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1. Covering by homothets and illuminating convex bodies

2. Gaussian Asymptotics of Jack Measures on Partitions From Weighted Enumeration of Ribbon Paths

3. Analyzing the Weyl Construction for Dynamical Cartan Subalgebras

4. Unitary representations of type B rational Cherednik algebras and crystal combinatorics

5. On the minimum value of the condition number of polynomials

6. The moduli space of matroids

7. McKay Quivers and Lusztig Algebras of Some Finite Groups

8. Positivity preservers forbidden to operate on diagonal blocks

9. Birational geometry of varieties fibred into complete intersections of codimension two


11. The inhomogeneous Cauchy-Riemann equation for weighted smooth vector-valued functions on strips with holes

12. Quasi-Popular Matchings, Optimality, and Extended Formulations

13. Smooth entrywise positivity preservers, a Horn–Loewner master theorem, and symmetric function identities

14. Some criteria for circle packing types and combinatorial Gauss-Bonnet Theorem

15. Finitely generated subgroups of branch groups and subdirect products of just infinite groups

16. Asymmetric circular graph with Hosoya index and negative continued fractions

17. Best approximation mappings in Hilbert spaces

18. On the value distribution of a differential monomial and some normality criteria

19. (Logarithmic) densities for automatic sequences along primes and squares

20. Constructing highly regular expanders from hyperbolic Coxeter groups

21. Burning Numbers of t-unicyclic Graphs

22. Solubility of additive sextic forms over $\mathbb{Q}_2(\sqrt{-1})$ and $\mathbb{Q}_2(\sqrt{-5})$


24. Trace estimates of Toeplitz operators on Bergman spaces and applications to composition operators

25. Non-crossing monotone paths and binary trees in edge-ordered complete geometric graphs

26. Groups whose prime graph on class sizes has a cut vertex

27. On the first eigenvalue of the Laplacian on compact surfaces of genus three

28. On Distinct Character Degrees

29. On the {Shorey}-{Tijdeman} {D}iophantine equation involving terms of {L}ucas sequences

30. The Extension of the D(-k)-pair {;k,k+1}; to a Quadruple

31. The close relation between border and Pommaret marked bases

32. Enumeration Techniques on Cyclic Schur Rings

33. Results on the normality of square-free monomial ideals and cover ideals under some graph operations

34. Independence polynomials and hypergeometric series

35. Planar Graphs Without Pairwise Adjacent $3$-, $4$-, $5$-, and $6$-cycle are $4$-choosable

36. All Graphs with a Failed Zero Forcing Number of Two

37. A five distance theorem for Kronecker sequences

38. Faà di Bruno's formula and inversion of power series

39. The VC-dimension of axis-parallel boxes on the Torus

40. Modular representations of Lie algebras of reductive groups and Humphreys' conjecture

41. On a Conjecture about the Sombor Index of Graphs