The paper presents the charters of Prince John Corvinus, illegitimate son of king Matthias Corvinus of Hungary and Bohemia, which relate to his government in the Duchy of Troppau [Opava]. The edited collection of documents numbers a total of 29 charters and writs, only some of which have survived to this day in their original form. On the other hand, some documents exist in copies of various ages and in two cases they are not real charters, but only records of them from the now missing Troppau Chronicle (Chronicon Oppaviense), which was written by the town scribe Henry Polan of Polansdorf from materials stored in the old Troppau city archives. The edited set of documents include all known charters of John Corvinus, either preserved in extenso or at least in the form of excerpts and mentions, and of his officials (provincial governors/Landeshauptmdnner) relating to the Hunyadi ducal government in the Duchy of Troppau. It should be kept in mind, however, that John Corvinuscs "Opavian" documents represent only a small part of a considerable number of charters that were created in an office operating at his princely court. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]