1. The theological and pastoral foundations of preaching
- Author
Vuksanović, Josip and Šota, Stanislav
- Subjects
addressees ,svećenik ,priest ,HUMANISTIC SCIENCES. Theology. Pastoral Theology ,homily ,služba ,HUMANISTIČKE ZNANOSTI. Teologija. Pastoralna teologija ,Homiletic directory ,propovijedanje ,homilija ,service ,evangelizacija ,adresati ,Homiletski direktorij ,preaching ,evangelization - Abstract
Intencija diplomskoga rada jest prikazati obrise naravi propovjedništva u životu Crkve. Rad pokušava pridonijeti osvješćivanju teološko-pastoralnih zadaća današnjih propovjednika, posebice u vidu njihova ostvarenja prvotne zadaće primljene od Gospodina: „Pođite po svem svijetu, propovijedajte evanđelje svemu stvorenju” (Mk 16, 15). U radu se nastoji kratko ocrtati značenje, narav proroštva i propovijedanja u Svetom pismu, promišljanjima pojedinih crkvenih otaca, te određenosti homilije u crkvenim dokumentima. Rad je podijeljen u tri poglavlja. U prvome poglavlju analizira se uloga proroka Staroga zavjeta, te donosi njihova važnost za današnje propovjednike. Drugo poglavlje zaustavlja se na osobi Isusa Krista i pojedinim obilježjima Isusovih propovijedi te ukratko prikazuje trajnu suvremenost sadržaja Isusovih govora. U trećem poglavlju opisuje se propovijedanje u životu Crkve, s posebnim naglaskom na Homiletski direktorij, njegovu pogledu na narav, značenje, tumačenje Božje riječi u životu Crkve, kao i važnost Lectio divina za kvalitetnije i sveobuhvatnije shvaćanje i življene Božje riječi u životu svakog kršćanina, posebice današnjih navjestitelja The theological and pastoral foundations of preaching The intention of the thesis is to show the outlines of the nature of preaching in the life of the Church. The work tries to contribute to the awareness of the theological-pastoral tasks of today's preachers, especially in the form of their realization of the original task received from the Lord: "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation" (Mk 16, 15). The paper tries to briefly outline the meaning and nature of prophecy and preaching in the Holy Scriptures, reflections of individual church fathers, and the specificity of the homily in church documents. The work is divided into three chapters. In the first chapter, the role of the prophets of the Old Testament is analyzed, and their importance for today's preachers is presented. The second chapter focuses on the person of Jesus Christ and certain features of Jesus' sermons and briefly shows the permanent modernity of the content of Jesus' speeches. In the third chapter, preaching in the life of the Church is described, with a special emphasis on the Homiletic directory, its view of the nature, meaning, interpretation of God's word in the life of the Church, as well as the importance of Lectio divina for a better and more comprehensive understanding and living of God's words in the life of every Christian, especially today's heralds
- Published
- 2023