Langedijk, Annette, Huijser, Dorien, Zundert, Joris van, Bron, Esther, Kesteren, Erik-Jan van, Boeschoten, Laura, and Dijkstra, Freek
Many areas of research deal with sensitive data that cannot be shared widely. They have to be protected due to privacy, intellectual property, or other reasons. In this event, organized by SURF and Utrecht University on March 21st 2023, we discussed several projects, tools and techniques to work with sensitive data in research. In this deposit, you can find the slides presented during this event. Programme Chair: Annette Langedijk 13:30-13:40: Welcome by Matthijs van Otegem,Director University Library Utrecht 13:40-13:55: The Data Privacy Project(Dorien Huijser, Utrecht University) 13:55-14:20: Tools-to-Data(Joris van Zundert, Huygens Institute) 14:20-14:45: The why, what and how of Federated Learning: the Netherlands Consortium of Dementia Cohorts (Esther Bron, Erasmus Medical Center, Health-RI) 14:45-15:15:Break 15:15-15:40: Synthetic data (Erik-Jan van Kesteren, Utrecht University, ODISSEI SODA team) 15:40-16:05: D3I -A platform for digital trace data donation (Laura Boeschoten, Utrecht University) 16:05-16:30: Overview of privacy-preserving techniques (Freek Dijkstra, SURF)