V magistrskem delu smo proučili življenjski svet mladih in pojasnili vplive posameznih dejavnikov odraščanja, ki pri ranljivih mladih lahko delujejo kot varovalni dejavniki ali dejavniki tveganja. Pri ranljivi mladostnici iz študije primera so dejavniki spola, družine, šole in vrstnikov negativno vplivali na njen življenjski potek, saj so se težave na čustvenem, vedenjskem in duševnem področju skozi leta poglabljale. Gre predvsem za povezavo med nefunkcionalnostjo družine, neuspehom na šolskem področju, spolno vlogo, vrstniško družbo in kasnejšimi težavami v funkcioniranju mladostnice zaradi obremenilne preteklosti. Zlasti gre za zlorabe ali posledice trpinčenja in zanemarjanja v domačem okolju oz. primarni družini. Tekom let so težave pri mladostnici postopoma prehajale v različne motnje in se manifestirale na več področjih življenja tudi do te mere, da so postajale ogrožajoče za njeno življenje. Pri njej je prevladovalo avtoagresivno vedenje s hujšimi oblikami samopoškodb in poskusi samomora. Osrednji metodološki pristop v magistrskem delu je bil integracija kvalitativne in kvantitativne metodologije, katere namen je bil preseči omejitve zgolj enega pristopa. Glede na vir podatkov je bil uporabljen kvalitativni oz. kvantitativni pristop k raziskovanju z namenom pridobivanja vpogleda z različnih zornih kotov. Pri tem je šlo za poudarek na triangulaciji oz. osvetljevanju predmeta proučevanja na podlagi različnih tipov in virov informacij na eni strani ter različnih strok in pristopov na drugi strani. V študiji primera smo analizirali vire pomoči mladostnici (odvzem iz družine, rejništvo, skrbništvo, namestitev v vzgojno-izobraževalni zavod) in oblike odklonskega vedenja v povezavi z različnimi dejavniki odraščanja. Kvalitativna analiza sekundarnih virov je pokazala, da je bila mladostnica že kot otrok umaknjena iz škodljivega okolja, najprej odvzeta iz primarne družine in nameščena v rejniško družino, kasneje v vzgojno-izobraževalno ustanovo, kjer so njene agresivne izpade bolj ali manj uspešno obvladovali. Test hipotez je potrdil, da je bila njena fizična agresija usmerjena v zaposlene predvsem zaradi izvajanja nadzora (iz varnostnih razlogov) in postavljanja meja ter upoštevanja dnevne strukture. Mladostnica je bila v ustanovi vključena v celostno obravnavo v sklopu multidisciplinarnega tima strokovnjakov, pri čemer sklepamo, da ima multidisciplinarni pristop pri delu z ranljivo populacijo pozitivne učinke. Kvalitativna analiza je pokazala, da je preprečevanje, zgodnje odkrivanje in ustrezno ukrepanje ključno v primerih nasilja v družini, zlasti v razvojnem obdobju je bistvenega pomena za otrokov optimalen psihosocialni in duševni razvoj. Analiza anket, ki so jih izpolnili strokovni delavci, je pokazala, da je socialni delavec, vključen v multidisciplinarni tim, eden od pomembnih strokovnjakov, saj ima ključno vlogo pri delu oz. pomoči družinam s številnimi izzivi. In this master’s thesis, we examined the life of young people and explained the impact of individual factors of growing up, which may act as protective factors or risk factors in vulnerable young people. In relation to a vulnerable adolescent examined in a case study, the gender-, family-, school and peer-related factors had a negative impact on her life, as her emotional, behavioural and mental problems gradually exacerbated. This is mainly related to family dysfunctionality, poor performance at school, gender role, peers and later problems in terms of the adolescent’s functioning due to her burdensome past. In particular, the problems concern abuse or consequences of torture and neglect in her home environment and among her nuclear family members. Throughout years, the adolescent’s problems gradually led to different disorders and manifested themselves in several areas of life, to the extent where they started threatening her life. In her case, auto-aggressive behaviour with severe forms of self-injury and suicide attempts prevailed. The main methodological approach used in this master’s thesis was an integration of qualitative and quantitative methodology, the aim of which was to exceed limits of only one approach. According to the data source, the qualitative or quantitative research approach was used in order to gain insight from different points of view. We tried to emphasise triangulation and address the research subject based on different types and sources of information on the one side and different fields and approaches on the other. In the case study, we analysed sources of assistance provided to the adolescent (removing her from their family home, foster care, guardianship, placement into an educational institution) and forms of aberrant behaviour in relation to different factors of growing up. The qualitative analysis of secondary sources showed that the adolescent was removed from a harmful environment as early as in her childhood, first removed from her nuclear family and placed into a foster family, and was later admitted into an educational institution, where her aggressive outbursts were more or less successfully managed. A hypothesis test showed that her physical aggression was directed towards the employees mainly because they carried out surveillance (from safety reasons), set boundaries and considered a daily structure. The adolescent underwent holistic treatment provided by a multidisciplinary expert team. Based on this, we can conclude that the multidisciplinary approach to working with the vulnerable population has positive effects. The qualitative analysis showed that prevention, early detection and appropriate action are key measures in case of family violence and essential for a child’s optimal psychosocial and mental development in their developmental period. The analysis of interviews conducted with professional workers showed that a social worker included into a multidisciplinary team is one of its important experts, as they have a crucial role in working with and providing support to families facing numerous challenges.