We would like to thank the technicians who helped during sowing and harvest time, mainly Maria Casamitjana and Ezequiel Arque?, and the students that contributed to the maintenance of the experiment and sampling, S`onia Escol`a, Nil Casanovas, and Guiu Montaner. Especial thanks to Dr. Russ W. Gesch, from the USDA-ARS, and to Andreas Gertz, from KWS-KGaA for providing us with the varieties Joelle and Sonny, respectively. We also thank Anibal Capuano, from Camelina Company Spain, for initial seed provision of GP204. The experiment was funded by the Operational Groups project no 56-21-039-2019. Joel Torra ac-knowledges support from the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (grant Ramon y Cajal RYC2018-023866-I) .