981 results on '"641.3"'
Search Results
2. $641.3 Million Worldwide Samarium Cobalt Magnets Industry to 2027 - Featuring Ningbo Ketian Magnet, Arnold Magnetic Technologies and ADAMS Magnetic Products Among Others
- Subjects
Cobalt industry -- Reports ,Samarium -- Reports ,Cobalt -- Reports ,General interest ,News, opinion and commentary - Abstract
DUBLIN: Research and Markets has issued the following press release: The 'Samarium Cobalt Magnets Market: Global Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Forecast and Opportunity 2022-2027' report has been added to [...]
- Published
- 2023
3. $641.3 Million Worldwide Samarium Cobalt Magnets Industry to 2027 - Featuring Ningbo Ketian Magnet, Arnold Magnetic Technologies and ADAMS Magnetic Products Among Others
- Subjects
Magnets, Permanent ,Cobalt industry ,Samarium ,Cobalt ,Business ,News, opinion and commentary - Abstract
DUBLIN, Jan. 23, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- The https://www.researchandmarkets.com/reports/5647608/samarium-cobalt-magnets-market-global-industry?utm_source=CI&utm_medium=PressRelease&utm_code=3kmdt7&utm_campaign=1810706+-+%24641.3+Million+Worldwide+Samarium+Cobalt+Magnets+Industry+to+2027+-+Featuring+Ningbo+Ketian+Magnet%2c+Arnold+Magnetic+Technologies+and+ADAMS+Magnetic+Products+Among+Others&utm_exec=jamu273prd report has been added toResearchAndMarkets.com's offering. The global samarium cobalt magnets market size reached US$ 534 Million in 2021. Looking forward, the [...]
- Published
- 2023
4. Sporting Goods, Hobby, Musical Instrument, and Book Stores Global Market to Reach $641.3 Billion by 2026
- Subjects
Dick's Sporting Goods Inc. -- Forecasts and trends ,Athletics -- Equipment and supplies ,Booksellers -- Forecasts and trends ,Sporting goods industry -- Forecasts and trends ,Sporting goods -- Forecasts and trends ,Market trend/market analysis ,Business ,News, opinion and commentary - Abstract
DUBLIN, Dec. 8, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- The https://www.researchandmarkets.com/reports/5598347/sporting-goods-hobby-musical-instrument-and?utm_source=CI&utm_medium=PressRelease&utm_code=fpfnhw&utm_campaign=1784034+-+Sporting+Goods%2c+Hobby%2c+Musical+Instrument%2c+and+Book+Stores+Global+Market+to+Reach+%24641.3+Billion+by+2026&utm_exec=como322prd report has been added toResearchAndMarkets.com's offering. The global sporting goods, hobby, musical instrument, and book stores market is expected to grow from [...]
- Published
- 2022
5. Preparing autoclaved aerated concrete using molybdenum tailings
- Author
Quan, Wenli, Huang, Wei, Mao, Wenzhen, Yu, Xiuyuan, Zhou, Xinglei, Miao, Xinwei, and Hou, Lina
- Published
- 2024
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6. Riesgos laborales en el área de Secado de granos de la Empresa Arrocera Venllano, S, A en el Departamento de Granada, localidad de Malacatoya en el período de Junio-Noviembre del año 2022
- Author
Espinoza Bravo, Abdías
- Subjects
368 Seguros ,641.3 Alimentos - Abstract
Arrocera Venllano, S.A. es una empresa dedicada a siembra de arroz, se realizan actividades relacionadas con la siembra, seguimiento del cultivo, mantenimiento de maquinarias, hasta el secado de los granos, contando para entregar al cliente con los requerimientos necesarios. Siendo este estudio de investigación de tipo descriptivo-analítico, con un enfoque mixto, orientado a un Plan de seguimiento de los riesgos laborales a los que se encuentran expuestos los colaboradores del área secado de granos de Arrocera Venllano, S.A. Teniendo como objetivo primordial establecer los puntos de mejoras y la prioridad en las acciones para mejorar las condiciones laborales en el área en estudio, Mediante la evaluación de riesgos por puestos de trabajo. En el área en estudio, se identificó diferentes incomodidades en materia de Higiene y seguridad del Trabajo, que pueden tener repercusiones a corto y largo plazo en la salud de los colaboradores, Mediante la Guía Metodológica del Ministerio del Trabajo se evaluaron estas condiciones, obteniendo la probabilidad de que se presente el accidente la severidad del daño y la estimación del riesgos según los criterios de Trivial, Tolerable, Moderado, Importante y Intolerable, que nos define la prioridad de las acciones que se requieren realizar. Para el desarrollo de la investigación Fue necesario consultar diferentes fuentes bibliográficas tales como: Libros, leyes, artículos, normas, acuerdos ministeriales y principalmente la guía metodológica para Evaluación de Riesgos por Puestos de Trabajo. Con el objetivo soportar el documento. También para la recopilación de la información fueron útiles diferentes técnicas y herramientas, tanto formatos para la obtención de datos cualitativo, como equipos de medición para obtener distintos valores necesarios para la ejecución del estudio. La información recopilada permitió conocer y describir las condiciones laborales bajo las cuales se desempeñan los colaboradores del área Secado de Granos, se identificó los riesgos por puesto de trabajo, posteriormente se evaluaron y se ilustraron mediante un Mapa de Riesgos, para concluir con la propuesta de Palan de Acción de Higiene y Seguridad del Trabajo para mejorar y dar seguimiento a las condiciones de laborales en el área se cado de granos
- Published
- 2022
7. Estudio a nivel de prefactibilidad para la producción de harina a partir del plátano de segunda como opción de alimento saludable para el segmento de Mercado del Distrito V de Managua, durante el período comprendido de Marzo a Noviembre del 2022
- Author
Torres Flores, Odalys Jubelka, Velásquez Palacios, Jefersson Noel, and Ruíz Morazán, Rosa Celeste
- Subjects
572 Bioquímica ,641.3 Alimentos - Abstract
HARIPLANIC es un nuevo concepto en Nicaragua, que consiste en la elaboración de una harina a base de plátano de la familia musa paradisiaca, fruta que además de ser importante en el sector económico de la región pacífica, es un producto básico en el consumo de las familias nicaragüenses. Con este proyecto a nivel de prefactibilidad, se busca apoyar a los agricultores de Rivas que se dedican a la cosecha del plátano, permitiendo ofrecer un valor agregado a los plátanos de segunda que no es bien pagado por los comerciantes, y en muchas ocasiones los frutos se desperdician por falta de oportunidades en el mercado, además a través del mismo ofrecer un producto como una alternativa de alimento saludable en pro de la salud del consumidor. Por otro lado, se estima que en Nicaragua el plátano se produce en una buena parte del territorio nacional destacando Rivas como el mayor productor de plátanos con casi 375 millones de unidades con un área de siembra de 6,300 hectáreas y con un rendimiento promedio de 59,143 unidades por hectárea (Quintero, 2013), sin embargo, según un estudio realizado por (Baca, 2016) se estima que al menos un 24% de esta producción es plátano de segunda; es decir a lo sumo 90,000,000 unidades de la producción es plátano de segunda que no cumple con estándares de calidad. Lo que puede significar un margen de perdidas o bien ineficacia de la comercialización de este plátano, puesto que solo el simple hecho de que sea plátano de segunda disminuye la comercialización y distribución del mismo a un precio considerablemente renumerado. En búsqueda de una respuesta a esta problemática nace HARIPLANIC como proyecto y como un producto, que da paso al reconocimiento de un diseño que implica el aprovechamiento del plátano de segunda como una alternativa de consumo y que, además, sabiendo que en comparación a las harinas comunes fomenta una alternativa de alimento saludable
- Published
- 2022
8. Elaboración de un producto congelado 'Tortas CABI' a base de carne de res y especias, para el sector industrial de comida rápida en el casco urbano de la ciudad de Juigalpa durante el segundo semestre del año 2021
- Author
Hidalgo Trejos, Anderzon Geovanny, Reyes Mena, Cesar Napoleón, and Oporta Salazar, Denis Isaín
- Subjects
664 Tecnología de alimentos ,WA 710 Alimentos conservados (enlatados, secos, congelados, salados, ahumados, etc.) ,641.3 Alimentos - Abstract
Mediante este trabajo se llevó a cabo la manufacturación de un producto congelado cárnico (tortas) a base de carne de res y especias para el sector industrial de comida rápida en el casco urbano de la ciudad de Juigalpa, con el fin de promover una nueva alternativa para aquellos potenciales clientes que se encuentran insatisfechos con la oferta actual del mercado; para ello se tomaron en cuenta aspectos de mucha trascendencia como lo son la planificación operativa del proceso de elaboración, los costos totales de producción, el impacto ocasionado en los consumidores (aceptación) ya sea positivo o negativo y por último el rendimiento de vida útil del producto. Para alcanzar a plenitud estos objetivos se utilizaron diferentes instrumentos como flujogramas de proceso, ecuaciones de costos, encuestas y análisis sensoriales los cuales facilitaron la recolección y análisis de datos. Se tomó como muestra un total de 24 puestos de comida rápida, esto se determinó por medio de una fórmula estadística para calcular el tamaño de la muestra para poblaciones finitas. Los resultados indican que tanto el proceso de elaboración, los costos de producción calculados, el impacto a los consumidores y el rendimiento de vida útil han respondido adecuadamente a las expectativas iniciales de la investigación, por lo cual consideramos que se ha alcanzado exitosamente el objetivo general de este trabajo.
- Published
- 2022
9. Two Novel Inflammation Indexes; Can Systemic İmmune-inflammation Index and Pan-immune-inflammation Value Be Associated with Chronic Rhinosinusitis?
- Author
Hepkarsi, Sevinc and Yilmazer, Cüneyt
- Subjects
SINUSITIS ,NASAL polyps ,CHRONIC disease treatment ,BLOOD cell count ,SYSTEMIC inflammatory response syndrome - Abstract
Objective: Chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) can be classified as CRS with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) and CRS without nasal polyps (CRSsNP). The aim of this study was to evaluate and compare the Systemic Immune-Inflammation Index (SII) and Pan-I mmune -Infl ammat ion Value (PIV) levels of patients diagnosed with chronic rhinosinusitis (CRS) with nasal polyposis (CRSwNP) and CRS without nasal polyposis (CRSsNP) along with healthy controls. Methods: The study analyzed 320 patients from 2022 to 2023. Patients were divided into three groups. 110 CRSwNP patients, 110 CRSsNP patients, and 100 healthy individuals were included in Groups A, B, and C, respectively. SII and PIV levels were assessed after CRSwNP or CRSsNP diagnosis. The values of complete blood count, SII, and PIV were compared. Results: The mean SII levels of patients in groups A, B, and C were 685.3 ± 641.3; 1034.18 ± 1083.12; and 532.18 ± 310.77, respectively. The mean SII levels were significantly higher in group B compared to groups A and C (P = .012 and P = .000). The mean PIV levels of patients in groups A;B and C were 405.31 ± 486.15; 539.08 ± 599.63; and 311.29 ± 217.52, respectively. The mean PIV levels were significantly higher in group B compared to group C (P = 0.001). Results of the ROC analyses for both SII and PIV were statistically significant. Patients with an SII cut-of value of 278.6 had a sensitivity of 91% and sensitivity 91%, specificity of 90%. Patients with a PIV cut-off value of 117.51 had a sensitivity of 92% and sensitivity 92%, specificity of 90%. Conclusions: SII and PIV, which are important inflammatory markers, especially in systemic inflammation, were significantly elevated in CRSwNP patients compared to CRSsNP patients and healthy controls. This may support the presence of chronic mucosal inflammation in CRSwNP patients. However, SII and PIV are indirect markers of inflammation, and further studies with larger patient groups are warranted. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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10. Search for alpha and double alpha decays of natural Nd isotopes accompanied by gamma quanta.
- Author
Belli, P., Bernabei, R., Boiko, R. S., Cappella, F., Caracciolo, V., Cerulli, R., Danevich, F. A., Incicchitti, A., Kasperovych, D. V., Kobychev, V. V., Laubenstein, M., Leoncini, A., Merlo, V., Poda, D. V., Polischuk, O. G., Sokur, N. V., and Tretyak, V. I.
- Subjects
From 7 naturally occurring Nd isotopes, 5 are unstable in relation to α decay. If an excited level of the daughter nucleus is populated, or the daughter nucleus is unstable, γ quanta can be emitted. We used an ultra-low background spectrometry system with 4 high purity germanium (HPGe) detectors (about 225 cm
3 volume each) to search for such decays using a highly purified Nd-containing sample with mass of 2.381 kg. Measurements were performed at the INFN Gran Sasso underground laboratory (with an overburden of about 3600 m w.e.) during 51,237 h. Half-life limits for α decays of143 Nd and145 Nd were determined to be T1/2 (143 Nd) > 1.1 × 1020 year and T1/2 (145 Nd) > 2.7 × 1019 year at 90% C.L. This is an increase of three and two orders of magnitude, respectively, compared with the most restrictive values currently given in literature. A limit for α decay of144 Nd to the excited level of140 Ce with Eexc = 1596.2 keV was determined for the first time as T1/2 (144 Nd →140 Ce* ) > 9.3 × 1020 year. Restriction for the α decay of146 Nd to the excited level of142 Ce with Eexc = 641.3 keV was increased by 3 orders of magnitude to T1/2 (146 Nd →142 Ce* ) > 1.4 × 1021 year. For α and 2α decays of148 Nd, first T1/2 limits were set as 4.2 × 1018 year and 2.1 × 1020 year, respectively. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]- Published
- 2024
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11. Association of PCSK-9 with the Biomarkers of Type-2 Diabetes and its Complications in the Indian Population: a Pilot Study.
- Author
Waiz, Mohd, Alvi, Sahir Sultan, Ahmad, Saheem, and Khan, M. Salman
- Subjects
DIABETES complications ,TYPE 2 diabetes ,DIABETIC nephropathies ,HYPERGLYCEMIA ,DISEASE risk factors ,PILOT projects ,LOW density lipoproteins ,SERINE proteinases - Abstract
Background: Proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type-9 (PCSK-9) is a serine protease with profound effects on plasma LDL-C, the major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases (CVDs). However, plasma PCSK-9 level and its association with the biomarkers of CVDs, diabetes, and associated complications have not yet been reported in the northeastern population of India. Methods: Of the total cohort (n = 233), we analyzed healthy controls (HC; n = 50), freshly diagnosed type-2-diabetes mellitus (T2DM-FD; n = 46), T2DM treated (T2DM-T; n = 49), diabetic nephropathy (T2DM-N; n = 43), and diabetic dyslipidemia (T2DM-DL; n = 45) subjects. Plasma PCSK-9 and other biological determinants associated with T2DM, CVD, and nephrotic dysfunction were assessed. Results: The level of plasma PCSK-9 in HC, T2DM-FD, T2DM-T, T2DM-N, and T2DM-DL groups was found to be 184.1 ± 13.83, 183.1 ± 24.4.3, 241.8 ± 75.42, 403.7 ± 85.94, and 641.3 ± 135.5 ng/mL, respectively, indicating its role in the severity of the here-mentioned complications. Moreover, plasma PCSK-9 levels further showed a significant correlation with the biomarkers of hyperglycemia, particularly HbA1c, as well as LDL-C in T2DM-FD, T2DM-N, and T2DM-DL subjects of the Indian population, while moderate association in T2DM-T subjects. Conclusions: Our first-of-its-kind clinical study aiming to quantify the circulatory PCSK-9 level in the Indian population concluded that elevated PCSK-9 was significantly associated with the severity of diabetes and associated complications. Moreover, such elevation in PCSK-9 might be attributed to the lipid- and glucose-lowering medication-induced SREBP-2-dependent mechanisms. Since our conclusion is based on a pilot study, further cohort studies in larger populations of India are required to get a generalization regarding the role of PCSK-9 in DM and associated complications. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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12. Deep Learning Algorithms for Forecasting COVID-19 Cases in Saudi Arabia.
- Author
Al-Rashedi, Afrah and Al-Hagery, Mohammed Abdullah
- Subjects
MACHINE learning ,DEEP learning ,COVID-19 pandemic ,FORECASTING ,ARTIFICIAL intelligence ,FEATURE extraction - Abstract
In the recent past, the COVID-19 epidemic has impeded global economic progress and, by extension, all of society. This type of pandemic has spread rapidly, posing a threat to human lives and the economy. Because of the growing scale of COVID-19 cases, employing artificial intelligence for future prediction purposes during this pandemic is crucial. Consequently, the major objective of this research paper is to compare various deep learning forecasting algorithms, including auto-regressive integrated moving average, long short-term memory, and conventional neural network techniques to forecast how COVID-19 would spread in Saudi Arabia in terms of the number of people infected, the number of deaths, and the number of recovered cases. Three different time horizons were used for COVID-19 predictions: short-term forecasting, medium-term forecasting, and long-term forecasting. Data pre-processing and feature extraction steps were performed as an integral part of the analysis work. Six performance measures were applied for comparing the efficacy of the developed models. LSTM and CNN algorithms have shown superior predictive precision with errors of less than 5% measured on available real data sets. The best model to predict the confirmed death cases is LSTM, which has better RMSE and R 2 values. Still, CNN has a similar comparative performance to LSTM. LSTM unexpectedly performed badly when predicting the recovered cases, with RMSE and R 2 values of 641.3 and 0.313, respectively. This work helps decisionmakers and health authorities reasonably evaluate the status of the pandemic in the country and act accordingly. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
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13. Does Inspiratory Muscle Training Affect Static Balance in Soccer Players? A Pilot Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial.
- Author
de Oliveira-Sousa, Silvana Loana, León-Garzón, Martha Cecilia, Gacto-Sánchez, Mariano, Ibáñez-Vera, Alfonso Javier, Espejo-Antúnez, Luis, and León-Morillas, Felipe
- Subjects
RESPIRATORY muscle physiology ,SOCCER ,THERAPEUTICS ,PILOT projects ,ANALYSIS of variance ,POSTURAL balance ,RANDOMIZED controlled trials ,DESCRIPTIVE statistics ,REPEATED measures design ,BLIND experiment ,RESEARCH funding ,STATISTICAL sampling - Abstract
Inspiratory muscle training (IMT) is effective in improving postural stability and balance in different clinical populations. However, there is no evidence of these effects in soccer players. A single-blind, two-arm (1:1), randomized, placebo-controlled pilot study on 14 soccer players was performed with the main aim of assessing the effect of IMT on static balance, and secondarily, of examining changes in the respiratory muscle function. The experimental group (EG) received an IMT program with progressive intensity, from 20% to 80%, of the maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP). The sham group (SG) performed the same program with a fixed load of 20% of the MIP. Static balance and respiratory muscle function variables were assessed. A two-factor analysis of variance for repeated measures was used to assess differences after training. Statistical significance was set at p < 0.05. Significant increases were observed in the EG on length of sway under eyes open (from 2904.8 ± 640.0 to 3522.4 ± 509.0 mm, p = 0.012) and eyes closed (from 3166.2 ± 641.3 to 4173.3 ± 390.8 mm, p = 0.004). A significant increase in the maximal voluntary ventilation was observed for both groups (EG p = 0.005; SG p = 0.000). No significant differences existed between the groups. IMT did not improve the static balance in a sample of soccer players. Conducting a high-scale study is feasible and could refine the results and conclusions stemming from the current pilot study. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2023
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14. Response of active catchment water storage capacity to a prolonged meteorological drought and asymptotic climate variation.
- Author
Tian, Jing, Pan, Zhengke, Guo, Shenglian, Yin, Jiabo, Zhou, Yanlai, and Wang, Jun
- Subjects
DROUGHTS ,WATERSHEDS ,CLIMATE change ,WATER storage ,CLIMATE extremes ,RUNOFF - Abstract
Studies on the hydrological response to continuous extreme and asymptotic climate change can improve our ability to cope with intensified water-related problems. Most of the literature focused on the runoff response to climate change, while neglecting the impacts of the potential variation in the active catchment water storage capacity (ACWSC) that plays an essential role in the transfer of climate inputs to the catchment runoff. This study aims to systematically identify the response of the ACWSC to a long-term meteorological drought and asymptotic climate change. First, the time-varying parameter is derived to reflect the ACWSC periodic and abrupt variations in both drought and non-drought periods. Second, the change points and varying patterns of the ACWSC are analyzed based on the Bayesian change point analysis with multiple evaluation criteria. Finally, various catchment properties and climate characteristics are used to explore the possible relationship between these variables and the temporal variation characteristics of the ACWSC. The catchments that suffered from a prolonged meteorological drought in southeast Australia were selected as the case study. Results indicate that: (1) the increase in amplitude change in the ACWSC is observed in 83/92 catchments during the prolonged drought period, and significant shifts in the mean value of the ACWSC are detected in 77/92 catchments; (2) the average response time of the ACWSC for all 92 catchments with significant changes is 641.3 d; (3) the values of the ACWSC changed significantly in the catchments with small areas, low elevations, small slope ranges, large forest coverage, and high soil water-holding capacities. This study could enhance our understanding of the variations in catchment property under climate change. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2022
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15. Tuning Microstructure and Mechanical Performance of a Co-Rich Transformation-Induced Plasticity High Entropy Alloy.
- Author
Yi, Hailong, Xie, Renyi, Zhang, Yifan, Wang, Liqiang, Tan, Min, Li, Tao, and Wei, Daixiu
- Subjects
TENSILE strength ,MICROSTRUCTURE ,ENTROPY ,GRAIN refinement - Abstract
Multi-principal element alloys and high-entropy alloys (HEAs) are emerging metallic materials with unprecedented structures and properties for various applications. In this study, we tuned the microstructure and mechanical performance of a recently designed high-performance Co-rich TRIP-HEA via thermomechanical processing (TMP). The microstructures of the HEA after various TMP routines were characterized, and their correlation with room-temperature tensile performance was clarified. The results showed that grain refinement is an effective strategy for enhancing strength while retaining satisfactory ductility. The formation of incoherent precipitates slightly improves the strength but inevitably sacrifices the ductility, which needs to be considered for optimizing the TMPs. The room temperature tensile yield strength and ultimate tensile strength were increased from 254.6 to 641.3 MPa and from 702.5 to 968.4 MPa, respectively, but the tensile elongation retains a satisfactory value of 68.8%. We herein provide important insights into the regulation of the microstructure and mechanical properties of TRIP-HEAs. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2022
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16. S&P Global: Country/Territory Report - United Arab Emirates.
- Subjects
ECONOMIC forecasting ,POLITICAL stability - Abstract
A country report for the United Arab Emirates is presented from publisher S&P Global, with topics including economic data and forecasts, analysis of government stability, and strengths and weaknesses of the business environment.
- Published
- 2025
17. BMI Research: Asia Monitor: South East Asia Vol 2.
- Subjects
- Abstract
A country report for countries in the Southeast Asian region is presented from publisher Business Monitor International (BMI) including Indonesia, Philippines and Malaysia.
- Published
- 2025
18. BMI Research: Asia Monitor: South East Asia Vol 2.
- Subjects
ECONOMIC competition - Abstract
The article presents a country report from publisher BMI Research on Southeast Asian countries including Indonesia and Philippines, analysing the economic outlook for the region, including factors such as currency performance, inflation, and GDP growth.
- Published
- 2025
19. Impacts of Shocks to U.S. Macroeconomic Variables on the Regional Economy of Georgia.
- Author
Han, Yongseung
- Subjects
FEDERAL funds market (U.S.) ,INCOME ,PRICES ,UNITED States economy ,PRICE increases - Abstract
This paper develops a way to analyze a regional economy and a large economy within a model. Using structural autoregression with block exogeneity and mutual independence assumptions as well as Cholesky factorization, we quantify the impacts of shocks to U.S. macroeconomic variables on the regional economy of Georgia. We found that the largest impact on Georgia's aggregate variables - consumer prices, real per capita personal income, and total employment - is the federal funds rate. For other shocks, Georgia's personal income is most affected by an increase in commodity prices, while Georgia's consumer prices are most affected by U.S. inflation. At the industry level, we found that the impact of real GDP is the largest and the impact of M2 is the smallest on output and employment in Georgia's industries, although the magnitude of the impact on employment is smaller and more short-lived than on output. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2025
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20. Evaluating Lap-Splice Length Requirements for Grade 80 Deformed Bars in Structural Masonry.
- Author
Khalid, Omar, Khan, Muhammad Waleed, and Kalliontzis, Dimitrios
- Subjects
REINFORCING bars ,REINFORCED concrete buildings ,STEEL bars ,MASONRY ,CONSTRUCTION costs - Abstract
In 2019, a major code change made by the American Concrete Institute incorporated the extensive usage and applications of high-strength steel reinforcing bars (HSRBs). The adoption of HSRBs was motivated by several factors, including the reduction in steel congestion and construction cost, gain in member strength, and reduction in the carbon footprint of reinforced concrete buildings. However, code adoption of HSRBs has lagged in masonry design, which is due to the absence of relevant analytical and experimental data. Currently, masonry design standards define the maximum allowable design stress for reinforcing bars at 420 MPa (60,000 psi). This paper presents the first research study on HSRBs for structural masonry with a focus on the lap-splice demand for Grade 80 (550 MPa) deformed bars. The research study included 22 contact lap-splice experiments in concrete and clay brick masonry, with test variables being the bar size, the lap-splice length, and the standard specification of the bars. A high-fidelity finite-element model was developed to simulate the bond-slip behavior of HSRBs in structural masonry and complement the experimental findings. Experimental and numerical results corroborated the technical feasibility of embedding Grade 80 bars in structural masonry with reasonable lap-splice lengths, following revisions to the code design formulas. Furthermore, it was found that different standard specifications of bars present different lap-splice length requirements, a distinction that is not currently made by existing code provisions. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2025
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21. Effect and prognosis of thoracolumbar fracture combined with incomplete spinal cord injury on male sexual function.
- Author
Gao, Si, Yuexin, Wang, Daole, Hu, Fang, Zhou, Yun, Tian, and Yang, Lv
- Subjects
RISK assessment ,VERTEBRAL fractures ,SPINAL cord injuries ,MANN Whitney U Test ,DESCRIPTIVE statistics ,MALE reproductive organ diseases ,PREMATURE ejaculation ,SEXUAL dysfunction ,STATISTICS ,CONVALESCENCE ,IMPOTENCE ,DISEASE risk factors ,DISEASE complications - Abstract
Background and purpose: Severe thoracolumbar fractures are associated with spinal cord injury that potentially leads to sexual dysfunction. Our purpose is to study the factors that influence sexual dysfunction and its prognosis. Methods: This study included 117 male patients with thoracolumbar fractures and incomplete spinal cord injury. Data reflecting spinal cord functions and male sexual functions, including American Spinal Injury Association (ASIA) grade, Premature Ejaculation Diagnostic Tool (PEDT) score, International Index of Erectile Function-5(IIEF-5) score and The International Spinal Cord Injury Male Sexual Function Basic Data Set was obtained prior to injury, 3 months post-injury, at 2-year follow-up, and at final follow-up. Wilcoxon signed ranks test is used to verify whether there are differences in IIEF-5 and PEDT scores over time. Kendall's Tau-b correlation analysis is used to investigate factors affecting sexual function impairment and recovery. Results: The IIEF-5 score is 19.5 ± 6.4 before injury and 8.7 ± 8.0 after injury, representing a significant difference. The PEDT score is 5.3 ± 3.1 before injury and 6.9 ± 5.2 after injury, representing a significant difference. The IIEF-5 score at 2-year follow-up was 17.5 ± 7.1, markedly improved relative to post-injury; the average PEDT at 2-year follow-up is 6.4 ± 5.1, showing no considerable difference from post-injury. Conclusions: Thoracolumbar fractures combined with incomplete spinal cord injury may lead to decreased erectile function and premature ejaculation. The degree of spinal cord injury and the injured segment exhibit a strong correlation with the extent of reduced sexual function post-injury. Approximately 70% of patients have sexual function recover to pre-injury levels at the 2-year postoperative follow-up. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2025
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22. A Study on Dining-Out Habits Among Beijing Residents: A Case of Fast Food.
- Author
Liu, Zhishan, Chen, Wenqiang, Cui, Aoran, Gu, Kaibiao, and Lu, Shijun
- Abstract
Background: With the continuous elevation of living standards, dining-out behavior has become increasingly prevalent among urban residents. The acceleration of lifestyle rhythms has prompted fast food to emerge as a frequently considered dietary option for urban residents when dining out. This study aims to investigate the current status and characteristics of dining-out habits for fast-food consumption among urban residents in Beijing. Methods: Urban residents in Beijing were selected using a stratified sampling method to survey restaurants. A database of fast-food items was created, and data were collected through a combination of field observations and qualitative interviews. Nutrient intake from fast food was systematically analyzed. Results: Residents consuming fast food while dining out exhibited high per-meal energy intake (737.5 kcal) and protein (44.8 g) consumption; however, the intakes of vitamin A (147.6 μg RAE), vitamin C (22 mg), vitamin E (3.2 mg), and calcium (89.5 mg) were inadequate. Western fast-food meals had higher protein (57.2 g) and sodium (251.5 mg) content compared to Chinese fast food. Conclusions: This study provides essential data to guide urban residents toward rational dining choices, offering key insights for the fast-food industry to develop balanced meal options. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2025
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23. Effect of design parameters on low-temperature cracking resistance of recycled hot-mix asphalt mixtures.
- Author
Yao, Yuquan, Yang, Jiangang, Gao, Jie, Xu, Jing, Zhang, Yang, and Yu, Shukai
- Abstract
This study aims to investigate the effects of different design parameters on the low-temperature crack resistance of recycled asphalt mixtures and to provide design guidance for recycled asphalt mixtures. Three material composition factors (reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) content, gradation type, and asphalt content) and four mixing process factors (RAP preheating temperature, mixing duration, mixing temperature, and mixing sequence) were considered. Using a single-factor controlled variable method, AC-20 recycled asphalt mixture was designed to study low-temperature crack resistance through a semi-circular bending (SCB) test, the significance of the effects of different factors was analyzed using the orthogonal test, and the fracture surface morphology was observed. Results show that both material composition and mixing processes impact the low-temperature crack resistance of recycled asphalt mixtures. Specifically, lower RAP content, higher asphalt content, higher mixing temperature, longer mixing duration, and mixing sequence I favor improved low-temperature crack resistance. Gradation type and RAP preheating temperature showed non-linear effects, peaking before declining. Material composition, especially asphalt content, has a more significant effect on the low-temperature crack resistance than mixing process factors. To achieve optimal low-temperature crack resistance, it is recommended to optimize the material composition of recycled asphalt mixture and control the RAP preheating temperature to 110 °C, maintain laboratory mixing duration of at least 150s, set the mixing temperature to at least 160 °C, and follow mixing sequence I. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2025
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24. Hybrid Bio-composites Reinforced with Natural Wood Saw Dust and Eco-friendly Graphite: Evaluation of Physical, Mechanical, and Thermal Properties.
- Author
Vengadesan, Elumalai, Arunkumar, T., Muralidharan, S., Debnath, K., Dutta, Hrishikesh, and Kadirgama, Kumaran
- Abstract
Natural filler-reinforced PLA composites are a sustainable alternative to petroleum-based polymers in industries such as automotive, consumer products, packaging, aerospace, sports, and electronics. However, they have poor performance in humid environments due to the hydrophilic nature of fillers. Graphite is an effective reinforcement to improve the strength and hydrophobic nature of composites. Therefore, this study explores the effects of reinforcing graphite (5–20%) on the properties of PLA composites reinforced with waste sawdust (10–30%). The mechanical, thermal, and water absorption properties of injection mold samples are evaluated following ASTM standards. The mechanical and thermal properties of graphite-reinforced composites outperformed those of neat PLA and sawdust-reinforced composites (SDC) due to their higher rigidity, thermal conductivity, and nucleation effect on the composites. HC2 (10% graphite) achieves peak tensile and flexural strengths of 54 and 145 MPa, surpassing PLA by 237.5 and 241.2%, and SDC by 10.6 and 25%, respectively. Furthermore, peak compressive strength and hardness of 82.33 MPa and 84 are obtained for HC2. However, excessive graphite reduces the impact strength of HCs due to stress concentration and brittleness. The crystallization and thermal stability are also improved due to the nucleation effect of SD and graphite in the HCs. Moreover, the water absorption of HCs is lower than that of SDC by 9.2–32.7%, indicating the effectiveness of hydrophobic graphite reinforcement. The measured results reveal that the addition of graphite as secondary reinforcement in HCs enhances the mechanical and thermal properties of the composites while reducing water absorption. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2025
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25. A novel artificial intelligence search algorithm and mathematical model for the hybrid flow shop scheduling problem.
- Author
Vidojević, Filip, Džamić, Andrijana, Džamić, Dušan, and Marić, Miroslav
- Subjects
FLOW shop scheduling ,FLOW shops ,PRODUCTION scheduling ,ARTIFICIAL intelligence ,MACHINERY industry - Abstract
Hybrid flow shop (HFS) environments are prevalent in various industries, including glass, steel, paper, and textiles, posing complex scheduling challenges. This paper introduces a novel approach employing Variable Neighborhood Search (VNS) to address the HFS scheduling problem, with a primary focus on minimizing makespan. The fundamental innovation lies in the fusion of VNS with domain-specific strategies, harnessing the adaptability of VNS. Departing significantly from conventional HFS approaches, our methodology incorporates a special encoding that allows jobs to wait strategically, even when free machines are available. This approach trades immediate machine utilization for the potential of improved makespan. Additionally, using this encoding, a proper decomposition of the problem is feasible. This innovative strategy aims to balance machine load while optimizing the overall scheduling performance. Experimental testing demonstrates the effectiveness of the proposed approach in comparison to existing methods. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2025
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26. Preparation and study of novel mid-to-low-temperature phase-change molten salts.
- Author
Ren, Chenxing, Wang, Yifan, He, Xin, Zheng, Chenghang, and Gao, Xiang
- Abstract
Molten salts is a promising medium for heat storage and heat transfer due to their advantages of low cost, low steam pressure, high energy storage density and wide temperature range. In this paper, a new phase change mixture of molten salts with KNO
3 , NaNO3 , ZnCl2 , NaF, Na2 CO3 , NaCl, and MgO as materials has been prepared through a plenty of experiments. The experimental results show that the melting point of some molten salts can be reduced to 202.9°C, and the decomposition temperature can reach 701.3°C. In addition, its thermophysical properties, including specific heat, viscosity and thermal stability, were measured and analyzed. The average specific heat of some molten salts is as high as 2.53 J/(g K), and the average thermal conductivity is as high as 0.77 W/(m K). In the 4-day short-term thermal stability test, the fluctuation of each parameter is minimal, and the overall thermal physical property is relatively stable. Compared with the traditional phase change molten salt, the new hybrid molten salt has a significantly lower melting point, a further improvement in the decomposition temperature, specific heat and other comprehensive thermophysical properties, and a better overall economy, which has important application value in heat transfer and energy storage. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]- Published
- 2025
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27. Analysis of Biomarker Levels in Nasopharyngeal Swabs, Serum, and Saliva Across Different Health Conditions.
- Author
Pencheva, Mina, Manchorova-Veleva, Neshka, Baruh, David, Rusinov, Georgi, and Vangelov, Lyubomir
- Subjects
COVID-19 ,ENZYME-linked immunosorbent assay ,ANGIOTENSIN converting enzyme ,BODY fluids ,COMMUNICABLE diseases - Abstract
Background: Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is associated with a wide variety of clinical manifestations. Aim: This study aims to evaluate the levels of angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), metalloprotease 17 (ADAM17), Interleukin-17A (IL-17A), transmembrane serine protease 2 (TMPRSS2), apelin (AP), and vitamin D (VD) biomarkers in nasopharyngeal swab (NPS), serum, and saliva, as well as the change in their values depending on the health status of individuals. Material and methods: The analysis was performed by using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) methods. Results: Comparing the levels of the investigated markers in saliva, we found significantly elevated ACE2 values in vaccinated patients, followed by those with severe COVID-19, compared to healthy, previously infected, and mild COVID-19 groups. For TMPRSS2, IL-17A, ADAM-17, and AP, values were significantly higher in all non-healthy groups (previously infected, mild, and severe COVID-19) compared to healthy individuals. Serum levels of VD were consistently low across all five studied groups, suggesting values below normal ranges. Analysis of marker data in saliva, NPS, and serum revealed a positive correlation between NPS and serum and saliva and serum, as well as between saliva and NPS for all studied markers. Conclusions: In summary, monitoring changes in biomarkers present in Saliva holds promise as a predictive tool for various diseases. This approach enables the early implementation of preventive measures and protective strategies, potentially improving overall health outcomes. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2025
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28. Influence of α-Alumina on mechanical, durability and microstructural properties of high volume GGBS concrete.
- Author
Joshi, R. A., Joshi, S. G., Londhe, S. N., and Kunte, Ujwal
- Published
- 2025
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29. Controllable synthesis of nonlayered high-κ Mn3O4 single-crystal thin films for 2D electronics.
- Author
Yuan, Jiashuai, Jian, Chuanyong, Shang, Zhihui, Yao, Yu, Wang, Bicheng, Li, Yixiang, Wang, Rutao, Fu, Zhipeng, Li, Meng, Hong, Wenting, He, Xu, Cai, Qian, and Liu, Wei
- Subjects
DIELECTRIC materials ,THIN films ,CHEMICAL vapor deposition ,PERMITTIVITY ,FIELD-effect transistors - Abstract
Two-dimensional (2D) materials have been identified as promising candidates for future electronic devices. However, high dielectric constant (κ) materials, which can be integrated with 2D semiconductors, are still rare. Here, we report a hydrate-assisted thinning chemical vapor deposition (CVD) technique to grow manganese oxide (Mn
3 O4 ) single crystal nanosheets, enabled by a strategy to minimize the substrate lattice mismatch and control the growth kinetics. The material demonstrated a dielectric constant up to 135, an equivalent oxide thickness (EOT) as low as 0.8 nm, and a breakdown field strength (Ebd ) exceeding 10 MV/cm. MoS2 field-effect transistors (FETs) integrated with Mn3 O4 thin films through mechanical stacking method operate under low voltages (<1 V), achieving a near 108 Ion /Ioff ratio and a subthreshold swing (SS) as low as 84 mV/dec. The MoS2 FET exhibit nearly zero hysteresis (<2 mV/MV cm⁻¹) and a low drain-induced barrier lowering (~20 mV/V). This work further expands the family of 2D high-κ dielectric materials and provides a feasible exploration for the epitaxial growth of single-crystal thin films of non-layered materials. High dielectric constant (κ) materials compatible with van der Waals materials are desired to promote the development of 2D electronics. Here, the authors report a method to grow Mn3 O4 nanosheets exhibiting κ up to 135 and equivalent oxide thickness down to 0.8 nm, enabling the fabrication of high-performance 2D MoS2 transistors. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]- Published
- 2025
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30. Pedological Study and Productive Capacity of Some Soils Within the Euphrates River Sediments at The City of Al-Ramadi in Iraq.
- Author
Al-Bayati, A H I, Hammad, J A, Majdoub, R, and Jabbar, S A
- Published
- 2025
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31. Formation of jellyfish-like Ag(0)x–Mn3O4 microglobules at the surface of Ag(I) and Mn(II) nitrate solution with NH3 vapor.
- Author
Gulina, Larisa B., Nikiforov, Kirill A., Korotcenkov, Ghenadii, and Tolstoy, Valeri P.
- Subjects
AMMONIA gas ,X-ray diffraction ,SUBSTRATES (Materials science) ,RAMAN spectroscopy ,SURFACE temperature - Abstract
x –Mn3 O4 nanocomposite layers have been obtained under "mild" chemical conditions at room temperature by treating the surface of a solution of a mixture of AgNO3 and Mn(NO3 )2 salts with ammonia gas. These layers consist of microglobules with a unique jellyfish-like morphology. The size and shape of these microglobules, as well as the density of their arrangement at the solution–air interface, are determined by the time of treatment with ammonia gas. Their comprehensive study was carried out by FESEM, TEM, HRTEM, SAED, XRD, and EDX methods and Raman and FT-IR spectroscopies. A hypothetical model is proposed to explain the formation of jellyfish-like microglobules. It was found that layers of these microglobules can be used as SERS substrates, allowing a signal amplification factor of 107 times to be achieved. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]- Published
- 2025
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32. Nonlinear relationship between serum Klotho and chronic kidney disease in US adults with metabolic syndrome.
- Author
Lin, Xiaobin and Yang, Lin
- Subjects
CHRONIC kidney failure ,MIDDLE-aged persons ,ENZYME-linked immunosorbent assay ,GLOMERULAR filtration rate ,OLDER people - Abstract
Background: Current evidence regarding the effects of serum Klotho among patients with metabolic syndrome (MetS) is scarce. This study explored the relationship between serum Klotho levels and the odds of chronic kidney disease (CKD) in middle-aged and older populations with MetS. Materials and methods: This cross-sectional study analyzed data from 4870 adults aged 40–79 years who participated in the National Health and Nutrition Survey (NHANES) from 2007 to 2016. CKD was identified at urinary albumin to creatinine ratio (UACR) of 30 mg/g or higher and/or an estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) below 60 mL/min/1.73 m
2 . Measurement of serum Klotho concentration was determined via enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and subsequently divided into four quartiles (Q1-Q4). The NHANES criteria were followed in calculating the sampling weights. Multivariable logistic regression models were employed to assess the correlation between Klotho and CKD, while generalized linear models with cubic spline functions and smooth curve fitting were utilized to detect any nonlinear relationship. Additionally, subgroup analysis and a range of sensitivity analyzes were conducted. Results: Results showed that a nonlinear L-shaped relationship existed between serum Klotho levels and CKD risk, with the lowest prevalence observed at 9.63–9.94 pg/mL Klotho concentrations. With a two-segment linear regression model, an inflection point of 9.88 pg/mL was noted. Hypertension status was identified as an interaction mediator (Pinteraction = 0.006). Sensitivity analysis showed stable results. Conclusions: A nonlinear L-shaped relationship exists between serum Klotho levels and risks of CKD among middle-aged and older adults with MetS, with the lowest prevalence observed at 9.63 to 9.94 pg/mL Klotho concentrations. Our findings, if replicated, underscore the need to estimate the optimal serum Klotho concentrations and the consequential inverse relationship, thus implying the potential of Klotho as both a serum biomarker and a possible preventive or therapeutic intervention. Created with BioRender.com. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]- Published
- 2025
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33. Research and Application of Deep Profile Control Technology in Narrow Fluvial Sand Bodies.
- Author
Zheng, Xu, Wang, Yu, Lei, Yuan, Zhang, Dong, Bao, Wenbo, and Huang, Shijun
- Subjects
ENHANCED oil recovery ,INJECTION wells ,HORIZONTAL wells ,FLOOD control ,POLYMER colloids ,OIL field flooding - Abstract
Narrow Fluvial Sand Bodies are primarily developed along the river center, with horizontal wells for injection and production in some Bohai waterflooded oilfields. This results in a rapid increase in water cut due to a single injection–production direction. Over time, dominant water breakthrough channels form between wells, and the remaining oil moves to deeper regions, which makes conventional profile control measures less effective. We developed a quantitative method based on integrated dynamic and static big data to identify these breakthrough channels and measure the flow intensity between injection and production wells. To address deep remaining oil mobilization, we performed micro-analysis and physical simulations with heterogeneous core models, which led to the development of a deep profile control system using emulsion polymer gel and self-assembling particle flooding. Experiments show that the combined technology can reduce oil saturation in low-permeability layers to 45.3% and improve recovery by 30.2% compared to water flooding. Field trials proved to be completely effective, with a cumulative oil increase of over 23,200 cubic meters and a 12% reduction in water cut per well. This deep profile control technology offers significant water cut reduction and enhanced oil recovery. It can provide technical support for efficient water control and profile management in similar reservoirs. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2025
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34. Optimization of Shear-Thickening Polishing Parameters for Optical Glass Based on Grey Relational Analysis.
- Author
Han, Yunxiao, Yang, Yangsi, Lyu, Binghai, Hang, Wei, Wang, Xu, and Yuan, Julong
- Subjects
GREY relational analysis ,MULTI-objective optimization ,OPTICAL glass ,SURFACE roughness ,GLASS analysis - Abstract
This study aimed to enhance the efficiency and surface quality of shear-thickening polishing (STP) for optical glass through optimizing the polishing parameters. Sixteen orthogonal experiments were conducted to assess the effects of polishing speed ( V ), angle ( θ ), and slurry concentration ( C ) on the material removal rate (MRR) and surface roughness (Ra). Grey relational analysis simplified the multi-objective optimization problem, and a regression model was formulated to determine the optimal combination of polishing parameters. The results indicate that slurry concentration has the most significant impact on the optimization objective, followed by polishing angle, whereas polishing speed has the least effect. Under the optimal combination of polishing parameters—polishing speed of 70 rpm, polishing angle of 70°, and slurry concentration of 12%—the surface roughness (Ra) of optical glass was significantly reduced to 8.23 nm during a 20 min polishing process, while the material removal rate (MRR) reached 813.63 nm/min. Shear-thickening polishing under the optimized process parameters can effectively remove scratches from the workpiece surface and significantly enhance surface quality. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2025
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35. Bioactive content and antioxidant capacity of some plants and fruits grown in Türkiye.
- Author
- Subjects
APRICOT ,EDIBLE plants ,WHITE mulberry ,OXIDANT status ,FRUIT growing - Abstract
Recently, some edible plants and fruits have undergone extensive research to identify potential health effects arising from their valuable nutritional and bioactive properties. The present study aims to investigate the phenolic compounds of nine edible plants and fruits throughout the gastrointestinal digestion model by comparing their total content and antioxidant activity. Of the species studied, Eremurus spectabilis and Gundelia tournefortii had the lowest total phenolic content, whereas Prunus armeniaca showed the highest value of 1026 ± 164 mg GAE/100 g. Except for Prunus armeniaca, the total phenolic contents of all samples were increased following gastric digestion, while the total flavonoid contents were decreased. Similarly, the DPPH scavenging activities of the Celtis tournefortii, Crocus cancellatus subsp. damascenus, and Gundelia tournefortii var. tournefortii samples increased remarkably after gastric digestion by 70-fold, -11-fold, and -4-fold, respectively. The cupric-reducing antioxidant capacity assay showed that all samples except Prunus armeniaca, Morus alba, and Rheum ribes had increased antioxidant activity following gastric digestion, which was observed to decrease after intestinal digestion. It can be concluded that the total phenolic content of some edible plants and fruits collected from the eastern Anatolia region of Türkiye yielded relatively valuable results, and controlled dietary intake of these plants may have the potential to show positive effects on health due to their high antioxidant activity. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2025
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36. BMI Research: Asia Monitor: South East Asia Vol 2.
- Subjects
ECONOMIC development ,POLITICAL risk (Foreign investments) - Abstract
A country report for South East Asia is presented from publisher BMI, a Fitch Solutions Company with topics including economic growth, country risk scores, and political structure.
- Published
- 2024
37. MarketLine Industry Profile: Agricultural Products in Chile.
- Published
- 2024
38. BMI Research: Asia Monitor: South East Asia Vol 2.
- Subjects
ECONOMIC development ,ECONOMIC policy - Abstract
A country report for Indonesia is presented from publisher BMI, with topics including economic growth, reunification efforts, and political structure.
- Published
- 2024
39. S&P Global: Country/Territory Report - Australia.
- Subjects
ECONOMIC development ,ECONOMIC policy - Abstract
A country report for Australia is presented from publisher S&P Global with topics including economic growth, reunification efforts, and political structure.
- Published
- 2024
40. MarketLine Industry Profile: New Cars in Chile.
- Published
- 2024
41. Asia Monitor South East Asia Vol 2.
- Subjects
MONETARY policy - Abstract
A country report for several South East Asian countries including Indonesia; Philippines; and Singapore is presented from the publisher Fitch Solutions, with topics including Monetary Policy; Economic Outlook; and the Inflation Outlook.
- Published
- 2024
42. Part II: South Africa.
- Subjects
GROSS domestic product ,AGRICULTURE ,CONSTRUCTION ,INVESTMENTS ,ASSETS (Accounting) - Published
- 2025
43. Trends: Reference source of economic statistics.
- Subjects
ECONOMIC trends ,INTERNATIONAL markets ,PRICE inflation ,MINERAL industries ,FOREIGN exchange rates ,MONETARY policy - Abstract
The article offers information on economic trends and statistical updates related to international and South African markets. Topics discussed include global and domestic indicators such as inflation, interest rates, and trade balances; sector-specific analyses covering manufacturing, mining, and retail; and also mentions about the financial trends like exchange rates, consumer prices and monetary policy decisions.
- Published
- 2025
44. Short-Term Energy Outlook.
- Abstract
The U.S. Energy Information Administration's Short-Term Energy Outlook report for January 2025 offers forecasts on oil prices, gasoline prices, crude oil production, natural gas prices, and electricity generation. It predicts a decrease in Brent crude oil prices due to global oversupply, while anticipating growth in U.S. crude oil production, natural gas prices, and electricity consumption, particularly from solar power. The report also covers global oil markets, emissions, and weather trends, providing insights into the energy landscape for 2025 and 2026, with data on various energy sources and drilling productivity metrics. [Extracted from the article]
- Published
- 2025
45. Trends: Reference source of economic statistics.
- Subjects
ECONOMIC statistics ,NATIONAL account systems ,INTERNATIONAL trade ,PRICES ,BUSINESS cycles - Published
- 2025
46. Matese Mts. and Caserta District Karst Bauxites (Campania Region, Southern Italy): Insights on Geochemistry, Paleoclimate, Paleoenvironment, and Parental Affinity.
- Author
Buccione, Roberto and Mongelli, Giovanni
- Subjects
In the Campania region (Southern Italy), in the Matese Mts. (Albian to Turonian/Coniacian) and Caserta district (Albian to Cenomanian), two karst bauxite deposits outcrop, consisting of flat lenses over shallow karst carbonate. Although the mineralogy and geochemistry of Campania bauxite deposits have been widely studied in recent years, new major and trace elements relationships were provided to highlight paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental conditions that occurred during their formation. The purpose of this research is to provide for the first time information on the paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental conditions that affected the bauxites of Campania. These deposits formed during different periods since the Matese deposit formed during intense weathering processes with more abundant precipitation while the Caserta district deposit experienced a more long-lasting exposure event. During the formation of the studied bauxites, the drier conditions favored the replacement of kaolinite by boehmite. R-mode factor analysis showed geochemical affinity among Al
2 O3 , TiO2, and Nb. REEs minerals are mainly associated with the bauxite matrix while Zr, Hf, and V were mainly concentrated in detrital minerals during the later stages of bauxitization. Parental affinity indices (Eu/Eu* vs. Sm/Nd; Eu/Eu* vs. TiO2 /Al2 O3 ) assessed the origin of the protolith of the Campania bauxites by rejecting the hypothesis of the dissolution of the bedrock carbonate. The results confirmed the eolian transport of parental material with an Upper Continental Crust and an intermediate to mafic magmatic composition. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]- Published
- 2024
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47. Assessment of Possible Landslide Susceptibility Under Climate Change: A Case in the Chishan River Watershed in Southwestern Taiwan.
- Author
Wu, Chunhung
- Subjects
RAINFALL frequencies ,CLIMATE change ,LOGISTIC regression analysis ,TYPHOONS ,WATERSHEDS ,LANDSLIDES ,LANDSLIDE hazard analysis - Abstract
This study investigated the future spatiotemporal distribution of landslide susceptibility in the Chishan river watershed (CRW) in southwestern Taiwan under four future climate change scenarios. On the basis of 10 landslide-related factors, landslide susceptibility models were constructed using the frequency ratio method and logistic regression method, and the model with better performance was selected for subsequent analysis. This study estimated past (2000–2023) and future (2024–2100) daily CRW rainfall values with return periods of 5, 10, 25, 50, 100, and 200 years. Daily rainfall is expected to increase considerably in the mid-future under the Shared Socioeconomic Pathway (SSP) 3-7.0 scenario and in the far future under the SSP 1-2.6, SSP 2-4.5, SSP 3-7.0, and SSP 5-8.5 scenarios. Under these four scenarios, daily rainfall with a return period of 50–100 years in the far future is expected to exceed the daily rainfall in the CRW during Typhoon Morakot (917.8 mm) in 2009. The intensity and frequency of extreme rainfall events in the CRW are expected to increase in the far future under climate change. Finally, areas with high landslide susceptibility are expected to be distributed in the upstream regions of the CRW. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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48. Flywheel resistance training promotes unique muscle architectural and performance‐related adaptations in young adults.
- Author
Banks, Nile F., Berry, Alexander C., Rogers, Emily M., and Jenkins, Nathaniel D. M.
- Subjects
PEARSON correlation (Statistics) ,SKELETAL muscle ,MUSCULAR hypertrophy ,RESEARCH funding ,T-test (Statistics) ,DATA analysis ,STATISTICAL sampling ,ISOMETRIC exercise ,TREATMENT effectiveness ,RANDOMIZED controlled trials ,TORQUE ,DESCRIPTIVE statistics ,RESISTANCE training ,MUSCLE strength ,LEAN body mass ,STATISTICS ,BODY movement ,WEIGHT lifting ,JUMPING ,ATHLETIC ability ,DATA analysis software ,ADULTS - Abstract
The purpose of this study was to examine the skeletal muscle hypertrophic, architectural, and performance‐related adaptations in response to volume‐matched, total‐body flywheel versus traditional resistance training in a randomized, non‐exercise controlled study in physically active young adults. Thirty‐one healthy young adults (24 ± 3 y) were randomized to 10 weeks of traditional resistance training (TRT; n = 7F/5M), flywheel training (FWRT; n = 7F/4M), or a habitual activity control (CON; n = 5F/3M). Maximal voluntary isometric torque (MVIT), one repetition‐maximum (1RM) for the free weight squat and bench press, three repetition work maximum (3Wmax) for the flywheel squat and bench press, countermovement jump height, and broad jump distance, as well as site‐specific muscle hypertrophy, fascicle length (FL), and pennation angle, were measured. Both TRT and FWRT increased MVIT (p ≤ 0.021) and FFM (p ≤ 0.032) compared to CON. However, TRT promoted superior improvements in free weight squat and bench 1RM (p < 0.001), and FWRT improved flywheel 3Wmax squat and bench (p < 0.001). FWRT increased the FL and cross‐sectional area of the distal VL, countermovement jump height, and broad jump distance (p ≤ 0.048), whereas TRT increased the pennation angle and cross‐sectional area of the proximal VL. Therefore, 10 weeks of volume‐matched, total‐body traditional, and flywheel resistance training similarly increased maximal isometric strength and fat‐free mass. However, FWRT promoted unique skeletal muscle architectural adaptations that likely contributed to region‐specific VL hypertrophy and jump performance improvements. Thus, FWRT provides a novel training stimulus that promotes architectural adaptations that support improved athletic performance in a manner that is not provided by traditional resistance exercise training. Highlights: Participants using the flywheel isoinertial training device developed unique skeletal muscle adaptations in the vastus lateralis compared to the traditional resistance training group.The flywheel group also increased both their countermovement jump height and broad jump distance, whereas there were no improvements in the traditional resistance training group.The traditional training group had greater improvements in the free weight back squat and bench press compared to the flywheel group.Both groups improved fat‐free mass and isometric strength to a similar degree compared to the habitually exercising control group. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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49. Global, regional, and national burden of gout in elderly 1990–2021: an analysis for the global burden of disease study 2021.
- Author
Li, Yilan, Chen, Zhaopeng, Xu, Baijie, Wu, Gengmao, Yuan, Qiongyu, Xue, Xiaoqian, Wu, Yue, Huang, Yudan, and Mo, Shouqi
- Subjects
GLOBAL burden of disease ,QUALITY of life ,BODY mass index ,OLDER people ,REGIONAL disparities - Abstract
Background: Gout, an inflammatory arthritis, disproportionately affects the elderly due to hyperuricemia, leading to significant health-related quality of life impairments and escalating healthcare costs. However, a comprehensive global analysis focusing on the elderly population is needed to inform effective interventions. Methods: Utilizing data from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021, this study assessed the prevalence, incidence, and Years Lived with Disability (YLDs) of gout among individuals aged ≥ 55 years in 204 countries from 1990 to 2021. We also evaluated the impact of high body mass index (BMI) and kidney dysfunction as key risk factors. Results: The study identified 37,230,366 cases of gout globally among the elderly, with an age-standardized prevalence rate of 2505.4 per 100,000 population. There was a notable increase in prevalence with an Estimated Annual Percentage Change (EAPC) of 1.08. Similarly, the age-standardized incidence and YLD rates increased, with EAPCs of 0.83 and 1.06, respectively. High-income regions, particularly Australasia and High-income North America, exhibited the highest rates, while Central Latin America and the Caribbean reported the lowest. Males had a higher burden of gout than females. High BMI and kidney dysfunction were significant contributors to YLDs, with their impact more pronounced in regions with higher Socio-Demographic Index (SDI). Conclusion: The study found a growing gout burden among the elderly, with substantial regional and gender disparities. It underscores the urgent need for targeted public health interventions, particularly in high SDI regions, to address modifiable risk factors like high BMI and kidney dysfunction and to curb the rising trend of gout prevalence and disability. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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50. Characterization of Pulse Electrodeposited Ni-SiC Nanocomposite Coating on Four Stroke Internal Combustion Engine Cast Iron Cylinder Liner.
- Author
Natarajan, P., Sakthivel, P., Vijayan, V., and Chellamuthu, K.
- Abstract
Nickel silicon carbide (Ni-SiC) nanocomposite coatings are extensively used in the engineering field due to their exceptional mechanical characteristics. In this study, pulsed electrodeposition from a nickel Watts bath on a cast iron (CI) cylinder liner produced a Ni-SiC nanocomposite coating. The current study concentrated on multi-objective optimization to maximize microhardness and minimize surface roughness of the composite coating by grey relational analysis (GRA) and the contribution of coating parameters was analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA). The GRA-ANOVA-ANOVAt shows that the effects of the square term of duty cycle (Y
2 ), the linear term of current density (Z), and the square term of frequency (X2 ) are most significant and affect the coating characteristics at a 95% confidence level. The inclusion of SiC particles altered the preferred coating crystallographic orientation from (200) to (111). The optimal coating parameters of frequency 100 Hz, duty cycle 80%, and current density 0.5 A/cm2 produced the best mechanical properties for Ni (79.38 wt%), Si (0.76 wt%), and C (19.86 wt%). According to the ANOVA, the linear term of current density (Z) and the quadratic terms of duty cycle (Y2) and frequency (X) have a significant influencing role with contributions of 27.74, 24.18, and 22.90%, respectively. EDX analysis of the Ni-SiC coating showed that carbon is the dominant element, comprising 54.52 wt. % and 19.86 wt. %, followed by nickel and silicon. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]- Published
- 2024
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