Treball Final de Grau en Dret. Codi: DR1052. Curs: 2021/2022 The present work consists in the analysis of the elements that make up the crimes against the Environment, which are contained in arts.325 to 331 of the Criminal Code, in addition to different cases of jurisprudence and other elements related to these crimes. First, a complete analysis is made from the outset in the 1977 Code of Criminal Procedure, introduced in 1983, through the promulgation of the 1995 Code of Criminal Procedure, which already includes the bulk of the types of conduct as well as the successive reforms that have been modifying these crimes, until the reform of 2015, which is the last one that affects them. In addition, it provides for the analysis of other concepts of great importance such as the term Environmental Criminal Law, the influence of blank criminal laws and the study of the different positions in relation to the BJP of these crimes. Then, the analysis of the objective and subjective elements that make up the different articles of Chapter III of Title XVI of the PC will proceed, in addition to its structure and other issues such as possible problems that may arise as a result of its drafting and implementation. Then, it will affect different cases of jurisprudence where the articles provided for in this work are applied. In the next section, a small study will be made about the influence of Administrative Law in these crimes, the statistics relating to the commission of this type of crimes will be observed, to end with a brief mention of comparative law. Finally, the conclusions drawn from this work will be presented.