The novel begins with John Wellfleet, a resident of an old people’s compound, receiving a telephone call from a young man, Andre Gervais. The year is 2039, fifty years after a nuclear holocaust, known as the Destructions, has ended civilization, leaving only a few survivors. Gervais has discovered an old box in the ruins of Montreal. The box is full of papers and tapes of the Wellfleet family. Although Gervais knows that the repressive government, known as the Bureaucracy, would prohibit such an act, he wants John to come to the city to look at the box. When John recovers from the shock of finding records of a past long since dead and gone, he agrees to reconstruct the family history. That history, as told through John, or narrated directly from the journals, letters, and tapes of members of the family, constitutes Hugh MacLennan’s novel.