's perspective.
- Published
- 2022
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