La Constitución de Colombia de 1991 reconoce la existencia de jurisdicciones de carácter especial, entre ellas la justicia penal militar, entendida como aquella que se encarga de la investigación y juzgamiento de los delitos cometidos por los miembros de la fuerza pública en servicio activo, y en relación con el servicio, es por ello que la presente investigación tiene como fin efectuar un análisis sobre la aplicación de los principios de independencia e imparcialidad al interior de la Justicia Penal Militar en Colombia. Para alcanzar este propósito, se realizó una revisión de la evolución histórica de este sistema jurídico, dando a conocer el origen, naturaleza, estructura y la pertenencia a la rama ejecutiva del poder público. De igual manera, fue importante revisar la forma y organización en que opera este mencionado sistema en otros países, con el objeto de presentar un enfoque comparado. Teniendo en cuenta que la Constitución Política de 1991 y diversas leyes en Colombia (522 de 1999, 1407 de 2010 y 1765 de 2015) abordan el tema objeto de estudio, será necesario hacer su revisión de cara al contenido de la jurisprudencia internacional constitucional; así mismo se impone analizar diversos pronunciamientos de las Altas Cortes como órganos de cierre, y de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos Humanos. En este sentido y en procura de una fundamentación teórica sólida, será importante revisar en qué consiste la concepción teórica/filosófica del término justicia, trayendo como referencia las ideas más representativas de diversos autores relevantes en esta materia, seguidamente, se hará un análisis de la normativa sobre justicia penal militar en Colombia, para dar paso a la incidencia del principio de imparcialidad e independencia en el juzgamiento de los miembros de la fuerza pública. Universidad Libre - Derecho - Doctorado en Derecho The Political Constitution recognizes the existence of jurisdictions of a special nature, including the Colombian military criminal justice, understood as that which is in charge of the investigation and prosecution of crimes committed by members of the public force on active duty and in relation to service. For this reason, the purpose of this investigation is to carry out an analysis on the application of the principles of independence and impartiality within the Military Criminal Justice in Colombia; For this purpose, a review of the historical evolution of this legal system will be carried out, making known the origin, nature, structure and membership of the executive branch of the Public Power. Similarly, it will be important to review the form and organization in which this mentioned system operates in other countries, in order to present a comparative approach. Taking into account that the Political Constitution of 1991 and various laws in Colombia (Law 522 of 1999, 1407 of 2010, 1765 of 2015) address the subject under study, it will be necessary to review the content of the international constitutional jurisprudence, as well as making an analysis of various pronouncements of the High Courts as closing bodies; and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. In this sense, it will be important to review what the theoretical / philosophical conception of the term justice consists of, bringing as a reference the most representative ideas of various relevant authors in this matter. Next, an analysis will be made of the regulations on military criminal justice in Colombia, to give way to the incidence of the principle of impartiality and independence in the trial of members of the public force. The last chapter will relate the structure of the Colombian Military Criminal Justice in comparison with the military justice of Chile and Spain. Then, the military criminal procedure will be addressed in light of Law 522 of 19991and 1407 of 2010. Finally, an approach will be made on the pronouncements of the Constitutional Court, the Supreme Court of Justice and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights on Military Criminal Justice, in order to conclude whether or not the aforementioned principles are applicable to this system. For this purpose, this thesis answers the following research question, how should the scope and applicability of the principles of impartiality and independence be in the Military Criminal Justice in Colombia.