8 results on '"Štefanc, Damijan"'
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2. Podcasts and Informal Learning: Exploring Knowledge Acquisition and Retention.
- Author
Meden, Ema, Radovan, Marko, and Štefanc, Damijan
- Subjects
CAREER development ,AUTODIDACTICISM ,PODCASTING ,ADULT learning ,DIGITAL literacy ,INCIDENTAL learning ,HABIT - Abstract
This study explores how podcasts' accessibility fosters learning, examining listener engagement, content preferences, and the unique educational opportunities they offer. With the rise of digital audio platforms, podcasts have emerged as a significant medium for acquiring knowledge outside formal educational settings. Using an online survey, data were collected from 605 respondents, who were predominantly young and well educated, to understand their podcast listening habits and the extent of informal learning. The study categorizes informal learning into self-directed, incidental, and tacit learning. Results show that more than half of respondents engage in self-directed learning, while a third participate in incidental learning, indicating that podcasts serve as effective tools for intentional and unintentional knowledge acquisition. ANOVA analysis reveals that self-directed learners exhibit higher information retention and critical evaluation skills compared to tacit learners. Additionally, trust in podcast content is significantly higher among educated listeners. The study concludes that while podcasts are valuable for learning and professional development, there is a need for enhanced digital literacy to improve critical appraisal skills among listeners. These findings provide insights into the cognitive processes involved in podcast-based learning and suggest practical strategies for educators and content creators to enhance the educational impact of podcasts. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
- Published
- 2024
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3. Pedagoški leksikon: izbrani temeljni pojmi. Poskusna izdaja.
- Author
Štefanc, Damijan, additional and Žmavc, Janja, additional
- Published
- 2023
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4. Nekaj premislekov o prenovi osnovne šole in z njimi povezana stališča osnovnošolskih učiteljev.
- Author
Skočir, Nina Breznikar and Štefanc, Damijan
- Abstract
Copyright of Journal of Contemporary Educational Studies / Sodobna Pedagogika is the property of Association of Slovenian Educationalists and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
- Published
- 2024
5. Editorial.
- Author
Štefanc, Damijan
- Subjects
LANGUAGE teachers - Published
- 2022
6. Možnosti uveljavljanja notranje učne diferenciacije in načela individualizacije pri pouku angleškega jezika v osnovni šoli
- Author
Oblak, Bogdana, Skela, Janez, and Štefanc, Damijan
- Subjects
individualne razlike med učenci ,pouk angleščine kot tujega jezika ,heterogene učne skupine ,individual differences between students ,students with special needs ,notranja učna diferenciacija in individualizacija ,učenci s posebnimi potrebami ,EFL Classes ,internal learning differentiation and individualisation ,differentiation systems ,sistemi diferenciranja ,heterogeneous learning groups - Abstract
V magistrskem delu obravnavamo problematiko možnosti uveljavljanja notranje učne diferenciacije in načel individualizacije pri pouku angleščine, v tretjem vzgojno-izobraževalnem obdobju osnovne šole. V teoretičnem delu opredelimo načine spoznavanja učencev, njihovih posebnosti in razlik med njimi, saj na njih temelji učinkovitost diferenciranja in individualiziranja. V nadaljevanju razlikujemo med pojmoma diferenciacija in individualizacija ter pojasnimo njuno povezanost. Opišemo tri sisteme diferenciranja, od katerih podrobneje razjasnimo notranjo učno diferenciacijo in individualizacijo ter njena podsistema: didaktično-metodični in ciljno-vsebinski model. Izpostavimo tudi zahtevnost izvajanja notranje učne diferenciacije in individualizacije pri poučevanju tujega jezika angleščine. V empiričnem delu ugotavljamo, da učitelji učence najpogosteje spoznavajo s pomočjo formalne in neformalne komunikacije z njimi. Rezultati kažejo, da učitelji največ znanja za uspešno prilagajanje pouka pridobijo iz prakse poučevanja in v strokovni komunikaciji s kolegi ter da potrebujejo nenehno izobraževanje na tem področju. Pri načrtovanju pouka, prilagoditve večinoma upoštevajo za učence s posebnimi potrebami, v didaktičnem smislu pa najpogosteje diferencirajo pouk po didaktično-metodičnem in ciljno-vsebinskem modelu notranje učne diferenciacije in individualizacije. Rezultati raziskave tudi kažejo, da učiteljem tuji učbeniki za poučevanje angleščine niso v pomoč pri prilagajanju pouka, zato učitelji običajno oblikujejo lastna gradiva za različne učence. This MA thesis deals with the possibility of applying the principles of differentiation and individualisation in the third three-year cycle of primary school ELT classrooms. The theoretical part defines various approaches of recognising differences among pupils which are essential for successful and effective implementation of differentiation and individualisation. Furthermore, we explain how the two terms, differentiation and individualisation differ and how they are intertwined. The thesis further presents three differentiation systems, among which internal learning differentiation and individualisation in EFL classes is of special interest to us, as well as its two sub-systems: a didactic-methodical model and goal and a content-oriented model. In this respect, the thesis highlights the difficulties the teachers of English language experience in the process of adapting the lesson to a group of students or to every individual. The empirical part presents how teachers implement internal learning differentiation and individualisation in ELT classes. The results show that formal and informal communication with students help teachers to recognise the differences among them. Additionally, teachers acquire essential knowledge for differentiation and individualisation from their daily teaching practice, from professional interaction with colleagues and as the results show, they need further, continuous professional education in this field. When planning the lessons, they most often consider differentiation for the students with special needs and implement didactic-methodical and goal and content-oriented methods. The results also show that teaching-learning materials used in English lessons aren't sufficient enough for differentiation, therefore teachers often create their own materials suitable for different students.
- Published
- 2023
7. Pojmovanja in načini izvajanja formativnega spremljanja v osnovni šoli
- Author
Klun, Jaka and Štefanc, Damijan
- Subjects
preverjanje znanja ,primary school teachers ,didactic principles ,didaktična načela ,ocenjevanje znanja ,formative assessment ,pre-grading knowledge verification ,sumative knowledge assessment ,formativno spremljanje ,osnovnošolski učitelji - Abstract
V magistrskemu delu nas je primarno zanimalo kako osnovnošolski učitelji pojmujejo formativno spremljanje in kakšne razlike v pogostosti izvajanja dejavnosti, ki so značilne za formativno spremljanje, lahko zaznamo med njimi. Glede na zastavljen cilj smo v teoretičnem delu najprej opravili zgodovinski pregled razvoja omenjenega koncepta – od behavioristično zastavljene kurikularne evalvacije v 60. letih prejšnjega stoletja do današnjega konstruktivističnega razumevanja spremljanja za spodbujanje učenja. Zatem smo izpostavili nekatere dileme prevodnih rešitev za termin formative assessment in prikazali razvoj slovenskega modela formativnega spremljanja. Ker gre za koncept, ki je v naš prostor vstopil iz anglosaškega sveta, smo se v teoretičnem delu posvetili tudi analizi podobnosti in razlik med formativnim spremljanjem in v našem prostoru predhodno že prisotnimi sorodnimi didaktičnimi koncepti – načelo učne aktivnosti, načelo diferenciacije in individualizacije učnega procesa, preverjanje znanja in ocenjevanje znanja. Ker pri delu stroke lahko zasledimo želje po zamenjavi oz. dopolnitvi obstoječega modela ocenjevanja znanja s formativnim spremljanjem, pa smo v teoretičnem delu opravili tudi premislek o teh namerah. Za namen raziskave smo z anketnim vprašalnikom zbrali odgovore 214-ih respondentov. S pomočjo zbranih odgovorov smo nato preučili različne vidike razumevanja formativnega spremljanja pri učiteljih – vidik omogočanja učne aktivnosti, motivacije učencev za učenje, učne individualizacije ter dojemanje razmerja med formativnim spremljanjem, preverjanjem in ocenjevanjem znanja. V manjšem obsegu smo se posvetili tudi analizi pogostosti izvajanja dejavnosti formativnega spremljanja pri pouku – npr. zbiranje dokazov o učnih dosežkih učencev, vključenost učencev v načrtovanje ciljev učenja in kriterijev njihovega doseganja ter dejavna vključenost učencev v končno vrednotenje lastnega znanja. V empiričnem delu smo odgovarjali na štirinajst raziskovalnih vprašanj. Dve od spoznanj do katerih smo uspeli priti sta, da formativno spremljanje v Sloveniji večinoma izvajajo učitelji z večletnimi izkušnjami v praksi iz česar gre predvidevati, da se bodoči učitelji s konceptom spoznajo predvsem z vstopom v šolsko prakso skoraj polovica anketiranih učiteljev pa se strinja z idejo, da bi formativno spremljanje moralo nadomestiti obstoječe ocenjevanje znanja, četudi ga v večini dojemajo kot obliko preverjanja znanja. In the master thesis we were primarily interested in finding out how primary school teachers perceive formative assessment and what differences can be detected in the frequency of formative assessment activities used in class. In light of the set goal, we first performed a historical overview of the concepts’ development - from the behaviourist curricular evaluation in the 60s of the last century to today's constructivist understanding of assessment for learning. Next, we turned our attention to the development of the Slovenian formative assessment model and also highlighted some dilemmas concerning translation of the term formative assessment to Slovene term formativno spremljanje. Since it is a concept that that was originally formed in the Anglo-Saxon world, we then analysed the similarities and differences between formative assessment and related concepts previously already present Slovenia - the didactic principle of learning activity, the didactic principle of differentiation and individualization of the learning process, pre-grading knowledge verification and the knowledge assessment that comes by the end of learning process and is typically associated with final grading of students’ knowledge. Since the desire to replace the existing model of final knowledge assessment with formative assessment is present among some Slovenian authors, we also reflected on these intentions. For the purpose of research, we collected the answers of 214 respondents by the use of questionnaire. With the help of the collected answers, we then examined various aspects of teachers' understandings of formative assessment - from the point of enabling learning activity, student motivation for learning, learning individualization and from the point of perception of the relation between formative assessment, pre-grading verification of acquired knowledge and final knowledge assessment which is typically associated with final grading. On a smaller scale we also analysed the frequency of formative assessment activities used during the in-class lessons - e.g. collection of evidence about the learning achievements of students, involvement of students in the planning of learning goals and criteria for their achievement, and active involvement of students in the final evaluation of their own knowledge. In the empirical part, we answered fourteen research questions. Two of the insights we managed to come to are that formative assessment is in Slovenia mostly carried out by teachers with many years of experience in practice, from which it can be assumed that teachers are mostly introduced to the concept by entering school practice, and that almost half of the teachers agree with the idea that formative assessment should replace existing final knowledge assessment, even though the majority perceives it as a form of pre-grading knowledge verification.
- Published
- 2022
8. Sodobne tehnologije in digitalizacija na področju vzgoje in izobraževanja
- Author
Černe, Katja, Krašovec, Primož, and Štefanc, Damijan
- Subjects
novi mediji ,odnos med tehnologijo in družbo ,izobraževalna tehnologija ,educational technology ,new media ,digitalisation ,political orientations ,digitalizacija ,politične usmeritve ,relationship between technology and society - Abstract
Magistrska naloga proučuje in predstavlja zgodovinski razvoj vpenjanja tehnologije najprej v družbeni, nato pa še v šolski prostor in s tem spreminjanje vzgojno-izobraževalne prakse. S temo nas seznani v treh delih. V prvem delu predstavi sociološke teoretske premisleke o odnosu med človekom in njegovim tehnološkim okoljem in nadaljuje s predstavitvijo sodobnih tehnoloških sprememb, ki jih narekujejo novi mediji. Nazadnje se dotakne dveh pomembnih družbenih problemov, povezanih tudi z vzgojno-izobraževalnim področjem, tj. omajanje primata pisave in eksternalizacija spomina. V drugem delu naloga preide na konkretnejše primere tehnološkega spreminjanja vzgojno-izobraževalnih procesov in v slovenskem prostoru predstavi zgodovinski razvoj sodobne izobraževalne tehnologije od začetka 20. stoletja do danes. V tretjem delu se osredotočamo na pregled usmeritev ključnih političnih dokumentov na ravni Evropske unije ter na nacionalni ravni, ki predstavljajo podporo prilagajanju sistemov vzgoje in izobraževanja temu, kar imenujejo »digitalna doba«. Predstavljene intence dokumentov v sklepnem poglavju besedila prevprašujemo s širšega pedagoškega vidika. This master's thesis examines and presents the historical development of the incorporation of technology, first in the social and then in the educational space, and the resulting changes in educational practice. It presents the topic in three parts. The first presents sociological theoretical perspectives on the relationship between man and his technological environment and goes on to present contemporary technological changes dictated by the new media. Finally, it touches on two important social problems, also linked to the educational sphere, namely the diminishing supremacy of writing and the externalisation of memory. In the second part, the thesis moves on to more concrete examples of technological change in educational contex and presents the historical development of modern educational technology in Slovenia from the beginning of the 20th century to the present day. In the third part, we focus on an overview of the orientations of key policy documents at the European Union and national level, which represent support for the adaptation of education and training systems to what they call the "digital age". In the concluding section of the text, we reflect the documents' intentions from a broader pedagogical perspective.
- Published
- 2022
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