Radosavljević, Milica, Radosavljević, Milica, Milašinović Šeremešić, Marija, Terzić, Dušanka, Jovanović, Života, Nikolić, Valentina, Sečanski, Mile, Radosavljević, Milica, Radosavljević, Milica, Milašinović Šeremešić, Marija, Terzić, Dušanka, Jovanović, Života, Nikolić, Valentina, and Sečanski, Mile
Pod kukuruzom belog zrna se smatra onaj tip kukuruza čiji endosperm ima jasnu belu boju, bez primesa pigmenta žute boje. Značaj kukuruza belog zrna se vremenom menjao u raznim zemljama i kulturama. Ako se ima u vidu globalna rasprostranjenost kukuruza belog i žutog zrna, zapaža se da kukuruz žutog zrna ima u svetu apsolutno dominantnu ulogu. Korišćenje kukuruza belog endosperma značajno se promenilo u poslednjih nekoliko decenija. Praktično prestala je njegova upotreba u ishrani domaćih životinja, dok je istovremeno povećano njegovo korišćenje za dobijanje specijalnih proizvoda za ljudsku ishranu i u mlinskoj preradi. Zbog toga su svojstva kvaliteta zrna postala jako važna i u selekcionom procesu poklanja im se ista pažnja kao i samom prinosu zrna. Cilj ovog rada bio je da se izvrši karakterizacija hibrida kukuruza belog zrna u pogledu morfološke građe, različitih fizičkih svojstva i osnovnog hemijskog sastava zrna kao pokazatelja njihove upotrebne vrednosti i kvaliteta. Pored toga, u radu su ispitivane i fizičke karakteristike klipa. Za ispitivanja je odabrano je pet zemunpoljskih hibrida kukuruza (tri hibrida belog i dva hibrida žutog zrna FAO grupa zrenja 500 i 600). Dobijeni rezultati su pokazali da se zrno ispitivanih hibrida kukuruza belog endosperma u proseku sastoji od 6,11% perikarpa, 79,24% endosperma i 14,65% klice. Prosečne vednosti hektolitarske mase, mase 1000 zrna, gustine, indeks flotacije, otpornoti na mlevenje i udela tvrde frakcije endosperma bile su 273,16 g, 778,60 kg/m3 , 1,28 g/cm3 , 27,70%, 12,85 s i 56,26%, redom. U proseku zrno hibrida belog endosperma sadrži 70,55% skroba, 9,38% proteina, 6,31% ulja, 2,31% sirove celuloze i 1,35% pepela. U odnosu na hibride žutog zrna ispitivani hibridi belog zrna su u proseku imali veći udeo klica i tvrde frakcije endosperma, viši sadržaj ulja i višu otpornost na melvenje, a manju masu 1000 zrna, indeks flotacija, masu klipa i masu zrna na klipu., White maize is maize with the endosperm of clear white colour, without the addition of the yellow pigment. The importance of white maize has changed over time in various countries and cultures. The comparison of the global distribution of white and yellow maize shows that the latter one has an absolutely dominant role in the world. The use of maize with the white endosperm has changed significantly in the last few decades. Its use in livestock feeding has practically ceased, while at the same time its use for obtaining special products for human consumption and in mill processing has increased. Therefore, the grain quality traits have become very important and they are given the same attention as the grain yield itself in the breeding and selection process. The aim of this study was to characterize white maize with respect to the morphological structure, different physical traits and basic chemical composition as a parameter of the use value and quality of grain. In addition, physical traits of ears were observed. Five ZP maize hybrids (three with white and two with yellow kernels of the FAO maturity groups 500 and 600) were selected for testing. The obtained results showed that the grain of observed white maize hybrids consisted, on average, of 6.11% pericarp, 79.24% endosperm and 14.65% germ. The average values of test weight, 1000-kernel weight, density, flotation index, milling response and the proportion of hard endosperm fractions amounted to 273.16 g, 778.60 kg/m3 , 1.28 g/cm3 , 27.70%, 12.85 s and 56.26%, respectively. On average, the grain of white hybrids contains 70.55% starch, 9.38% proteins, 6.31% oil, 2.31% crude fibres and 1.35% ash. Compared to yellow hybrids, the observed white hybrids had on average a higher proportion of germs and hard endosperm fraction, higher oil content and higher milling resistance, while 1000-kernel weight, flotation index, ear weight and kernel weight on the ear were lower.