The 239 Pu, 238 U, and 241 Am concentrations and 239 Pu/ 240 Pu, 235 U/ 238 U, and 236 U/ 238 U atom ratios were measured in the hair and nail samples using a new method utilized TEVA, UTEVA, and DGA extraction chromatography and multi-collector ICP-MS. Samples were collected from individuals who donated their bodies to the United States Transuranium and Uranium Registries. The concentration of 239 Pu ranged from 0.22 to 15.8 ng/kg. The 240 Pu/ 239 Pu isotopic ratios ranged from 0.026 to 0.127 which is consistent with weapons-grade plutonium. Concentration of uranium fell between 1.84 μg/kg and 29.5 μg/kg and 235 U/ 238 U ratios ranged from 4.8 × 10 -3 to 7.6 × 10 -3 . Elevated 236 U/ 238 U atom ratios were measured in two cases and ranged from 5.0 × 10 -6 - 2.4 × 10 -5 indicating exposure to spent or reprocessed uranium material. The concentration of 241 Am was measured in four hair samples and ranged from 0.02 to 0.21 ng/kg., Competing Interests: Declaration of competing interest The authors declare the following financial interests/personal relationships which may be considered as potential competing interests:John D. Brockman reports was provided by University of Missouri. John D. Brockman reports a relationship with University of Missouri that includes: employment., (Copyright © 2023. Published by Elsevier B.V.)